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File 136800218975.jpg - (27.72KB , 317x238 , 84SQd2iqTn685kfdtbvug5h6o1_4006.jpg )
377393 No. 377393
357 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 378413
not necessarily against it, but you're gonna need to sweet talk me better than that.
>> No. 378415
How many dicks do you have in you?
>> No. 378416
>> No. 378422
>> No. 378434
File 136944523194.jpg?spoiler - (7.53KB , 163x217 , TSA.jpg?spoiler )
>> No. 378446
File 13694484912.png - (7.35KB , 157x193 , 1358143600882.png )
I though there were mutiple inside of ff.

Also, if tooth wants pictures of dick, just go to /soc/ or something. Geez.
>> No. 378449
File 13694490802.jpg?spoiler - (43.36KB , 500x333 , totally not a penis.jpg?spoiler )
You realize the irony of using that image in a dick-less scenario, right?
>> No. 378450
Is it just me or is tooth perpetually horny?

Also all redheads.
>> No. 378451
I did. I got a dick from it but it didn't go so well.


Also things are 8000% sexier when they come from people you actually know, js.
>> No. 378455
it's part of my SPD, i have mostly what they call "covert features" which includes obsessing over sex and intimacy. i know it's really annoying and obnoxious, please bare with me here. i'm not a redhead any more
>> No. 378459
tooth is it bad I was kinda envious of your date

I want to date someone with a dick but not necessarily use it in any way

I'm sorry

>> No. 378460
>i'm not a redhead any more

fine then, not redhead, still redcooch.
>> No. 378461
It certainly wasn't a date but nah man, that's cool. Different strokes for different folks.

1. The hair on your head rarely matches your public hair. Your pubes match your eyebrows much more closely.
2. Pubes are almost never any colour but brown or black, regardless of natural hair colour.
3. I was never a natural redhead. Lo siento.
>> No. 378466
>public hair

It's funny because usually the typo goes the other way around.
>> No. 378469
File 136945278352.jpg - (33.02KB , 640x480 , 148008682_640.jpg )
>I was never a natural redhead
well i guess that's that
>> No. 378481
File 136945500442.jpg - (21.75KB , 170x225 , 1259723684300.jpg )
>i'm not a redhead any more
>> No. 378486
File 136945650934.png - (323.72KB , 606x346 , slowpokeanddisappointment.png )
>i'm not a redhead any more
>> No. 378487
I didn't realise my red hair was so beloved. I look better with black. Shit, I look better with green.
>> No. 378490
>I look better with black


Not really, your skin tone is too warm.
>> No. 378491
>implying warm skin tones look bad with dark hair
>implying i have warm skin tones

lel no
>> No. 378492
File 136946090458.png - (192.90KB , 292x294 , cersei remains in disgust.png )
>i'm not a redhead any more
>> No. 378493
dicks and fake gingers.
>> No. 378495
It looked gorge, toof.
>> No. 378496
While we're on confession weekend, I find young William Shatner and young Bruce Campbell ridiculously good looking. Apparently this is weird because I brought this up to someone and received a blank look and dead silence.

Gotcha. I just wanna snuggle with a big bearish dude now. I don't mind sex being a long way off.
>> No. 378499
I'm just reminded of this comic right here
>> No. 378501
Huh. This is kinda nice.
>> No. 378503
>implying warm skin tones look bad with dark hair
They do. Black looks good with pale skin tones or outright brown.

May I post your pic from tumblr?
>> No. 378505
File 13694883459.jpg - (6.30KB , 200x252 , kirk.jpg )
>While we're on confession weekend, I find young William Shatner and young Bruce Campbell ridiculously good looking. Apparently this is weird because I brought this up to someone and received a blank look and dead silence.

No, that person is weird. Shatner was handsome.
>> No. 378506
He still is in his fucking 80s.

Brucy is no slouch either.
>> No. 378507
My anus is bearvolving. You could have prevented it.

