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96084 No. 96084
Would anybody like to recommend a fan fic?
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>> No. 96085
I am deeply tempted to self-promote, but that would kind of be douchebaggy, so, um...
Fanfiction via reference guides:

Crazy 1940s AU Avatar in Japanese!Mongolia:
>> No. 96089
The cruelest part is that you probably won't continue it.
>> No. 96091
(Make sure to read the one-shot prequel: Theft Absolute - link in article)

This fanfic has its own TROPES page. Some people don't like it, but the trope page summary is fairly informative, probably enough that you can decide whether or not to read it yourself. As a note, it comes with my HUGE stamp of approval.
>> No. 96092
I liked these maiko fics

>> No. 96094

Isn't that the one where Zuko learns healing with Firebending, then by the end of it he's giving Firebending to people or some stupid crap?

I always liked this one:


"A Day in the Life." Has a lot of implied Kataang smut (though there's no actual sex in the fic) which is a little odd since they're only about a few months older or so in this one but eh. Basically, it's just a week or so of having to deal with politics, mad spirits and other such business in Ba Sing Se. It's one of my favorites, personally.

Here's links to the other five chapters:

http://aangxkatara.livejournal.com/206934.html - Part 2
http://aangxkatara.livejournal.com/207458.html - Part 3
http://aangxkatara.livejournal.com/208275.html - Part 4
http://aangxkatara.livejournal.com/208588.html - Part 5
http://aangxkatara.livejournal.com/208911.html - Part 6
>> No. 96104
Title: Disclosure

Summary: A story about Zuko and Mai completely failing at communication after their awkward wedding night. Cold tension, embarrassing Iroh intervention, and Zuko Being Dumbass Zuko ensues.

>> No. 96110
File 132405740585.jpg - (7.02KB , 150x181 , 126719136454.jpg )
Not sure if trolling...
>> No. 96113
I don't think silentJoe was trolling. Embers is not fan fic I would recommend but it has its share of fans who think it is one of the best ATLA fics ever.
>> No. 96118

Reading like a motherfucker.
>> No. 96123

Ehhh... I liked Embers toward the beginning, when it was only slightly AU, but it's completely off the rails, now. And there's just so much that doesn't gel with canon that I just can't get into it. Not to mention the author comes off a little... well, pretentious, to be blunt. It *is* fairly well written, though.
>> No. 96143
a collection of chronological one-shots. mostly maiko with other canon pairings, suki/toph/sukka threesome, toph/the duke, tyzula

>> No. 96145
> Look at TvTropes article.
> see "controversial"
That's basically a sure-fire euphemism for "it's shit".

You know what's my one pet peeve in fanfic? Better Than Canon attitudes. Even when the source is obviously flawed, I dunno man...it makes me angry.
>> No. 96146
;_; Why do you people bother with Fanfics? They only warp and fuck with your memories and feelings towards the show.
>> No. 96147

Haha, shut your pie hole.
>> No. 96150
And that's why Water Tribe Zhao is one of the best fanthings ever. Great art, great writing, all fitting seemlessly into canon.

>> No. 96151
File 132421891826.jpg - (137.59KB , 600x958 , Water_Tribe_223_by_NoSelfControl.jpg )
Haha, forgot my picture.
>> No. 96154
Water-tribe Zhao is indeed the best. Go read it now.


Morality Chain. Focuses on Azula. She's exactly the same talented, ruthless individual, but she loves Zuko instead of hating him. It's not "Ulysses" in terms of writing, but it is tolerable to read, and the characterizations are well done.

>> No. 96179
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I'll both link to this and quote it because it's short, timely for this part of the year, breaks the fourth wall, and the payoff made me lol.


>Merry Agnimas

>by Lavanya_Six

>Fire Lady Mai eyed with disdain the wreaths and mistletoe hanging all around the palace. It had been her husband's idea to return to the ancient ways and restore the holiday of Agnimas, long ago canceled by Fire Lord Sozin as a way to ration valuable boar-q-pine glazed hams to feed the war effort. It'd been a surprisingly popular move for Zuko's shaky regime, with children and merchants alike celebrating all the presents being bought by parents. Mai had her doubts, however.

>"Who ever heard of Agni anyway?" she asked one day.

>Zuko explained, "He's our God, Mai. Obviously. Even though we never made any mention of Him before, He's clearly long established as an important figure in our culture. We're the Fire Nation. We should worship a sun spirit like the Water Tribe does their spirits."

>"You mean the same spirits that got their fins beaten by Zhao?"

