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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

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380747 No. 380747
Just a quick question. I'll delete this post when I get the answer.

What are the bump limits on plus4chan.org boards?
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>> No. 380748
about 350
>> No. 380749
/baw/ is 400, other boards are 200.
>> No. 380752
jesus christ
>> No. 380753
no my name is patrick
>> No. 380754
you won my heart
>> No. 380756
Other boards are 300, actually.
>> No. 380758
A select few might be 300 (but I'm not sure which), but most others are only 200. Take a look at /co/, where a 225 thread for Archie has a more recent last post than the thread above it.
>> No. 380759
Oh, I don't go on /co/, so I wouldn't know, but afaik, /jam/, /cog/, /mspa/, and /pkmn/ are all 300, and I'm pretty sure /ck/ used to be as well.
>> No. 380763
I know /pco/ is 300 or less
>> No. 380766
Our glorious Fire Lord Anonex raised +/a/'s bump limit to 500 recently.
>> No. 380767

>implying he's been here in the last 100 years
>> No. 380768
File 137258998844.jpg - (163.98KB , 720x480 , atla-opening1-98.jpg )
>100 years

Long ago, the boards of plus4chan lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Spam Bots attacked. Only Anonex, admin of plus4chan, could stop them, but when the web needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years have passed and the Spam Bots are nearing victory in the war. Some people believe that Anonex has abandoned this site forever and that it will always be broken. But I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow, Anonex will return to save plus4chan.
>> No. 380772
File 137261065425.jpg - (60.97KB , 500x373 , tumblr_m26oopPqFA1qhmzja.jpg )
/baw/. /co/. /cog/. /pco/. When I was a boy, my sysadmin, Admin Anonex, told me the story of how he and his friends heroically ended the Hundred Year Spam. Admin Anonex and OldFag Trippers transformed the 4chan downtime into the United Boards of +4, a society where shitposters and Anonymous from all over the world could live and thrive together in peace and harmony. They named the capital of this great land /durp/. Admin Anonex accomplished many remarkable things in his life, but sadly, his time in this world came to an end. And like the cycle of the seasons, the cycle of the Admin began anew."
>> No. 380783
o m f g
>> No. 380812
Only in /co/ the limit is 200.
>> No. 380816
File 137266174454.jpg - (95.72KB , 598x478 , don't try to confuse me dammit.jpg )
>> No. 380831
That was beautiful, I think it's even better than mine.
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