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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 136357809579.jpg - (39.21KB , 576x432 , 1356957480337.jpg )
375147 No. 375147
What kind of website is this, amway?
29 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 375286
I think I have pictures of your feet somewhere.
>> No. 375298
no one peeps like dave's cunt
no one skeeves like dave's cunt
no one saves lots of pics and then creeps like dave's cunt
he's especially good at his understating
oh what a troll that dave's cunt
>> No. 375419
I wonder if I was a troll. I wonder if I am a troll.
>> No. 375481
you're really not, tho
>> No. 375491
holy christ dave
>> No. 375514
File 136431570285.png - (143.34KB , 290x290 , 1356677257008.png )
Hey there.
>> No. 375518
i didn't even know i missed you until i saw you again
hey babe hey
>> No. 375556
>All of the old /co/ people

I miss old /co/
>> No. 375560
I'm not an old /co/ person. I was on old /co/, but I was pretty much entirely a lurker, and I'm still debating on whether or not to namefag. But I like pretty much all you guys.
>> No. 375571
File 136447813743.gif - (1.14MB , 250x167 , 1356281257301.gif )
Take it from me, never name or trip. It ruins everything. ALSO, the climate is totally wrong for it, now. Here or on 4chan.

This GIF may or may not be a metaphor. You be the judge.
>> No. 375572

Here is fine.

4chan, on the other hand, is made up of "ANON IS LEGION" newfriends.
>> No. 375574
No, I specifically meant that there isn't a lot of elbow room. To be a tripfag you have to be an egomaniac, and that's hard to do when there are so many egomaniacs running around. If you think you can be a star, then try it out!

Then you have the problem of repeating patterns. I stopped tripping because I couldn't handle familiarity. So many people that I knew/were aware of. Everywhere I went. I couldn't say/do anything without thinking "gosh, I sure hope nobody I know sees this," and I couldn't force that thought away with the mantra "I DON'T CARE WHAT THESE ASSHOLES THINK," which was how I forced myself to hit submit for nearly two years.

I'm off-and-on tripping right now, on 4changle, because I want to feel like a person again*, which I've been suppressing for a while. I don't like the way it "feels," however.

*Also, some of the trips I was morally opposed to have dropped out of the game/been replaced.
>> No. 377032
i found my /b/ folder from 2005 (computer died in 2004) to 2009.

prepare yourself for the ultimate thrill ride, cockfaggots.

(when i get home that is)
>> No. 377033
I don't remember you, but I missed you nonetheless. You stink of old and turmeric.
>> No. 377061
File 136746014090.jpg - (20.75KB , 800x450 , Amway.jpg )

Really, nobody else is going to touch that? Well, Amway is thatta way, man!

>TFW I'm not enough of an oldfag to remember this guy and he seems like a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything. ;_;
>> No. 377268
File 136772672376.jpg - (32.71KB , 565x600 , if i see that damn squirrel poorly shopped.jpg )
>> No. 377269
File 136772675646.jpg - (51.27KB , 565x600 , if i see that fucking ring.jpg )
>> No. 377270
File 136772680188.jpg - (63.70KB , 565x600 , if i see that damn pyramid head___.jpg )
i've got way too many of these
i can't even remember which i made
>> No. 377271
File 136772683061.jpg - (86.27KB , 567x602 , if i see that damn uhhh ok.jpg )
>> No. 377272
File 136772686857.jpg - (29.07KB , 565x600 , ifiseethatdamncat.jpg )
a few more
>> No. 377273
File 136772691776.jpg - (50.14KB , 565x600 , ifiseethat.jpg )
original content
doon hawts teal
>> No. 377274
File 136772699994.gif - (259.66KB , 320x240 , kekekekeke.gif )
this thread is the only harbl worth mentioning on this site. everything else is far to serious.
>> No. 377281
File 13677339594.jpg - (19.68KB , 320x240 , yaranaika xenon.jpg )
ah. i remember this. xenon was requesting things to draw.
i asked him to do this one.
>> No. 377282
File 136773497543.jpg - (15.59KB , 180x200 , get ready for the ultimate thrill ride.jpg )
i've been meaning to find a better version of this image. if google can help me do it after i upload it here, i will share with the whole class.
>> No. 377299
its a circlejerk
>> No. 377303
File 136776760013.gif - (386.35KB , 448x280 , this thread.gif )
you're really perceptive.
>> No. 377366
is that from a seanbaby article?
>> No. 377433
you are wise and ancient for a baby.
i'm so glad we are frandz.
>> No. 377680