>Here, Zuko faltered. Anyone beaten by Zhao was hardly awe-inspiring, after all. "That... that doesn't matter. What does is that we celebrate the birth of Agni's only begotten son, who eventually died for our sins by giving away His ticket on the Ark to Santa Claus. Besides, if we didn't worship a god, what would we use to swear by?"

>"Something that doesn't Westernize us into poorly veiled Christian monotheists?"

>"Mai," he said, pinching his nose in exasperation. "Next you'll be asking fanfic authors to actually bother taking five seconds to google Shintoism or Confucianism, and then where will we be?"

>"Not saying 'By Agni!' whenever we're exasperated or surprised?"

>"We're not having this conversation," he insisted. "Now, what do you think I should buy Toph for Omaukkah?"
>> No. 96192
Maybe someone here can help me out. I'm looking for a particular sort of fanfic- one focusing on Azula being rehabilitated after the war. I've never read a really satisfying one before. Anyone got any suggestions?
>> No. 96193
you'll have to narrow that down. any preference on shipping (or lack thereof) or original characters?
>> No. 96194
The Azula Trilogy was an all right story in that vein.

Starts here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4834864/1/Heart_of_Fire

Said redemption/rehabilitation doesn't happen right away, but the road to heaven is long and paved with molasses.
>> No. 96195
I don't mind shipping as long as it's not too crack-headed. And I don't mind OCs if they're well-written, although I'm not fond of stories that use loads and loads of them.

That looks pretty interesting; I'll check it out.
>> No. 96232
One thing I haven't seen but would like, instead of wiping out the Air Nomads the Fire Nation 'civilizes' them so that by the time Aang wakes up all the temples look like the northern air temple, all traces of the nomad religion(pacifism, veganism, gender segregation, etc) are gone, and there are Airbenders in the Fire Nation Army
>> No. 96239
That- that would be really cool.
>> No. 96241
It's been awhile since I've read any fan fiction but I remember really enjoying these two.

There was an unfinished Azula fic that took place in an alternat timeline where the Fire Nation lost and the Airbenders became good but oppressive peacekeepers. It loosely followed season one with Azula, Katara and Sokka on the run. To its credit everyone was in character and things played out differently because Azula was Azula. It also had some world building that fleshed out its new world with Airbenders.

Takes place right after Season two. Azula tries to seize power and kill her father. She escapes and teams up with the Avatar. Chapters 1, 2 & 7 were good. 4 & 5 gave the back story. The reset were disappointing. It's also unfinished.
>> No. 96265
Siege of the South - Aang is woken up 35 years after being frozen by a young Hama. - One-Shot

>> No. 96268
Azula took her growing anger and stuffed it down into her stomach. It'd be more useful once it cooled. It always was. "You think I couldn't get a boyfriend if I wanted? Fine. Want to wager on it?" - An AU take on The Beach. TyZula.

Down right hilarious and very much in character.
>> No. 96391

I'll Walk You Home is a completely adorable Toph/Sokka fic. It's not exactly romantic, but it is very sweet and cute, and doesn't push anything between the two of them.

There was another fic I found with Aang and Katara that I can't find, and it had Aang getting sick due to Spirit hijinks, and ended with a troll-spirit.
>> No. 96392

That second fic you're talking about is "Day in the Life" and Sharkman linked it in this thread up...here: >>96094
>> No. 96394
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I see a lot of Azula stuff on here. Can anyone link to any good Azula-Aang fanfics. I sail a weird ship, but I can't find any decent stories involving the pair on fanfiction.net.
>> No. 96395

Unfinished, but this was my favorite Azulaang fic: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4435539/1/

Lanterns. Mostly about Aang and Azula at a celebration in the Earth Kingdom as part of her rehabilitation. So fun.
>> No. 96396
File 132515097757.jpg - (115.31KB , 500x687 , Crazy-Azula-avatar-the-last-airbender-26724442-500.jpg )
Thanks, I will check it out.
>> No. 96397
Ah, I actually remember this from forever ago. This is what helped immerse me in the Azula-Aang fantasy ship (That and the Drill episode).
>> No. 96402
That was so good that I would definitely like to see more of the Azula Aang pairing. Other than Lanterns, there aren't any good one posted on fanction.

More AzulaxAang please.
>> No. 96429
(First time commentating here! Hope I've figured this out properly.)

Here's a couple of great AtLA fic I'd recommend to anyone. They're all Gen one shots, a mix of AUs and canon compliant fics.

Speech Acts -- http://archiveofourown.org/works/305654 -- A short AU that explores a world where bending is based on sign language instead of martial arts. Not an ounce of fat on this one shot.

Chosen -- http://Loopy777.deviantart.com/art/The-Chosen-183958450 -- Following his defeat at the hands of Avatar Aang, an unknown force allows Ozai to live his life over again. And again. And again.

