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115714 No. 115714
With this episode, we big adieu to Studio Pierrot. They did a fine job for their last Korra gig IMO. They buckled down on the annoying quirks they tended to fall into in prior episodes.

Dat delicious Korra and Tenzin character development.
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>> No. 115715
dat delicious Jinora
>> No. 115716
It was an okay episode. Good development on Korra's part, compared to how she was acting back in book 1. Tenzin's conflict was real and good, people keep saying he was being pompous and entitled when I don't think that was it. He was actually REALLY similar to Korra in this episode in that whole vein of struggling to do what his destiny is without even having a full grasp on what it is.

Desna and Eska were pretty good this episode. Unless Unalaq is planning on backstabbing the spirit of Chaos, looks like those knight-templar theories are dead.

As for the RC plot... eh, I'm a little astounded that Masami is back together so soon. Or were the two of them just sort of lost in the moment? Mako being set up and Asami being there to see it wasn't a problem, although Lin kind of came across as awkward and stupid. And it doesn't help that Mako hasn't seemingly thought of Korra ONCE since she left, but we know they're going to get together. On the other hand, Korra clearly hasn't thought about Mako at all, they're both clearly dedicated to other things right now. I don't know, I'm not a fan of this development but I think people are being kind of stupid about this.

>> No. 115717
Why are we spoilers?

Anyway...yeah, I liked that Korra was respectful of Tenzin. Kinda interested to see how she develops form here though. I hope they don't make her jerkish again in season 3. I liked Tenzin struggling with his guilt and father's expectations. Glad to see Mako and Asami having to deal with the consequences of their mistake.
>> No. 115718

So the major complaint of the first season was that it was bogged down in romance. Now that Makorra is broken up and both have lots of shit on their plate to not think of each other, it's a bad thing? Though I agree the Mako/Asami moment wasn't needed and Lin, who went outside the law WITH MAKO to gain justice against Amon, is suddenly holding Mako accountable on the tenured lazy detectives' word and not even questioning the evidence. Do they have fingerprint dust in this universe yet? If Lin wises up to this, I'll forgive it.

Beyond all that, the A plot >>>>>>>>>>>>> the B plot at this point. What Varrick is up to is completely hateful and loathsome, but the consequences of Unalaq's intentions is potentially catastrophic.

>> No. 115719
I think the romance is better handled this Book and much more fun to watch. Asami's seduction of Mako was great.
>> No. 115720
Hmm, in terms of scale, certainly. But before Beginnings I found Varrick the much more engaging of the two.
>> No. 115721

Don't go on tumblr, in their minds the exact opposite happened! MAKO YOU SHITLORD!
>> No. 115722
Asami saw the opportunity and she took it.

I just use spoilers for the first day or so because people might come here who haven't seen it yet.
>> No. 115723

How? She was clearly cravin' the D entire episode with her "Oh, you're so stressed out, I think you need to lie down," shtick.
>> No. 115725

My last post about this matter. Decent rebuttal to the clamhurt http://makenzie-rush.tumblr.com/post/65755331684/fuckyeahavatarshipping-madame-fussybritches

Back to the good shit:

Fuck yes Korra mastered Golden Shower Bending and the fuckin GUN SHOW was open for business during that animation sequence. It's like Pierrot was apologizing for drawing Korra like a waifu during her first attempt at it in the premier.
>> No. 115726
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>mfw I read this post

>> No. 115727
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>mfw Mako was arrested in his wife beater while telling Asami he'd never do anything to hurt her
>> No. 115728
That was pretty... pretty good.
>> No. 115729
The Asami seduction scene was the most sexually charged stuff we've ever seen in Avatar. You know she wasn't thinking about food in Mako's apartment.
I'm not liking this development but I think it's good for the fandom. Asami is no longer an innocent angel and Korra is hardly a manstealing whore anymore.

