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File 136988794451.jpg - (116.38KB , 728x1096 , qwow_scans_mij_5_025[1].jpg )
378874 No. 378874
Since Bard retired the old one, here's a new thread for all your kinks, sex politics, Freudian analysis, and whatever other weird shit related to the horizontal Monster Mash that lies within /baw/'s shriveled little black heart.
376 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 381657
File 137391343567.png - (2.30KB , 180x232 , samus_at_the_end_of_metroid.png )
as a reward for beating the original metroid, samus aran stripped off her suit to reveal that she was a bikini-clad woman
>> No. 381658
File 137391419278.jpg - (275.04KB , 609x665 , 126086883242.jpg )
>Trying to find sexually explicit photos of the UNSC's most valuable, expensive and dangerous asset

>> No. 381660
I had to make them all myself. It wasn't fair.
>> No. 381661
File 137391469495.jpg - (80.24KB , 600x750 , cortana_motpost-s600x750-77497.jpg )
The true main character of the series.

117 is just her toy.
>> No. 381662
Um You really just kind of chose the worst male protag to make you point. Masterchief never shows any skin, is never seductive, is never playful, is never anything but a cold-blooded murder-borg. That may be tangentally sexy to a few but it is not directly meant to be sexual the way depicting Samus' armor exploding to reveal only a bikini or a skin-tight latex suit is. There's never anything like the Beautiful Beast Striptease scenes in MGS4, except focused on men.

Depicting overly muscled, buff men is a Male power fantasy, not a female sexual fantasy. The "male gaze" is almost never made into a "female gaze", generally because certain men feel uncomfortable with it for some reason.
>> No. 381663
>Depicting overly muscled, buff men is a Male power fantasy, not a female sexual fantasy.
So then depicting hot, big titted blondes is a Female attractiveness fantasy, not a male sexual fantasy. It's targeted to women gamers so they feel better about their bodies.
>> No. 381665
It shows how self-centered you are that you think serving your own sexual fantasies is something that women fantasize about. And it is why fixing this problem in video games and comics and things is so difficult--nerds are extraordinarily self-centered, and it makes explaining to them that other people's problems are actually problems very difficult.
>> No. 381670
>nerds are extraordinarily self-centered
I'd say "people are often extraordinarily self-centered". Personally, I'm generally not that interested in games that delve particularly hard into male power fantasy stuff compared to more whimsical or surreal titles, and in the latter case it's more a matter of game designers not even considering the idea that they are or aren't representing someone. Not really sure what I ought to do about this kind of thing other than continuing to refrain from buying the most braindead super-manly (Not to be confused with Superman-ly) titles available and keeping them in mind if I ever actually get past the difficulties I've had coding and just like make game.

Also: Kazooie. And I think Politwings 64's Ibis if you can consider an essentially plotless, dialog-free game as actual characters and not just humanoid game pieces. Hiromi Tengenji of Burning Force.
>> No. 381671
File 137392185385.jpg - (31.26KB , 250x175 , Superman64box.jpg )
>refrain from buying the most braindead super-manly (Not to be confused with Superman-ly) titles available
I dunno about that man...
>> No. 381672
Wait people think Idris Elba is sexy? I always thought he was a cool looking dude but never thought of him much as a sex symbol. I'd still play an Idris Elba dating sim for the hilarity though.
>> No. 381673
>Consider this, have you ever seen fat ugly male protagonist? Every one of them is a muscly sculpted adonis.
Can you not visualize a medium between the two? Besides, how many women do you know who are actually after "muscly sculpted adonis"?
>implying white stubbly dudes dont make up 99.999999% of sexual fantasies
oh you sweet summer child

>So then depicting hot, big titted blondes is a Female attractiveness fantasy, not a male sexual fantasy. It's targeted to women gamers so they feel better about their bodies.
are you really
how about no
I'm a woman. I have a lot of friends who are women of varying colors and shapes and sizes and what have you. Not a single one of us wants to look like that. My "attractiveness fantasy" involves me looking like ME, only in super-rad cyberpunk clothing and flawless makeup of my own choosing with immaculate winged eyeliner.

