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File 137464246046.jpg - (28.43KB , 500x300 , Sweet-Dreams-500x300[1].jpg )
382131 No. 382131
Dream thread, post your dreams.
Old thread: >>281812 (last two and a half freaking years)
10 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 382613
I keep having dreams about becoming a politician which would be awful except instead of electioneering and filibusters we do suplexes and elbow drops.
>> No. 382631
>It's sort of creepy though, I don't kbow if you guys would want to hear it.
So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my daughter?" U tell ur girl n she say "my dad is ded". THEN WHO WAS PHONE?
>> No. 382647
Sounds like a movie Diamanda Hagen would review.
>> No. 383391
I just had one of the best dreams of my life.

I was walking down a path with 2 other people, I guess we were adventurers. It was a clear dirt path surrounded by dense forest. We were going to steal a dragons treasure. Not all of it, just enough to upgrade our equipment.

When we got to the dragon's pit, it took off, so we went to steal some gems. Each time it would come back, we would hide in the bushes, it would see stuff was gone so it would take off to look for us and we would jump back in to steal more. The gems were mostly letters, you could use 3 letters to upgrade your sword. The letters would get absorbed into the weapon through a large circle in the middle of the cross-guard. We had some sort of cheat sheet that told use, if we used specific letters in a certain order we could add an extra colored gem to gain magical powers. It was a very complicated process, I didn't quite understand how it worked, but it worked. And the magic powers stayed with you even if you lost the sword.

As we were upgrading, the dragon found us and started chasing us. We ran into a small cottage to finish what we were doing. It was a small cottage, 1 room wide, 2 rooms long and 4 stories tall, with a wood frame and plaster walls. It sat right on the edge of a ravine, with a river at the bottom. However, it had no doors, so the dragon could just come up and blow fire throughout the house. Luckily, the house was magically fire proof. Each time it would blow, we had to jump out of a window and we would jump back in when it would take fly around to get a better angle. After a few breaths, we had finished our upgrades and had gained magical powers.

I stumbled upon my little sister hiding under a blanket in one of the rooms. She was terrified of the dragon and that made me furious, I told my buddies we were going to get the dragon back. So we started jumping in and out of windows, poking the dragon with our swords, pissing him off more than anything else. It was able to whip our swords out of our hands. One of my friends had turned into a were-cat and grabbed my sword, I asked him what he was doing, he said his had fallen to the bottom of the ravine. His sword could generate heat, it was generating so much that under the water the floor melted into lava. I figured I would let him use my sword since I had gained the ability to fly.

I flew away guiding the dragon to a purple cloud. Inside was a magic floating castle. Once you got inside the cloud, you could see clearly everything inside, but you couldn't see outside. I flew towards the castle, hoping the local witches could help me. In the meantime, the dragon had grown 2 extra heads out of rage. But by the time it caught up with me the witches were ready and just killed him.

I think I had another dream after that with 2 giant heads stuck together floating inder the surface in deep green water. The eyes were shut, but the mouths were open. It was called the Siren Song Deleter and was somehow used by men to commit suicide.
>> No. 383393
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Sounds awesome. I get dreams like that sometimes, only dragons would likely be my ally instead of my enemy.

If only there were some way to record dreams and show them to other people.
>> No. 383401

The funny thing about dreams is that they depend on a great deal on interpretation of abstract sensory information, and also suspension of disbelief due to the logic part of your brain being switched off.

A few times, I've started to wake up from a dream and my ability to use logic starts to warm up, and I can begin to analyze what I'm seeing (this is how people can lucid dream, but I almost always wake up as soon as I realize I'm dreaming). Everything turns from beautiful majesty into something resembling a Picasso painting populated with stick-figure people, as drawn by a toddler using crayons. It becomes clear that THAT is what I was seeing the entire time, it's just my brain's interpretation of it that was impressive.

Sound works the same way. I recall a dream where I was walking through school (goddamn these "school" dreams; I've been out of even college for over seven years!) and was surrounded by a group of young children. Suddenly, they began singing a song of such incredible beauty that I fell to my knees and was instantly moved to tears. The words were poetry, the tune was the sound of angels singing. I thought, if I could only record it, it would most definitely be hailed as the best song OF ALL TIME. I started to wake up, and as soon as I did, I went over the lyrics in my head. With a strange frustration, I realized that the lyrics were... nonsense. They were a mismash jibberish of mostly English words that formed sentences that were ugly and pointless and not in the least bit poetic (unless you count alphabet soup getting shit out by the Mad Hatter as poetic).

