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281812 No. 281812
Dream thread. Post some dreams.

Most recent dream I had involved me Googling an image for the cover for Iron Maiden's "Run to the Hills." It was a skull with tusks surrounded by by fire and, for some reason, it was too overwhelming for me to look at. I don't know how to describe it. It just filled up my vision and I couldn't stand it.
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>> No. 367581
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Had a pretty long and exciting dream, but there was only one part that might prove interesting to anyone else: Adam from Workaholics was a Romero zombie with tentacle dick limbs and he deepfucked zombie Rebel Wilson all over my sofa. Just, all over it. If that thing had been real I'd be sitting in front of a toxic bonfire right now instead of a computer.
>> No. 367584
Had a dream where this delicious brown girl I had a huge crush on in the Army (but she was married and got divorced after I left, feh) went on a date or something, idk. But it ended up with her in my bed naked though we didn't do anything. So I sat in a chair behind the bed and masturbated to her and then she woke up and was freaked out as fuck because I was jacking it to her.

Then we played some MMO that was about building relationships and started all the way at the bottom. Weird.
>> No. 367585
... christ...
>> No. 367590
I had a dream in which my house, which is huge and fortresslike, was even huger and more fortresslike, and I was walking around trying to organize this party that I hadn't known was being held at my house till that very day. A lot of my coworkers were there, plus a few other people, and I kept accidentally running into this one gorgeous guy that, irl, I can't figure out if he's hitting on me or not, but we were always on our ways to different destinations. We were waiting for the 'guest of honor' to arrive (I have no clue who it was, seemed to be some kind of supernatural entity? an alien visitor?) - everything was all set up, and one of my friends was bitching at me for not putting on this hideous cocktail dress she had tried to make me wear, everyone was getting drunk (I didn't drink, but even in my dream I could feel the joint I'd been smoking as I was running around setting up shit), and then hot guy came up behind me and I was like, oh, you didn't get to hit this yet, and I passed him the joint but had to turn around. Lights were coming from the skies! Our guest had arrived! And I hadn't set up the antipasto platter yet. But I was carrying a chicken under one arm, the planned sacrifice, so I figured I'd put it out while others were plucking her feathers and then I woke up?
>> No. 367629
Okay, new recurring dream: I'm in my early 40s, and my partner has just been elected President of the US. We are both asexual females, and the thought of traditional marriage is distasteful to both of us for many, many reasons. We are partners, and we like it that way. Considering my partner won, I assume in this dream world that our relationship is tolerated, if not completely accepted, by some of the American public.

The political pundits (well, the ones who are butthurt my partner won the election, at least) are insisting on calling me "First Mistress" instead of "First Lady", and basically painting me as a harlot to the masses (which, considering my asexuality, is both hilarious and frustrating). All political pundits in my dream are somehow faceless but have really nice hair and clothes (and the women, bizarrely, have makeup where their features should be).

It is creepy as fuck, and because my partner hasn't taken office yet (it's post-election, pre-swearing-in), the only thing our PR people can do is send out statements trying to correct the pundits. They won't let me or my partner go on air, and they certainly won't let either of us go on the pundits' shows to correct them in person. I always wake up super frustrated and angry, because who the fuck nominated these faceless assholes to judge me without reprisal (or morals or ethics)?!

Unlike the crime boss dream sequence I had a while ago, this one dream is on perfect repeat; nothing changes and even when I recognize the dream, I can't change anything, not even the words coming out of my mouth. This also adds to the frustration level on my part, and for some reason I can't wake myself up during this dream either. It always ends with my PR person telling me "I'm sorry, but you can't go there right now; wait two months and I'll book you in."
>> No. 367631
And that's not the most fucked-up dream I've had. I thought I had posted it in this thread, guess not. I'll try to remember to post it tomorrow. In short, I'll just say the dream had ending credits.
>> No. 367676
Had a dream a whole bunch of shit was going horribly wrong and I was p much having a breakdown and panic attacks errywhere and shit was bad
but then Comrade and Tooth and some anon??? started talking me down and we all got high as fuck together and it was chill

I've never even smoked before

or spoken to Tooth more than like once

The anon never even identified himself he was just some dude who felt like talking stuff out with me and also had a bunch of weed

it was a weird dream. not altogether unpleasant though.
>> No. 367719
Honey Boo Boo was found dead in a chimney. She had been dismembered and severely burned.

