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File 13862201577.jpg - (725.79KB , 1000x800 , 122768876453.jpg )
116397 No. 116397
You know, the recent interest in Gaang Jr got me thinking. How many other Avatar fan-projects worth of note are there out there?

I know the most famous (or infamous) ones like HIBY, DoD, rufftoon's "Water Tribe Zhao", /co/'s Doomzula and "Lone Mai and cub", the artrix's "Inspector Iroh",and our own long dead Mechaverse, Moezula and the westernized Avatar. And of course, Wolfbatman.
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>> No. 116398

I know of the now-defunct Parlor Games AU that was set in Prohibition Era America. Its creator tragically passed away some years ago.
>> No. 116403
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Well... that's a downer.
>> No. 116415

I had forgotten ask about that. Yeah, it's still on FF.net, but Lyralocke's bio is just a message from her sister informing us of her passing in 2010.

As for AUs, I had tried starting a cyberpunk AU myself way way back in '09 give or take, but I wouldn't make the drive to work on it on my own time and when I got fired from my call center job in 2010, my new retail job ended up being less than conductive to drawing on my free time at work. Was still a lot of fun, and I so love all my old ideas, even if I never got more than seven pages in.

I have a new tablet, maybe I should try to revisit it someday.
>> No. 116419
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I suppose there's the SRU college stuff.
>> No. 116420

I see that kinda often, is it any good/interesting or is it just typical Domestic School AU boringness?
>> No. 116423
the fanart is good if you like modern stuff. and there are good moments here and there in the fanfic, but on the whole it's a bloated mess.
>> No. 116424

Yeah. I tried reading it once, but it just meanders around and never goes anywhere. Also, the dialog is pretty irritating. I don't get why there's such a rabid following for it.
>> No. 116429
File 138635056856.jpg - (211.86KB , 591x1026 , His_Dream_of_Skyland_by_theartrix.jpg )
The plethora of Domestic High School AUs was partly what drove me to write a 1940s-Far-East AU many many years ago (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3670192/1/His_Dream_Of_Skyland_One_How_High_The_Moon). Kind of tooting my own horn mentioning it in this thread, since this wasn't so much a "fan project" as me myself alone committing to a massive waste of time for months on end. But The Artrix did draw some fanart for it back in the day, which was awfully nice of him...
>> No. 116430
I always thought The Artrix was female. I'll check out the fic though, it sounds interesting.
>> No. 116440
Man, I thought His Dream of Skyland was brilliant.
>> No. 116443
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It's been something I've been meaning to get back to for oooooh...about five years now. I wanted to at least get to Toph's and Jet's introductions before giving up the ghost, but for the most part I've gone pretty comprehensively cold turkey on the whole fanfiction thang.

I mean if anyone else fancies re-setting Avatar as an Indy-esque action-adventure in the Second Sino-Japanese War, by all means steal as much material as you like. Whenever I'm bored I like thinking about setting a Korra sequel fic in Hong Kong and making it a long series of John Woo pastiches...
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