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File 137351969498.jpg - (138.41KB , 500x333 , Mindtaking underway.jpg )
381337 No. 381337
I refuse to take things here seriously.
I'm going to have fun and be silly while visiting this website.
I'm gonna be silly SO FUNKING HARD!
Expand all images
>> No. 381339
Take things seriously or don't. Either way you'll be silly.
>> No. 381341
Conventions are clubbing for nerds.
>> No. 381342
All sorts of White People problems today, mainly from bad food. And now I'm not even tired but should be in bed.

>> No. 381346
>White People problems

I have a theme song (and a "show") for you.

Mad TV: Pretty White Kids with…youtube thumb
>> No. 381347
I'm not famous. I'm not internet-famous. I wouldn't even be coming upfront with any of this if I wasn't anonymous. I'm not in any way an attention-whore.

Besides, as I said, all of this happened 5+ years ago. It's a moot point now. It still bothers me, but the only thing I'm going to do about it is learn to move on.
>> No. 381349
Just ignore that guy, he was being an ass. I'm sorry you had to go through what you did and I wish you better luck for the future.
>> No. 381354
You don't have to be internet-famous to attention whore. You just have to be drawing attention to yourself. Though that's largely irrelevant for this issue.

I actually asked because I thought you might be transgender or something similar that might cause irrational hatred on the part of a whole school. Usually when someone's being bullied, that person already has significant social ostracization problems within the rest of the class or school. Bullies don't bully the most popular kid in class because that would turn everyone against them, usually they pick on the fringe kids who aren't really at the center of the social going-ons. Sometimes those fringe kids have very deep-seated issues that make them easy to dislike, even in general, usually because they turn every situation they're a part of into a fustercluck.

Sometimes the kids just shy and quiet and nobody really knows them and the abuse is undeserved. In my experience, ignoring the problem does not make it go away. Why find a new target if your old target is only ignoring you in the hopes that you'll get bored? They're a kid, and it is really not hard to keep pushing buttons until they snap. And they were already ignoring the bully before they started.

Bullying is often based on a kind of irrational hatred. They dislike in you what they dislike in themselves, or in their lives. But ignoring them just means that they will continue to use you as an outlet for their aggression. It is an expression of the powerlessness they feel, the helplessness to change things that truly hurt them. But they can hurt you in turn and it gives them a feeling of control over their pain.

There is a reasonable point, when threatened and being bullied, where one can attack and say that it was pre-emptive and that they feared for their lives and be completely justified. Candlejack's analogy would be correct if this was actually a Grizzly Bear and not just some scared kid. But it's a scared kid, and usually, blackening their eye a few times and ending up in the principal's office is enough to tell them to just back off in general. You are not the doormat representation of their problems that they thought, you are actually willing to fight and stand up for yourself and show them that you will NOT accept their bullshit.

Football douches are a special breed of pain-in-the-ass though. That was likely the missing aspect of your story; wundarboys thinking they owned the place and a principal too starstruck to actually be good at their jobs. The Principal thing is weird though, cause normally bullying doesn't go beyond schoolyard-level shit.
>> No. 381355
Well, my boyfriend at the time went to another school, and I'm not particularly well-endowed. So they said they hated me because they assumed I was a lesbian, or because I was too tomboyish, not pretty enough or too flat-chested to be considered "a woman" to them. They thought I was either intersex or MTF transgender, neither of which was true. I was also the first new kid apparently at the school in a long time, and I continued to be only known as "the new kid" 3 years later.
>> No. 381357
I was bullied in grade school. A kid in my class much larger and stronger than me. He was a well-known bully and everyone was afraid of him. I was scared of going to school. He'd berate me for my slight chubbiness and out-right mug me, if I had things he wanted. But one day I couldn't take it anymore. I just broke. I don't even know anymore what it was that pushed me over the edge. Something completely minor. I pushed him over, and jumped ontop of him. There was no resistance because he simply didn't expect me to completely snap. With my entire body weight pushing him down he was almost completely helpless. Some ineffectual swipes here and there that I didn't feel in the rush of adrenaline. I just kept punching him in the face over and over again. So much so that my hands hurt when the rage finally subsided. He was a bloody mess. I broke his nose. I still can't get that image out of my head. A little ball of tears and blood, curled together crying and screaming and shaking. Everything after that is a blur. I'm pretty sure my parents and the school had their hands full with the aftermath. I lived in constant fear of him trying to get his revenge, but I was never bullied again after that day. Yet I felt fucking terrible about what I did. Still do. The kid became completely timid and a recluse. Nobody would talk to him anymore. I don't want to know what happened to him. I'm sure it would only make me feel worse.
>> No. 381358
File 137358354511.jpg - (13.22KB , 215x184 , 132149880554.jpg )
welp if only being screwed over for my dream job was the worst thing to happen in the last 48 hours

my girlfriends been a bit moody and feeling ill a lot recently and she was blaming it on her new contracreption

but now she has reason to beleive its because said contraception /hasn't worked at all/