Stuff I liked
+ the Varrick scene, he's interesting even when he's being a cliched evil mastermind
+ Korra/Tenzin scenes, Korra apologizing
+ Eska showing some humanity

- too much exposition and recaps, not much happening
- Mako's plot. The framing was ridiculous and made everyone look like idiots. Asami is getting seriously retarded ("Varrick just bought my company, what could he possibly gain from this? Derp")
>> No. 115730
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The A/B plot difference highlights a problem with this season. The show was built around Republic City when it TLoK was supposed to be just a mini-series, and it doesn't always mesh well with the more cosmic approach of Season 2.

Mako, Bolin, Asami, and Varrick are all operating on their own local scale, and the conflict between them has some decent danger to it. Varrick "means" a lot more to Asami and Bolin even before he threatens them, simply because he's their salvation in life.

Meanwhile, you have Korra, Tenzin, and Unalaq battling over the fate of the world, and they're all pretty suited to that role. They're all leaders of their own domain. They're not really tied to Republic City anymore.

Both plots are bound together via the civil war, but it's a tenuous connection at this point, as the war is happening off-screen, and doesn't seem to matter to the Republic City B-plot cast except as a means to an end. When the Republic City cast got transplanted outside their native setting, to the South Pole for the opening four episodes, it wasn't the greatest thing as they had little to do: Bolin got shackled to an arguably funny crazy girlfriend, Mako played the token love interest to Korra, and Asami outright vanished for two episodes because she only existed to facilitate Varrick's introduction.

It makes me worried for later seasons.
>> No. 115731
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So hey, the return of Wan Shi Tong is coming up in either next episode or the one after. But that random house in the Spirit World got me wondering.. why the hell is there a house in the Spirit World? Who built it? And why?

But hey, if Wan Shi Tong is returning, maybe an elderly Professor Zei is too.
>> No. 115732
I'm not a fan of the whole natural talent is superior to studying message as it effectively undermines Tenzin's role as a mentor (Tenzin can only be a mentor if he's able to advise Korra). Also a character who just happens to have the skills you need, despite never using them before and never training to use this skill, is an example of bad story telling.

Regarding the RC story it could have been done a lot better (it felt very rushed). When Mako was talking to Asami and Bolin he should have started with the evidence he had against Varrick, rather than accusing Varrick and only mentioning the evidence when no one believed him. Also unless Varrick is bribing the two inept officers to give Lin false evidence it's ridiculous for Lin believing that Mako is somehow organising large scale weapon thefts.
>> No. 115733
I think the big problem I'm having with the show right now, is that there's now this huge rift between the narrative importance of the A plot and B plot. It was fine at first, when we thought the whole thing was just about Unalaq and the civil war, and under normal circumstances the whole thing about Verrick manipulating everyone so that he can profit from said civil war is actually a pretty good storyline to pursue. However, if your going to explore two different plot lines like this, there's needs to be a balance between the two. And as it stands now, it's sort of hard to give a shit about what's going on in Republic City when the A plot is dealing with the end of the world as we know it! In the shadow of that, the B plot has become almost entirely insignificant to the overall narrative.
>> No. 115734

Wow, completely disagree. I thought it looked like they completely threw in the towel as a big middle finger to Nick. This was some of the worst character art and animation I've seen ALL season... Mako's FAAAAAAAAACE-
>> No. 115735
I really felt for Tenzin this episode. He was really, passionately devoted to living up to his father's legacy and exploring the spirit world, and then he learns he simply wasn't meant for it. I think it's the sort of message that speaks to a lot of adults who want to pursue a certain career, only to find out it just wasn't meant to be. At the same time, I liked that he came to peace with it and the fact that his daughter would be carrying his father's legacy. It's a hard thing to accept, and it's admirable that he eventually came around to it.

