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367314 No. 367314
Right now in class, we're reading "The Godfather", and being it's one of the many movies I've never managed to see/I haven't read the book, I'm going into this almost completely blind for the first time (barring the two scenes that have been parodied to death). I like it so far. (Didn't realize the first sex scene would be so early on, though. That was a bit of a shock.)

I'm hoping to get back to the two novels I'm reading on my spare time once we're done, being Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" and John Patrick Lowrie's "Dancing With Eternity". Anything Neil Gaiman writes is pure gold, and I like how it's an extension of the "Crossover Of The Gods" idea he explored in one of the "Sandman" stories (Volume 4 of the trade paperbacks, I believe).

I admit to reading Mr. Lowrie's book originally because "oh my god, the guy who plays Sniper in TF2 wrote a book", but...damn, it's actually really, REALLY good. Scenery porn everywhere. If you like body augmentation and furry/scaly aliens, you'll probably adore it.
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>> No. 367353
Robb Stark and Catelyn Tully are fucking retarded.
>> No. 367354
Can you post archives/text files here?

Let me summarize the rest of the series for you:
1. Is there a character you like and is fun to read about? They're going to die, not even heroic deaths, just some off screen shit
2. Is there a character that annoys you so much its difficult to get through their little chapter? Get ready for a whole book about them
3. Remember that juicy plot point/war/battle you keep waiting for? It gets half a page while Cersei gets six pages to explain how burlap chafes

Series started off OK with good potential, then George R. R. Martin decided to mary sue that bitch.
>> No. 367361
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This was a lot better than I thought it would be.
>> No. 367377
I really want to get into Game of Thrones/fantasy in general (I've only read Harry Potter), but I've been warned that if I have issues with incest, that I'm better off skipping it.

I'm not sure if you can post text files, but maybe if you upload them somewhere, you can link to them.
>> No. 367378

If incest is a PTSD trigger for you, then avoid it. If you just think it's really icky, read on.
>> No. 367379
I really do need to read that.
>> No. 367380
It's just a tad icky and I don't understand the appeal. I understand it's a different time period and that that kind of thing was common between royalty back then, though.
>> No. 367381
It's fine, the incest in the book is consensual.
>> No. 367382
the godfather the book was meh tier honestly
I loved it don't get me wrong
but I loved it because I was 13~14 and there were dicks in vaginas and people were shooting each other. It was very exciting.

but thats my opinion.
>> No. 367383
Incest? Incest!? Incest!!!
>> No. 367385
Incest is generally frowned upon in Westeros, and most characters respond to it with a "OH FUCK GUYS, REALLY!?"

The only royals to really get away with it were the Targaryens, and that's only after fighting a war with the Faith Militant because they were all "I DONT WANT TO HAVE NO SISTER-FUCKER FOR A KING."
>> No. 367388
And that kids, is why motherfucker is a swear word.
>> No. 368155
I can't talk to anyone about the book because the show people only have ACoK covered and the book people are completely caught up. :(
>> No. 368158


ya i get how it's supposed to be a joke but what's the point of saying something when the punchline has already been delivered? speak something real and not just what you think you should say, man. i know it's hard but you're human. you have to have something. you HAVE to.
>> No. 368160
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Is anyone else reading this?

I don't know how to feel, not even a third through though.

It reads like the novelization of a stuffy British small town drama so I am all over that shit. I was hoping for some mystery (I always thought Rowling was pretty decent at it) but it's pretty straight forward so far...
>> No. 368162
Are there funny bits? I always laughed so hard at the comedic parts of the Harry Potter books that I had to put the book down, but there were never enough of them.
>> No. 368163
Reviewers seem to agree that it's a funny (or the dark humour flavour) and character-driven story and social commentary. Reviewers who hate it keep referring back to Harry Potter like they were expecting it to be Harry Potter #8 and disappointed that there are no wizards, despite being warned many times that it is not like Harry Potter at all.
>> No. 368166

There's quite a bit of dry black humour. Nothing gut busting yet but it's quite good.