>> No. 381359
Jesus, I haven't felt this shitty about myself in a long while... the fact that my weekly visit to my RPG club consisted of three hours of "Here's a NPC who'll dick you over. And no, you can't get your own back, because I said so".
>> No. 381360
Cancel this thread what the fuck.
>> No. 381364
File 137358698929.jpg - (21.63KB , 283x284 , 1365395833035.jpg )
>> No. 381366
Yeah this is sounding like a perfect storm of the Jock Asshole scenario. Some kid's king of the hill because he's captain of the football team or whatever and no one really stands up to him and says "don't fuck with me or people like me" in not so many words.

IRL, yeah, there are definitely people with whom you should not fuck, though this is mostly because they will kill your ass rather than come at you hand to hand. And even in hand to hand, >>381357
's experiencing largely holds true. People just do not expect to get hit. They don't expect someone to physically lash out at them, even after abusing a person, and a lot of times when they do strike back, that physical pain and anguish is more Pavlovian than 100 repetitions of "Stop".

Don't get me wrong, trying to fight everyone is stupid. But it is very reasonable to defend yourself, especially against someone who has repeatedly shown that they will not back down when plied verbally. IRL, altercations are best solved verbally, but that's a very fine line between being able to acquiesce to a person and letting them know that you will not stand for their bullshit.
>> No. 381369
i leave for ONE DAY and this happens.

let's open up our own imageboard with buddhists and hookers.
>> No. 381370
File 137360968794.jpg - (643.05KB , 960x1620 , 1313632970714.jpg )

Congrats on being a father!
>> No. 381372
File 137361220514.png - (209.47KB , 478x358 , 1345500845428.png )
>Was on academic probation.
>Made an appeal at the end of the semester.
>Get told that the appeal failed and that I was expelled.
>Locked out of class registration.
>Fucked around with oddjobs for a year.
>Finally transfer my credit to a community college.
>Application accepted.
>Check transcript.
>Updated transcript says I was readmitted for Fall last year.
>Nobody told me this.
>Everyone I spoke to said I was out.
>Now I have to go all the way to South Brooklyn for classes.
>For a year.

brb suicide, life couldn't possibly get any worse.

Okay, I take that back.

I didn't get back to you yet.
>> No. 381378
HA HA...
if this is your first pregnancy scare you need to get on my level.
and hope your gurl isn't looking to have no family yet.
>> No. 381379
File 137363210150.gif - (3.74KB , 126x198 , party bird.gif )
>thesis proposal got accepted
>had a wonderful date with an attractive young woman
>will probably have another one with her
>going to a craft beer-fest tomorrow

Life is pretty good.
>> No. 381381
Fuck you and your happy life!
>> No. 381382
File 137363743384.gif?spoiler - (1.44MB , 434x254 , traygeorg.gif?spoiler )
IDK if this goes here but I got my hands on the 3D simulation that was going to be presented at the Martin-Zimmerman trial.

Enjoy guys, you deserve to see it before anyone else.
>> No. 381385
Would not surprise me if they actually used that.
>> No. 381386
please let me get this job please please please please theyre supposed to get back to me today and i can barely breathe waiting for it
>> No. 381387

Good luck to you Nurse. Hope you get it.
>> No. 381388
hey i started my webcomic
ok bye
>> No. 381389
My mind doesn't speak, it screams
>> No. 381390
so apparently she forgot about getting back to me today and already left the office so i wont know anything until monday. so you know two whole days of nervous breakdown in front of me. great.
>> No. 381391
Fucking finally. Here's hoping it lasts long enough that you're not sure how to kill it and are stuck maintaining it for 3 years until declaring hiatus and never returning.
>> No. 381392
Here's to having 40 dollars in spending cash! I already bought some stuff from the good will and a lunch, so 20s left.
>> No. 381393

i am one step closer to punching ryan sohmer in the face
>> No. 381394
why are you not already punching him
>> No. 381395

thats a good question
>> No. 381396
>> No. 381397
I wish I had a short ghost hunting sidekick.
>> No. 381398

