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File 136980135827.jpg - (10.97KB , 239x197 , 12865441619.jpg )
378777 No. 378777
questions to the tripfags here who hit on the femfags so hard:

would you have the balls to do it irl?
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>> No. 378778
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>> No. 378779
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>Femanon IRL

Of course not, it's real life; we'd almost certainly be surrounded with way more attractive women.

If anything, they'd be hitting on me on account of how attractive and charming I am.
>> No. 378803
File 136982009971.jpg - (167.18KB , 900x1165 , barney_stinson_by_scottssketches-d5gqoud.jpg )
Of course not. We're all gay IRL. Obv.
>> No. 378804
Wait....does anyone actually hit on the femanons here? I've never really seen it happening on plus4chan. Or do you count any sort of flirting as hitting on someone? Because there's a big difference between flirty banter and actually trying to hit on someone. I have no trouble with the former in real life. Hell, I do the former with women AND men. It's just part of my OUTRAGEOUS CHARISMA.
>> No. 378811
I don't really 'hit on' anybody on here.
And no. I wouldn't. There's no point hitting on anythin' until I have the money to move out of mommy's house and a vehicle to get away in. No chick needs propositions from losers.
>> No. 378813
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[mandatory post]
>> No. 378823
[obligatory reply]
Can't Lie On The Internetyoutube thumb
>> No. 378834
File 136984275895.gif - (463.20KB , 500x281 , tumblr_mfzftpj1W91s242hqo1_500.gif )
I have to get to know people a little first before even dating, but yes had I the opportunity and someone on the internet I liked I would see a nice night of fine dinning being in order.
>> No. 378835
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Not just the femanons.
>> No. 378836
I'd flirt in real life, but flirting is just the only way I understand how to make small talk.
>> No. 378838
>hit on lesbian
>lesbian hits me
>> No. 378842
shouldn't be going after them femfags so hard, man.
too literal.
>> No. 378889
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I don't hit on anyone here or elsewhere for fear of being thought as a creep.

Same goes for real life.

It usually blows up in my face if I try anyway.
>> No. 378893
is this the part of the thread where we answer the topic like it wasn't a troll topic?


>would you have the balls to do it irl?
don't let me stroke my own ego. i get all smirky and superior. i do enough of that here.
>> No. 378894
Femanon who wouldn't mind either male or female anons hitting on her.

Also thinks the chances of it happening are a thousand to one.
>> No. 378895
You're too modest and have absolutely no idea what folks want to do to you in their heads.
>> No. 378903
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No, we're just naked so we can play Parcheesi

Hit on femanons irl? yeah sure, I seem to do that whether I mean to or not anyhow.

Have sex with them? Double yeah, allowing for whether I liked them or not. Better to say allowing for whether they like me, based on my current record. Flirting and wanting the D are 2 different things.
>> No. 378906
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We don't have troll topics here; that's just nonsense!
>> No. 378908
Ram's actually onto something. Chances are you've got a crap ton of lovability and potential that people aren't tapping into, including yourself.
>> No. 378909
I fake-flirt with people online guy or girl all the time. I do this for fun and because they usually know I'm pretending. If they thought I was serious, I'd correct them. I'm terribly shy and self-conscious IRL. And sometimes online.
>> No. 378910
Basically this. I flirt with anyone I'm close enough to on the internet, until they flirt back, and then I clam up and get all bashful and stupid.
IRL, I skip the step where I flirt with them and get right to the bashful and stupid part.
>> No. 378997
I don't know how to flirt, so I couldn't even fake-flirt.
>> No. 379000
If I ever do that its cos I know said person outside of p4c.

Sure, I've admitted to a little schoolboy crush on here once or twice.
But if theres any banter beyond that its not just me 'hiding' behind the wall, yknow?
I think the answer is yes, then...
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