The viewpoint jumps around between something like 20 characters but there is a good flow to it, and every single one of the characters is a fleshed out human being.

It is very much like an ensemble cast British drama show, so if you're into that kind of thing WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR.
>> No. 368181
I was also hoping for some mystery but I still am really enjoying it. At the beginning it was like "holy shit, character upon character, how is this going to work in such a short book" but it worked out great.

I'm not quite done with it but so far it's definitely one of the better social commentaries I've read. You really feel for all the characters.
>> No. 368192
Ah, thank you. I hate reviewers like that-- I don't think most things that try to become a big hit (except for maybe Twilight and Hunger Games) ever intentionally start out to be blockbusters, and when you make something that big, it's hard to ever get back up there.

Ah, I might like it then, although I admit I've seen very few, if any ensemble cast Britcoms, and I have a bad memory a lot of the time.
>> No. 368198
>>368181 here
>Finish reading
>Go to check what Amazon thinks
>Why are there so many one stars? I liked it.
>"The characters were completely unlikable!"
>"I don't like sad things!"
>"Foul language and sex, in my books?! Smut!"
>"Kindle prices are too expensive!"

A lot of the characters are unlikeable, they all make terrible decisions and they're all very selfish but real people are the same way. The thing I liked about the book was these characters acted the way I'd expect them to in real life. So I agree with that point.

But some of the reviews were just silly.
>> No. 368496
Angry Robot has to be one of the best publishing imprints I've come across. So many good books. Damned Busters, Dead Harvest, and Sixty-One Nails have all been top notch.
>> No. 368501
For a second anon, I thought you were me. I have "The Godfather" on my bookshelf. I tried reading it in my freshman year of college but the excitement of living on my own for the first time meant that I only got about 3 chapters in before I gave up on it. I also just finished reading "American Gods" a few weeks ago and I absolutely loved it.

I guess this is the part where I admit that I've never seen the Godfather and I went to film school so...

Right now I'm reading "The Omen" (also a movie I haven't seen). So far I like that it's an easy read, and I think never seeing the movie (all I know of the film is that there's a creepy kid and he's maybe the Devil?) is helping my enjoyment of the book. After I'm done I'm not sure if I want to reread "The Hellbound Heart" or jump right into "The Keep" (knowing that I won't finish "The Keep" by Halloween).
>> No. 368513
Ugh god this book is great.

I've had to stop a few times because a few of the character's experiences hit too close to home for me. I guess that just means it's good writing.

You know, I would compare this to (though this is probably because I've just read it) Anna Karenina. Similar storytelling style, ensemble cast, heavy drama, straightforward and character driven. Mind you it's modernized and the Big Tradgedy happens right at the beginning, also there's less droning on about every single action taken by everyone in every scene, which is quite welcome, if you ask me.
>> No. 368517
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>Read "A Good Man is Hard to Find"
Thanks for ruining my morning with dark irony O'Connor. You old bitch.
>> No. 368539
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>finally reading Moby Dick
>> No. 368540
Alright guys, my brother has read all the mainstream Sci-Fi novels but wants to get into the lesser-known-but-still-amazing stuff. Suggestions?
>> No. 368549
Is there terror that can be found with an immortal elder fearing that enemies would target his loved ones and he's unable to stop it/they go insane and kill each other? Wondered if you write about a "all powerful" character having to live with millennia of shit that his grief all traces back to him.
>> No. 368558
American Gods is great. Sort of cynical about the movie/miniseries adaption, though, since a ton of things I like have been optioned for movies as well, and are all just sorta stuck in limbo (also: Preacher, Middlesex, and Hero).

The Godfather is great, it's written very much like it was planned to be a movie from the beginning-- every chapter except for the first one is composed of just one scene, and the world-building is indeed amazing and well fleshed-out. I don't know if it was intentional, but Godfather, Darkly Dreaming Dexter, and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo all had food scenes that made me really hungry.
>> No. 368587
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I've been meaning to get off my ass and start writing for this shared universe I've been building for a couple of years now, but after developing quite the cast of characters, enemies, organizations, etc., I find myself extremely lacking in coming up with a good, solid plot.