>Trebuchet MS

you are p gud
>> No. 381399
Comic sans would be better for that format, and for her drawing style imo. It's softer.
>> No. 381402
that is my favorite font
>> No. 381404
that's borderline offensive
>> No. 381405
>Jim Carrey has a YouTube channel
>it's full of reaction-worthy videos

Ace Ventura When Nature Calls:…youtube thumb
>> No. 381406
Why? I use it for everything, it's funny.
>> No. 381407

>I use [Comic Sans MS] for everything

Ace Ventura When Nature Calls:…youtube thumb
>> No. 381408
i can practically hear mentok in my head. thanks T&H.
>> No. 381409
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're just unfamiliar with the way the anti-Comic Sans movement. In case you're being serious, I'll fill you in, FONT NERD style:

Comic Sans is probably the most widely misused font in the world. It is a Display Font, (and many would argue, not even one of the better Display Fonts) that gets used for prose, which is just an assault on the eyes in general. Despite being designed in homage to the handwriting of cartoonists, it's not actually all that well suited to comic lettering, lacking the crossbar "I" (as the "rules" such as they are for comics, have it that when you use I as in the first-person pronoun, it should be the Crossbar-I rather than the plain ol' Sans-Serif I) and has poor kerning by default. It also lacks a lot of special characters that professional comic-lettering fonts would have, like breath marks and slightly varied upper case / lower case fonts to avoid repetition of identical characters, but Trebuchet MS doesn't have those either, so it's not relevant to the issue in this case.

It's also just used a lot, and any font that you see too often should probably be avoided if there are equally good alternatives available. As much of a boner as Font Nerds have for Helvetica, for example, if you want your lettering to stand out, Helvetica should be avoided simply because you'll look like everything else if you use it (though that's in reference to long prose works, obviously, not comics--Helvetica does not look good at all in comics in my experience). The overuse element is part of the reason Blambot's AnimeAce is derided among cartoonists as well.

Because of all of this, a year or two ago a movement got really big that jokingly suggested Comic Sans should be illegal. Much of the internet has jumped on that bandwagon. Arguments can be made about whether or not Comic Sans is really as bad as the movement makes it out to be (for example, is Papyrus really that much better in terms of being abused?)

Honestly, hand-lettering is the way to go if you want REALLY impressive textwork in your comic, but it's very time consuming and, while less challenging than artists often assume(when lettering, you're drawing the letters, not using your own handwriting, even though most assume that if their own handwriting is bad lettering is out of the question), it's a work-intensive artform where a lot of your drawing knowledge doesn't carry over. And most artists working in webcomics don't have the spare dosh to throw at pro letterers or even just assistants they can put on lettering duty.

Anyway, Comic Sans is probably NOT AS BAD as it is treated, but its controversy alone is enough of a reason to steer clear of it in anything you're going to show to people whose respect you're interested in. You'll look unprofessional and lazy even if you chose it for perfectly well reasoned and legitimate reasons.

...unless you're writing Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. In which case, Fuck Yeah, Comic Sans!
>> No. 381414
File 137369865257.jpg - (233.59KB , 650x1011 , cucumber quest.jpg )
Honestly, unless you can write more evenly than a typewriter like the lady who does Cucumber Quest, hand-letting is not really the way to go. It tends to look pretty unprofessional too (but not as much as Comic Sans or some shitty half-legible font).

A personal handwriting font is a good thing to have though.
>> No. 381415
Dude, hand-lettering is always very much viable and appealing.
It makes every instance of the comic much more personal and authentic looking, plus adjusting it for the current artstyle at hand is a very good way to go.

It only really works if you hand-draw the word balloons as well.

You might find some examples of such in franco belgian comics and several webcomics (a notable example being one of the latest Rock Cocks pages. Fanboys Online manages to pull it off at a certain degree too.)