Watch and Review, Please -- http://archiveofourown.org/works/14557 -- Every writer has to deal with bad reviews; not every writer has to deal with a changing socio-political climate. The Ember Island Players react to the less-than-stellar reception of their play.

Crossing -- http://hello-spawnling.livejournal.com/16318.html -- Three years after the war, four old friends reunite on Kyoshi Island. A Toph, Suki, Katara, and Ty Lee friendship fic.

Assimilation -- http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5859382/1/Assimilation -- Mai's father argues to the Firelord that the Water Tribesmen can be educated and made into proper sorts of people. So Azulon sees he gets a boy to prove this on: Sokka.
>> No. 96430
Lavanya Six, what is your favorite short story from your "The Fun and Perky Warrior's Wolf Tail" - collection?
>> No. 96432

It's a tie between The Boy from Babel (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5628400/56/The_Fun_and_Perky_Warriors_Wolf_Tail) and The Fanfiction of Wan Shi Tong (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5628400/8/The_Fun_and_Perky_Warriors_Wolf_Tail).
>> No. 96433

I'm glad you linked "Watch and Review, Please" I saw that one earlier and procrastinated from posting it here for whatever reason. I'm surprised to see you here, though! You're one of my current favorites.
>> No. 96434


I usually only lurk in the 4chans every once in a great while, but I wanted to re-read the Promise leaks. I figured why not drop a fic rec while I was passing through?

Might as well drop a few more since I'm at it...

Miscalculation -- http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6667039/1/Miscalculation -- A dark fic where Mai reflects on the choice she made that won the war for the Fire Nation. Rather than infodumping, the author does a good job of slowly peeling back the point-of-divergence for the AU.

Escapee -- http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6509879/1/Escapee -- "So you're a traitor. Now what?" An AU where Mai and Ty Lee escape the Boiling Rock with Zuko, Sokka and the rest.

Final Exam -- http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4728718/1/Final_Exam -- A young archer wants to prove she is worthy of being the best of the best. But while her technical skills are great, she lacks the proper yu-yan attitude. Will traveling with a banished Prince help her find her true path? Season one; NO romance.

"Final Exam", unlike all my other recs, isn't a one shot. It's a multi-chapter fic about 64,000 words in length. While it co-stars an OC, the OC isn't annoying or a Sue, and doesn't have any sort of romance with Zuko. A great thing about the fic is that it maintains a strong Original Flavor and could almost work as a missing two-parter from Season 1.
>> No. 96772
File 132652171633.png - (167.41KB , 500x281 , awww.png )
A nice Ty Lee/Suki fic popped up on my flist today. Never thought much about that pairing, but the writer really pulls it off with some throwback references to Tyzula and, dag-gum it, Ty Lee is cute as hell in it:

>> No. 96776
Some Aang Azula stuff
>> No. 96792

Hrm...three chapters in and it's still kinda "eh," to me. it's kinda...purple prose in a lot of segments, feels too formal. Aang was recounting his side of the story from Bitter Work but it felt like he was just...talking. Like he wasn't making it funny, interesting, or upbeat. I'd have kinda preferred Aang delving into pointless tangents or talking about dumb crap. Azula just sorta starts wanting him to stay. I know he visits her often during the month, but I'd kinda expect a little more time to pass before she starts liking his company, subconciously or not. I'll finish reading and put together something a little more thought out.
>> No. 96797
I liked a lot of things about this, especially how Ty realizes it was a more healthy relationship. Not so much how the canon pairings are explicitly cut. IMO, crack pairings work best as crazy one night stands.
>> No. 96809
>> No. 96838
Title: Second Time's the Charm
Link: http://mint-amaretto.livejournal.com/11504.html
Summary: You don't have to be Mr. Grumpyface to become a successful Earthbender. An AU where Ty Lee is from the Earth Kingdom, and is Aang's earthbending teacher.

Title: Children Watching the Sunset
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7677694/1/Children_Watching_the_Sunset
Summary: After Toph worries about giving a speech for Sokka and Suki's after-wedding ceremony, she and Sokka share a moment together as friends.
>> No. 97093
>> No. 97094

I'm assuming you're looking for something to read since you bumped this thread. Here have a short Toph fic "Bend It Like Toph"

>> No. 97095
That was nice, sweet, and to the point.

>> No. 97354
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A motherfucking Toph and Wolverine traveling companions fic!


