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File 137120985832.png - (572.74KB , 467x473 , distressed sansa.png )
379862 No. 379862
>Want to talk to my crush.
>She's sleeping

>Want to settle shit in Animal Crossing.
>Every shop is closed.

>Want to take a shower.
>People are in the bathroom.

Expand all images
>> No. 379866
I've come to the conclusion that I give 0 fucks about my second oldest sister. Just... None at all. She's a pathological liar that as soon as she finds a dick suddenly none of our family matters and we're all dirt under her high and mighty shoes. So yeah. I am 100% done.

Part of me thinks I should feel guilty for this. Like.... She's my sister. I'm supposed to love her and shit but god I really just don't like her and want nothing to do with her. I am so apathetic and I feel good I have one less thing/person to think about.

>> No. 379868
>Want to talk to my Crush
Aisha Tyler isn't going to talk to you anyway, Moe.
>> No. 379869
You're being too efficient, you're slightly ahead of everyone else.

Take a few hours off.
>> No. 379872
File 137123437697.jpg - (159.60KB , 688x506 , boredom.jpg )
So I've been saving some of the bottle caps off of the beer I've been drinking and making little patterns with them out of boredom.
I'm not very artistic, but six-sided/hexagonal patterns kind of emerge naturally if you keep everything symmetrical, as six bottle caps fit perfectly around one.

I think I'll add to this tonight.
>> No. 379875
Sometimes Family is the aspect of your life which holds you back the most. To truly find oneself, one must reject familial ties to concentrate. They can be a source of great comfort and joy, but it is usually in the lap of comfort where we stagnate the most.

This is not just you, it is an aspect of your sister which drives you crazy. Obviously, you should strive to not let this get to you, but she needs to be more considerate of those around her as well. Sometimes it takes a kind of break with someone you are close to to drive a point home to another person about their behaviour.
>> No. 379876
File 137123735156.jpg - (56.62KB , 500x504 , tumblr_moeda9dAbG1solq29o1_500.jpg )
I did the same thing with my brother, it's been like, 5 years since I had anything to do with him and it couldn't make me happier.
>> No. 379878
I feel the same toward my youngest sister. Every family has a black sheep.

More pictures, man. Put your alcoholism to good use.
>> No. 379879
Sometimes I feel like I am the black sheep. What do you do in that situation?
>> No. 379881
That really depends on why you're the black sheep. Most black sheep I've talked to just decided not to care. You're different from your family, for good or ill. Just go with it.
>> No. 379883
They don't think my depression and anxiety is real. I'm treated like an invalid, even by my younger siblings. Every one of my interests is "stupid". Nothing I do impresses them.
>> No. 379887
File 137125376654.jpg - (346.75KB , 635x832 , IMAG0105.jpg )
I'm sorry to hear that.
There are a number of free services to help people with depression get by day to day, including suicide hotlines and free support groups that may be held near where you live. Though, perhaps you knew this already, and also the helpfulness of free services will vary. Even so, simply having someone to vent to can provide some level of comfort if you're ever in a crisis, though that varies as well depending on who's on the other end.
Do you have some kind of support system/supportive circle of friends outside your family? I didn't, and not learning/being able to find and maintain mutually supportive friendships was perhaps my biggest mistake, moreso than any failed treatment plan, though I recognize that this isn't always achievable either
Also, though it's easier said than done, I'd try to be more okay with the fact that your own needs and desires don't need to correspond with your family's expectations.
Wish I could offer more, but I'll be rooting for you.

Sure, why not.
This is somewhat of an early attempt at something.
>> No. 379889
>Waiting at bus stop
>girl tells me I smell good

>> No. 379891
File 137125799370.gif - (0.97MB , 400x225 , tumblr_mb8z50QRMH1r2i897o1_400.gif )

This happened DURING a 'break'. She used to live with us, having everyone pay for her stuff for her AND her baby while acting like a bitch the whole time. Then she got a boyfriend, moved in with him within two months, and now they're engaged. They haven't even been together for a year. I think they've only been with each other for 6 months.


God I wish I could go 5 years without hearing from/about her. But she has a baby and won't let us see him much so mom keeps whining about it. That and she apparently shit talked us so bad that her fiance refuses our calls and has threatened us. Thanks bitch.

She can go fuck herself.
>> No. 379894
Repeat whatever it was that made you smell that way. Unless she was drooling. In that case she's a cannibal.