The world is technically urban fantasy, but less Dresden Files/Anita Blake wankery and more Ghostbusters/Arkham Horror sort of paranormality. I have a fictional city to play around in, and the right players to put on teh board, but I can't come up with a compelling enough story blueprint to save my life.

I'm sure most of you will suggest just to start writing and it will come eventually, but I'd really like some idea of where the plot I'm writing is going and the basic story beats before I begin. Nothing too OCD, just enough that I can see where I'm going. And yet, I've been drawing blanks for months now.
>> No. 368609
Finished the book

Lets talk about who you hated the most

Dear Mary, Howard, Shirley, Samantha, Miles, Simon, Obbo (sp? I listened to it on audio so..), I hope you all die in the same fire. I can't really stay mad at any of the kids because they don't know any better, and Fats really got what was coming and then some.

Looking at some reviews, I am being driven up the fucking wall by all the Harry Potter comparisons. Mainly stuff like 'we don't get to know the character's as well as in HP' well duh, those characters had seven books and a few thousand pages to be fleshed out, these characters had some 500 pages to spill their life's stories across.
>> No. 368610
>I've been meaning to get off my ass and start writing for this shared universe I've been building for a couple of years now, but after developing quite the cast of characters, enemies, organizations, etc., I find myself extremely lacking in coming up with a good, solid plot.

Happens to me, too. I think you've just got to start writing, and not worry that the plot sucks at first. First draft's always going to be crap. That's what first drafts are for. Fix it all up on the revisions.
>> No. 368611
But like I said, I need SOME idea of what shape the plot will take, and where it will go, even if it's vague shadows. Having no indication won't aid me in plotting, my stories will go nowhere like bad Seinfeld episodes, and I'll lose my motivation to write more because the first run was so catastrophically bad.
>> No. 368615
I feel the same way. I've never taken creative writing or really written anything beyond a paper for class, so when I have an idea for a story, I can never really get down more than a few disjointed ideas for a character. I admit I also have a fear of having my writing ripped apart. I'm sure I can write something at very least better than "My Immortal", but I admit that kind of feedback why I hesitate and shelve many of my drawing and writing ideas.
>> No. 368617
That's why you write an outline first. Also, write backwards. Start with what you want the ending to be, then the climax, then figure out how they get to the climax. Like with the actual first draft, the first outline doesn't need to be that good, it's just a skeleton on which to build something more solid.
>> No. 368621
As I've been trying to imply, I have a hard time even with the outline, because I can't formulate a plot that feels big enough to be interesting.
>> No. 368625
Start with the world. Who runs it, who populates it, their currency, the flora and fauna, etc. Then try to figure out who generally tries to fuck it up.
>> No. 368629
I would fund this with my undying soul
>> No. 368697
It sounds like you're putting too much pressure on yourself to make it perfect, which will prevent you from ever making it at all. Lighten up on yourself and just write even if it isn't big enough. Hell, make it about a kid trying to find a lost chicken or something. The Chronicles of Prydain didn't start as much more than that.

A writing partner might help, too. You could do the Coen Brothers thing and come up with a scenario, and then your partner finds a way to make it worse, and then you come up with a way to make THAT scenario worse. Even without a writing partner, I've found having someone to bounce ideas off helps whether or not their contributions are helpful in and of themselves.
>> No. 368699
That's how I role-play, generally. I'm not much of a writer, but sometimes my girlfriend will bounce ideas off of me (and vice versa) for each others' characters, and even if we haven't gotten them fleshed out yet, we somehow know when the others' ideas are in-character or not. Writing backup characters can be fun, too. The ladyfriend is good at coming up with minor characters to supplant her main ones (her OC's ex-wife, their son, his lab assistant, his pet falcons) and enrich them better.
>> No. 368709
Fucking Obbo. I am still mad about him. I can't believe I would ever hate a fictional character so much but he is just the worst. Lower-tier hate would definitely include Mary, Howard and Simon. I was okay with Samantha though because she was just such a selfish horny cougar and it made me laugh.

