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115815 No. 115815
There wasn't a thread, so...
92 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 115937
In the original series there weren't really any bad guys who acted without any motivation. Even Long Feng had a solid if short-sighted reason for doing what he did. The villains in this series have none of that. No consistent plans; no strategies; no goals. It feels like exactly what's been happening in the writing since day one: they're just making it up as they go along.
>> No. 115938
I don't know where you got this from considering Amon's goal was spelled out for us on plenty occasions, including his motivations.
>> No. 115939
>Asami on the other hand, is a much more universal character I think.
I'm really not trying to mock what you're trying to say but I think this is funny considering Asami disappeared for a few episodes and only got back into the spotlight AFTER the plot returned to Republic City.
>> No. 115940

Indeed, if not for Unalaq, Vaatu and their "DURR I AMA EVIL DURR" party, LOK actually has had fairly complex villains like Tarrlok and Noatak.
>> No. 115941
After having just watched Aang hand Ozai his ass for the 100th time, I can turn around and say that this season has been, in my opinion, absolutely terribly handled, both artistically and from a writing perspective. I won't even talk about last season's finale.

There are definite exceptions IE: Wan and the latest episode, and the quality DOES seem to be improving, but DAMN.
>> No. 115942
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>> No. 115944

>I can turn around and say that this season has been, in my opinion, absolutely terribly handled, both artistically and from a writing perspective

Nah. I don't see it that way. I fucking love this season.
>> No. 115945

Well, that's cool for you, I guess.
>> No. 115950

I find it just a little strange that you feel this way, given how much hate /co/ had for Season 3's finale.
>> No. 115954
>> No. 115955
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If you gotta rip something off rip off the best.
>> No. 115957
I can't believe Korra got Jinora captured. Usually she doesn't screw up this late in a season.
>> No. 115958
/co/'s opinion on anything is irrelevant.
Not that I'm defending season 3's mostly anti-climactic ending, but compared to this stuff, it's masterfully crafted.
>> No. 115959
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>ATLA Finale

>hating on Korra Book 2
>> No. 115960
Refusal to accept criticism of anything you like doesn't make you better than others, it just makes you a mindless fanatic.
>> No. 115961

That's a trite response, as >>115960 points out. But I'll give you props of using a non-Avatar related reaction imagine instead of trotting out Iroh's recent quote about not dwelling in the darkness.

You can enjoy something and still accept that it's broken in places and subpar in others, and discuss why it is so. Media doesn't exist in a clean "It's an 11/10!" and "It's shit on burnt toast" binary.
>> No. 115962

I imagine people are just burned out. We had a particularly persistent guy on here who'd go full on "shit on burned toast" all the time, so people get polarized quick. I enjoy the show so far, personally, but >>115945 is kinda the only response I can give to somebody who feels otherwise.
>> No. 115963
Really?? I adored the finale and thought it was a fitting end to the series. (Even though I would've loved those specials... >_> )

I guess people weren't fond of the turtle ex machina, but it didn't bother me.
>> No. 115964
Mm. There's a lot of stuff I've loved about Korra so far, but there are problems that stick in my craw, too.

At least it's not Shingeki no Progress.
>> No. 115966
You should have known that the Lion Turtle will come somewhere during the series anyway when Aang picked up that scroll in the library.

Now thanks to Beginnings it makes me wonder if Wan's story was suppose to be told somewhere during Book 2 or Book 3 and rather or not that one guy in the scroll was Avatar Wan.
>> No. 115967
According to Bryke they've had the idea of Wan's story (don't know about Wan himself) since ATLA was airing.
>> No. 115968
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Bolin is a dick in tomorrow’s episode.
>> No. 115969
I only sympathize with Bolin fans who are frustrated with this because it does suck seeing your favorite character develop through being a total jackass. On the other hand, ha ha.
>> No. 115970
Bolin and his rise an fall wave is an interesting thing to watch. Sports, Cinema and next is politics.
>> No. 115971

I. I watched the preview.


I just.... I didn't expect this to happen... can't wait to see where that goes.
>> No. 115972

Get busy living or get busy dying, Mako.
>> No. 115973
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Bryan posted the completed poster in that gif to his tumblr
>> No. 115974
I'm surprised people are reacting with surprise at Bolin's being a dick in the preview. He already became one when his Nuktuk career quickly went to his head.

That said, I'm really excited about how his character will develop from here on out.
>> No. 115975
Well, I just... I didn't know it had gotten THAT bad- literally visiting your brother- WHO HAS BEEN FRAMED AND THROWN IN PRISON- and giving him your movie poster to "cheer him up."