It hurts, but if they aren't willing to try to understand and treat you that way, drop them. You didn't ask to join them, and even if they did a decent job of rearing you, you shouldn't be paying them back by taking abuse. It's not going to be easy, but you'll be much happier.

I'm the "black sheep" in that I'm not the least bit religious, where the rest of my immediate family ranges from Sunday Christian to an actual pastor (my dad). Still, my parents don't bug me to go to church or accept Jesus, nor does anyone make fun of me, but without having that common religious thread we share little else in common so I don't visit any of them often. (My sister lives in the area and I help her out when she needs it, but that's it.)

Looks like a neat way to pass time; certainly, there are worse hobbies (or just none at all, like me). And, hey, if you can stick to one brand for bottle cap art (or, better yet, a 3D sculpture), you might be able to sell it to that company for some decent cash.
>> No. 379896
i become incredibly despondent whenever i come home for extended periods

feels sad, man
>> No. 379897
>grab hot part of soldering iron with left hand (yes it was dumb)
>two massive blisters on thumb and index finger
>pop both so i get use of hand back
>promise to babysit the popped blisters so they don't get infected
>going away event for a girl i love at the beach
>says i need to join her in the water
>both blisters swollen and infected
>smell of death
>continually cleaning them out with antiseptic and applying new triple antibiotic/band aids
>thumb finally not smelling of death (as much)
>index finger swelling to blister size

it was worth it to the sheer joy in her face of getting to play with me in the water
i'd do it again every fucking time
because i'm a bloody fool
>> No. 379900

>popping blisters instead of cutting off the affected limbs entirely
>> No. 379901
The night is truly dark and full of terrors.
>> No. 379903
Think about what happened.

>body is hurt beyond easy repair
>orders dermal cells to secrete plasma (liquid part of blood) to cushion area as it repairs
>some asshole rips off the protective covering
>plasma leaks out
>damaged and secreting cells exposed to air
>the same asshole DUNKS the affected area into a soup of bacteria and microorganisms

You know, if this was before modern medicine, you would have leprosy now.
>> No. 379904
I thought salt water was supposed to be good for fighting off bacteria. Or is that only epson salt water?
>> No. 379905
you guys are more than i deserve~
>> No. 379906
I'd hug you with my arms, but they fell off because I picked at scabs and got leprosy.
>> No. 379907
the ocean is filled with lifeforms that have perfectly adapted to living in salty environments. a highly tonic bodily fluid is a happy place for a mighty warrior.

chest-bump it out, bby
>> No. 379919
people who are super adamant about the death penalty are easily the grossest people you will ever have the displeasure of knowing
>> No. 379920
Co-workers getting to you again, Nurse?
>> No. 379922
Wait, are those the car guys or the plane guys?
>> No. 379923
>> No. 379926
Well it's a saturday so thats impossible. i was just reading about floridas new (hint super gross) death penalty laws and surprise they're horrifying and i made the mistake of peeking into the comment sections and dear god in heaven why
>> No. 379928
So even though the genetic counselor I went to accepted my insurance, it turns out I have a ridiculously high separate out of network deductible and owe $600.

God fucking damn it.
>> No. 379929
We should use the system of banishment practiced among early indo-european civilizations. A criminal is banished and given time to leave the kingdom, if he doesn't leave in the proscribed time it becomes legal to kill/enslave him.

>> No. 379930
File 137135870338.jpg - (22.38KB , 369x350 , 1337296252735.jpg )
I know an F1 pilot in real life.

I have before he was even in Formula 1.
...He was in the GP2 but
Shits fucking cool.
Quite the revelation.
But fuckin cool.
>> No. 379931
>Have to do several pages of math homework
>And memorize how to make a couple dozen sandwiches
>And want to build a D&D campaign
>Masturbate for six hours instead

I have no one to blame but myself.
>> No. 379934
Am I still banned? Why the fuck was I banned I didnt even doanything
>> No. 379935
It happens sometimes.
>> No. 379937
they heard about your shitty friends and were worried you'd bring them
>> No. 379938
I'm gonna assume a mod hit the nuke bottom on a bunch of IP addresses to stop that spam bot porn flood, s'only a guess though.
>> No. 379939
File 137138978317.jpg - (53.15KB , 720x544 , 1309366142693.jpg )
It just hit me that it's Father's Day. So it's the first real Father's Day without my dad.

