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File 135950643233.jpg - (466.15KB , 1159x818 , 4chan - co ~ 45448846 - roguevsryoko.jpg )
374196 No. 374196


(Don’t worry, just made the title to go with the pic. Not tryin’ to start shit here.)
317 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 374917
You're either past the point of giving a fuck, or are coping with the fact that your problems are beyond your control.
>> No. 374920
File 136108567128.jpg - (86.71KB , 1057x842 , 1356160476843.jpg )
>> No. 374922
i chuckled.
>> No. 374923
hit greens or beat reds entire way home.
sped a bit on freeway and someone else ahead of me gets pulled over by seeeeecret highway patrol.

>> No. 374925
holy shit a blue yoshi!
>> No. 374930
Goddamn our weather is being weird, I'm looking at a Spider web in a winter storm.
>> No. 374933
That... makes alot of sense, yeah.
>> No. 374935
It seems that for places that have high turnover rates and shady labor relations, they always change who is in charge of middle management.

makes it hard to put a face on who is fault.
>> No. 374936
It seems that for places that have high turnover rates and shady labor relations, they always change who is in charge of middle management.

makes it hard to put a face on who is fault.
>> No. 374938
Youtube I wouldn't mind how god damn slow you've been if I could start loading a video and then come back to it, but buffering doesn't allow me to do that.

And the new layout still sucks.

Get your shit together, Youtube.
>> No. 374939
File 136114523696.jpg - (16.99KB , 400x343 , 1255566841625.jpg )
>you will never experience July of '08 again.
>> No. 374945
Big chance it's a good thing. July has been a cursed month for a while for me, I think.
>> No. 374946
Every year it sneaks up on me and leaves me a year older.
Fucking July.
>> No. 374949
when i was a child, no older than three, my mom and older brother locked themselves out of our house. they were but seconds out the door when it closed behind them. i had been following along when it happened. i don't remember all the details but i remember waiting on the inside, too small to reach the door handle with my mom telling me not to be scared and to go get a chair so that i could reach the door.

i was scared. i was too scared to leave them. i was too scared to venture off and get something to stand on so i could open the door and let them in. i just stood there waiting. crying. i have no idea how long it took before my dad would come home and let them back in. no matter how long, it felt like years.

i'm still a lot like that child. even if it's a good investment, i can't bring myself to leave the people i love in order to help myself or help them, and when i have tried... when i have gone off to do more than be there with them... i've lost people.

i hate it.

i hate it so much.

i hate being alone.
>> No. 374953
>>me: "hey dad I'm agnostic and I might be bisexual"
>>dad: "no you're not you're going to date a nice religious person of the opposite sex, I'll find one for you"
>>me: "what if I don't want that"
>>dad: "well you're not dating a black muslim they're all terrorists HA HA HA"

dad seriously I wish I could throttle you
>> No. 374955
This reminds me of my Pastor father referring to "fags" a few weeks ago. (I'm agnostic bordering atheist, though I haven't straight-away said that to my parents. I'd be heavily surprised if they didn't know, though.)
>> No. 374964
I'm glad I have parents that don't give a shit one way or the other. Grandparents, though, that's a different story...
>> No. 374968
Does it suddenly NOT become acceptable to wear sneakers all the time once you hit 18? I've never heard of that.
>> No. 374969
So God Made a Bankeryoutube thumb

ahahahahaha game over Republicans, no bonus round
>> No. 374970

No. Stop talking with morons.
>> No. 374972
seriously, sneakers are part of a well balanced wardrobe.
fuck anyone who says otherwise.
>> No. 374973
Depends on where you work. A banker or businessman wouldn't wear sneakers to work, but an ER doctor would. Some of my teachers have, depending on the dress code.

I just don't understand "no, you're not" as a response. I figured it'd be difficult, and they might not be happy, but...
>> No. 374974
this is probably a good thing. i can focus my energies on people that won't ruin my life.
closest thing i've had was some really intimate dancing with a mutual crush who's also dating someone. i needed a cigarette after that.
i'm dying
in before "you think you got it bad... well let me tell you about my _____ years of virginity"
>> No. 374977
who gives a fuck about virginity, keeping friendships would be a decent change of pace, I guess
>> No. 374978
them's some real talk feels, bro.
you have my sympathies.
>> No. 374981
Things are going pretty well for me. There's a nice girl I'm 90% sure is crushing on me, I've finally started to meet people and make new friends, and I'm keeping up with schoolwork (most of which I actually find interesting enough to enjoy doing). Things are really starting to come up my way.

I know none of you care. I just thought a SYM thread should have a happy post for once. We need more of those.
>> No. 374982
we care. we don't always respond, but we care.
>> No. 374984
They'll tell you when they don't care, is the thing.
>> No. 374986
But seriously, sneakers should only be worn with athletics. Always-Sneakers guy is one step away from Always-Sandal guy. It's a slippery slope to sandals and socks monster.

