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File 136565912852.png - (350.91KB , 2465x1667 , meme_faces_by_nyrow-d4xmo9u[1].png )
376109 No. 376109
/baw/, at what point does a meme become impossible to tolerate? I would say it's after it goes down a few stages of the trickle effect. So long as it never goes down too many tiers, I think length of time is actually unrelated.
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>> No. 376110
When your mom sends it to you in an e-mail/facebook post is an absolute line.

Before that is iffy.
>> No. 376111
2 or 3 days after creation. That's usually when all the good derivation of the meme are all made, and now you see late sperglord copy pasting half of it in unrelated media and claim creating it.
>> No. 376112
Once it stops being an in-joke and starts being a meme. A meme is by definition impossible to tolerate.
>> No. 376113
When people start using them as jokes outside of the context that makes them funny.
>> No. 376114
Trickle effect?
>> No. 376119

This right here is what I agree with.
>> No. 376121
When websites like KYM explain the origin and meaning behind the meme. Or alternatively, when the joke has NSFW origins but gets censored. Or when it ends up on the news in a "look what today's generation of kids are into! so wacky!" way.
>> No. 376125
First it's part of a joke, then it's a component in a string of similar jokes, then it's something that's slapped onto a bunch of unfunny things because people think it's funny by itself, and finally it becomes disliked due to being associated with unfunny things.
>> No. 376126
It's an internet theory. It posits that memes start out on funny websites like Cracked, 4chan, Something Awful, or what have you, then moves down further and further, passing through places like Reddit or whatever, then finally to Facebook and public TV.
>> No. 376128
Essentially this, for me.
I find that once a joke achieves the status of "meme," it's already been repeated and abused to the extent that it has over-stayed its welcome.
>> No. 376129
These are not even memes at this point, they are pretty much characters. Reddit doesn't seem to know the meaning of "meme." Nothing gets me more irrationally angry than when people calling greentexting "memearrows" and assuming the poster is reddit scum.

Once a joke exits it homeland it's no longer funny to anyone except those who co-opt it and run it out even further. But honestly the joke probably wasn't even funny in the first place. Now that it's not YOUR PERSONAL unfunny joke anymore you can see it for what it really is.
>> No. 376130

Also, I think memes in general have stopped being funny to me because so many of them are really the same overarching meme, but focusing on something different.
>> No. 376131

Also, I think memes in general have stopped being funny to me because so many of them are really the same overarching meme, but focusing on something different.
>> No. 376132
File 136570586330.gif - (391.90KB , 470x320 , slowpokeandlaughter.gif )
>mfw so new he doesn't even know what memearrows are
>> No. 376133
I had an odd moment watching Giant Bomb play Guacamelee. I saw a sign that said "me Gusta" and has the face, and went "ugh really are we actually going there?" But then when Patrick said it was a "Reddit reference" I found myself getting super indignant and I had NO IDEA WHY.
>> No. 376134
Probably when your friends begin to repeat them at nauseam.
At the outside.
In the middle of a conversation.
Also >>376113
>> No. 376147

ANIMEME 18 - I WILL END IT ALLyoutube thumb
>> No. 376148
File 136572836730.png - (118.92KB , 250x250 , 1362103890221.png )
What...What the fuck is this?

Oh god. Oh my god.
>> No. 376159
When it's removed from it's original context and just becomes something that is spammed mindlessly with no actual joke or humor.
>> No. 376163
>at what point does a meme become impossible to tolerate?
When it's repeated at least 2 months later by someone who thinks its just the God damned funniest thing ever. When it starts being a joke because it's a meme, and not because it was actually clever or funny at one point.
>> No. 376164
File 136577378288.png - (186.98KB , 1484x423 , who were they quoting.png )
I agree with this. I feel weird when my friends use memes in real life because it feels so out of place it's even worse when someone tries to describe an image macro to you and then proceeds to explain why it's supposed to be funny, especially when they start out with "so I saw this meme the other day".
>> No. 376165
must... not... start crying in despair for humanity.
>> No. 376166
Just using "lol" in everyday conversation is already grinding my gears. I'm simply not made for today's society.
>> No. 376168
The worst part is that I am, and during high school kids were doing that all over the place.

I had an old theater teach that spouted memes all over the place because she thought she was hip with the kids. She turned out to be psychotic. And all my friends were doing it too to a lesser extent, but I had to deal with it to remain social.
>> No. 376169
meant to quote
>> No. 376170
File 136578120143.jpg - (108.79KB , 400x400 , rf anime gurl sees what you did.jpg )
The problem with memes is that all the 12 year olds on the web will try to use them either in an attempt to be funny, or become "popular" (somehow).

And, since now there are a LOT of 12 year olds........ well, you can probably see where I am going with this.
>> No. 376177
>That pic
That's a frightening sight.