Also it's cool that Korra's spiritual mentor is going to be someone vastly younger than her.
>> No. 115736
Yeah, I never minded Pierrot's animation that much before, but it was really bugging me this time around. Particularly when the characters sort of...slid into frames? It happened with Bolin and it happened with Kya, Bumi, and co. when they were peeking. Looked really off and awkward.
>> No. 115737
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I’m beginning to think that Asami knows that Varrick is evil, and she is just doing anything she can to survive. That includes seducing Mako.
>> No. 115738
Maybe the standard Anime bit of after a certain point the animation drops hard. I've not seen it but I've heard Attack on Titan just collapses after episode 15
>> No. 115739
Jinora can just get Korra into the spirit world, she literally knows nothing else about spirituality in general and is really not in a position to teach Korra anything beyond maybe getting in there and getting out.
>> No. 115740
Why is Lin such an incompetent police chief?
>> No. 115741
Where can I watch this episode online? I missed it.
>> No. 115742
if she did her job, the whole bombing plot would be solved a lot faster. but that can't happen for a while yet, so we can't let her do anything worthwhile except hinder the main character trying to solve the mystery.

it would have been fine if she was *supposed* to come off as incompetent or a dirty cop, but she's not. if the plot calls for one of your competent characters to act like a fucking moron for several episodes, change the plot or make it so that character cannot be involved with it, don't give them the idiot ball and tell them to run with it.
>> No. 115743
Nickelodeon's website has it up.
>> No. 115744
Might be for show if she knows Varrick has city hall in his pocket that she wants to get Mako in a secure location and reveal her plan to get this done with. I mean I've seen and read stuff with the person in know trying to fix things have to take the shit out of another poking around the bottom of the much larger case to keep from chasing off the rats and blowing the whole operation.
>> No. 115745

Was Lin ever portrayed as that competent to begin with. I remember her being mostly a screw up whose hard nose approach did little to stop the Equalists from taking over the city.

I think people are only calling her an idiot because they're watching the events of the show unfold from Mako's perspective, not hers. We know Mako is right and we know his evidence is a lead. From Lin's perspective, Mako never had any actual evidence to back his claims up and is going against protocol and overstepping boundaries of the police hierarchy, things which Lin is so devoted to upholding that she even arrested the Avatar and treated like just a common criminal.

Point is, Lin has always been kind of a stupid cunt.
>> No. 115746

I figure that might be the case, since she didn't condemn Mako or give him some speech.
>> No. 115747

>It makes me worried for later seasons.

The B plot is tied with the A plot better than Probending was tied to the Equalist conflict, so I'd say there's a reason to be optimistic.
>> No. 115748
Yeah, but at least Probending stopped once the real storyline kicked into gear. Past episode (5 or 6, I forget) it simply wasn't a thing anymore because it didnt need to be.

However what we have here is a completely impotent and incosequential B plot still running alongside the A plot. The only one with any agency to stop the overall threat of Unalaq and Vatuu is Korra and just Korra. If Korra loses, the world ends. If Korra wins the wars over and Varrick's whole war profiteering scheme is over with anyway and whether or not he gets caught is somewhat unimportant when compared to the possible END OF THE FUCKING WORLD! The A plot has rendered the B plot completely inconsequential and unimportant.

Sadly, the only reason for this B plot seems to be nothing more than an excuse to get Mako and Asami back together.
>> No. 115749

Well, if Republic City goes to war then it will probably only strengthen the Dark Spirits and make things worse for the world. I think what's missing is more exploration of what it could potentially happen that will make Korra's job harder if Mako or Asami fails. That and maybe a good monologue from Varrick that ties everything together thematically. We'll just have to wait and see.
>> No. 115750
So Tenzin is now Korra and Korra now relaxed?
>> No. 115751
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I actually like the B-plot a whole lot more than the A-plot, but I agree with your overall point.

TLoK has a problem this season in that a fair chunk of its cast, that is to say all of Korra's teenage friends, are useless when it comes to solving the real problem facing her -- not the invasion of the South, but the impending end of the world and navigating the Spirit World.