>> No. 378509
I am unbelievably horny.
>> No. 378513

how horny are you
>> No. 378514
You can if you really want, but I definitely have a cool skin tone. Protip, the easiest way to tell is by looking at your veins. If they are greenish-blue, you're warm, if they are pure blue or purple, you're cool toned. Mine are blue. I also suit jewel colours and black clothes over earthy shades, and look best in blue-toned red lipstick (which is the lipstick in that picture). I like my black hair more than my red. /shrug
>> No. 378515
0.8 tooths
>> No. 378516
That's pretty horny. You're reaching maximum levels there.
>> No. 378517
File 136950323990.png - (3.08MB , 2063x929 , tumblr_lkhe2xQjR31qcrvseo1_1280.png )
OK here, one sextillion hours in paint.
I guess you could pull it off simply on account of being able to pull off anything with your face shape, at the same time, red would suit you far better than black.
>> No. 378518
File 136950379881.gif - (289.25KB , 300x162 , death by snoo snoo.gif )
oh sweet mercifu-
whatever happens, if you have to die from this, go out with a bang
>> No. 378520
File 136950461067.jpg - (29.61KB , 296x288 , 1339637148852.jpg )
I used to look so youthful. The years have not been kind to me.
>> No. 378521
>fishing for compliment
>> No. 378522
File 136950618382.jpg - (15.77KB , 280x227 , sleep paralysis.jpg )
I had the strangest nightmare last night. It was about nightmares.

I was repeating a scenario which always led to a terrible destruction. The scenario was always had the same result and events, but it took place in different settings with different characters.

I can only vaguely recall it. One was in a glitchy sonic game with Sonic half clipping through some giant metal fans and getting stuck. One was in a mansion turned old office building that turned into a medieval manor if you went inside. One was in a neighborhood at the beach with an active volcano as meteors slowly fell to earth. And a few others I can't recall clearly, but I'm pretty sure one was in a large kitchen made from polished copper.

At the end of each setting, I realized I was dreaming and tried to wake up, but each time I "woke" into a new setting tortured to live out the scenario over and over. One instance I''m pretty sure I did wake up, but I had sleep paralysis and couldn't do anything but fall back asleep. I imagine that's what my hell would be like.
>> No. 378524
Sorry, I left some details out.

Any attempt to change the result of the dream was met with people dismissing me and my warnings or concerns. Some even mocking me for trying to change or escape from fate.
>> No. 378525
lmao i don't need to fish to get compliments, anon. nice try though.
>> No. 378528
He's in his fucking 80s?
Jesus Christ, I thought Bob Barker aged well.
>> No. 378531
Time makes fools of us all.
>> No. 378534
as long as i've known her, she's been pretty real about her self-evaluation and she doesn't need anyone else to tell her how she should feel about herself.
>> No. 378535
File 13695174081.gif - (0.97MB , 500x390 , tumblr_mmg5uj6fVt1qmvy8zo1_500.gif )

Maturation is a natural part of all life, it shouldn't be reviled but embraced.
>> No. 378548
>> No. 378588
I had a dream last night.

>an old female friend has invited me over to her country
>she casually makes a move onto me
>we cuddle and kiss
>we are cool with it
>then some guy who lives with her comes in, starts to cry and shuts himself in his own room
>a second guy comes in, he looks pretty pathetic
>while my female friend is doing something, he shows me a box
>in that box are photos from my female friend getting jizzed on, fucking other guys, being a general slut
>that guy tells me she posts that shit on a blog named freak vampires with some twist or something
>somehow fermale friend disappears and the pictures get stolen by a nigger
>i chase him down to some office complex which kinda looks like a yard sale
>for the remaining dreamtime I collect the fucking pictures so my female friend doesn't have to live through the shame and humilation

That was one weird dream. Freaked me out.
>> No. 378630
p standard really

wanting to feel sexually desirable
wanting to feel like other men dont measure up
hero complex
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