Its not a strict thing. Lettering is part of the artstyle. There's a crapton of tools at your disposal, even your own hand.
There are wrong ways to do hand-lettering, sure. But I dunno.
Personally I prefer it most times.
>> No. 381416
File 137369947480.gif - (41.01KB , 700x484 , achewood comic sans.gif )
I don't have any strong opinions on comic sans, but I think this still deserves to be posted.
>> No. 381417
Much like with drawing, you put down guidelines before you ever start lettering. It's really not difficult at all to have all your letters be about the same size--like I said above, you're drawing the letters, not writing them.

And having them vary a little in size and placement is actually hand-lettering's biggest selling point. It keeps the eye from getting bored.
>> No. 381421
File 137370536287.jpg - (159.60KB , 457x629 , 1372230221747.jpg )
i have officially been up a full 24 hours

i am shivering, my stomach and head feel like they're about to explode

but 10 more minutes and i can vote on the steam sale community choice thingy

just 10 more minutes
>> No. 381422
Your first time?
>> No. 381423
I once worked a 40 hour week on 10 hours of sleep.
Total, not per night.
I learned that week that I can fall asleep standing up.
>> No. 381424

is good font


how could you hurt me like this

re: handlettering vs digital- my handwriting is night unreadable to anyone who isnt me and even then sometimes i cant read what i wrote. i dont think i can willingly subject people to that+the time it would take to make it readable would be a huge timesink.
i love and envy the shit out of people who can hand letter really good tho.
but thanks yall.
>> No. 381425
Im in goddamn China

Im like Miley Cyrus except not at all really outside of this one thing about spending time abroad.
>> No. 381426
File 137372087191.jpg - (92.51KB , 650x600 , bea and askal.jpg )
I was totally joking, still read your post though.

<3 U Bea, just messing around.

lol steam first timer. Anyone remember their first steam sale? My bank account balance was -148.55 at the end of it.
>> No. 381429
gonna make blackened chicken and quinoa and sugar peas for dinner
it's 8 am
i am really excited i usually just make whatever's easiest but tonight i am making an actual meal
now i just
>> No. 381430
>an argument about Comic Sans

I can finally post this!

>> No. 381431
File 137372409864.png - (175.28KB , 500x333 , common cold.png )
Hey bea since you're writing ghost stories could you write one about the Common Cold??
>> No. 381432
File 137372615121.jpg - (105.09KB , 436x263 , 129239698914.jpg )
>> No. 381435
Times will always be the best font.
>> No. 381436
damn you spoiled the plot of my slipshine exclusive comic
>> No. 381437
File 137374027665.jpg - (50.16KB , 456x628 , 1304621622422.jpg )
ugh i am so bad at writing interactions and conversations because i'm so bad at having them irl
idk it all feels so awkward and jarring but i don't actually know how or what

>why can't i hold all these short sentences that sound dumb when i try to run them on
>why can't i hold all this terrible pacing
>why can't i hold all this emotional flip-flopping

i just want to write good fanfiction.
>> No. 381439
Goddamn. Diarrhea is so fucking annoying. I get fucking nothing done.
>> No. 381440
update: it was really really delicious i'm crying a little
>> No. 381441
It's easy just imagine you're two (or more) entirely different people that want different things, then have an argument with yourself. My personal technique is to sit down in my basement, drink rye and yell at a mirror until 4 in the morning.
>> No. 381443
I already do that but not for the sake of good writing. Catharsis, baby. Daddy needs his satisfaction.
>> No. 381445
File 137375045814.png - (131.58KB , 198x268 , 1362758128064.png )
NSFW stuff here
>that feel when the inside crotch of a dark pair of panties has been permanently bleached by vagina juices
>> No. 381447
I took some to just steal people's real life conversations. Overhearing people talking and then seeing what it looks like on paper really bridges the 'oh, right' gap. then just replace all the mundane words with smut

sh shh shhhhHUT UP, I'M TALKING NOW

that feel when nice cute panties get period stained

fund it
>> No. 381448

>the very few times I wrote dialogue-heavy pieces
>everyone talks like me
>short, emotionless, straightforward language

and then ninja became a scientist
>> No. 381449
File 137375787256.gif - (1.99MB , 245x230 , WHAT IS THIS.gif )
i just had the weirdest driving experience ever wtf

>mum comes to pick me up from my aunt's house in the country
>it's late and dark with no lights, we take the wrong turn and get lost
>up and down country lanes, can't find our way back to my aunt's house, can't even see the lights of the village
>suddenly a MASSIVE hare (not even kidding, my mum thought it was a fawn at first) runs out into the middle of the road
>stops, looks at us, then starts running directly in the middle of the road in front of us for nearly a mile
>doesn't slow down, doesn't jump into the bushes or into the woods, just runs in front of the car
>lose it going round a corner
>turn the corner, there's a car crashed into the barrier, no lights on and apparently no-one inside
>the lights of our town is just up ahead
>go home and call the police

I'm 800% percent certain it was just a scared big ass hare being chased by a car but man that was some shit.
>> No. 381450
You were supposed to follow it down the rabbit hole, duh.