I'm just gonna.... Go sleep for a long time. Yeah.
>> No. 379943
take care of yourself. <3
>> No. 379944
You should do something for him.
>> No. 379945
i don t have shitty friends anymore fortunately. i did finally ditch the one and now ive got four really awesome friends instead which is pretty nice
>> No. 379946
Most of my likable friends don't know each other. I just have to put up with butts to see each person.
>> No. 379947
File 137140613159.jpg - (28.30KB , 260x320 , Google Pedophile CEOs.jpg )
So Google announced it will be collecting CP images.

Isn't that illegal?
>> No. 379953
sudden need to pull away from all social media and electronic communication except for plus4chan (my safe place) activated. phone off, iPod off. iPad off. deleted social apps. signed out of gmail, facebook, etc.


this day is a crappy day.
>> No. 379954
File 137141523381.jpg - (13.73KB , 380x258 , 10075439-large.jpg )
My friend's period is late and she's panicking and all I'm doing is cracking jokes in my texts because nobody ever taught me how to treat someone who's dealing with this kind of stress.

Tell me about it ya shit.
>> No. 379955
no details for anyone
i just want to pizza
>> No. 379956
getting drunk. ask me anything and i'll come up with beautiful lies.

also i'm desperately looking for distractions called classic doctor who and omg it's like i'm in an old fashioned b-horror movie written by british screenplay writers.

this is the blurst.
>> No. 379959
File 137142008056.png - (120.13KB , 1120x600 , img[2].png )
guys look i digitally painted a butt
>> No. 379960
Thank you, both of you. I'm in therapy, but in order to start feeling better, I need to have my family cooperate with me and work with me to make my life a less stressful place, and honestly, I don't think they're willing to do so long-term. I don't have a group of friends I get to talk to very much offline, so if I were to leave home, I don't know where I'd go.
>> No. 379962
and now i've sobered up enough to run errands
clear head
>> No. 379963
File 137143368255.jpg - (21.94KB , 500x285 , tumblr_m9edyqSPIb1r0hqyw.jpg )
>>friend thinks that any problem that isn't money-related is "petty white people problems, suck it up and get over it"

I don't know how to feel about this.
>> No. 379964
They probably just mean its a problem that has a solution available to you.

The alternative would be "system is against you - 3rd world people problems" where there is no solution other than sucking it up and just die or something.
>> No. 379965
I don't care about Trisha Hershberger as a person but holy shit she's shaped like a One Piece character.
>> No. 379968
The thing is, I was asking her how to deal with someone in my life who is very passive-aggressive and verbally abusive, and her response was that as long as I was financially stable, my life cannot have problems, and I am a whiny bitch if I complain about anything.
>> No. 379971
wait... all the way through? in one go?
>> No. 379976
File 137146133512.gif - (2.81MB , 200x133 , 1369385082877.gif )
Lately I haven't been feeling particularly fulfilled by this lifestyle I have been living basically since high school. It assures money on some level but sufficient money means climbing the ranks in places I generally don't care about.

I mean, if I really cared I wouldn't let my bad habits stand in the way so much. The problem is, I think the bad habits are tied to the job, and in turn tied to the lifestyle. The biggest problem I encounter with trying to quit those habits is that there isn't a lot of reason to quit. You stop smoking weed for like a month and yeah you're slightly sharper most of the time but not really sharper enough that it makes a grand difference in overall happiness or quality of life. I've never really rock-bottomed in a way that made climbing out an absolute necessity. A general, vague necessity defined by some half imagined dream isn't concrete enough to leverage against oneself for true change. Which saddens me but it's like, I'm the only one stopping myself from pursuing that dream, whatever it is.
>> No. 379978
File 137146557790.gif - (805.68KB , 250x139 , tumblr_mj3t07YjKc1qffcrao6_250.gif )
>> No. 379980
Relate every problem to money.

Move out.
>> No. 379981
I've been told that if I do before I'm allowed to, I can count on not being able to go back to college and not seeing my family again.
>> No. 379984
> I can count on not being able to go back to college
I assume your parents are footing the bill, then? It might be important to ask yourself A) do you really need to go to college, and B) if so, can you get a job to work it off yourself?

>and not seeing my family again.
From what little I know of your situation, that sounds like an improvement.

While you may have no friends offline, you're welcome to post as much about your situation as you're willing here and a lot of people will try to guide you to a better life.
>> No. 379987
My country banned sex robots.
>> No. 379988
Oh sorry, they're just introducing the legislation. It's expected to pass though, because some company makes child sex robots.