nice dubs bro
>> No. 377684
that's just how comrade and i roll
>> No. 377695
my boye
>> No. 377698
File 136843069262.jpg - (68.20KB , 640x569 , super freakin car.jpg )
everyday is repost day.
>> No. 377709
File 136845035730.jpg - (45.71KB , 500x500 , iron man medicine.jpg )
classic /co/
does anyone know who made this?
>> No. 377806
File 136860153970.jpg - (62.33KB , 238x230 , stickit.jpg )
>> No. 377807
File 136860168632.jpg - (14.04KB , 320x240 , EMAGENCY.jpg )
you're welcome.
>> No. 377904

>> No. 377906
Just re-read this thread and saw >>375286
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah post em

sup bro
>> No. 377922
I am nowhere near my computer and, as such, cannot post your feet; I am in California, living (staying?) with my girlfriend, while some kindly, old family-style persons watch my bed, computer and clothes. Which are all probably fine. Everything is fine.

I assure you that was entirely intentional.
>> No. 377923

please don't. men feet make me weirdly uncomfortable. i'd rather watch babies being born.
>> No. 377931
dave where is the nicky comic
>> No. 377939
I paid for the pages. Coelasquid drew some or all of them. Or two. Maybe more It's been a while.

Anyway, life got in the way, and whereas I have no life, Squid did and it prevented her from holding up her end, and I don't begrudge her that. I'm not, obviously, a people-person, so when someone sends me an email that says, paraphrasingly: "We're probably done; nothing is going to come of this," and I'm out some amount of money, but it's not enough to really bother me.. All I can do is shrug and say "oh well!"

I'll tell you this much: You will get nowhere asking me. Ask The Dude Von Doom or Coelasquid--- Only don't bother her, it was never her war to fight. She was just bought and sold like a pencil with legs and teeth, in this transaction of comic book love.

The next few replies, I hope, will devolve into my spilling the beans on literally everything Nicky-related because the book is never happening. I can spoil THE WHOLE ending.
>> No. 377942

thats a shame. are you guys still cool?
>> No. 377950
File 136882658249.png - (69.20KB , 205x369 , 1368822685760.png )
Oh yeah, no, we're fine. For like 8 months we did nothing but swap ideas for stories and characters and flesh them out. Had a whole legendarium or whatever that is. That sort of thing. We had this whole arc planned, and were starting on the second arc, but it was really sort of a rough outline. And we were fine.

When it came time to have the stuff drawn, the momentum slowed down. Then it kept slowing down. We don't talk, like regularly (because I am a luddite and won't get social media anything) but if I send him an email, he sends me on right back.

I had a conversation with him about whoever that was, some artist, apparently drawing a comic of /co/creations, and that was when he was like "this probably isn't happening," and it doesn't bother me so much. I'm actually in California, a tit's shit from where he lives. Maybe an hour and a half by car? If I wanted to, I could go see him again, see what's up, try and have a friendly face-to-face, and I have no doubt he would welcome me and feed me. There isn't a hint of animosity, but all the creative shit we did, to have it fizzle has left a bad taste in my mouth. Not to either of them, but just generally. I'm easy to sour, I guess, and though I know he's there and is an email or phone call away, I don't feel like I need to pound his door down or anything. It's just how it be, it do.

So as usual, the best way to describe my feelings now and for the foreseeable future is "just kinda sad apathy and depression." OH NO.
>> No. 378147
Dave...is it really you...?
>> No. 378161
Yes, but don't tell anybody.

Also, different trip for a different time.
>> No. 378188

I promise not to tell.

I still fear the parking lot, after all.
>> No. 378302
this is the best post in this thread
>> No. 379661
File 137087410260.png - (241.06KB , 1474x1138 , speedlines.png )
by way of >>377950

Oh great, just when I resign myself to never seeing/thinking about this, again...
>> No. 381901
File 137423552311.jpg - (359.14KB , 923x1036 , 1368828708768.jpg )
Can you teach a hammer to love nails?

This is vitally important to my current mental stake.
>> No. 385312
Also a cry for help:
I haven't seen Dasheer online since February. I'm worried IRL.
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