Interesting story. This intrigued the /x/phile in me, even if it's just a bunch of really weird coincidences.
>> No. 381451
That big bastard wouldn't fit down any rabbit hole I've ever seen. It would barely fit down a manhole.
>> No. 381452
Shame you didn't have a camera.
>> No. 381453
somebody just saw their spirit animal
>> No. 381454
I had my phone with me but it was too dark to get a good photo.

If it was anyone's spirit animal, it would be my mum's. They're really uncommon around here but she said that was the second hare she's seen tonight (although the first one was a normal size and ran into a bush when she drove past).
>> No. 381457
>I had my phone with me but it was too dark to get a good photo.

Oh, well that sucks.

But weird behavior and other stuff aside, I have to wonder if some animals are just getting bigger as time goes on. My friend hit a raccoon a few years back, for example, and said it was about the size of a small dog (small, not tiny) and it fucked up her car pretty bad. Can't remember for sure, but I think it might have even lived after that. I've also noticed that huge (domestic) cats are becoming more common, at least from what I've seen.
>> No. 381458
It's either your spirit animal warning you of a dangerous curve, or the spirit animal of someone in the crashed car leading you to them to help.

My spirit animal is a duck, when I was 11 a duck saved me from a rabid rat.
>> No. 381459
File 137376641911.gif - (3.62KB , 400x400 , wha.gif )
>when I was 11 a duck saved me from a rabid rat

Now this I have to hear.
>> No. 381460
Bugs Bunny Cuts Florida Looseyoutube thumb

>> No. 381461
burn the south the salt the earth
>> No. 381462
File 137376963583.jpg - (62.30KB , 401x488 , general-william-tecumseh-sherman.jpg )

We tried that once...
>> No. 381463
Nothing special.

When I was a kid exploring my grandpapas farm I found a rat sleeping in a barn full of straw. And like an idiot kid I wanted to pet it and capture it. Turns out it had rabies and did not take kindly to idiot kids trying to capture it. It jumped up, hissed and took charge, trying to bite me as I skipped faster than a louisiana gal squaredancing. I ran out with haste but the rat was faster, it was gaining, like some black blur of death right at my heels. I ran left, it cut me off. I ran right, it cut me off. All hope was lost.
A wild domestic duck appears screaming its death cry and beating the shit out of the rat, slapping it with wings and clawing it all over. The rat tried to bite it but the duck took flight and slammed into it over and over. Feathers flew, spittle was everywhere. Finally the duck was triumphant.

Distracted it long enough for me to climb the fence and get in the house. Probably just protecting its little ducklings but it was forever my bro after that.
>> No. 381464
Why so mad?
>> No. 381465
what the fucking fuck are you fucking serious right now
>> No. 381466

George Zimmerman being found Not Guilty was the latest thing to happen.
>> No. 381467
Ha! Serious? How do you get mad at that? Legitimate self defense.
>> No. 381468
I hope this doesn't mean I'm right in thinking animals are evolving to survive cars not by getting better at avoiding them, but by just growing large and tough enough to survive a hit.

And while I remember it, I should note that I had my gal bladder taken out last November due to galstones apparently being the cause of some recurring gut pains I had. Since around the time I've first heard of it possibly being my gal bladder I've suddenly noticed a few other people having theirs removed, and wonder if it's an actual trend rather than just preferentially noticing things related to my own life in some way. Apparently galstone formation is fairly mysterious? Also, in my case the operation was a simple outpatient procedure that overall was less painful and arduous than doubling over in pain every so often.
>> No. 381469
Of course zimmerman was going to be not guilty
They didn't have a trial at the start because the evidence was clearly backing zimmerman and they had to drag all this out to prove it
Half of the prosecution's witnesses were caught lying
>> No. 381470