You know what, let's bring this back to sex. Here's my fantasy of an awesome sexy game tailored to me in particular. A female protagonist who looks like me: small breasted, pear shaped, doesn't exactly exude sex appeal. Now put her in really practical armor such that no unnecessary skin is showing. Think Brienne of Tarth for that. If you're gonna be fighting a lot of mooks, you don't want your boobs moving around a lot. That shit HURTS.
The player character gets a lot of shit done. Her armor never comes off. Why would it? She fights a lot of monsters and takes in a lot of loot. Sometimes she collaborates with other lady warriors—also practically armored—to fight unusually large beasts. All the men she encounters are either simple farmers in tight pants and loose, easily removed "poet" shirts, or Dothraki-ish warrior dudes in fancy loin cloths and nothing else. They all have nice butts and visible chest hair. Sometimes you can see a dick bulge, but not always. None of them look like body builders. Many of them look like Tim Heidecker; many of them are pleasantly chubby, like overstuffed pastries. The rest of them look like Idris Elba, Mads Mikkelsen, David Bowie, Cillian Murphy, Adrien Brody, and so on. There isn't a romance option. The player character is too busy killing monsters anyway, and looking at the eye candy is nice enough.
>> No. 381674
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>> No. 381676
Reading this thread is like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large book that is nothing but 500 pages repeating "double standard double standard double standard double standard double standard".

And for all you men and women complaining that there are no video game protagonists that exactly fit your body type or whatever? Piss off. At least you have something. There are no homosexual protagonists anywhere. The best I can do is find one with an asexual protagonist and squint really hard whenever he interacts with other men.

Your problems are largely inconsequential.

And before you go out and say it, I will: MY problems are largely inconsequential. Somewhere, there is probably a profoundly crippled person wondering why there isn't a video game with a similarly-stated protagonist for him to identify with.
>> No. 381677
File 13739243047.jpg - (49.84KB , 490x729 , idris-elba-shirtless-1.jpg )
*heavy breathing*
>> No. 381678
Wild Arms 2 has Brad Evans (got censored in the English, naturally, but you can still tell). It's criminally underrated by the way.
>> No. 381679
>A female protagonist who looks like me: small breasted, pear shaped, doesn't exactly exude sex appeal.
For the record, small-breasted, pear-shaped ladies who would more often be described as "cute" than "hot" are exactly my type.

>> No. 381680
>I'd say "people are often extraordinarily self-centered".
While to a certain extent that's accurate, it is not precise. Nerds are much more self-centered than average, because they live so much in their own heads. A big part of social awkwardness comes from how nerds are convinced that everyone is judging them and thinking about how fucked up their behaving, and generalized paranoia that when other people are laughing about something, they're probably laughing about them. Even nerds who hate themselves have this inner belief that they are the center of the universe, and everyone gives a shit about them, even if it's only because everyone hates them. The idea that most people just nothing them is alien.

Normal people definitely think about themselves a lot, but having a fairly advanced social network trains a person to be more aware of the fact that other people's problems actually matter. Selfish people with better socialization still might not give a shit, but they are actively aware that they don't give a shit. Like a well-socialized man who is sexist will just straight up be fine with being a sexist and being a sexist, because he doesn't give a shit about whether or not you think he's a sexist.

Nerds often don't give a shit and don't realize that they don't give a shit, because they live so much inside their own head that it impacts their ability to show empathy for others. When someone says "I am hurting" and your first reaction is "But I didn't do anything!" instead of "That sucks" or "Want a hug?" or something, chances are you're too self centered.
>> No. 381681
Do you have any idea how self centered THIS sounds?
>overly muscled, buff men is a Male power fantasy, not a female sexual fantasy
How can you be offended at what I say, when it is exactly the kind of thing you're saying to me?

For that matter, how dare you tell me what I like, what my "own sexual fantasies" are. I like small boobs on girls. I like brunettes. I like brown skinned girls. I don't fucking like bimbos. Fuck off.