Season 1 didn't have this problem because, even if Amon was supposedly (somehow) a potential world threat, he was based in Republic City, and everything he did some affected the lives of our heroes. The Krew were a cast that made sense for the story the show was telling. Here, they don't. Varrick and Republic City's B-Plot is well and truly forked off from the A-Plot at this point, and it's going to take some decent storytelling to merge them back together in a dramatically satisfying fashion. (That, or it sets up Season 3's plot somehow, perhaps with regards to President Raiko.)
>> No. 115752
Tenzin's attitude in this episode had less to do with him magically being impatient for no reason for the sake of Korra looking good and more to do with how we've had hints since book 1 that he's just as desperate as Korra is to be considered worthy of carrying on Aang's legacy and his frustrations are finally coming to the surface.
>> No. 115753
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[Ode To Joy Intensifies]
>> No. 115754
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Still wondering what Vaatu told Unalaq about the balance. Or if it was even the first time someone had attempted something with him. Whole lot of dark spirits sealed in that old circle. Maybe some Pre avatar manuscript that talked about the lion turtles and the spirit balance.
>> No. 115755
Link please?
>> No. 115756

>> No. 115757
While I don't think Lin is incompetent, I do think the fandom overestimates her skills, probably because she's Toph's kid. People kind of forget, we found out in the first episode of LOK that RC hasn't been doing too well since Aang died and I'm willing to say Toph dying had an impact on that as well. Lin's *good*, but she's arguably one potential prodigy in charge of an entire city's safety and she's bound by laws on how she goes about doing it. She's amazing, but not so amazing that she's infallible.

And, you know, from Lin's perspective the whole thing at least warranted bringing in Mako for questioning. People took that whole bit about her going 'outside the law' to protect RC as to being a newly adopted characteristic, when it really isn't. She only did that because she felt she had let the city down as an officer but she still wanted to do what she could to protect it.
>> No. 115759
She's nowhere close to being amazing...
>> No. 115760

>And, you know, from Lin's perspective the whole thing at least warranted bringing in Mako for questioning

Take a look at the scenes pictured in >>115751's image. What are the constants? If Lin allows the two mustached assholes anywhere near her and Mako during questioning then it's time to get mad
>> No. 115761
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>> No. 115762
She did take down an Equalist airship singlehandedly. Fine, not amazing, better than your average bender because Toph trained her.

What's more of a problem is that Mako apparently didn't go BACK to her at a more appropriate time, but this is also a huge cop movie cliche. Or it's totally possible Lin believes Mako is innocent, but she just can't let him off the hook right then and there because it would look bad for her image. She would basically be playing favorites to those other two cops.
>> No. 115763

I doubt Lin seriously believes Mako is a bad kid, but she has to follow the rules as Chief. There's no way she can't take Mako in. She arrested the Cabbage Corp CEO cause she got a tip and found evidence in his warehouses against him, even though she wasn't sure if he was really financing the Equalists. But she had to do what she had to do.
>> No. 115764

Maybe it's not a house, it's a spirit that looks like one as camoflage so it can eat burglars, squatters and pizza delivery boys?

In regards to what Vaatu told Korra's uncle, I think that somehow he's convinced him that there being one spiritually empowered-human and not two creates an imbalance, so he wants to have his soul bound to Vaatu in order to "balance out" the existance of the Avatar.

If that's the case that might be pretty interesting, though it's probably more likely to be Vaatu lied to Korra's uncle about who it was and is just using him as a means to escape.
>> No. 115765

Or maybe the world has actually been out of balance since Wan separated Vatu and Rava and Unalaq thinks by releasing Vatu, balance will be restored.

Remember how Unalaq said "there are no evil spirits. There is light and dark." He understands full well who Vatu is. He just doesn't see Vatu as being a force of evil. Calling him evil, from Unalaq's perspective, is probably like saying hurricanes and tsunamis are evil.
>> No. 115766
Then they should have shown Tenzin giving Jinora and Korra advice about the spirit world, rather than doing nothing useful. So far the story is saying that all of Tenzin's knowledge is completely useless if you have natural talent.
>> No. 115767
How will Varrick make the Dark Spirits plan any worse? Attacking the South will make it harder for Unalaq to help the Dark Spirit. Seriously Varrick should be creating a conflict where Korra has to chose between stopping Unalaq but ruining her friend's lives or helping her friends but having a harder time stopping Unalaq. That would make the B plot actually relevant to the A plot.