>self defense
>after provoking a confrontation after the cops told you to stop

top kek
>> No. 381471
politics thread fagets
>> No. 381472
he didn't even get manslaughter

there was enough evidence to know that zimmerman did, in fact, chase after a boy and shoot him in the head after the police told him not to exit his vehicle, but he did not even get manslaughter

if you accidentally hit someone with a car you can get fucking manslaughter
>> No. 381473
I haven't been following the trial--what happened? Did they fail to prove that he actually did it, or did the defense successfully argue that he was allowed to do what he did? I was right on board with everyone else when the story first happened, but it sounded like there was some legitimate misinformation in those initial reports that may have colored the entire proceedings, and the whole reason the justice system exists is to prevent mob justice from treating someone as guilty without having all the facts in place to prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt. If they actually proved with certainty that he chased the kid down and killed him in the scuffle he started and just used some bullshit technicalities to get off, then I'm right along with you guys that this is a travesty of justice. If the evidence just didn't exist to prove the assumptions that we made when we first started hearing the story, then I've got to grant that the jury was right not to convict him.
>> No. 381474

Your question can be answered as such: They treated what should have been a manslaughter trial as a murder trial.
>> No. 381475
But that's not what happened, did you watch the trial or are you just recalling details from when media first started smearing Zimmerman?

Timeline more or less
>trayvon leaves shop and starts walking home
>zimmerman sees suspicious person
>exits car and follows for awhile just to make sure he doesnt live nearby
>calls 911
>dispatch asks him to describe person, dispatch asks zimmerman what race the person is
>this is when zimmerman says he's black, as a description, not because he's racist
Part of this call was edited by media to make it seem like Zimmerman just blurted out "HES BLACK" with no prompting. Might be a defamation suit there.
>dispatch tells him to back off
>zimmerman stops following and walks back (this is key)
This is where the prosecutions witnesses and cellphone records bit them in the ass.
>trayvon keeps walking home
>when trayvon is 1 block away from his own house (in the clear) he texts friend about the incident
>friend more or less goads him into going back to fight zimmerman
>trayvon backtracks from his home (again, this is key)
>there is a confrontation
We have a lot of physical evidence here that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman from behind, and got on top of him, punching Zimmerman from the top.
>there is a struggle
>we hear zimmerman yelling for help on another 911 call
>zimmerman is armed and manages to shoot trayvon
>cops come tardy to the party
The media coverage for this case was shit and the trial brought all that out into the open.

>there was enough evidence to know that zimmerman did, in fact, chase after a boy and shoot him in the head after the police told him not to exit his vehicle
Please don't say shitty things like that and confuse people.

1. Zimmerman did not chase after Trayvon.
2. NOT the head. Trayvon was shot in the torso at about holster level, physical evidence showing Trayvon was pressed up against Zimmerman at the time (contact shot).
3. Zimmerman was already out of the vehicle when the call was made. After he was told to break off pursuit, he walked back to his car.
>> No. 381476

Can I have some citations for that? I'd like to do some reading.
>> No. 381477
OK, citation 1 - all

Seriously watch it, it's not a very long trial and the witnesses are all entertaining. Don't base your opinion on twitter or mass media which has been caught lying about specific facts of the case, Zimmerman will probably sue NBC for editing 911 calls and CNN for pasting his personal info everywhere so he can be lynched.

If you ask me about specific facts that interest you, I could probably try and scan through the trial to find you the witness/evidence presented.
>> No. 381478
File 137377583620.png - (282.51KB , 728x868 , Capture.png )
lol someone hacked MSNBC and theyre showing hardcore gay porn on their live stream of the trial.
>> No. 381480
>The media coverage for this case was shit
Which is the moral of the story for the whole damn thing; the media twisted, convoluted, and may have even outright lied about the situation in the name of ratings, getting the public fired up over a tragedy which, given the stuff you state (which I've read elsewhere), may be a case of stupidity and somewhat-proper self defense.

This is why American media is absolute shit, and the reason I don't watch the news or read mainstream papers (if any).

In any case, I give Zimmerman about a month before someone shoots him.
>> No. 381481
File 137377732568.png - (415.72KB , 680x664 , 13737762435.png )
>In any case, I give Zimmerman about a month before someone shoots him.
Take that bet.
>> No. 381482
He is likely going to go into seclusion for some time, so he'll be harder to find, but I think he'll underestimate the rage of people and will come out before their anger subsides... which I still think is about a month.
>> No. 381487
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Remember CNN released his entire identity down to social security number, it wont be hard to find him.
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