Later it was revealed that her mother had been prostituting her.

Just calling it here and hoping I don't have prophetic dreams or some shit. What is wrong with my subconscious.
>> No. 367724
I had a dream once where I met a bunch of people off of plus4. Despite not knowing what most of them look like. Or having ever spoken to more than two or three of them. It was odd.
>> No. 367726
Someone was having sex with a video game character who had come to life. And by "come to life" I essentially mean the glitchy ragdoll whose arms flop everywhere and bends in unnatural ways and has dead, soulless eyes. It was incredibly creepy.
>> No. 372337
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I had a dream night before last where I finally got fed up with it all and went to get a prostitute. I managed to find one who was extremely cute, had a hairstyle like the attached image (but not as young), and had breasts on the high B-/low C-side. I remember her lamenting that they weren't bigger as we walked towards where the action would happen, and I said that while I enjoy large breasts I prefer ones that are natural.

Apparently I had this small loft thing that was a "secret" where I had a bunch of my books and games and stuff with a few pieces of furniture; I took her there as it didn't cost me anything more. I was concerned she would laugh at all my nerd interests but instead she was into many of them herself, and we wound up talking for a long time before a "friend" of mine barged in. (That's in quotes because in my dream he was my friend but I have no idea who he was.) I yelled at him to get out but she said "that's okay I like DP". So we all started taking off our clothes but there was no actual sex, her and I half-spooned on a couch and there was heavy petting and that was the end of the dream.

Then, last night, I had a follow-up dream where my folks had moved an hour away but hadn't told me, so I had to drive there. But this gal was in their old town, and she called me on my cell and we just talked for some time until the shitty signal in the area went out and I couldn't get her back on the line. At this point I was madly in love with her but I couldn't remember her name; we had an enormous amount in common and she was extremely cute with a wonderful voice. During the conversation I was extremely happy and relaxed and when the signal cut out I got extremely concerned. And then this dream ended.

I can only find love in my dreams. ;; And now I'm super depressed.
>> No. 372340
>see attached picture
>uguu sempai
Jesus man, go outside
>> No. 372341
Just now read this. This is how I want to die.
>> No. 372342
Done. Enjoy New York.
>> No. 372343
Damn, you had two years to read that. Damn, this is an old thread.
>> No. 372978
I like photography. I always have dreams where there's this perfect shot and I just can't get it. Either I can't get my camera adjusted or find my camera or something else.

Last night it was a gorgeous sunset at a beach. I was with my friends telling them I had to take a picture so I was trying to get out a lens for my camera but it was in slow-mo and the sunset was turning into night and then I woke up.
>> No. 373251
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What's the significance to reccurring dreams? Are they supposed to be SYMBOLIC or some shit? I keep dreaming of volunteering at a farm complex thing, like a small town that's partly self-sustaining. Downside is I still feel the back-breaking labour and wake up sore.
>> No. 373261
Your dreams might be your subconscious trying to tell yourself you're ready to grow in some aspect of your life. To take control of where your life is headed. Maybe enroll in some classes, take up a trade, or find a career.

Or you could just have work on the brain. Dream "symbolism" is never concrete. It just associates common figures and scenes with expected physiological responses. Like psychology it's a very soft science with no permanent answers.
>> No. 373313
In my dreams, as long as I'm wearing a mask of a character drastically different from me, everything goes well and I'm a really successful badass with an amazing sex life and many friends and I never get hurt in combat, but in dreams where I'm me, sex always goes horribly and I get mocked a lot or I'm unappealing and unliked by everyone and things always go really badly for me
>> No. 373317
The last time I had a sex dream, I was not only much much more unattractive than I am in real life, but it also went pretty well.
>> No. 373318
I am not getting into details, because frankly I don't remember them, but recently I had a weird case of seeing one dream after another (being awakened by something before either one finishes). The last dream ended up with me holding a sword, only for someone holding one against by back, telling me to surrender. I was just about to figure out how to get myself out of this, when I woke up for the last time.
>> No. 373319
I think it might be a response to being told as a kid that I was hideous and I'd be lucky to get a pity fuck, even though I was sort of average looking, nothing really memorable but nothing repulsive either. I sort of worry sometimes my personality is unintentionally abrasive, though and I'm scared to drive people away.

