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File 137124216057.jpg - (345.05KB , 950x947 , etc_musicspread46_950pop.jpg )
379877 No. 379877

as always, take any advice here with a grain of salt, but this thread is for posting things that could improve people's lives in big and small ways without getting overly philosophical.
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>> No. 379886
If you find yourself regularly constipated, eat a banana daily. At least for me, that seems to be a huge source of relief; but, if I skip a day I'll have problems the next.
>> No. 379908
>> No. 379909
Any sort of music annoys me and literally triggers my "get away from there" instincts after 10 minutes top.
That article seems like another marketing attempt to make peolpe buy and listen more of the commercial brainwash all day everyday.
>> No. 379910
>That article seems like another marketing attempt
No, sorry. You're incredibly abnormal. Not that anything is wrong with that. But even infants react positively to music.
>> No. 379911
99.9999999% of people enjoy listening to music
>> No. 379914

The trick is to listen to music with a design that matches the topography of what you're doing. That is, music that flows with what you're working on.

And you can get that stuff without paying anything (except for a computer with Internet). The hard part is actually experimenting with what works under what circumstances for you. I've found downtempo/nujazz/jazzy hip hop to keep me going during research writing at a rate that is basically the same as doing cocaine. But that's just me. My colleague does the same with hardcore gangsta rap. I have no idea how that works for him, it's like having someone yelling at you constantly. But it works, for him. You take the music away and he's distracted and scattered. Put it on and he sits there and writes for hours.

Experiment with it!

LJONES - Ghosts In Machines - 2013youtube thumb
>> No. 379915
This music works best for me when I'm trying to brainstorm. I like.
>> No. 379917

>> No. 379918
Also, since it's summer and errybody's gonna be grilling, share your grilling tips!

Don't cut off the bottom parts of your asparagus and just toss it. Just use a potato peeler to remove the thick skin of the bottom inch. It's just as tasty as the rest of the stalk.
>> No. 379927
is it even a tip to say that you can roast veggies and taters in aluminum foil and drench those bad boys in olive oil, rosemary, and garlic? steaming+grilling baby
>> No. 379986
You can do the same with feta cheese. Add some sliced onions and tomates to the package, drizzle with olive oil and close it really tightly. Soooooo good.
>> No. 380524
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I finally figured out the secret to doing well in school: Not having any extra shit on your mind.

Back when I had no hobbies and no friends I was a straight-A student, because I was focused. Ever since I got a backlog, discovered the internet, and made friends I haven't been able to accomplish shit. I'm going to spend the Summer beating as many games, reading as many books, and watching as many shows/movies on my backlog as possible in order to prep me for Fall.
>> No. 380531
I imagine that's not going to work. You've figured out the right cause, but I think your solution isn't going to work because the lizard part of your brain that's interested in having fun or doing things that are personally fulfilling doesn't give a shit about what happened months ago. I'm not saying "don't spend your summer having fun," but I don't think it's going to make school any easier in the fall.

The best thing you can do is probably to commit to a program like GTD, or start scheduling your life. Include stuff you like to do as part of the schedule, because that stuff is legitimately important to your mental well-being, but make sure that the amount of time you spend on the other stuff you need to do doesn't suffer.
>> No. 380543
Oh of course, MGS5/GTAV are coming out. I can't just ignore them. Still, I can't spend days online or read 7 books at once, or go to parties on the weekday either.
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