I was very surprised that Fats didn't straight up murder someone. I thought he was going to at some points just to be "authentic"

>> No. 368987
Speaking of Harry Potter, I realized one thing that J.K. Rowling did really well (that I hadn't noticed before) is that she writes really believable kids. I've seen too many shitty TV shows where kids either speak way too formally or use really outdated, uneducated lingo in an attempt to be "cool". Law and Order is a big offender of this, and Maven of The Eventide brought it up in her 30 Days of Night review. It's just really weird.
>> No. 369012
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>> No. 369014
what about it?
>> No. 369015
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>> No. 369016
i wanted to get an idea of what some characters looked like so i looked up the wiki. you cant even read the fucking family tree without spoilers out the arse
>> No. 369017
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Unless you're caught up in the books, don't read the Song of Ice and Fire wiki. Use the Game of Thrones wiki and/or Tower of the Hand.
>> No. 369023
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its ok, Joffery: deceased and lord commander Snow were the only real spoilers i got and i am more than happy to know they got whats coming

the only things i regret finding out is what the red wedding is which sounds like its coming up in the next few chpaters.

also this was a relief, i was actually worried what would happen if GRRM croaked before he finished
>> No. 369042
A YoGPoD animation - "Sean Bean, AWAY!"youtube thumb

This is only tangentally related to Game of Thrones, but it's still hilarious. Simon and Lewis of the YoGPoD interview Kristin "Hodor" Nairn, and it dissolves into Lewis doing his best impression of Ned Stark, Boromir, and other Sean Bean roles.
>> No. 369369
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Anais Nin - wrote more than great erotica, apparently
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - catching up on an author I've read from afar
Natalia Ginzburg - Italian feminist waifu
Pablo Neruda - to psychically own
Stephen Crane - Old writing, good writing
John Steinbeck - Half research, half re-reading
Raymond Chandler - Finally bought the big collection

and a few flip through poetry/essay books to keep my mind engaged.

Focusing on work to push me towards my big project, working with memory/ideology and history books and authors that not only directly inspire me, but who's works often reflects the themes I'm looking to focus on, ie the synchronization/illustrious nature of time, the nature and feel of certain eras in time, the things that remain, connect and disassociate us.

That I just fucking love Raymond Chandler.
>> No. 369374
only thing on my reading list at the moment is a transcendent little book called "The Spell of the Sensuous"
i'll let you know if it's any good. not quite non-fiction. i'd call it... thoughtful and atmospheric.
>> No. 369381
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>that scene in SoS:SaS when the Tyrell women invite Sansa to dinner and Margaery is all "we'll steal you to Highgarden and you'll never have to leave" and the Queen of Thorns proposes a marriage between her and her grandson and for a moment Sansa thinks she means Ser Loras and her heart almost burst with happiness and you get really excited for her for a second because damn she's been through a shit-pit, but the Queen just laughs at her and is all "lmfao gurl no, i mean my other grandson the cripple"

I know she doesn't even get that but for a second I was like yes, yes.
>> No. 369386
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How about this exchange:

>Sansa: "Losing Renly must have been so hard on your sister."
>Loras: "Yeah... her..."
>> No. 369388
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>she thinks he got upset with her for mentioning killing Robar Royce


>Tyrion: What of love?
>Loras: When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.
>Tyrion: Is that from a song?
>Loras's face when
>> No. 369390
Littlefinger you magnificent bastard
>> No. 369392

describing feasts in better detail than major plot points was all a ploy to get you to buy this
>> No. 369425
Damn you books, damn you and your food porn.
>> No. 369532
just finished aSoS

would Littlefinger still fuck zombie Catelyn?
>> No. 369643
I loved the first three books, but really didn't like the fourth or fifth. Looking forward to seeing what you think of them.