Sex in general is just scary to me as a result, I think. Unfortunately. It's something I need to get over.
>> No. 373416
I dreamed I was getting a rather pleasant blowjob in my bed. I dreamed I turned on my light, went to look just to see who it was, and..
I had the mouth of a weeping angel around my dick. She was looking up at me with this excited 'blink and you die' expression.
I turned the light off.
>> No. 373417
That might be the most disturbing thing I've ever heard. You need to see a psychologist.
>> No. 373419
the image of an angel is an angel
i'm helping
>> No. 373421
Ya haven't heard a whole lot, then.
>> No. 373495
Last night I dreamt that someone gave me an adult python as a gift. I didn't have anything set up to contain it, was worried about it eating the cats we have, and had serious doubts about how tame it was, as it kept biting me in the face.
>> No. 373568
Holy shit, I actually realized I was dreaming and I still stayed in the dream for more than a few seconds.

All I remember was being in a green field of flowers when I realized I was dreaming, so I tried to create things with my mind but it didn't work like in the cartoons. Then out of fucking nowhere, a ninja threw a meteor at me and I woke up.
>> No. 373905
I dreamt I was on the beach, watching three sailboats with no masts headed toward shore. How could they get anywhere without masts? I wondered, and then I willed the wooden pillars into existence and smiled as they shimmered into their proper places. Two of the boats washed up to shore on either side of me and I watched the waves push them up and up, until they were safely anchored there where they would not be easily washed back out to sea.

That's when I noticed that, even though I was sitting on wet sand, the water refused to touch me as it washed up; it moved away from me like two positive ends of a magnet. I thought this was amusing and, the more I focused on it, I began to realize that I could control it. The water splashed up in a drizzle of brilliant sparkles or fluttered about in a semi-circle around me until the waves pulled them away and they tried again to reach me.

Someone came up to me along the shore and offered me their hand. It was a boy, a boy that I instantly recognized as a brother, although he bore no resemblance to the one I actually have. I took his hand and he pulled me up to my feet and we started running. I reached this extremely strange clarity when I looked down at my feet hitting the sand; everything became startlingly realistic. The sight of the sparkling ocean, the burning in my muscles as I ran, the smack-smack-smacking of my feet against the wet sand..

And then I lost it and woke up.
>> No. 373918
You would all sell your dream's rights in a heartbeat to Justin Bieber if he offered you enough money, no matter how precious you felt on your pillow the day you made it. No dream is powerful enough to be held on to when that much money is involved.
>> No. 374046
I dreamt that I was a shapeshifter. I could give myself different hair, eyes, and so on. Most of the time I retracted my genitals to be gender-neutral, but I could be male, female, or 50/50 of both if I wanted. I was unrecognizable no matter what, and I felt like a different person, like I'd never made any of the mistakes I'd ever made and I could finally move on.

The thing is, I didn't feel happy as myself, and I didn't feel happier or more successful with a different body, name, or even gender. I don't know what that says about me.
>> No. 374182
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I dreamt that I was in a mandatory high diving competition for twenty-somethings, with all the contestants being people I knew in middle and high school. The line to the diving board wound around a brick yard and through a manky concrete queue area, and the ground was cold and damp with puddles of water. The wait looked like it would take forever but in no time at all I was climbing the ladder and getting ready to jump. Even though I'm terrified of heights, don't know how to dive, and can barely jump into water without holding my nose, I dove. Apparently my form was so perfect and awesome and the height was so incredible I blew everyone away and set a record for diving and there was no need for the remaining competitors to even bother. Everyone was losing their shit, but I just exited the stadium and went to an underground cafeteria for a chili dog.

Some other stuff happened involving trash collection around this pool/whitewater river behind sliding doors (it's a recurring place in my dreams), and then I was in my grandparents' old living room, reclining on a gigantic sofa with my sisters. There was a sheet being used for a projection screen and we were watching something, but then it shifted to footage of the diving competition, including shots from my POV. I started dozing off and I realized that the whole diving thing was just a dumb fantasy I was having. I was jolted back to alertness by my grandma bringing me breakfast, which was tuna sauce on toast and peas served on top of a sealed can of tuna. And she was congratulating me and saying how proud she was of me for winning the diving contest even though it was apparently just a dream?