Some friends of mine just use it in a very unconscious way, and it just got assimilated into their language.

Also, I hate when my friends refer to image macros as memes.
Specially since they just catch them via 9gag, and according to some of them, it's better to "get" memes from there than going into their original sources. I don't know either.
>> No. 376178
There is a bigger problem within this though. Lack of future creativity.
It's just copied and repeated over and over again. They want an instant positive response without taking the risk doing something new. Also laziness, that too.
So young new anons see this and continue this trend. So on and so on.
>> No. 376180
As though that's not how it's been throughout history!

...also: as though creativity is anything more than remixing things you've seen before in the first place!
>> No. 376188

>>...also: as though creativity is anything more than remixing things you've seen before in the first place!

You're...kinda right about that. I don't believe that's 100% true though.

I will admit that my feelings expressed in my previous post are probably most likely unfounded. >>376180

>>As though that's not how it's been throughout history!
I'll need some examples. Also, I don't know what your referring too.

>>...also: as though creativity is anything more than remixing things you've seen before in the first place!

You're...kinda right about that. I don't believe that's 100% true though.

I will admit that my feelings expressed in my previous post are probably most likely unfounded.

Polite sage for going off topic
>> No. 376195
For examples, go back to things like "Where's the Beef" or "I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!" Even further back, William Randolf Hearst was a master of using memes to influence policy, and more or less started the Spanish-American War with his "Remember the Maine, To Hell With Spain!" Pithy and quotable catchphrases / slogans, whether comedic or ideological, have always been part of culture, for as long as there have been widespread societies for them to flourish in. And before the advent of television, were the most reliable and omnipresent form of communication in general.

Pop music is in and of itself basically the same thing as a meme--a relatively short, collected ideoplex that is easily shared and spread virally across a large population, where fidelity to the original meme is important, but occasionally ignored in favor of personalized variations to either improve upon, comment upon, or compliment the original. Weird Al Yankovic's entire career is more or less taking other people's memes and making them sillier.
>> No. 376197
I think that's how advertising actually started, or at least, got big. I remember something from one of my psych classes about Watson and how he was fired for the experiment where he conditioned Little Albert to be afraid of a white rat, and he was immediately hired by Chock-Full-Of-Nuts. He created coffee breaks to increase the sale of coffee.
>> No. 376199
File 136581643740.jpg - (116.83KB , 1041x789 , Dog FFFFF.jpg )
When Reddit or Tumblr gets its hands on a meme, nine out of ten it gets run into the ground within twenty four hours.

Rage comics were perfectly fine until Reddit got its shit stained fingers on it. Look at it now.

Look at this, this is how it used to be. Four panels, rage as the punchline.
>> No. 376204
Around the time you had "Home Rule is Rome Rule" which still was still getting milage a hundred years later.
>> No. 376205

>When Reddit or Tumblr gets its hands on a meme, nine out of ten it gets run into the ground within twenty four hours.

That's on 4chan too.
>> No. 376211
At the very least 4chan tends to stick to the main point of the humor. Usually petering out when the joke runs its course while everyone else is still using it for all sorts of tragically humorless nonjokes. Using the meme as an excuse for self referential humor in place of actual wit or clever observation.

So called rage comics these days are less:
And more
>Oh look at all these faces you've seen before. They tell a story that's not even really mildly amusing, but the faces are funny because they're the rage faces.
>> No. 376212
>> No. 376213
Plus, any joke formula. "How many X does it take to screw in a lightbulb," "An X, a Y, and a Z walk into a bar..." "What do you get when you cross an X with a Y," "That's what she said," "Your mom..." they're all essentially the same sort of thing as meme formulas.
>> No. 376434
I realized as a result of this thread that there are really only a few types of jokes, and most of them are derivative of each other.
>> No. 376435
even if this is true (which it is, just like there are limited number of story archetypes) that doesn't mean they aren't still funny
it's how one builds up the tension or surprise that makes it work, not what category it fits under.
>> No. 376486
The thing is that 4chan has no reward for posting something mildly funny. If you start a thread that births a meme people will respond until the thread reaches bump limit our dies, if it's really funny maybe a second thread will be made. Etc. But once its not funny anymore most people move on to something else. Obviously the meme doesn't disappear but it's less present.

But on reddit and tumblr you get karma and reposts and stuff like that, so people post less because the meme is funny but because they want points.
>> No. 376567
Precisely. And that's why I don't take part in those, because they often turn into circle jerks where those with the highest karma rating are the elite everyone else fawns over. I've seen this plenty of times on forums and other sites even without some sort of rating system.

Even though I'm a tripfag, I respect and admire Anon, and like the chans because if someone is a Big Deal, as in other posters talk about them in a positive light when they're not around, it's usually because they've properly earned it (perhaps by contributing often, or having a unique talent they freely share), and they can easily go away or be replaced.