But if Tenzin hasn't taught Korra airbending and can't help her with anything spiritual then why should Korra care about anything he says or does. Tenzin needs to be able to help Korra in some way or he won't have a role in the story.

As Lin's chief of police then you'd expect her to be reasonably competent, yet she keeps ignoring all the evidence Mako gives her for no real reason. Without an episode showing why she's acting this way she just comes off as completely inept.
>> No. 115768
He was the one who knew the garden was the best place for it and knew it had to be cleansed. He also, you know, taught Jinora and Korra all they knew about meditation.
>> No. 115769
Does anyone remember that spinning wheel macro wit character's faces on it like the one there was for FiM that said "Which character does /co/ (or the fandom) hate this week?"

I think something similar could be applied here.
>> No. 115770
I hate to keep being so negative, but there's just so much in this episode that sums up what's wrong with Korra in general.

There's so many characters here that have no reason for being part of the story. Why are Kya and Bumi there? Other than just to add an extra layer of unnecessary drama? Worse is what's happening with Asami/Mako/Bolin. It really feels like this whole B plot was cooked up because they needed to give them something to do. If you have to give a character something to do because they otherwise don't fit into the story... That's a bad sign.

Even as much as I like Verrick as a character, you could cut out absolutely everything having to do with him and it would have no effect on the story whatsoever. Then we could be left with devoting more time to develping the characters and story that actually does matter. Let's get to know Unalaq a little better, let's develop the twins a bit beyond "they're weird". Holy shit, let's get to know Pema a bit can we!? She's married to one of the main characters (who's entire role has now been completely undermined by his ten year old daughter), and she's still a fucking cardboard cut out. Pema has gotten less development than some of the single episode side characters from the original series. Hit that Wan story a little sooner. The real plot and conflict, the thing that's going to pull me in and actually get me invested in the season shouldn't happen halfway through it!


I want to like this show, I really do. But it's kind of like hearing your favorite song being played by an only somewhat talented musician. You can tell what they're trying to do, but they're just not hitting those notes right and it makes it impossible to just sit back and enjoy it.
>> No. 115771
Concerning Pema, there are just going to be recurring characters who aren't going to get a lot of development and insight. I'm sure we might learn more about her at some point but I doubt she's ever going to really have the spotlight all to herself.
>> No. 115772

I think you need to rewatch some episodes.
>> No. 115773
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Here’s a quick recap for you:

>Why are Kya and Bumi there?
Kya lives with her mother and Bumi isn’t fighting any wars, so they have nothing else to do but annoy their younger brother.

> Worse is what's happening with Asami/Mako/Bolin.
Asami is being exploited by Varrick, Mako thinks he’s Serpico, and Bolin can’t find a good bending team so he became a bad actor.

> Even as much as I like Verrick as a character, you could cut out absolutely everything having to do with him and it would have no effect on the story whatsoever.
Well, without Varrick we would have no anti-North propaganda, Asami would still own her father’s business, and Bolin would be jobless.

> Let's get to know Unalaq a little better, let's develop the twins a bit beyond "they're weird".
Desna and Eska are powerful waterbenders. They used to be devoted to helping Unalaq but changed their minds after Unalaq prioritized opening up the spirit portal over his childrens’ well-being.

> Holy shit, let's get to know Pema a bit can we!?
Tenzin broke up with Lin when they were in their early forties and Pema, aged 25 at the time, snatched up Tenzin. Lin didn’t take it very well.

> She's married to one of the main characters (who's entire role has now been completely undermined by his ten year old daughter), and she's still a fucking cardboard cut out. Pema has gotten less development than some of the single episode side characters from the original series.
She isn’t an airbender, but she does have the power to give bad advice to young women.
>> No. 115774
To be quite fair, we never learned much about Hakoda either, despite finding him being Sokka and Katara's secondary questline.

But I get your point, the mother characters in ATLA, Ursa and Kya, didn't get much screentime but in that short time we were shown what they were like through their actions. It didn't matter who they were or where they came from. (I'm disregarding the comics).

