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383057 No. 383057
Miley Cyrus says she's not in the Illuminati which is totally what someone in the Illuminati would say


pic unrelated
>> No. 383060
People in the Illuminati would say anything they want to say, because to make their plans work, it's best if there are both people who make the Illuminati seem plausible and ALSO people who make the Illuminati seem like a big joke. That's part of why they've made sure that as many movies as possible include references to the Illuminati--the best way to keep themselves a secret is by making sure everyone knows about them--but that none of the information available is reliable.

I know this because I am a member of the Illuminati.
>> No. 383069
if the Illuminati are real then they are absolute shit at their jobs.
>> No. 383074
If it isn't the Bavarian Illuminati, it ain't nothing.
>> No. 383076
>miley cyrus

Didn't she die like four years ago?
>> No. 383078

No, He teaches English in Korea. I think he's in the US now.
>> No. 383079
He's back already?

Well, at least they're better than the The Ancient Mystic Society of No Homers.
>> No. 383081
I think it was a short visit is all.
>> No. 383082
>It's not really that trippy to make you think this is some subliminal message or it's brainwashing you.
Well if it made me think that it wouldn't be subliminal.
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