>> No. 379989
I wish "disgusting" would stop being treated as a synonym for "illegal".
>> No. 379991
>My country banned sex robots.
>because some company makes child sex robots.

I wonder what the market is for a sex robot in the shape of a child.
Pedophiles, right? You'd think.
So what would a pedophile DO with a sex robot in the shape of a child?
Probably have sex with it, right? You'd think.
And what are they NOT doing while they are having sex with the sex robot in the shape of a child?
Having sex with REAL children? Pretty sure.

Oh wait, I know. Let's BAN them! A brilliant idea! Get rid of all the shotacon/lolicon while we're at it. Because they only way to get rid of an undesirable behavior isn't redirecting it, but repressing it completely. Because that's always worked out so well.
>> No. 379993
I don't know if my opinion counts for anything--I'm no expert on family or finacial matters--but as someone who is very aware of how debilitating depression can be, I'd feel a bit better if you got your depression to a manageable level before doing anything "drastic."
Or at least think about it. If the situation of being on your own would motivate you, it may be beneficial to move out regardless. But I'm sure you're aware by this point that depression has a very negative effect on motivation.
I believe you mentioned you're in therapy?
I hope you find your therapist helpful--you won't always get a good match, as different styles of therapy are more helpful to some than others. Even so, I'd still suggest trying to get a support system outside of therapy and the internet to supplement your recovery (I still have a huge amount of difficulty with this, so I don't really have any suggestions), as they may be more reliable and the relationship won't be as likely to be hindered by a lack of funding.
Best of luck, whatever you decide.
>> No. 379994
>not being able to go back to college
You don't need college, being honest here. Having spent 20k on a bachelors I can tell you that your job prospects are as good as 4 years of experience in the workplace would get you.
Just look at the NSA whistleblower Snowden. Dude got a GED, no further, and ended up working for a 100k job.

>not seeing my family again
That's BS. Your parents can refuse to see you but you can still keep in touch with everyone else. Especially once people realize you moved away to maintain your sanity.
>> No. 379997
>Having spent 20k on a bachelors I can tell you that your job prospects are as good as 4 years of experience in the workplace would get you.

good fucking luck getting into the workplace if you have nothing but a high school diploma. sure there are people who don't go to college and end up making big money, but for every one of them there are like a million other people who never get there and work shitty mcdonalds type jobs until they retire. of course there are college graduates who are working as cashiers too but your chances of getting a job you actually want that pays well is higher with a university degree + the networking you do in university.

it's different if you want to work in trades (like a carpenter or plumber or something) or be a writer (nobody gives a shit about a degree in english) or have NO IDEA WHAT YOU WANT TO DO so you majored in geography just to get a bachelor's degree in SOMETHING. but like, business? science? those are useful degrees. if you want a career in one of those fields you should seriously consider university.
>> No. 379998
File 137151042742.jpg - (61.11KB , 530x595 , 1011178_613370325350649_1886566674_n.jpg )
ferro if we were IRL science buddies I would share this on your FB wall
>> No. 379999
you get fist bumps
lots of fist bumps
>> No. 380000
File 137151120075.jpg - (31.94KB , 460x460 , high five.jpg )
this'll have to do in a pinch
>> No. 380001
Not being able to face truly leads to a constant state of spaghetti.
>> No. 380002
My life has fallen apart, but it's okay!
>> No. 380003
I was onion soup.
Oh god if I could have one thing right now I would want onion soup.
>> No. 380004
>TFW Kanyette is going to make more money before she is a week od than you'll ever make in your entire lifetime
>> No. 380005
When I was a very, very young boy, my mom gave me a bucket full of old, dry beans that my sisters and I would play with.
She cooked dinner for me today. She then informed me that she kept those beans all these years, and I just finished eating them.
They didn't taste funny, but even so, they had to be at least 25 years old.
Am I going to be okay?
>> No. 380006
Everything I can find with a quick google says that, when hermatically sealed from oxygen and out of sunlight, you can expect 8-10 years shelf life for dried beans.

That didn't happen here.

However, everything else I read said nothing about illness from eating old beans; what they did say is that beans that old would not absorb water and have some other properties that would make them not taste normal or have a normal texture.

So if the beans you ate didn't taste/feel funny at all, she's pulling your leg.
>> No. 380008
That has more to do with the fact that they don't have drive, than any lack of intelligence. People without drive don't do secondary education, so the statistics are skewed. However it's possible, even easy, for a person WITH drive to make it without a degree.
In USA, Canada and Britain something like 60% of the workplace is service industry, 20% resource industry and 20% manufacturing. So even if you don't fall in the "doctor" pool of the 60% you still have a huge amount of jobs to choose from.