Pema's a sweet woman and seems to be a great mom, but all we've been told about her is that she picked up Tenzin on the rebound and the only major thing she's done is give Korra bad advice on relationships. (And it WAS bad, otherwise we wouldn't have been shown her cringing when Mako and Asami were fighting). Oh, and she had a baby I guess. Aside from that she's just there, essentially a background prop.

Hell, I'm sure I'm probably wrong, and please correct me if I am, but have she and Tenzin even have had one conversation in the whole series? Have they kissed? Have they TOUCHED?
>> No. 115775
>Well, without Varrick we would have no anti-North propaganda, Asami would still own her father’s business, and Bolin would be jobless.

Which is sort of his point: Varrick exists solely to give Korra's teen friends something useful to do, since they can't pitch in on this cosmic Spirit World story that's now dominating the A-Plot. Everything happening back in Republic City is to fuel the civil war plot... that Korra has set aside because she has bigger fish to fry, and that Unalaq is entirely uninterested in fighting because he also has bigger fish to fry, and that Tonraq isn't fighting because presumably he's waiting for reinforcements.

You could cut out the civil war plot entirely -- the invasion of the South, the Unalaq/Tonraq struggle, Bolin's movie career, Asami's business woes, Mako's cop story -- and not affect the Harmonic Convergence plot one whit.

Despite driving half the season, the civil war ultimately hasn't proven to be important at all. It exists simply to give Korra's teen friends something useful to do, because Season 1 burdened her with a supporting cast that's bound to the Republic City setting. Season 2 wants to tell this grand cosmic story that stretches across ten thousand years... and the concerns of Mako, Bolin, and Asami don't amount to a hill of beans next to it. Thus, the civil war and Varrick are unleashed on them to give them something to do while the Spirit World stuff plays out.
>> No. 115776
its common thing with bigger cast arrangements giving them a more mundane things to mess about and pad their development with the main is off to render the heavens. I can agree that part can be annoying as I've read numerous series that devote an entire book to just a B plot and that can be frustrating.
>> No. 115777
its common thing with bigger cast arrangements giving them a more mundane things to mess about and pad their development with the main is off to render the heavens. I can agree that part can be annoying as I've read numerous series that devote an entire book to just a B plot and that can be frustrating.
>> No. 115778
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>have she and Tenzin even have had one conversation in the whole series?

Season 1, episode 1:
>"Pema, let me help you."
>"Stop doting on me! I'm not helpless, I'm just pregnant."

And in episode 2, when Tenzin is venting his frustrations about Korra at dinner, and Pema tells him he just needs to give her space.

There might be more.
>> No. 115780
Why the sudden fascination with Pema?
>> No. 115781
Why not? She's the best character on this show.
>> No. 115782
Actually Tenzin didn't know that the garden existed and even said that the energies were strongest nearest the temple. Though he did recognise that it needed to be cleansed.

Teaching a character a skill only makes Tenzin seem useful when he teaches them onscreen, preferably in the same story arc. If the character learned a skill in season 1 then this only makes Tenzin useful in season 1. Tenzin wasn't even shown teaching Korra or Jinora what you need to do to enter the spirit world.

>Asami is being exploited by Varrick, Mako thinks he’s Serpico, and Bolin can’t find a good bending team so he became a bad actor.
>Well, without Varrick we would have no anti-North propaganda, Asami would still own her father’s business, and Bolin would be jobless.

What relevance does any of this have to the main plot? What's happening with Varrick, Asami, Bolin, and Mako would work better as a comic explaining what's happening to everyone else in Republic City, rather than being given equal time to a story about an evil spirit that is about to destroy the world.

Seriously what is the point of the Republic City plot? Once Harmonic Convergence ends Unalaq won't have any reason to remain in the Southern Water Tribe so the Civil War will be effectively over (not that the Civil War has done anything as neither side wants to fight the other). So unless Varrick can quickly get Republic City's army to go to the South Pole they'll be no reason to have a war.