What do you think of the characters so far?
>> No. 369668
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Up to Book 6 of The Godfather at the moment.

I can't believe there was an entire chapter devoted to discussing a minor character's vagina. What. Also, Sonny's death was both shocking and predictable at the same time.
>> No. 369714
There are a few words that I wish existed in English (or as loan words from other languages) that I want to use in a story. I'm curious if any of you guys can help me out on them:

- "A friend who is closer even than best friend (they might even sleep in the same bed or kiss), but in a purely platonic way."
- "A person who is very comfortable financially, perhaps even rich, but spends money like someone who is much lower income, never spending the majority of their money."
>> No. 369719
I thought that was what best friend meant.
Also, the second one is a miser. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miser
>> No. 369725
I think it depends. I've had even best friends go "dude, too affectionate" at certain things.

It depends. The person I'm thinking of isn't exactly miserly, I think they're more saving their money because they're convinced they're someday going to live through a terrible disaster, like their house is eventually going to be destroyed by a fire or a tornado (a matter of when, not if) and they need to be ready, even if it never happens.
>> No. 369727
People are different. Some people just don't like people mackin' all up on them as a show of affection, others are so okay with it that it's weird to them when people are turned off by it. Sometimes, no matter how close you are to someone platonically, they are not gonna want your smooches.

And that's a hoarder.
>> No. 369728
heterosexual life partner
>> No. 369777
Finally finished The Godfather. We're supposed to have it done by next week, but my attention span is erratic, so I always read what I have to the afternoon after class. It's a very good book. I had to start making a flowchart to remember some of who was who, but I liked it. I have a lot of respect for anyone who is really good at foreshadowing like that. I've never been a writer myself, but if I was, that's something I'd want to learn how to do.

My only nitpick (that will probably be alleviated with the movie) is that saying "Johnny and Nino were great singers" or "Mrs. Corelone was a great cook" over and over never really gives you a good feel for how other people hear and taste the music or the food. Linkara mentioned this issue recently when he reviewed "Batman: Jazz". It's hard to express how things sound in a purely visual medium, and it's hard to express taste unless you're actually there to taste it (although I think Ratatouille pulled it off well, and I guess that's why there's licensed Game of Thrones cookbooks and YouTube channels like Feasts of Fiction). But that's not Mr. Puzo's fault. That shit is just hard to pull off by anyone, and it's a minor nitpick anyways.

That's true. I guess as a very open, affectionate person, I never really understood that. But I accept it. And yeah, that's apt, in a way. I was thinking of people like my dad, who squirrel money away out of paranoia, and while I understand it, it's frustrating when people expect something horrible to definitely happen that might not.

I think my dream is to have one true sex/romance partner, then, and a harem of purely platonic life partners on the side. I wouldn't say "heterosexual life partners" because I might end up marrying someone of the same sex and then having both guys and girls as super close friends. Although I couldn't marry someone if they weren't also my closest friend as well.
>> No. 369814
>What do you think of the characters so far?
Jon is a lovable idiot. I honestly thing his ending was stupid. He's too incompetent to run the Night's Watch.
Brienne is a lovable idiot too.
Catelyn is a weapons grade dumbbitch. I'm still not registering the fact that that book's ending happened.
Robb is... his mother's son.
Tyrion is a GTA protagonist. HOLY SHIT HIS ENDING.
Jaime is every bit as great as his fanboys/fangirls says he is. Holy shit, I know book-Jaime is less evil than show Jaime, but the 180 he took in the book was astounding. Nigga woke up one day and went "holy shit, I'm a terrible person and all of this is my fault." HE SHOWED MORE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY THAN THE STARKS.
I want to coat Littlefinger in my semen. He's the warden of the Vale AND the Riverlands now. He got Ser Dontos and The Queen of Thorns TO MURDER JOFFREY HOLY SHIT.
Samwell is kawaii.
Daenerys is actually likable now.
Bran's chapters are made of boring and uninteresting mixed with zzzzzzzzzzz...
Sansa is my second favorite Stark now, behind Rickon.
Stannis is super-Catelyn, but unlike her, he has an entire character built to justify his existence and make him likable.
Arya is aight, but I realized I like everything around her more than her right now. Her entire story in ACoK and ASoS was meant to show you the human side of the war, while introducing you to some of the most notable characters in the series.
The Hound is pretty damn likable, in retrospect. It's important to note that even though he and Jaime are similar characters on paper, Jaime used his misfortune to reevaluate himself while the Hound just kept on doing terrible shit and pitying himself for it.
Oberyn Martell is the realest of the real niggas, birthed by real nigga priests under real nigga stars. And real niggas never live to the end of the story.
>> No. 370255
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>people insisting Brienne is OMG TRANS
>> No. 370259
Ugh, reminds me of that Tumblr post complaining that Rosie The Riveter was anti-feminine because even though she was skinny and dolled up with makeup and done-up hair, her flexing her twig-skinny arm was a denial of what it meant to be a woman.

