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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

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381908 No. 381908
Since we don't have a cook board anymore, let's have a thread for the eatings. I had this Thai-style curry the other day. It was pretty good. Tried to make my own spice mix for it. I used cumin, turmeric, ground ginger, cinnamon, chili powder and coriander. Can't eat it too often though, since coconut milk is ridiculously expensive around these parts.
Anything of note that you made/ate lately?
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>> No. 381909
That looks delicious.

About to eat a buttload of strawberries.
>> No. 381912
I think /diy/ is the new cooking board. Or rather, it combined the old cooking board with the old tech board.

I'm not complaining about the thread or anything--I don't give a shit if you post it here or not, personally, I just thought I'd let you know since you mentioned it.
>> No. 381913
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Fuck yeah cooking!!!!!! Anyone have any bread they would recommend me to make? I fucking love bread.

I make an awesome pumpkin curry in the fall. I never made curry before it and it turns out great every year except for that one time I made it too spicy. Tonight though I made a pot roast which I knew how to make by the time I was 7 and by now could probably cook in my sleep. It was awesome as always.
>> No. 381914
Yes, /diy/ is (partially) for cooking; /diy/ is the combination and expansion of /tek/ (technology) and /ck/ (cooking). (Admittedly, "diy" doesn't lend itself well towards knowing it's for cooking.) Feel free to start a new topic there, but here's a general cooking one you can build off of if you like: >>/diy/10140
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