>Reading this thread is like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large book that is nothing but 500 pages repeating "double standard double standard double standard double standard double standard".
Yeah I just can't... I can't figure out how these peoples heads don't explode from all the hypocrisy.
>> No. 381683
Hoo boy, in before "slut shaming".
>> No. 381688
do you really not get the concept of
>sexualized women in video games are what the average man wants to see
>Buff McLargehuge is what the average man wants to play as
Women's fantasies aren't even considered when it comes to designing the women, because what women want to see isn't considered period aside from occasional fanservice, which turbonerds get all flustered about as well (see: Free!)
is that really a concept you can't comprehend
are you so thick-skulled
or am i just being lol baited! xD
>> No. 381689
This wasn't about sexual things at all until some dumbass came in and tried to make it about objectification and how hot he believes Master Chief to be. I don't actually care about sexualisation that much except that it usually leads to shitty/baffling character design. I'm certainly not complaining about characters not having my exact body type.

Your issues aren't inconsequential and I don't know why you think framing them in such a way should show me why I should not care about the things I do? The industry is still shit scared of having a female protagonist, which isn't even a real risk factor because guys will play games about girls too if given the chance; there's not much of a chance of having homosexual main characters ever if we can't even jump the female protag hurdle. Because that is a legit risk. See: the controversy surrounding Dragon Age 2 & homophobic dudes boycotting it because Anders makes a pass at the MC regardless of gender, while every other game allows them to skip whatever disgusting sodomite content there might be. The community can't even deal with one stray gay line, nevermind a main character who is openly gay. They also wanted to include a trans character in Dragon Age 2 but they didn't want the inevitable horrible backlash so they stuck her in the side comics instead. Lesbians are more okay to have than a gay man--as long as they're setpieces or not real lesbians because they're a monogendered alien race.

You want representation? First you've got to show that 50% of the population of earth have stories people want to hear about. Or just, like, some sort of thing that sets the protagonist apart from every other brown-haired close-shaven straight white male protagonist in AAA games is not going to hurt sales. Then you'll come into the picture. Telling people to piss off because you have less of a chance at the moment doesn't do you any favours, dude.
>> No. 381691
And before anyone accuses me of trying to disparage the validity of the term (it's a real thing and unfortunate), I'm just saying this as a precaution to anybody assuming it's being used as an attack on female sexuality as opposed to just a coarse description of a voluptuous female body type (which appears to be the case here), as is wont to happen in SJW circles.
>> No. 381692
File 137392880566.jpg - (271.49KB , 1280x853 , lookathimgoddammit.jpg )
You sure are mad. Here, look at this picture and feel better.
>> No. 381694
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>guess what I'm doing with my hands
>> No. 381695
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>What's my next assignment, M?
>> No. 381696
File 137392925697.jpg - (305.06KB , 1280x856 , tumblr_mjtqckAa6T1rsk4evo1_1280.jpg )
>All right. You caught me. I have a boner.
>> No. 381697
File 137392925822.jpg - (216.87KB , 800x534 , idris-elba.jpg )
don't derail this thread even more than it already has thanks to the troll

not that he's a real troll because i think he'd only be looking for reactions in this circumstance if, somewhere deep down inside, actually believed the dumb shit he is barfing out everywhere

i'm going to go with idris elba anon and just post pictures of idris elba from now on when i don't have much to say
>> No. 381698
I think what really kicked this off (and I think there is some validity to it, despite the backlash) is that after excluding crap like Farmville and Angry Birds from the equation, women are still the minority in the video game market and a lot of them are more into the type of games that don't actually feature protagonists, therefore the industry isn't as eager to cater to them. Granted the person pointing this out used a lot of hyperbole and falsities, but it is true nevertheless (it's frustratingly impossible to find another girl IRL to talk about stuff like Vagrant Story, Actraiser, Dark Souls, and Killing Floor with), although the industry seriously underestimates the actual percentage of female gamers and overestimates the percent of "fratboy" consumers.

If game designers want to be smart though they really ought to create more games with non-objectified female protagonists, as a lot of men are indeed willing to deal with playing as a girl (this is where that other guy is also wrong) without doing it just to ogle her ass, and it will win over the interest of females who are otherwise on the fence, widening the market and opening up a new source of revenue.
>> No. 381699
File 137392949347.gif - (0.99MB , 500x280 , tumblr_mb5brajzSz1qa9qc7o1_500.gif )
>i'm going to go with idris elba anon and just post pictures of idris elba from now on when i don't have much to say

