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383479 No. 383479
Zombie edition.
356 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 384108
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At last I truly see!

They aren't smart enough to troll. Also too public, the repercussions could seriously hurt them. They either genuinely believe in it, or are just doing it for attention.
>> No. 384112
Not really. Then we'd just see all the Slipknot, Insane Clown Posse and maybe Nickleback fans crawl out of the woodwork to take over. Also, we'd lose many talented creators, as well as parents that actually weren't bad and make good grandparents.
Younger generations I keep blaming myself for because I don't know how to properly use my ability to entrance youngsters and get them to pay attention to things on a reasonably large scale. I mean I guess I should maybe make some educational entertainment series?

Looking up the generations mentioned on Wikipedia, I came upon the notion of the Strauss–Howe generational theory and have decided that refraining form overprotecting our own children while also making sure not to indulge our grandchildren too much may be a way to avoid the following prophet generation from becoming too severe and thus from setting up as bad of a crisis. Barring life extension stuff, that crisis is projected to be two generations after most of us are dead. For instance, I really think we have a responsibility to both learn and teach about what with wrong with communes and rampant recreational drug use. Admitting some of our own embarrassments to our kids wouldn't hurt either. And trying to build strong AI machines capable of lasting centuries for the purpose of gaining vast experience and perspective beyond that feasible by humans, again barring extreme life extension? I've long been interested in that anyway.

Something I'm getting out of this is that I apparently need to hold back a bit in my midlife simply because if I make things too luxurious it'll cause a generation that won't grow up till I'm super old to be a bunch of donks? That sounds kind of hard, I love making cool stuff. Maybe I'll put it all in dungeons, and people will have to fight through robots and solve puzzles to get to it.
>> No. 384115
>generalizing entire generations

You people are (at least I thought so before this) are smarter than this.
>> No. 384116
Also, Thirteen, I'm going to call you dumb again, this time less apologetically. Much less apologetically. A single woman puts her period blood in a jar and you lose respect from feminism? Just one? Didn't we just have a conversation in this very thread about how people are individuals and nothing stupid people do should be attributed to an entire group?
>> No. 384117
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>> No. 384118
This couple has been fucking for like 2 hours now, at least.

What's weird is the first half were coming from the guy, which makes me think a strapon was involved. And then after a long time...the moans didn't sound like moans anymore, more like snores. "MmmmmmmLEEEEHHHH". I think she's drunk or something, and there's been no sign of orgasm so far.

She also NEVER came through our dorm once, and I had been in his room earlier. I think he hid her under the bed or some shit.
>> No. 384122
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>still getting emails from my red cross group at uni
>they're looking for volunteers at rugby matches
>tfw not a part of the group any more so i can go kiss big hunky rugby players' boo-boos
>> No. 384123
oh fuck just got invited to an interview to work at the COMMONWEALTH GAMES fuck aye

my dreams of fondling athletic babes may still yet have a chance
>> No. 384124
Well yeah, of course generations weren't all the same, otherwise we either wouldn't have any early-days-of-computing electronics experts or there'd be entire generation of them. But if you're going to attempt tying popular trends to arbitrarily delineated generations, at least actually look at generational theory instead of treating them like batches out of a factory.
>> No. 384127
You're the twit who was posting all the pseudo-feminist bait posts in the political thread, aren't you?
>> No. 384129
This thread is reminding me why I don't have many male friends.

>> No. 384138
Unfriend All Men.
>> No. 384139
Why discriminate? Unfriend everyone.
>> No. 384141
Just because I complain about one thing, doesn't mean I'm not holding back on another fifty things, like the "can't be racist against whites/men can't be raped" or the new guy dykes and fag hags should kill themselves fad.
>> No. 384142

What am I?
>> No. 384144
All Men Are Pigs (Studio Kille…youtube thumb
>> No. 384145
I have no idea what the hell you're rambling about or why you think it's an actual response to my post.
>> No. 384146
I think my phone just gave me a first degree burn.

Neither do I really, just grumpy and hurting.

>> No. 384147
Hey asshole, every time you don't call posts like >>384138>>384129 etc stupid you're a hypocrite. Stop singling thirteen out for asking decent questions or being honest, you do this in every thread.
>> No. 384149
All men are Boars, all women are Sows.

