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381337 No. 381337
I refuse to take things here seriously.
I'm going to have fun and be silly while visiting this website.
I'm gonna be silly SO FUNKING HARD!
357 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 382171
oh right i forgot about your pixel art. that's a creative thing.

dude. you still complain anyway. you got a lot of barriers, internal and external. you're going to have to figure out somehow that none of them should stop you from growing. none of them. none of them do. it's only when you reject your own growth because it's not good enough that those barriers become real.

but most importantly, you called fiction the act of bullshit. good fiction is the purest of forms. it is unrestricted and free to be honest in ways that are safer and less restrictive than non-fiction. different rules of engagement, certainly, but not bullshit. saying that kinda yang gets me heated.

yeah. i know. i just wanted to yell at him. i feel better already. it's an excuse to revisit my own core beliefs.
>> No. 382172
Just saying "Go outside and lead a life" isn't that useful for you because you don't have the foggiest idea what that means. If you want to manipulate a person, you can't use your own point of view, you have to use theirs. You say you're no good at bullshitting, but you seem to have mastered doing it to yourself, so we should probably use those points if we want to get anywhere.

P.S. Plenty of people craft tales of the millions of lies they tell themselves everyday.
>> No. 382173

I didn’t mean to call fiction an act of ‘bullshit’, and please don’t think I think of fictional stories as ‘bullshit’. I really can’t come up with a more accurate way of putting it other than this: I don’t have a knack for writing anything outside of myself (i.e. ‘bullshitting’ myself), and that makes it tough for me to come up with ideas for fiction. (Well, that, and my apparent lack of understanding when it comes to recognizing and expressing emotions and characterization.) That’s why I stick to writing the sort of shit you see on my personal blog and my wrestling blog: it’s me expressing my own opinions on subjects, or (to put it as I put it earlier) me writing ‘within’ myself.
>> No. 382175

>you don't have the foggiest idea what that means

No, I understand what it means in terms of socialization and ‘having a life’ — my problem is that my life’s circumstances aren’t all that conducive to socialization and such. I’d rather not have to suffer through the embarassment of asking my mom to drive me somewhere just so I can ‘hang out’ on my own, y’know?
>> No. 382176
Proving my point in very exact ways. Thank you. Plenty of people lead full lives only going into town once a month for food and supplies.
>> No. 382177
truth. well put. as i said, i wrote that more for myself than for him. what a great guy i am. i very much do enjoy getting a reality check from you, chappy.

it's time for the egg hatch. a butterfly can only stay so long as a chrysalis. but you don't know what that means yet. and i don't know if you will. metaphors can help, but lord knows that you can't paint something that you've never seen let alone remember it.

a bird in a cage will protect itself and its cage until it knows the freedom of being released. then it can realize that the cage was never even its own to begin with.
>> No. 382178

All that talk about birds and eggs and such makes me think of Utena, and goddammit, I need to watch the Utena movie again sometime soon.

But no, I get what you’re saying, and I really DESPERATELY wish I could ‘hatch’ — but, again, life circumstances make that exceptionally difficult, not the least of which is my self-confidence issues (which stem from spending most of my life being told, and believing, that I was and always would be a loser from pretty much everyone in my peer group throughout school; that shit tends to stick with you no matter what).

I don’t enjoy my life at the moment, but I don’t have a lot of the means (money, job, transportation, friends) that enable a better social life, and considering the other circumstances of my life (such as living with my mom and her husband instead of on my own), I won’t have those means any time soon.

I don’t want to be seen as bitching and complaining and trying to do nothing. Hell, all the shit I’ve done over the past month when it comes to TRYING to write and pixel art and whatever has been an attempt to CHANGE my mindset and create a better, more proactive version of myself. Every once in a while, I get down on myself, but it’s not as if I get this way every other day or hour or minute. I HAVE been trying to stop surfing the Internet all day and get a little more exercise and create more shit, but NOBODY is perfect and everyone falls into a slump every now and then. That's all this is to me, at the moment: a minor slump that I hope to slip out of before too much longer.