You've chosen the only true path to happiness, anon.
>> No. 381701
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>> No. 381702
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>> No. 381703
File 137393017191.gif - (529.67KB , 245x165 , tumblr_mblag22Wao1rzrgtao4_250.gif )
>Who, me?
>> No. 381704
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>Never tell me the odds.
>> No. 381705
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>> No. 381706
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>> No. 381708
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My friends, it has often been said that I like sex. Friends, I like sex. No, friends, I love sex! I love orgies. I love gangbangs. I love egg-laying. I love cocks, tits, I love sex-change operations, and futas. Sex under the sheets, in streets, in beaches, in grasslands, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of sex that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting vaginas to smithereens with semen salvos that thunder across the lines of my bedroom. My heart leaps with joy whenever a hymen is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed penis thrusts, and there is nothing like a nubile rentboy using a dragon dildo to destroy enemy anuses. And the feeling that comes when a young man runs screaming from his blazing bedroom only to be mowed down by heavy bukkake fire, is such an exquisite feeling.

Like when ranks of teenage boys virgins brandish their erections rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a fresh shota stabbing over and over into the moist vagina of a well-experienced woman. The sight of submissives being strung up from a sex dungeon is an irresistible pleasure. And there is nothing more arousing, than the sounds made by furry fetishists dropping like flies, screaming in bliss as they're worn out by ear piercing yiffs!

When a band of pitiful Internet nerds makes their final stands with nothing but small dicks, only to have their loli porn smashed to atoms block by block by Chris Hansen, I'm in ecstasy. I love it when my anus is ravaged by a Russian armored gimp. It's so sad to see geeks' delusions that were supposed to be defended at all costs, being laid to waste, their waifus and husbandos being raped, and masturbated to. I love to be squashed under the heel of the British and American dominatrixes. The humiliation, as my insides crawl around like vermin, ducking the jizz bombers flying overhead.

Gentlemen, all I ask for is sex. Sex so grand as to make Moot himself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers and sisters in arms, what is it you really want? Do you wish for kinkier sex as I do? Do you wish for sensual, eyewatering sex? Sex whose fury is built with buttplugs, and dildos, and latex? Do you ask for orgasm to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even virgins to scavenge from this Earth?!
>> No. 381711
Do you not get that this:
>sexualized women in video games are what the average man wants to see
>Buff McLargehuge is what the average man wants to play as
Is fucking wrong.

He's 3/10 at best.
>> No. 381714
lol u
>> No. 381722
File 137394255269.jpg - (11.19KB , 120x115 , 1283021862041.jpg )
>Do you have any idea how self centered THIS sounds?

Being a buff stoic white male is in no way the power fantasy of A TON of men who play video games (one might actually argue that this is in part why Master Chief is so loved, because under the helmet you can't tell Halo 4 was garbage and so was that eye reveal).

But you don't see the irony when YOU say "Of course being a blonde big tittied Bimbo is a female sexual fantasy". It's roughly the same. And yet, the overwhelm majority of Video Game protagonists are Buff Stoic White Males, and while the blonde bimbo is a bit much practically every woman in games has to have some kind of "sexy" armor scheme, regardless of how actually sensible that scheme is.

It isn't just about "identifying as" a character, it's about how other people perceive people of different colors, genders, strengths, abilities and weaknesses. It's about putting a Black Man in a position of Power and having people give him Respect. It's about putting a Gay Man or Woman in front of viewers in a way that shows them as Decent, Rational, Loving and Stable Human Beings, instead of some Stereotype. It's about a Woman being able to be a Main Character and Kiss Someone She Loves without the Production Studio throwing a Hissy Fit. It's about showing very Diverse Peoples that their skin color shouldn't matter, that their gender should not lock them out of opportunity, and that showing people of all shapes, sizes and colors that they are Worthwhile as People.

All of the "market research" that goes into gaming basically says "if they bought it before they'll buy it again", which is why no one has been able to unseat World of Warcraft in all these years (coincidentally, WoW actually has some of the highest numbers of Female Players out of any game on the market. Studies show that if you play WoW you are more likely not only to have had sex but to actively be in a relationship. Yeah you might both be fighting off heart disease but you'll have each other and statistically a leg up on any given CoD or Halo player http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/world-warcraft-future-online-dating-123662).