I have friends who after high school got right into vocational, and now have a house, two cars, wife, kids.... I'm over here alone in an apartment barely meeting my debt interest.
College is not the road to happiness that parents keep saying it is, they just want to live vicariously through you.

Well archaeologists found edible grains from 5000 years ago found in Iraq, so it depends on the packaging I would guess.
>> No. 380010
>when your boyfriends sleazy friend likes to undress you with his eyes when he's drunk and talks about how 'everyone else' says I'm way out of my boyfriend's league while cheating on my other friend he is dating

wait there's no possible image to represent the buckets of oozing sleaze dripping down my face
>> No. 380011
I see.
And by "funny" I meant that they didn't really taste bad/rancid, but they were unusually hard and without flavor.
Thanks though. I've started to feel a bit weird, but it's not too bad, so I imagine I'll be okay.
>> No. 380012
I used to think parents were just full of denial. Now sometimes I honestly believe they're actively trying to get their adult children into debt, because debt bondage makes them require an established place to live while they pay off that massive education debt.
It was a very cynical way to keep entire generations spinning their wheels on a treadmill and still require involvement by their elders and extended family, whom they would then owe favors or respect for having no choice.
>> No. 380014
I'm beginning to realize how very inflexible I am.
I should look for a yoga class...
>> No. 380015
File 137153344276.png - (147.48KB , 500x375 , kitsurubaminosebleed.png )
I got a job. I go to school. I'm moving back in with my brother rather than my mom. I'm on medication for my illnesses. What the fuck is happening to me?

If he refuses to use his eyes properly, remove them until he learns his lesson.

Flexible slowpoke?
>> No. 380019
Tell me more.
>> No. 380025
>> No. 380026
Fuck summer. Fuck it hard. My fan just died. It's too hot to go outside and buy a new one. I'm simmering in my own juices. Fuck summer. Fuck summer.
>> No. 380028
Where do you live?
>> No. 380029
>had about a fortnight of glorious, blazing, scorching summer weather
>followed by three or four days of torrential rain
>now it's just been cloudy, mild and slightly humid since then
>doesn't get properly dark
>bees, wasps and flies everywhere
>> No. 380031
File 137157818139.png - (336.75KB , 494x694 , slowpokeandisthisevolution.png )
I'm glad stuff is looking up! Unless you dislike your brother. In which case I'm sorry for that particular detail but the rest is good!

>Flexible slowpoke?
Hopefully someday!
>> No. 380032
Welp, that's me 100% officially single. Feels weird man.
>> No. 380033
Doesn't sound like it was too horrible a break up. You're weirdly calm.
>> No. 380034
everything in time.
>> No. 380035
It wasn't horrible at all, we're not like that. Not even bitter or angry. He noticed I had been distant for some time now, I admitted I wasn't content being in the relationship even though I did still care for him considerably, he asked me a few questions, we agreed a few terms, he said goodbye and good luck, I said so long and thanks for all the fish, and then we made it official. It was very civil. The whole thing took about ten minutes, I was teary for about half of it, now I feel perfectly okay if not a little sad because I was kinda hoping we could still be fuck buddies.

And so ends the chapter on my first love.
>> No. 380036
When something bad happens to someone, I generally respond "I'm sorry that that happened, I hope things improve for you," or something along that vein. Recently I've had people getting really curious or defensive when I do so, like asking why I'm sorry if it's not my fault, or saying stuff like "don't take it personally" when I'm not.
>> No. 380037
File 137158889371.jpg - (103.75KB , 846x960 , Summer_is_too_hot.jpg )

Spring/Summer are the worst seasons.
>> No. 380038
I live at the skirts of a fresh, cool forestal mountain and a nice height off ground level and have a large assortment of light, summer clothes.

I'm okay during the summer.
>> No. 380039
>> No. 380041
any cosplayers on this site? may need suggestions for purchasing/fashioning components for costumes
>> No. 380042
I'm planning on cosplaying, but I'm in the same boat.
>> No. 380044
guys what catchy slogan should i paint on the back of my denim jacket?
>> No. 380045
Hidely-ho! I'm no expert, (no seriously I cannot stress that enough) but might be able to help. I've been cosplaying off and on for four years and I had a job working in a costume shop for a while. What's up?
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