Thank you based sniktbub.
>> No. 98320
"Worst Traitor of Them All" by Amy Raine:

The plot? Kori meets the Freedom Fighters. It goes about as well as you'd expect. This one-shot explores the Colonial issue, particularly when it comes to the multicultural kids who catch flak from both sides. It's also good to see a fic that remembers that the Freedom Fighters aren't exactly Nice People.
>> No. 98433
You're entitled to your own opinions, but I love Embers so hard.
>> No. 98453
Are there any good (preferably lengthy) fanfics that star entirely OCs and aren't hugely AU?

I know this is a rather tall order to ask, but I'm just kind of in that mood.
>> No. 98474

You're in luck. There are two fics I know of that fit just that order.

#1: Scorched Earth -- http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4394574/1/Scorched_Earth -- In the southern Earth Kingdom, a stubborn miner dreams of freedom, a broken warrior finds a friend, a weary traveler finds a purpose, and a prisoner of war must choose sides. Together, the four of them must find their destiny. (Note: While it's currently undergoing an extensive revision, that's been completed up through Chapter 15 of 23, and updates are consistently monthly. I don't feel you have to worry about this becoming a deadfic.) 243,554 words.

#2: Final Exam -- http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4728718/1/Final_Exam -- A young archer wants to prove she is worthy of being the best of the best. But while her technical skills are great, she lacks the proper yu-yan attitude. Will traveling with a banished Prince help her find her true path? Season one; NO romance. (Note: This one does a great job of maintain AtLA's Original Flavor. It could almost work as a missing three-parter from S1.) 64,311 words.
>> No. 98481
Much thanks, I'll check these out.
>> No. 98675
I'v been trying to find the fapfic "A Bender Scorned" for a while now, but no one saved it.
>> No. 105399
Title: "Origin Story" by psocoptera
Summary: They dump Lin in front of headquarters, at her mother's feet.

Comments: There have been lots of Lin-centric fic in the aftermath of Episode 10, but this one is the best take on the immediate aftermath of Lin losing her bending to Amon. While I quibble a little over the idea of the Equalists letting her go free, as they've been shown to imprison ex-benders in Episode 9, I'm willing to let that slide due to the author making a wonderful little story out of the concept.

>> No. 112290
Bumpty bump.
>> No. 112292
I rediscovered Omoni's drabbles the other day. Great stuff, you all should try a couple.

>> No. 112299

>Basically Jinora goes through puberty and hits a “milestone” while Pema is away and she only has Tenzin to turn to.

Tenzin is best dad.
>> No. 112323
If you want a trollfic to laugh at:

>> No. 112325

HP/Korra crossover, Korrasami, quite a fun read and it's taking its time establishing the crossover.
>> No. 112326
What does it say about how long I've been on the Internet that the first thing I thought of reading that description was loli, incest, and reverse-rape?
>> No. 113451
Nobody has posted a decent fapfic here in a long while. Here have some Aang and an extremely horny Katara bumping uglies on Air Temple Island

>> No. 113614
Ertic and very sexy Zutara fic:

>> No. 113615
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>> No. 113616
File 137705650083.jpg - (12.33KB , 300x359 , 1293596491608.jpg )
>getting upset at zutara
>not becoming glorious multishipper
>> No. 113617
>Even acknowledging Zutara exists
>> No. 113618
The content makers leave and all we're left with is whiners and shitposters.
>> No. 113620
>liking Zutara for anything more than the comedy gold mine that were the Zutards
>> No. 113621
It's weird, I've come to enjoy it a lot more over the last 2 years.
>> No. 113622
More power to you, I guess.
>> No. 113681
Are there any stories with Aang fucking Katara in Avatar State?
>> No. 113682

not that I've found.

post it here if you find any
>> No. 113776

Mai awoke to the sound of the ocean, gulls crying somewhere in the distance, and Zuko snoring.

Ordinarily, the fact that someone was breathing right into her ear would have been a cause for annoyance. But given the current situation, and just what had caused it, a heated blush arose on her pale skin instead.

She rolled over, her still faintly sweat-sticky body clinging to the sheets for a second. She lay tangled in them, hair a mess, face flushed, and completely naked. Any idiot who walked into the room at that moment would be able to tell just all that had unfolded the previous night...
>> No. 113778

Guess hes alright i leked because im a sucker for Maiko
>> No. 113781
I liked him because im a sucker for Maiko
>> No. 113783
File 137858902626.jpg - (19.65KB , 385x200 , retrosig_zps366abccd.jpg )
TITLE: "Retroactive" by Loopy777

SUMMARY: A mix of adventure, mystery, and psychological horror, featuring Suki and Azula as explore their shared past and find that they have more enemies in the new post-war world than either could have expected. What is the nature of the conspiracy, who is in on it, and who will survive the resulting apocalypse?