It's things like that which convince me that the sights and sounds in dreams are just junk. Meaningless, disjointed junk that wouldn't look like anything unless your mind is interpreting them with a great deal of imagination and a great lack of reason or sense.
>> No. 383403
Inchworm, inchworm, measuring the marigolds
You and your arithmatic, you'll probably go far
Inchworm, inchworm measuring the marigolds
Seems to me you'd stop and see how beautiful they are.
>> No. 383485
What's the name for that one thing where you become aware of something and you tend to see it everywhere? Because I just remembered that song existed a day or two ago- we used to sing it in my elementary school music class- and now I find it here after not having been here in months.
>> No. 383513
While I also think dreams are just memories churned around with some background noise by the imagination, I'd say they can actually form sensible imagery. I don't think I've ever actually dreamed something I just saw as "stunningly beautiful", but the times I've noticed I'm in a dream and try to examine it more closely, it doesn't seem to get less detailed. It does, however, suffer from massive slowdown and/or freezes like a video game that's suddenly being asked to run at higher settings than it can run properly. But I can also look around and question things without a problem to some degree as long as I don't try to deviate too far from the script the dream apparently has set up. So I'm guessing there's a fairly low limit to how much the dreaming brain can keep track of/make up on the fly, but not necessarily a complete lack of logic.
>> No. 383525
Even in the middle of the day I'll remember some odd thing from my dreams and think it's real. I'll tell myself I have to go run some errand, then wonder why on earth I have to do this strange thing, and then I realize it was a dream mission.

Last night I dreamt I was a jellyfish and it was wonderful. Every so often, the regular dream of crazy things I can't remember would cut to black, and then suddenly I was a bioluminescent jellyfish, bobbing around black waters with other glowing jellyfish, and I didn't even have my mind anymore. I was just a jellyfish. I'd snap out of that dream after a few minutes, and get my mind back in the lower level of the dream (I mean this was indeed some Inception shit), and flit back and forth.
>> No. 383530
Couple nights ago I had a dream involving the guy I was in an abusive relationship with a couple years ago. I am not ok with this. Had very strange parallels with what happened. Know that none of the IRL abuse was physical, I haven't really communicated with him since it ended, and I cut all the people who made excuses for him out of my life a couple months ago.

So, the dream.
I was with a big bunch of friends in a house, including the super sweet guy—MY SWEET BABOO—I'm involved with now. Suddenly Abusive Guy is there, the friends are gone, and we're exchanging words. I think I told him to fuck off, but I'm not sure. He grabs me, presses me face-first against the wall and sort of bites my neck. There's a jump. We're in a different place in the house, in a doorway, and he's facing me now. Holding me against the doorframe. Staring at me. I'm trying to push him away, but I can't, because I'm 5'3" and he's at least six feet tall. I'm not scared, though; I'm furious. In the next room, I can see his current IRL girlfriend sitting turned a little away from us. She's drinking tea; she's not paying any attention to what's going. We're so close to her that she must be willfully ignoring it. He won't let me go. Eventually someone hears me yelling and my friends arrive to bust up the weird shit. Friends and I move into a different room to discuss what the fuck just happened. All I remember of this is someone—one of the people I blocked everywhere a couple months ago—starting up with "well he clearly feels bad about it" and "he didn't mean any harm" and I'm thinking "he literally just held me against my will and stared as I struggled to get away." There's another jump. I'm in the arms of my sweet baboo and he's smiling and kissing me. He's happy, and it makes me happy, and we're cuddling like the gross nerds we are.

Obviously the bad shit is still on my mind. I have faith that now that I'm finally out of college for good and away from our mutual "friends" and any unwanted reminders of what happened, it will fade. Someday it'll bother me as much as the stuff that happened in high school, i.e. not at all. But right now, I have this weird fucking dream hanging around my mind.
>> No. 383809
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The other night was the first time I've had a dream about being pregnant since I was in middle school. Back then it was always an "oh yay i'm having a baby my husbando will be so proud we'll have a perfect family tralala~" and I would wake up going "wow that was weird".