Please trust me when I say that I have, with as much effort as I can, actively tried to change myself in SOME WAY over the past month, even if it’s not the change you might think I need or want (e.g. socialization). I may not have tried as hard as I possibly could, but as the saying on my desktop wallpaper says, ‘Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.’

I feel as if I HAVE made at least some progress towards changing my life over the past three weeks, and I don’t want you or anyone else thinking that I’m about to fall back into my old pity-party ‘waaaaaah woe is me’ bullshittery.

I don’t want that, and you don’t want that.
>> No. 382179
>brutally end it
Stopped reading right there.

Edginess is destroying literature....
>> No. 382180
That's neat. You got this, dude. I might question your methods, but you are right about never showing signs of giving up. It's mostly why Is till bother responding.
>> No. 382181

By all means, feel free to question my methods. I won’t do better if I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing wrong, after all. It’s why I ask for criticism on all my pixel art pieces.
>> No. 382182
It's just that you write the climax before figuring out how you get there. If you're going to critique a work, at least finish it to make sure you don't miss the point entirely.
>> No. 382183
I have a massive problem with bad ends.
>> No. 382188
I need help.

Is there anyway I can recover deleted files from a computer?
>> No. 382191
Do not restart or do anything else.

How did you delete them?
>> No. 382192
Many, actually. Just search Google for "recover deleted file" along with your OS. You'll get a lot of paid programs that will do this, but if you look a bit further you'll find instructions for basic recovery yourself.

Have you shut down your computer since the file was deleted? If not, don't shut it down; you have a better chance of recovery. I'd also recommend closing as many programs as possible and leaving the computer alone, searching on another computer, but this isn't as important.
>> No. 382193
The computer overheated and shut down shortly after... So guess I'm fucked, huh.
>> No. 382195
Not necessarily. It will be less likely you'll recover it now, though.

How'd it overheat?
>> No. 382196
You dumby, I never said anything about "socializing". Your preconceived notions are the knots that tie you down. I'm asking you to learn things you don't even know exist yet. The unknown unknowns. That's why interacting with things outside your comfort zone is so important: you don't know that much. None of us do. It takes constant and committed exploration to change. The world changes us. Our interaction with new things of any kind, those change us. Sitting at home and trying to pick yourself up by the same bootstraps will only give you blistered hands and a lot of nothing.

You don't understand the words we say because you need to build your LIFE vocabulary.
>> No. 382202
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My dumb ass had to actually stop and think "I don't want to introduce this person to my new friends because they'll probably just make their lives worse" before I realized I didn't want to be their friend anymore. My life would have been way better if I decided to do this years ago.
>> No. 382204
>Utena movie
Sure did suck compared to the series.

Anyway, you should listen to these people, Stone, they're giving you good advice. Other than the "GO OUTSIDE!!1" bit that gets overused as some sort of catchall solution. Then again, maybe a change of scenery would do you some good. Your pixel art is a step in the right direction, but you're still here complaining about the same thing year after year.

>I don’t want you or anyone else thinking that I’m about to fall back into my old pity-party ‘waaaaaah woe is me’ bullshittery.

But that's what it's starting to sound like. Again.

>Please trust me when I say that I have, with as much effort as I can, actively tried to change myself in SOME WAY over the past month

Then keep at it. Keep at it until that one month turns into two, then three, and so on. Try to avoid habits that will make you relapse.
>> No. 382205
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I finally got permission to post the pixel art I did earlier this week. Happy birthday to me~

>> No. 382206

>have to tell parents I flunked out of uni after 3 years
>because I procrastinated on the final

There were a million reasons before that failed final that set you on the path to failing out, anon. Anyone can fail one class and get away with it. You failed a lot of classes. You procrastinated a lot.