Somehow, in Brienne's case, being both strong and unattractive means she has a hormone imbalance and the wrong set of genitalia. Stunted view of gender is stunted.
>> No. 370287
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>> No. 370308
Tumblr "feminists" are truly the worst
>> No. 370310
Some SJ people on Tumblr aren't bad, it's just the ones who make politics their entire life, or who think if you're not constantly making a political aspect of everything (someone I saw went as far as to say non-SJ bloggers don't care about politics period), you're wasting your life. Ditto for people who read symbolism into everything. Sometimes they have to realize a rose is just a rose, and you have to accept it at face value.

Personally, I like the idea of a non-Hollywood-attractive woman who kicks ass, and I consider myself a feminist.
>> No. 370652
Why is it in fiction that the majority of characters implied to be gay always end up as "stalks/molests/annoys the hero" kind of characters, i.e. a lot of Disney and James Bond villains? They're rarely portrayed in any sort of sympathetic manner or like they're good people, and that's really frustrating.
>> No. 370655
Nuh-uh, that's not true. Sometimes they are comedy relief too!

inb4 someone brings up Dumbledore, it doesn't count if even the reader doesn't know he's gay
>> No. 370658
Ugh, yeah, that pisses me off too. I want a gay character where their sexuality is mentioned explicitly in canon, but it's just a thing and it's not their entire personality or a huge deal.

We'll never know what Grindelwald thought of Dumbledore or if Lily ever loved Snape back, and that sorta makes me sad.
>> No. 370668
I'm reading the first Witcher book, grabbed it from the library for my Kindle. It's... alright so far I guess? A bit exposition heavy at points, like one time when the head Priestess just spouts out Geralt's entire worldview with little provocation. I've just only gotten to the 2nd short story though. It seems that the collection was edited with a bunch of stories set in-between a new one made for the collection? Whatever the case, it's just Geralt digging through some corpses he found with some wolves.

I've not played the games, incidentally. Someone gave me the first one on GoG but I can't run it.
>> No. 370669
I hate literature students who over analyze and over interpret everything they read.
>> No. 370671
So I've read a quarter of The Last Wish in a single trip to campus and back (wow this thing is an easy read). My thoughts thus far are that I'm still not really interested in Voice of Reason, The Witcher was kind of meh mostly due to not introducing the world very well and being a fight, and A Grain of Truth was pretty fucking good despite being basically Polish Beauty and the Beast.