But this time it was like absolutely horrific, there was no husbando and I was panicking about the fact that I'm in debt with no fucking money to raise this kid or abort and I really wanted to abort because all I could think about was it growing and growing and clawing around inside of me and crushing all my other organs. I woke up ragecrying and wanting to beat the shit out of my dumbass "pro-life" 18 year old self because for the first ten seconds I was awake I thought it was her fault I got pregnant in the first place.
>> No. 384923
GAH FUCK MY BRAIN. Had a dream that was like the beginning of some epidemic outbreak. I was part of the "quarantined", though we were just put into some old buildings, and it was all older teens and 20-somethings. Oh, and I could turn invisible.

At some point they decided for a "morale" boost so they brought in an incredibly-old looking David Schwimmer and some other chick (dunno who she was, a blond MILF). She apparently saw me in the crowd and instantly fell in lust with me. Some other gal, who until now hadn't been part of the dream, told me such because I initially missed it, and apparently became jealous because I was reciprocating the feeling.

While everyone else in the quarantine stayed to watch David Schwimmer talk or something, the three of us went back into one of the buildings and worked our way upstairs to a bedroom. As we did so they both started taking off their clothes. We finally reached a room and as they were both about to take off the last of their clothes and all of us get busy, I woke up. No noise, no alarm, no light, just my brain going "Oh, shit, no, nice sex dreams are not allowed."

>> No. 384989
Every time I drink a chocolate milkshake before bed, I get a really fucked up super-weird dream.
>> No. 384995
Sex dream with the Pillsbury Dough Boy. 7/10, would have again.
>> No. 384996
dreamed i drove my car slowly into a ditch that sunk it into the ocean.
all i could think was... oh i can get out... what can i still salvage from the car before it gets destroyed by the water?

i've been having lots of water dreams recently, mostly about being in things that could drown me but don't quite.

i think i have this continual fear as i get older that unless i'm always maintaining myself or keeping up my game that i'm going to drown. that something will take me down. and... a guy like me who nonchalantly isn't afraid of death... might just drown without a real fight. just the whimsical ... oh... maybe i need that thing to not get destroyed by the water... never... oh ... i should be grateful i'm alive.

it's kinda messed up. i'm so fixated on these objects and things that i've lost touch with why i'm even alive.

glad i finally wrote this out. i couldn't post this to my tumblr without people asking too many questions about if i'm okay. just need to reorient myself and stop fretting over frivolous shit.
>> No. 384997
>dreamed i drove my car slowly into a ditch that sunk it into the ocean.
>all i could think was... oh i can get out... what can i still salvage from the car before it gets destroyed by the water?
I have "sinking car" dreams all the time. I think it's because I have to drive over a three mile bridge every day to get to work, and doing that after dark can give you some spooky moments if you start focusing on it too much.
>> No. 385723
I just dreamed that my family an friends went on vacation but got stranded in an old factory town, specifically the set for an interactive film experience that ran on a sort of 60's hologram device. As we traveled the factory, we discovered it was used to power a miniature sun and used a incomplete base for a copy of the tokyo tower as a conduit. This was apparently a NASA project to restore the suns power if ever required. Apparently we activated the device by moving through the massive factory and a small sun was being created. We had to ride an incomplete tram to collect particles of anti mater to deactivate the sun and watch it collapse. Watching it was the most beautiful thing I had ever conceived.
>> No. 385725
I had what I think was my second dream about a small and incredibly dense supermarket. Everything in that dream revolved around it, either with me working there or shopping there. Also doing my laundry in the back.

That sounds awesome.
>> No. 386166
I had a dream that combined Super Smash Bros, Dangen Ronpa, and The Cave.

Essentially you have a roster of characters who wind up deep in some catacombs, and they have to find their way out. You play as one of the roster (which is quite random, including Nintendo characters, Pac-Man, and X-Men) at a time going through the catacombs and finding your way to the exit, but you can't go out until you get 10 characters there. They were sprawling and freaky, because you'd come upon rooms with weird enemies where voice recordings would ask "What have you done?" and a projector would show something kind of messed up. I think part of getting out was figuring out these scenarios or something (hence the Dangen Ronpa.) There was a giant castle or something within one of the chambers.

At some point I went from playing the game to living it, and the end turned into some sort of amusement park arcade but with some weird things like a machine that simulates cutting off the heads of cats and dogs. And there were attendants.
>> No. 386169
Sounds fun. I'd play it.
>> No. 386178
Indeed. I forgot to mention that certain areas were accessible only with certain powers, like the Telltale Lego games, so you don't just choose your team at random. You could also take a character from the end back in if you wanted to re-use them in a newly-accessible area.