I'm not sure if I realized by this point that THIS was a dream, too, but I remember being really confused because my grandma is dead and nobody in my family lives at that house anymore. I was happy to see her and tried talking to her but she went into the hallway and disappeared. I brought my plate to the kitchen and my mom and aunts were arguing about where they were going to get flowers to put on her grave, and I was like, "Oh." And then I woke up.
>> No. 374184
Even the dreams where I'm raped?
>> No. 374191
Uh yeah, odds are there's always some off-the-wall symbolism even in a bad dream like that, some combination you would never think of in waking life, so it could be valuable.
>> No. 374297
I dreamed I was having a lucid dream. You read that right - I dreamed that I fell asleep and then had a lucid dream, dream-within-a-dream style.
>> No. 374335
Ethel Smith (Hammond organ) 1 of 2youtube thumb

Visual pill for more lucid dreaming, watch twice and go to bed early for best results.
>> No. 374338
I have those dreams too. Dismemberment ones. I'm never the one hurting others, always the one being hurt or at the very least embarrassed or uncomfortable.

I think it's my brain trying to deal with the fact that I dislike myself immensely, but I always blame myself for a problem instead of wondering if the other person has a bug up their ass or something. I'm just against self-harm, or at least doing things like cutting or committing suicide, so I vent in my dreams so it's easier to manage when I'm awake.
>> No. 374339
File 135986547192.jpg - (253.09KB , 600x896 , 1099409-koolaidman.jpg )
>losing teeth in dreams
>wake up and they're all there
ahhh, hell yeah : )

>being dismembered in dream
>wake up and body is all there
Pic related
>> No. 374557
Jesus fuck.

Ok, not making this up. This guy had the body of a purple teletubby but the head of a man. He had a knife and he was trying to kill me. He was being hunted by the military for being a failed experiment, and he was warping reality and making clones of himself. Everywhere I went, he made himself known. He had some kinda demonic voice, and he wouldn't die. He was always laughing at me, killing all my family and friends, destroying my stuff, and every time I tried to punch him he was either made of steel or he teleported.

I eventually killed him by throwing him into a river and watching him wash away, but then it was like a video game with a voice and text saying "collect all the orbs for the secret ending". Then he came back and I started having a heart attack, then I woke up. I'm not sure but it may have something to do with me watching this before I went to bed:

Robot Chicken: Delicious Gummy Bearsyoutube thumb
>> No. 374558
goddamnit wrong vid

Robot Chicken: Doug's Bad Reincarnationyoutube thumb
>> No. 374560
Toothpick kept pushing out of the back of my throat.
>> No. 374602
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Had a non-nightmare recently, for a change.

I was in Portland, it was raining, and I was older, like, forties ish. I was alone and kind of sad, on a business trip of some sort, and I wander into this dive bar only to find my friend. She'd apparently made it somewhat big as a musician and was performing there. I was so happy, feeling in my dream like I was really meeting an old friend after years. She pulled me up on the stage and asked me to sing her big song with her. It must have been big, because everyone, including me, knew the words. It was a beautiful folksy rock ballad, the kind that'd have been a big hit in the 90's. And there were words, real lyrics and a chorus, but dammit, they all melted from my memory on waking.
>> No. 375358
I dreamt I was standing outside by myself, and I went to light a cigarette, and I unintentionally caught my clothes on fire and burned my fingers.

This is especially weird because I've never smoked and I don't have any desire to start, but I am wondering if this kind of thing ever happens.
>> No. 375359
I dreamt there was an alligator in a mud puddle in front of our house.
And our cat had had kittens so I was worried and was trying to get them all in the house.
Except there was one that was all mangled, but not like the gator got it but almost like birth defect or something...
>> No. 375367
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I basically dreamed myself into The Crying Game, Dil mai waifu come back to me!
>> No. 375546
She's my waifu now!
>> No. 375551
Recently had two dreams based on Silent Hill. Apparently, my imaginationland can produce original monster designs.
>> No. 375555
I dreamed I had an extra 60bux I could give to a friend. Waking up to find it never existed devastated me.
>> No. 376930
Never thought I'd have one, but I had one of those sex dreams. Except I wasn't really having sex, it was like I was at a sex carnival. It was filled with girls in hooter's clothes, and there was a specific booth for every position and fetish. They served decent food too, and there were different contests to win a girl of your choosing to have your way with for the next hour.

The weird part is this happened twice in a row. I visited it one night, then the next night I came back with the weather being different.
>> No. 376931
I had a dream that a friend I liked was a siamese twin, and they took turns blowing me and making me grab their three boobies. They were bickering about who'd get the first load when I woke up.

To say that I had an awkward boner afterwards would be an understatement.
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