Let the games, BEGIN!
>> No. 384150
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>> No. 384151

your post history really speaks volumes
>> No. 384153
So what's everyone's plans for the weekend?
>> No. 384154
I assume no one is a troll until proven otherwise.

Most if not all people are genuinely good deep inside.
>> No. 384155
that is straight up the opposite of what you should do, never take anyone seriously ever. drift through life just shoveling handfuls of metaphorical salt into your gaping maw.
>> No. 384157
>Most if not all people are genuinely good deep inside.
Perhaps, but even if they are, trolling is more or less morally neutral. It may lean on the side of evil, but it is certainly not something that a "basically good person" would be incapable of or even necessary resist doing.
>> No. 384158
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>Sister checked positive for the big C.
>> No. 384159
i have no idea which anon wrote this since there's nothing in the email line
i don't have a clue what you are

but even if i'm not close friends with people i still tend to wish them the best and want them to do well?

got back from blue ball island just a bit ago. i'm exhausted and recovering from the vast amounts of alcohol trapped in my body.

great trip. 9/10 would go again, despite the name i just gave it. holy christ...
>> No. 384160
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If my two choices are to go through life naive or bitter, I'll choose naive.
>> No. 384161
what is the big c

One of the biggest parts in battle of cancer is not to let it overpower you with it's presence. Lending cancer names like 'THE BIG C' and 'TIME TO START SHAVING MY HEAD' and treating like anything more than a the advent of a common, albeit potentially dangerous, mutation does 10x more harm than good. The battle beyond medical and it's baggage, is attitude and support, not patronization. Remember that.
>> No. 384162
i'm not bitter i'm just terminally facetious.
>> No. 384163
Oddly enough, I'm about to take part in a rib cook-off tomorrow, though I think I'll skip out on using your post as an excuse serve human flesh.
>> No. 384166
people are pooping into other peoples' butts for research now what is even happening anymore
>> No. 384167
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Like this?
>> No. 384168
>finding out, because I never came during that one time three years ago, I'm still a virgin.
Huh. I guess I have to go back to /r9k/ and whine about my prospects.
>> No. 384169
>> No. 384171
Are fast food uniforms designed to be as unflattering as possible? Because all my coworkers are qtp2ts out of uniform. Even the old people.
>> No. 384173
Come on, not a new concept. Soviets have been doing it since the 60s.
>> No. 384174

They're supposed to be as unassuming as possible, so that not only does everyone match, but the customers keep their attention off the people taking their order & on the food they're ordering. Those dumb hats & hair nets aren't for only keep the hair away from food, either.

I noticed this myself when I used to work right next door to a McDs a few years ago. Almost always I'd taken back at the girls who worked there when they'd come into my store, cause it took me a minute to recognize most of them out of uniform.
>> No. 384176

Aside from the fact that those two posts weren't being serious, I'm threw busting 13's balls right now since he apologized, since I accepted it, and since...well, I don't really have much else to say on the matter.

I know I'm late with this response but deal with it. I just woke up. Yes, at 1:30 in the morning.
>> No. 384177

That's not how sex works. If you put your penis into vagina/asshole/mouth and had sex, you are not a virgin.




I've worked at a number of places with uniforms and I can't recognize anyone (male or female) outside of work on first glance. I think I saw one of my coworkers shopping one time and completely ignored her. Another time at work, I started ringing up this dude's purchase and started asking him the normal sales questions until he said, "Anon, it's me."
>> No. 384179
... child, read his spoiler text. he was being facetiously ignorant to make a statement.
you just used spoiler text. read others'!
>> No. 384180
This thread needs moar bears.

>> No. 384182
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Who said bears

Yeah I noticed that immediately after posting.
>> No. 384183
i am frequently compared to a bear by my friends
i'm all big and hairy and grumpy and protective and somewhat territorial
i don't know if that counts though.
>> No. 384184
we won't know for sure until you post some shirtless picture of you flexing
>> No. 384185
ya why not i second this.
>> No. 384186
i'm all pale and chubby and after 9 months of being too poor for a gym and knowing no one irl who'll play sports with me i've lost most of my muscle definition
i tried calisthenics for a few weeks but ugh it's so boring by yourself i hate it

maybe when i get fit again
>> No. 384190
i got fit without a gym before i started doing aerial acrobatic stuff in one
>> No. 384254
Yeah... well not everyone has insane metabolism.
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