COMMENTS: Admittedly, I'm biased here. I suggested the original idea for the fic on another forum. But still, author Loopy expanded on it in amazing ways, and spun this post-canon fic about Suki and Azula's relationship. It all begins when Suki starts suffering from a recurring nightmarish memory, about Azula torturing her at the Boiling Rock, but not all the details make sense, and Suki can't quite put her finger on why... (the answer is revealed shortly into the fic, but I won't spoil it).
>> No. 117013
So, I'm trying to set the bare-bones outline for the start of the post-100 year war era, what the Gaang is doing, and some world building.

4 bending patron spirits, primordial source of bending.

Water: Tui (The Moon/Yue)

Earth: Houtu (?) - /The Pillar, The Mountain, The Listener, The Land, The Heartland./

Fire: Agni (The Sun)

Air: Vayu (The Wind)


Aang: Dealing with the creation of the United republic along with Zuko. Traveling the world, trying to gather and preserve as much Airbending lore as possible. Dealing with the spiritual Imbalance after the 100 year war. Relationship problems due to being a long time away from Katara.

Zuko: Dealing with political issues within the Fire Nation. Fixing his relationship with Mai. Tracking Azula down. Shifting the Fire Lord’s position to a less absolutist extreme?- Rekindling the lost ways of sun warrior firebending, and reconnect with their neglected spiritual past.

Katara: Teaching waterbending in the South Pole, and helping the general reconstruction of the tribe as a whole. Worried about her future, Aang’s and the gaang’s. Accompanies Aang in every travel she’s able to.

Sokka: In constant contact with the Mechanist. Currently in the south pole, planning the reconstruction of the tribe along Katara and Hakoda. At odds with Suki on where they will live. Political unrest, with various splinter groups of the tribe seeking to gain the upper hand for their own benefit.

Toph: Continuing to teach metalbending. Currently traversing the Earth Kingdom with her class, for them to learn the myriad of facets earth can have. Still avoiding her parents. Still with an unresolved crush on Sokka. First stop is Omashu, to settle unfinished business.

Mai: Still at odds with Zuko. She has been all but cut from her family. She is still taking care of her little brother. Traveling across the fire nation, using whatever clout she has left from her family to get work. Refuses help from Zuko. Might or might not dab into bounty hunting.

Suki and Ty Lee: Both still serve in Zuko’s palace guard. Ty Lee is conflicted about keeping her duty as a Kyoshi Warrior, but leaving Mai alone, now that she is no longer in the Palace. Suki is troubled by the fact she has been away from Kyoshi island for so long, and what her future will be with Sokka.

Azula: Missing in action.

Any ideas you guys would like to add?
>> No. 117016
With the relationships aspect, I'd err on the side of keeping the canon couples together in order to stop the romance consuming whatever else the story might have to offer. Relationship issues are a good way of developing the characters who make that couple up but unless the story is really about a non-canon ship, it makes more sense to work with the couples the show already gave you. That being said, I've no idea what you intended to do with those couples so you might already have that stuff in mind.

Some suggestions I thought of/would like to see;
- If Katara and Sokka are both in the South Pole, struggling in relationships with a partner who has other, time consuming commitments (Aang and his Air Acolytes, Suki and her Kyoshi Warriors) it would be great to see the Water siblings supporting each other through that. They bicker a lot but Katara and Sokka do really love each other and any opportunity to show the more tender side of their relationship should be taken.

- With this presumably set after the Search, Ursa being back should be a huge part of Zuko's life, perhaps even to the detriment of him fixing his relationship with Mai. Like I said up top, not that Maiko should be broken for good, but if they did get back together that Mai might find the same old problems persisting (Zuko being a neglectful boyfriend, though no longer because of stresses over Yu Dao but now because of him wanting to catch up with Ursa) and it might take Ursa, as an outsider to their relationship but in the Palace enough to observe them, to get Zuko to buck up his ideas about how he considers Mai.

- Not sure what you have planned for Toph in Omashu (rematch against Bumi maybe?) but if she and Mai are wandering around wherever it might be cool for them to run into one another (though how exactly Mai ends up in the EK is your problem)

- Sort of unrelated, but I'd be interested in seeing Hakoda moving on with his life after the war, as Kya has been somewhat avenged, the SWT safe again and his children more or less independent, where he (what with him being the most eligible bachelor in the South) meets a new love and we see how Katara and Sokka react to the idea of their Dad moving on after Kya (presumably with Sokka taking the more rational approach but it doesn't have to be played that way).

Also, where's Iroh in all this?
>> No. 117041
A quick Kataang oneshot, subject matter made clear by the url

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