It does sound like a very fun, if complicated, game; that I had the wherewithal to make such...
>> No. 386366
Whenever I go to gas up my car, I choose the regular quality gasoline.
I had this crazy dream in which I chose the premium grade gas.
Should I take this as a sign that I need to inject my life with some premium?
>> No. 386375
Yes, premium weed because holy shit that's the most depressing dream I have yet heard in this thread also I don't think the grade of gasoline you use actually matters all that much
>> No. 386404
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Been having and remembering my dreams, which is odd since I'm back on the reefer and it usually makes me not remember them. it's partly why I started using, actually, but I haven't had a bad dream lately.

The theme lately seems to be "horrifying menaces that aren't that bad". I've had dinner with a creepy, Texas Chainsaw Massacre type family of inbred cannibals, then went shopping at the mall. I've tried to pack my bags for a family vacation in a house filled with zombie-like, pale corpses monster things, then went the beach. And I've started out on a space mission, identified the xenomorph on board, jettisoned it, and then went to the beach again. So...I guess my dreams are telling me that I got this, and should go to the beach?
>> No. 386405
follow your dreams, TD
you got this
>> No. 386741
So I just woke up from a pretty freaking creepy dream (though this was just the end of the dream, not the whole thing; I don't remember the rest very well, but I do remember it being far more mundane.):

I was playing (or seeing; hard to tell!) some game that looked like it was made in RPG-Maker which was just moving the player character (some kid) in a straight path while looking at some objects, with a boy's voice spouted cryptic bullshit that sounds vaguely about people failing to find a missing person, until running into some block in your way that melts and kills you when you inspect it.

Then of course it went back to the main menu which shows an "about" button. Pressing it changes the whole screen to a much-more-detailed animation, with an artstyle that looked vaguely similar to Adventure Time: a "glowing ghost-blue" colored little boy in front of a black screen with the same voice heard earlier, crying out to his mother about how the thing took his souls.

So then I woke up.

All that said, I immediately (like maybe even before it was over) thought it seemed like a really blatant pastiche of certain /vg/-related creepypasta (of the "I found this probably-haunted game that does weird, creepy, vaguely impossible shit" formula) if not a ripoff of some specific one. So I'm not sure which is more fucked up: the dream's content or its unoriginality.
>> No. 386742
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Had a dream I was back in my middle school and we were doing laundry and I had all my underwear and everyone was like "why do you wear men's underwear" because I was holding my boyfriend's undies for some reason and I was like "oh well they're super comfy" and then I tried to show everyone that I also had panties so it was no big deal. The scene changed and I was in day care again and there were like 5 fish tanks in the classroom and one of them had two giant swordtails (pic related). I was watching the swordtails swim around when one of the teachers said something and then came up to the aquarium and started shoving the swordtail into a pipe and it was bleeding everywhere and then a random man came in and started laughing manically about the blood and rubbing it on his face. I ran out of the room crying, sat down in a chair and wept for a bit more and then woke up.

In conclusion I subconsciously want to do my boyfriend's laundry (move in together?) but still feel like a little kid who can't do anything about anything
>> No. 386994
I dreamt last night I was speaking to someone (whom I know, in real life) through a glass. We were sitting down on either side with our hands on the glass all star trek. No one was dying, though, we were just sitting around and bullshitting and laughing. All of a sudden a car crashed behind me. I turned around (we were neither outside nor inside, but in the blank lucid dreamspace) and there was nothing for the car to have crashed into, it had just crashed and was sending up these giant flames so I made it night time. The glass was getting warm. We just kind of sat there and watched the fire and the stars. I made a beach, too, and some kind of lovecraftian deep-sea squid creature showed up and just hung out by the fire. The glass was still there, but had gone from keeping the other person in some other pocket dimension to just a flat plane of glass between us.