I'm told once you get into the actual novels the series gets much better.
>> No. 370728
so... 90% of them?
>> No. 370747
How I feel about this depends on what I'm reading. Sometimes something is what it says it is, no deeper meaning. Sometimes it's not and there is in fact symbolism, or a deeper plot than it comes across, but they expect you to figure it out yourself.
>> No. 370762
And that's the first Witcher book done with. It definitely got better as it went on, though I'm told the actual novels are still better.
>> No. 370852
Been reading a couple of historical whodunnits. It's a genre I enjoy, even if the writers of such books do tend to waffle on about some oh-so fascinating bit of history they simply must share with me.
>> No. 370885
I really want to start reading history books or at least historical-based novels, but I've had a weak stomach in the past over the realization that some people and events that are sort of glorified are actually the result of terrible things and people who weren't as great as they were constantly portrayed.
>> No. 370888
Studs Terkel
Oral History is the purest, raw form of history since mankind made language, and Studs Turkel is the lord god of Oral History.

Hope you enjoy the 20s through 50s.
>> No. 370914
What kind of history are you interested in?
>> No. 370915
I don't know, honestly. Growing up, all of my history books were of the "[x] is definitively bad and is a racist, mass murdering terrorist, [y] is definitively good, never does anything wrong, and our ally, and you should hate [x] for bullying them". And I've gotten chastised because people have told me that it's the complete opposite, how could you be that naive, etc. I just want to know the unbiased truth so I can make my own decisions.
>> No. 370917
This. I fucks with 'The Good War'.
>> No. 370918
Encyclopedias then. You are delving into the dark and equally dry realm of research. There is no easy TRUTH book for anything, avoiding the [you will also find hundreds of books written on] the fallibility of history in and of itself, and it's fundamentally human element.

You find first hand accounts, media, artifacts, the represented fictions of that time, or you're reading the driest riverbed or statistical data facts. Research isn't in finding the truth, it the process of looking for it.
>> No. 370919
Hard Times is my jank. Still collecting all his work, in the very least for it's significance alone. You can just open any of them up and bam, you got some old soul telling you how it was just like that. Turn the page and you have the same view from the other side. Studs really captured the world, straight from it's source.

>> No. 370921
I might be able to recommend some primary source books if you give me a time period and a country/continent you want to find out more about. They're basically like textbooks but contain excerpts from writings of the period.

But like Pablo said finding the real truth isn't easy even with first-hand accounts as everyone has a bias. You just have to take that into account when you read.
>> No. 370946
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>> No. 370985
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>> No. 370991
Speaking of research, anybody here an /x/phile? I;m looking to introduce a system of magic in my stories, but I'd like some real world studies on the matter first before I brainstorm. People like John Dee and Aleister Crowley, for instance.

Any suggestions? My magic system is largely based on symbolic sacrifices, almost like the cost of being a Contractor in Darker Than Black.
>> No. 371009
The War of the Five Kings is pretty much "unnecessary escalation ruins everything for everybody". Everyone has that one character they blame for everything. Me, I have two.

Catelyn: "YOU HURT MAH SON" *kidnap Tyrion*
Tywin: "YOU KIDNAPPED MAH SON" *invade the Riverlands*

I am perfectly fine with that ship.
>> No. 371034
I think I might start out with American history, because I want to know the truth about my country. I'll bridge out from there.

The areas of history I find sort of uncomfortable are WWII, especially reading about what the Nazis and Soviets did. But I have to eventually get over my squeamishness on the topic.
>> No. 371036
Which is worth more for a love spell? Diamonds, roses, or hershey's kisses?

>> No. 371044
Roses, in that they were once alive/had a connection to living, changing entities, as opposed to diamonds, which are changing only by the static interference of universal laws, like gravity and pressure.
>> No. 371049
Now I'm wondering about diamonds made through the purification and compression of high pressure plant matter. Maybe even rose petals. Good luck with your stories and remember to wear a condom when practicing magic.
>> No. 371054

Anything with carbon in it can be compressed into a diamond in a laboratory.

This includes chocolate, roses, and human beings. They call those last ones Soylent Diamonds.

(And in response to the original question, I find useless things to be very unromantic and wasteful. I don't care for rocks nor plants, but I'll take something edible. That at least provides calories, which is essentially energy for sexing each other. So, go with the chocolate, I'd say.)
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