I mean... WOW.
>> No. 115976
>people getting mad that Bolin refers to the group as Team Avatar in the new clip

Look, I know the Krew could stand to be a bit more chummy, but for the love of God PLEASE stop comparing them to the Gaang, who formed their bond in a very different and much more dire situation. No shit, they're going to get anxious when they're apart from each other for too long, they were constantly on the run in a time of war. The Krew are living in a different time, they're nearly adults, they can afford to spend time away from each other without one of them needing to break down into tears because "WHERE'S KORRA?!" (I like her too but I'm not going to declare Mako, Bolin and Asami to be assholes because they dare to have lives that don't revolve around "the kween"). Like holy shit I can guarantee the Gaang started acting more like the Krew once they got older (except nobody was kissing each other's exes or whatever).
>> No. 115978
Well it's not like they've ever been portrayed as particularly close, have they? Even in season 1 they didn't seem to be pals by any stretch of the imagination.
>> No. 115979
I'll continue to get mad about it because it's contrived and artificial to call them team anything because three of them are superfluous whenever shit goes down and the idea only ever existed because they just gotta have some self-insert Sues hanging around with the title character so shipping nonsense can exist.
>> No. 115980

Firelo pls go
>> No. 115981
Oh so it's like that, huh? You're just going to ignore how they all hopped into a car to pointlessly chase down bad guys (with Korra doing absolutely nothing the whole time) and all of a sudden they "The new team Avatar" despite the fact that they were and are complete assholes to each other?
>> No. 115982

>> No. 115983
It's offensive to the original writers for them to call this "Team Avatar" in anything but jest.

>> No. 115987

Y'know, it's only for a day, and it wasn't supposed to show up three times in a row (blame mobile Chrome) but somehow, that's a funnier, clearer message to send.
>> No. 115992
Still feels a bit unearned really.

I mean when Sokka brought that Gaang thing up those guys had been travelling together for a long as time, formed a sorta family unit.
You never get the new guys chumming around. Not much of a team, more of a casual acquaintance type deal. Just because they move closer to adulthood, doesn't mean there shouldn't be an enjoyable back and forth and genuine sense of comradery there. And that really only exists in Bolin's head so far.

In any case that's not what I'd get mad about.
It's true that LoK could stand to be more like ATLA in many ways, but this feels like such a token thing to throw in there.
The Avatar needs his silly entourage.
Even though they mostly act independently from one another and have their own lives and worries, Team Avatar has to exist or at least be name checked.

Hell, I even feel Korra would be better off with a rotating roster of supporting characters, so they don't have to keep finding contrived ways to weave them all into the narrative.

Just another one of the things that are done out of a sense of obligation, rather than storytelling.

So yeah, whatever.
>> No. 116018
Mako and Bolin I think are close enough with Korra that they could be called friends, sure

I reall can't fathom why Asami would ever want to be within 100 feet of anyone besides maybe Bo, though
>> No. 116030
LoK has bad character writing, thats basically the answer to even character-related question

>> No. 116035
Fuck off.
>> No. 116189
Except its true, there's a reason the Krew has none of the bonds the Gaang did.
>> No. 116197
O-Oh dear.. Is this place banning people for speaking the truth now?

Better jump ship before I got shot by the regime, too. Bye bye.
>> No. 116198
Once again, there's a difference between discussing the flaws of LOK (which yes one of them would be that we've never really seen any bonding time with the Krew save for a few occasions because the seasons are so plot heavy and are prone to introducing a bunch of minor characters) and then saying shit like >>116030.
>> No. 116200
But they didn't say anything outlandish or offensive. I wouldn't even call that flame baiting. That's the bitter simple truth that A LOT of people are echoing. Why does this board have such thin skin?
>> No. 116201

It's only the same shitposter getting banned over and over. He can't take a hint.

If all you want to post about Korra is gr8 b8 m8 go back to /co/.
>> No. 116202
Except it isn't, and accusing everyone who disagrees with you of being the same person is incredibly dishonest.
>> No. 116203

I suggest you read the mod's posts about the shitposter. Don't be so ignorant.
>> No. 116204

If we're being fair, the person banned in this thread (>>116030) is actually a separate person than the one banned for the comments about writing training and went all "fuck it, ban me again." (who was also the guy who made these posts >>115978, >>115979, >>115981, before being banned for >>115983.)

If you ask me, >>115992 actually has a point, and a rotating cast might have served the story better, much as I enjoyed parts of the B-plot.

On the other hand, >>116030, >>116189, and >>116202 all have very similar IP addresses, so I'm kinda suspicious.
>> No. 116205
Yes, those last three posts are mine. I didn't want to cause a scene over the fact I was banned for saying the character writing in Legend of Korra was rather bad, which lead to my later comment as to it being why the main group in this show didn't have the solidarity you could see in that of the main group in the previous show.

I stand by my original statement, if pressed I would state that the original banning was unwarranted and caused by the mod being a little overeager with the ban-button in response to a less than positive comment because of the actions of the aforementioned person who goes around starting trouble for the sake of trouble, which to be fair I can understand.
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