I have semi-lucid dreams where I can change the scenery or the setting, but the dream itself decides what happens and who shows up.
>> No. 386999
I get Clairvoyant stuff from time to time. Usually pretty pedestrian things that I only realize that when I actually get the deja vu that I did this before. But then sometimes I have the urge that I must alter things so that "vision" or whatever doesn't come to pass, its odd. Also I have these dreams of being in stores not weird or alien just a store that I personally have never seen before but feels totally real with colors and textures and smells. And then when I wake up its always accompanied by an intense feelings of loss. Might be that weird "other lives" thing I've read some articles on. Though I'm not living them just seeing a glimpse of that world.
>> No. 387006
Are you sure this is actually predestination, and not merely events that have occurred frequently and will continue to occur frequently? I sometimes feel that way myself, but it's quite rare that it's not some ordinary and expected event, and usually the only difference there is that I will know what someone will say next (but only one line.)
>> No. 387008
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uhh i kind of have the same thing (you'll find a lot of people might if you go around asking) and it is actually very specific.

Three years ago, I dreamt a brief snapshot of me working at my current job (that I got this last march.) The thing is, these are the dreams you always remember very clearly, and it was accurate down to the view outside the doors. A street in a city I had never visited. I dreamt more a few Seattle moments, down to the bodies (the faces weren't there, but they were wearing the same clothes and speaking with the same voices) of my current roommates one night when we were drunk and walking somewhere right down the same street in my dream. I've had these all the time. They're very small and inconsequential events, but sometimes I wonder if one day I'll get 'the one' warning me about something.
>> No. 387009
eh maybe, that is how some people see the phenomenon as its not really future seeing its just knowledge overlapped with subconscious thought.
>> No. 387011
Guys, regarding "precognitive" dreams:

Dreams work not through playing movies in your head, but by marching around concepts which your brain then interprets into images. Memories of dreams go through this same process. You can't really rely on your memories of dreams to be accurate to what you experienced at the time you had them because they are merely constructs that your brain is building real-time.

So while I fully believe you that in your mind, the dream had an exact to-the-inch recreation of a place you didn't visit until months later, it didn't have that to-the-inch recreation until AFTER you had visited there, if you'll take my meaning. Your brain has reinterpreted the dream later to account for new information.

Dreams are remixes of memories, and interact with your memories in some very weird ways--including a tendency to change once new memories get tangled up with the dream-memories. I'm sure it's very convincing and I am not questioning that you really remember them the way you're saying, but I will say that it is extremely unlikely that the stuff you saw at the time matches what you now remember having seen at the time.
>> No. 387014
Is that how that works?
Brains are fucking weird, I can't say I'm a fan.
>> No. 387016
Sleep Deprivation can also be fun, I think its about five days and you subconscious mind will start effecting your waking mind and you'll start to have hallucinations. Something about your brain needing sleep and dreams to process and decompress thoughts.
>> No. 387019
Yeah, an interesting way to think about it is by comparing it to a Relational Database. Rather than memories being indexed, they link to other, related memories in your memory database, and navigation takes place that way. Dreams and memories then begin to work a lot like, say, a Wiki Walk.
>> No. 387224
a dream that I only remember bits of now, but they're important bits. I was visiting some sort of smelting/metal-working hobby store/workarea that was on one end of a strip mall during a vacation (I guess?), and I had a mai waifu who was super cute (but a fairly small chest, which is odd as that's not what I go for, but n e way) with me. We went into the workplace to try our hand at making some gun parts (?) and it was more assembly-line-ish than actual metal working. Whatever the process was, it made a shitload of soot, and the process at the workplace was that everyone just strips down and hoses off. The owner of the shop and his kid were working with us, and I guess the idea is that we'd all just strip where we stand and off to the showers; I NOPE.jpg and left to clean up somewhere else, and when I came back there were police everywhere; my wife had been found in the entrance to the showers, naked, with two fancy, metal roping polls (the kind you see at hotel used to rope off areas or contain lines) stabbed through her.

The dream then turned into an episode of Psych or something, except I had an actual vision of the culprit taking the polls and rambling about something or other that she was jealous of my wife for. But the police wouldn't believe me, so I had to use the vision to deduce evidence to prove the murderer. I don't remember how it turned out.