Please if anything make them nice sneakers.
>> No. 374987
i think you can get away with designer sneakers/high tops if you're going for the EDM/urban/music scene appeal. it's not just athletics, but it has its place(s).

converse style sneakers for example aren't for fashionistas, but they're far from disallowed when worn with suitable casual apparel.

where you cross the line into what the fuck are you thinking is sneakers + business or formal wear... ugh. discussed first here >>374973
i've broken that rule a couple times and regretted it. never again. never again.
>> No. 374988
I never understand the hate of sandals+socks. Yeah, it looks kind of weird, but I get the fresh air and expansion room for swelling feet offered by sandals while at the same time I don't have to deal with itching by tall grass or such and can wear sandals is slightly cooler temps.

This is especially useful for folks like me who have XW feet. You either search forever for a shoe in the right size, but XW, or you just wear sandals with socks.

Functionality > Form
>> No. 374989
also i'm wearing a sweater vest again today, pablo. a sweater vest because i'm the sweater best. beep beep.
>> No. 374990

>Skinny jeans
>Light blue sports jacket
>Green polo
>Orange tie
>New Balance sneaks

Females of +4, how wet are you? Males of +4, how hard are you?
>> No. 374991
i had to delete a very rude and judgmental post and restrict myself to saying the following:
if that's how you want to present yourself, that's entirely up to you, but there are plenty of breathable shoes (athletic, dress, casual, you name it) that don't look like a heinous crime against sandals.
unless you have a torrential storm forming between your toes, i suggest you do some homework and see what you can do to better express yourself through your apparel, unless you don't care, and that's the statement you want to make.

just saying. it's a big deal for me. maybe it isn't for you.
>> No. 374992
>pair of black hi-tops
>dress pants
>button up shirt w/ sleeves rolled up
>flat cap
idc how against the rules it is, I look fabulous without looking like I'm trying to look fabulous
>> No. 374993
File 136123946578.png - (126.84KB , 320x240 , but why.png )
see image
not that cutting off the mullet would protect you from your inability to complement colors. did your color photoreceptors die in a freak accident?
>> No. 374994
Nah; fashion has never been on my radar. I just don't want to take the time to actually care and work towards being "properly dressed", especially since A) I don't care (or, at least, try not to care) what anyone thinks of how I dress, and B) I'm rarely outside my home or (mall-friendly dress code) office, and even when I am I am *never* with anyone else.

Maybe if I had friends, and those friends were concerned about fashion, I'd put more effort into how I look to make them more at ease. (More likely, they'd introduce me to the ideas of fashion and I'd likely integrate to some extent.)

But I don't! So I play TF2, eat at Taco Bell, and wear socks with sandals when it suits me.

(If you don't want to wear it yourself, that's cool; if you don't like how it looks on anyone, I can sort of understand. I've nothing against those who choose to never wear such things.)
>> No. 374995
He meant the fish, not the hairstyle. He keeps one in his pocket.
>> No. 374997
I think it's mostly about making you feel snazzy, not necessarily impressing other people, unless you're going for a job interview or something.
>> No. 374998
>paint stained sweatpants
>plain gray shirt
>haven't shaved in almost a week

Step up your game brah.
>> No. 375002
confidence man. what makes you shine. that's why i'm hesitant to even discuss fashion when it's really true expression that's the most beautiful.
if it happens that you can express yourself through the medium of fashion (as opposed to just personal style) that's even more power to you, because people dig someone who's on the pulse.

if you're only wearing dregs because it's easy and not because those clothes really express yourself, you're missing out on a whole way to speak to people. i always say that every ocean has a shore and most pools have a shallow end. don't expect people to treat you well because of who you are when all they know at the moment s what they see/sense.
>> No. 375004
>wear socks with sandals

A grisly death is in your future.
>> No. 375008
you said it, not me, mindwipe-kun~
>> No. 375012
I'm going to die alone and in debt anyway, there's no reason for me to care.
>> No. 375013
I'm kind of glad that my only con all year is NYCC, because I've heard of shit going down between two different, unrelated cons at the same place in other states, sexual assault, fistfights, STD's, what have you, and I don't want to be anywhere near that.

The worst I've seen at NYCC is a group of Homestucks (and a couple other fandoms) spending the entirety of con just hanging out and talking in one corner of the convention hall. Which is dumb and a waste of money, but harmless.
>> No. 375014
do you have any idea how much people like you? just saying. if you were invested in yourself half as much as people here have been for years... i dunno moose. i dunno.

fix your wardrobe.
>> No. 375016
Sandals+socks means sock smell outside of your shoes. If you're going to wear sandals go sockless, and if you have to do athletics in sandals make sure the bindings are thick and strong.

I find that if you're angling for white collar jobs, most times you can get away with an austere pair of all-black sneakers. There are several outlets and companies from which you can find all-black sneakers for things like food service work. They're more comfortable, more versatile, and if you dress nicely enough above the waist then people usually don't notice. Save dress shoes for the dress suit, y'know?

But it can impress people, even outside of a job interview. All that carefully built confidence can come crashing down if you're overdressed for the occasion. But just the right amount can add a little extra oomph to your presence.
>> No. 375017
i just want to let you know that the only way to be overdressed for something is to wear a tux or a costume.

you can always wear a suit.
>> No. 375019
>There's a nice girl I'm 90% sure is crushing on me
hahaha dont you just hate that
>> No. 375062
Beep Boop.
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