btw I'm back to call you all out on your woe-is-me chicken shit from now on
>> No. 382207

dancing is moving while counting, neither of which you'll learn by reading shit on the internet homie

find some videos and imitate them in front of a mirror

don't forget to count i'm serious it's just counting


>Mr. Stone problems

look I'm real happy you feel like you're really trying to change things and stuff but if you're still in the same place you were when you started out (this has been years btw) then you're not doing anything effective

scorched earth mother fucker change some serious shit and don't come back here to tell us about it

go away for a month and don't come back unless things are different

this shithole is just people licking each others wounds telling them everything is fine

you don't want to be here


you have a massive problem with realitykid
>> No. 382208
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>> No. 382209
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>> No. 382210
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>> No. 382211
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>> No. 382213
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>you have a massive problem with reality
Yeah that's why I read fiction.
>> No. 382216
Don't you think I know that? That still doesn't make it any less bad. It was a slow impending doom. I knew it was coming. But somehow I still didn't do anything. I guess I have to end up homeless to ever make me actually get my shit together. And by that point it's too late. I'm just so terribly ashamed. I don't ever want to see my parents again. And it hurts so much. Because I know they still want to see me, no matter how much of a dirtbag I am. Because they're my parents. They can't help it. But I just... can't.
>> No. 382217
> I don’t have a lot of the means (money, job, transportation, friends) that enable a better social life, and considering the other circumstances of my life (such as living with my mom and her husband instead of on my own)

the path to getting most of this is getting a fucking job and moving out

not sitting on your butt doing pixel art and whining about how you don't have anything to write about. you probably don't have anything to write about because you don't DO anything worth writing about
>> No. 382218
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>still trying to write THAT fic
>like to fact-check everything i write
>one character makes a relatively throwaway comment
>better check that
>it's a fairly important piece of info but there's NOTHING about it
>spend nearly an hour trying to find it
>wait a second i could just drop that line
>lost my mojo

a-ah, nevermind...

hey does anyone know where anders was roughly during the time of the battle of ostagar?
>> No. 382219
theonly thing about where he was around that time is in a david gaider interview:

>TUK: Let's jump back to really specific questions for a bit. Where was Anders during Uldred's uprising? Had he already escaped from the Circle, or some people argue that he was still in solitary confinement--which is an interesting throwaway line that's mentioned somewhere--

>DG: Because he was caught at the beginning of Awakenings, I suspect he had already escaped, and a good thing too.

since this is just his own speculation you could go either way and it doesn't matter; there's no strict canon. i kind of figured he escaped during the commotion at the circle tower and the templars were too busy dealing with abominations to bother with him. as for which direction he ran, he must have gone north and probably spent time fucking around near highever before he met the warden at vigil's keep. depending on how far back you place his escape, he might have been in that city during the kerfuffle in the noble origin.
>> No. 382220
I see, I see. Thank you very much. I know the Hawke brothers were at Ostagar (if you chose warrior/rogue) but I couldn't place Anders.
>> No. 382221
dear you guys leave mr stone alone

if he wants to die in his room alone eating pizza rolls let him die an american hero and prevailer of freedom of choice that our flawless democracy grants us so.

Like seriously, just scroll past his text on the internet.
>> No. 382222
>> No. 382223
Nah, he's too much of a precious baby.
>> No. 382224
Only if I get his left-over pizza rolls.
>> No. 382225
clearly the only thing that could make this thread better is an argument between spreeses and mister twister.

quick everyone. the mods are sleeping.

post pictures of abstract ideas.
>> No. 382227
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>> No. 382229
Uh okay.

Hey! Mister Twister! Your rhymes are far less phat than mine!
>> No. 382230
pls do not encourage him to post
>> No. 382231
I don't even remember who he was to be honest.

In other news, Pizza Hut in China has wine and escargot.
>> No. 382232
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>pizza hut japan
>> No. 382234

仕方が無い (΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵ )

I will eat pizza and shit the …youtube thumb
>> No. 382237
I think you both just saved Christmas.
Name 10 pizzas that aren't Jackie Chan?
>> No. 382239
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>Mr. Twister
>abstract ideas
>> No. 382243
>dear you guys leave mr stone alone

Not until he sells me his Bayonetta gun.
>> No. 382245

Perhaps, some day in the future, this will happen.


>> No. 382247
Today two of my floormates discovered my awful awful secret.
I created Yoko Snoipah.
>> No. 383980
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>I want TheDudeVonDoom's TF2 items.
>He hasn't been online in two months.


Oh, and so much stuff has happened ever since I stopped coming here every day.
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