tl;dr: nooooo cute waifu ;_;
>> No. 387231
there's better ways to hallucinate

in high school i did 100 hours of no sleep. it was very intense and i remember almost nothing about it though

it is fucking crazy

i believe in.... something? something that isn't 100% scientific (at least, science as we currently understand it) about the collective consciousness and the nature of reality and dreams and I know, obviously I'm crazy and do too many drugs but it's so fucking weird. When you lucid dream most of the time, and then you have these little ones that you just have to step back and watch because even there in the dream you think 'this is something that is going to happen', and i found out both me and the guy i cuddled i talked about in the sym thread, we both had dreams about the same shit about each other like how romantic, right, we had the same little prophetic dream about this night don't take that away from me pls. It's crazy how our minds work like that, but I guess that they always have and that's how we came up with religion and believed in prophecy in the first place. We all just want to know we're doing the right thing, that someone we're in the right place at the right time, and these dreams/memories/whatever do that for me.
>> No. 387244
There is research about shared lucid dream states. Though its a bit harder to dig the good stuff since now a lot of amateurs just jabber about Inception.
>> No. 387455
Last night I had the first dream that made me consider doing a dream journal. It was mostly bizarre and all over the damn place like dreams tend to be, but there were some amazing story beats. It was mostly about a general, who was a tactical genius, serving under an obviously deranged psychopath of a dictator. He's haunted by the consequences of his successful conquests, but he can't flee the country as he fears for the future of his wife, who's several months pregnant.
>> No. 387460
>Get up, go upstairs
>Everything looks oily or squiggly.
>Get cereal, dog walks in
Hey Boris.
>Boris can speak
>In a shrieky New Jersey voice, like the Ridley Voice
Not much, got up.
>Boris yawns.
>Yawns so wide his jaws are almost 180 degress.
>His teeth crack their knucles and stretch in the newfound space.
>My dog's teeth were fingers.
Every fucking couple of month I get this dream, which is admittedly a Hell of a lot better than the "my dickhead is an angry tick" dream.
>> No. 387462
All I remember from last night is
>in beautiful house with group of friends looking out the window
>look out at neighborhood
>everything is burning
>run for our lives
>i guess it's the apocalypse?
>find a garage to take refuge in
>there's still a family living in the attached house
>menacingly tell them that the garage is ours now
>they accept it
>harvest bacon, eggs and cheese from the garage wall
>make breakfast
>> No. 387543
Last times I've contributed to dream threads in places, I've ended up overwhelming them with sheer volume and absurdity of my crazy sleeptime antics, but I'll share this one.

I dreamed I was reading plus4chan, and we were talking about an anime, specifically one about a girl with science fiction powers and her little sister. It called CNAQ or some other acronym starting with C and I think ending in Q, but it kept getting referred to by a name where the last two words are replaced with "always eating", due to the constant presence of snacks. We talk about how we're surprised by a plot twist in which the computers that had been in the wall and used through the series were also the ice cream sandwiches the main character's sister was eating the whole time.
>> No. 387557
I had an odd dream right before waking up this morning. I had a dream that I was lying in bed and having a dream. In this dream-within-a-dream I was using the toilet, and when I woke up from the dream-within-a-dream into the first-level dream, I realized I had wet the bed.

The I woke up for reals and was happy to find out the bed was still dry.

These sorts of things happen more often than you'd think. I've been having dreams-within-dreams since I was a little kid.

>Boris yawns.
>Yawns so wide his jaws are almost 180 degress.
>His teeth crack their knucles and stretch in the newfound space.
>My dog's teeth were fingers.

This sounds like it would make a good Cyriak video!
>> No. 387725
Dreamed Saturday morning cartoons, except weird and pervy. My brain was awake enough that it mocked them with dream me. Woke up laughing.
>> No. 390746
Dreamed of a movie where some guy who I guess had a law degree or something was trying to stop an old balding researcher with a private library from releasing an AI he made. There was some worry about it maybe hurting humans because they weren't sure, and thus went to confiscate it after an argument that seems to have been the bulk of the movie. The AI in question apparently wasn't released all over the internet or anything, and they got the box it was running on, but the researcher had also made a bunch of books that were heavily hinted at also being computers and the AI was in all of the researcher's computer books. Was kind of frustrated about it, in that the books being computers was obvious, but it doesn't show if the AI escaped or if all the computer books it was on were in the researcher's personal library. Or were the books too valuable or something? I'd think they'd just be able to copy the books, but maybe the AI was what made them so good or something, I dunno. Would think that's something a movie would clarify. Was thinking it was maybe a real movie remembered while dreaming for a bit after I woke up.
>> No. 390795
What does it mean when you don't remember dreams, but every so often something happens that seems like you dreamed it but then get this overwhelming sense of dread because whatever came next it was bad... and then nothing happens?
>> No. 390799
Your brain worries, your life is repetitive.
>> No. 390808
Dreamed I fucked not one but two dogs. Most vivid dream I can recall having in months.
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