After spending years on chans I have a really hard time on traditional forums, where the posts are usually very messy with mastubatory bullshit like giant avatars, signatures, and a ton of other useless information better relegated to a profile.
>> No. 376584
The thing that bothers me most about memes is when some friends find out about one that I've known for months or years, and am no longer able to find much if any humor in. Usually just annoyance because of overexposure. I feel like kind of a dick for not laughing with them when it gets brought up or referenced, but it'd feel disingenuous to laugh at something I don't like. Plus I'd want them to stop referencing it around me, and the more often I laugh with them about it the more often they'd reference it. It just feels bad not to laugh when someone is trying to be funny though. Always seems like a no-win situation.

I also wonder how often 4chan is actually the originator of the memes it takes credit for starting. It wouldn't surprise me if the source material is often taken from somewhere else, and is just able to spread faster on 4chan than on other sites. It'd certainly make a lot of the Reddit hate kind of hypocritical.

>After spending years on chans I have a really hard time on traditional forums, where the posts are usually very messy with mastubatory bullshit

Same here. It's also part of why I don't like social networking sites, the conversations on them are by design supposed to be about the people and their day to day lives. That's a fine topic once in a while, but I can't stand the whole "Look at me! Me me me me me!" attitude that seems to permeate most of them. That's one thing I like about forums, that the conversations are divided by subject rather than who you're talking with. Not like that stops things from becoming a popularity contest, but still.
>> No. 376599
File 136675603811.jpg - (15.63KB , 451x263 , Hrmm.jpg )
Speaking of faces, would anyone have the original comic for this? It was a TF2 thing and bees burst out of the wall.

That's a very interesting point actually. On 4chan, old memes are, mostly to my knowledge, still tolerated or even liked because they have cooldown times. Pops up, lasts a few threads, then dies and sleeps until someone finds it on ED or Know Your Meme.
>> No. 376665
Can anyone explain that annoying REMOVE KEBAB meme to me?
>> No. 376667
This video: Remove kebab from the premisesyoutube thumb

It's just some bizarre word salady rant about Turks set to a jaunty accordion tune. Probably a joke but might not be. Very strange in any case.
>> No. 376668
Turks are all over Europe, they're stereotypically associated with criminal activities, sort of like the Mexicans and the US. Europeans are getting tired of them. Kebabs are a Turkish food.
>> No. 376669
Duuno, I associate Turks more with kebab shops, unemployment and sometime agressivity than actual crime. Romania and East Europe have a way bigger reputation of criminals than Turks there. Organized, cultural crime at that.
>> No. 376670
I agree, but they're quite often all thrown in the same basket. Turks are usually either considered eastern Europeans or Arabs. Either way they aren't really appreciated.
>> No. 376850
I never really use memes even when I hear them.

That's not technically true, better to say I don't use them outside of context, or more often I'll use part of them to describe something where the meme is a... better word for what I'm describing.

I recall a TED talk or something where the speaker postulated that lolspeak, or whatever you want to call that adaption of text into shorthand code, is literally remaking the english language to mesh better with this environment. Like, could you imagine a world without "tl;dr" anymore?
>> No. 376908
>Either way they aren't really appreciated.


Here in Germany there are still a tiny minority, but because they flock to the big cities or cities with supposedly high education they literally trash up the place. Hell, once a full moon you meet a broturk, but that's rare.

I went with them to school, I saw them trashing the neighbourhood, I see them at the jobcenter, I see them stealing bikes, I see them selling the bikes on flea markets (where I live those flea markets where canceled because of that ), they advertise a false sense if religious behavior, they are hypocrites and kinda homophobic with being homoerotic themselves, they mistake aggression and favor to violence for passion, they only act out their culture out of spite or when they seem weak. Hell, they made me rage so often I got prejudiced against them.

Hell, even the fucking women are shit. They smack their daughters and let the boys rage and destroy everything in the super market. Then they act like they don't understand german. In classrooms the women piss on the non-arabic/turkish women for dressing like "sluts" (not wearing headcloth or wearing pants).

And it gets worse the more the hide themselves in their secluded areas. If they grow up in non turkish-only they turn out like everybody else here. Fuck, even the media sucks ass in that regard. They actually showed a poor german family with low education and pinned them against a highly educated second generation turkish family and twisted everything in the favor of the turks. It was so cringeworthy.
>> No. 376927
> In classrooms the women piss on the non-arabic/turkish women for dressing like "sluts" (not wearing headcloth or wearing pants).
Yeah I see women in veils (even a couple full body ones) around my uni all the time and it's really fucking creepy. You can practically hear them judging you whenever they look at you.
>> No. 376928
Sounds paranoid.
>> No. 376932
It's not paranoid if they often do so vocally, as you'd know they do if you've ever been to a Uni with a lot of their types running around.
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