The issue is that even as a White Male, I don't actually identify with all these overly buff, muscly space marines. In fact, more frequently, the games I want to play let me define how I look, and I frequently want to look sleek and high tech rather than gruff and muscly. But the marketing tests somehow keep coming back to "fratboys are the only ones who will like and play these games" when that is patently false and even within the Fratboy demographic, not every Fratboy is white.

Sometimes it really feels like everyone who produces media just has no idea what this generation wants or why. I didn't have any problem with people of any skin color until somebody introduced me to the idea of racism. I don't care who the protagonist is or what form they take so long as it's a good game. But I am getting sick of seeing the same almost interchangeable cardboard dipshit gracing the cover of almost action-y shooter I play. Everything else in the media is geared to make my Demographic feel loved and all it does is make me feel isolated and bad, like somehow I'm holding the trigger to the head of the universe when I'm not really doing anything but trying to live. I don't need my needs to be exclusively catered to and some of the most poisonous, monstrous people I have ever encountered have come from exactly those backgrounds, where they don't believe they have to change or adapt or even just let other people take center stage for a while. That's the issue.

Oh Captain My Captain
Prometheus - Love The One You're Withyoutube thumb
>> No. 381757
Yeah black guys want to be white, that's their fantasy.

Being a busty attractive female is in no way the power fantasy of A TON of women who play video games.... you know what, never mind, you'll never understand how hypocritical you are.
>> No. 381763
Did you miss the "in no way" part of what he wrote? He specifically went on to explain it's how marketing perceives the world, not the way it really is. So I'm guessing we ought to have marketing departments hire sociologists or something?
>> No. 381773
What if we put all the Vidya Gaem marketers in some sort of camp, so they could concentrate on the problem all they want.
>> No. 381774
What if we put all the Vidya Gaem marketers in some sort of camp, so they could concentrate on the problem all they want.
>> No. 381775
obviously we don't all want to be busty white women or we wouldn't be complaining about it
>> No. 381832
>Yeah black guys want to be white, that's their fantasy.

Where did I actually say that? And if so, why would I be making this argument? If everybody wanted to be white, there'd be no problem with the demographics in games and we wouldn't be having this discussion.
>> No. 381891
>/pol/ discussing sex bots turns into potential console war sex bot equivalent
>> No. 382082
>never had a girlfriend (not a virgin, just a one night stand)
>in international relations so the background noise is filled with crying about patriarchy and the evils of the masculine and drunk rape and all that shit
>guys everywhere think I'm gay for not having an interest in the drunk girls that dot our campus
>i cant think of women sexually normally, I view them as friends or acquaintances or coworkers first
>if I ever do see one as sexual, i say nothing because often said women is gay or in a relationship
>AND all I feel is a desire to tie them up or rape them or torture them some other fashion or just kill them
>I masturbate to fantasies of skinning the gender studies chick in our class
>I can't talk to anyone about these thoughts because they'll try and put me on drugs or stop talking to me when all I want is some sort of release for this, even if it is just masturbating to torture porn forever
I wonder if I hate women or just am psychotic or I'm just frustrated by my own lack of success with intimacy.

I'm not a bad person. I don't want to hate people and I'm not some paranoid society-hater. But the female sexual form unaltered just causes this odd reaction in me, and i dont know what to do with it.
>> No. 382611
>>attracted to men
>>figure I must be straight
>>begrudgingly admit I'm attracted to women, and always have been
>>so I'm bi, alright
>>get along better relationship-wise with women, but more sexually attracted to dudes
>>sometimes I don't want to think about relationships or sex at all
>>get asked a lot if I'm ace
>>thinking about sex is a lot easier when I imagine myself with a penis
>>probably not transgender because I only have this feeling during sexual fantasies, I don't dwell on what I do or don't have in my pants unless I'm potentially sleeping with someone

Sexuality is weird, man.
>> No. 391810
You really make it seem so easy together with your presentation but I in finding this topic to be really something that I feel I might by no means understand. It kind of feels too complex and very huge for me. I am taking a look ahead to your next post, I will attempt to get the cling of it!
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>> No. 391811
You actually make it seem so easy along with your presentation however I find this matter to be actually something that I think I might by no means understand. It sort of feels too complex and very large for me. I am looking ahead for your next post, I will attempt to get the grasp of it!
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