Someone noticed that she's in most episodes yet we don't know anything about her.
>> No. 115783
There might not be anything extraordinary about Pema. If the show ever gets to the point that Rohan will be old enough to possibly begin bending, we might get more insight on her but for all we know she's just an air acolyte who had an average life and had the hots for Tenzin.
>> No. 115784
Keeping Mako and Bolin in the series and the fangirls watching.
>> No. 115785
>Kya lives with her mother and Bumi isn’t fighting any wars, so they have nothing else to do but annoy their younger brother.
I think the question was less "Why did Kya and Bumi come along on this vacation?" and more "Why were Kya and Bumi written into this season at all?" Thus far, their contribution as characters has been minimal. Other than providing some additional context and conflict revolving around Tenzin's family, they haven't done anything at all.
>> No. 115786
Honestly, they're probably there because Bryke WANT them to be there. Sure, they haven't made any overwhelming contributions to the storyline outside of Tenzin's (since now we know he's actually getting an arc this season, the fight they had earlier is no longer pointless) but I don't think they're really all that detrimental.
>> No. 115787
They would be detrimental if there were some other story they could be telling that Kaya and Bumi were gaining time preference over; but since that isn't the case I guess you're right.
>> No. 115788
After rewatching, I wonder if Korra saw more of Wan's life than the 40 minutes the show presented. I don't think such a small amount could change her personality the way we saw.
>> No. 115790
You mean like possibly spending a bit more time with Jinora so we could have gotten an actual progression of her spiritual growth leading up to unprecedented ability to teleport others along side her into the spirit?

Nah. Screw that. Way more interesting to watch grown adults bitch about thier daddy issues like angsty teenagers.

And no. Hearing a wooshing sound by granddads statue then later seeing Wans statue glowing is hardly enough foreshadowing or development for her to suddenly be this ultimate spirit guru with little floaty spirit friends. All of which was revealed in the same episode for which that exact skill set became relevent.

Geez, I'm getting pretty bitchy aren't I? I swear my next post will have something positive in. I might have to wait for the next episode, but I'll think of something.
>> No. 115791
I think calling Jinora a sudden spirit Guru is kind of reaching, she's not really volunteering because she's just so talented, it's because she's the only one who can do it and the fate of the world is at state. She's going into this about as blind as Korra is.
>> No. 115792
File 13836151073.png - (4.60KB , 640x480 , Turbo-Tastic!.png )
You're not goin' Firelo are you?
>> No. 115793

Jesus christ man, take a chill pill.
>> No. 115799
File 138371032488.jpg - (113.28KB , 452x280 , 1383707606265.jpg )
>> No. 115800

Dickelodeon pls go
>> No. 115801
File 138372182012.png - (219.12KB , 465x437 , 1383709243777.png )

wonder if this was the same fella that tweeted this. Knew he was being sacked so he just went all out.
>> No. 115802
Almost got me, 7/10
>> No. 115803
File 138372630550.png - (368.80KB , 477x611 , Cap.png )
yea, still as awkward as the original post though
>> No. 115813
File 138392900054.png - (2.04MB , 1024x2304 , vaatu_s_plans_meme_by_seeker900-d6tfjhg.png )
Smithers, I'm beginning to think that Homer Simpson was not the brilliant tactician I thought he was.
>> No. 115814
I'd say the major problems with the current storyline is that the end of the world plot completely overshadows the Civil War and Republic City subplot, and there's too many character who don't add anything to the plot. As a result these subplots and extra characters come off as a waste of time because they have no bearing on the main plot.

This series could be fixed by:

1) Remove the Dark Spirit and have the main plot be Unalaq trying to maintain total control over the North and South Water tribes. This makes the Civil War the main plot and makes any subplots related to relevant to the overall story.

If there has to be a Dark Spirit then deal with it after the Civil War, not before it. In order to maintain the tension in a story the most powerful enemy should dealt with last because once they've been defeated everything else seems less important by comparison.

2) Have Asami agree to sell weapons to the Souther Water Tribe while Korra goes to gather allies. This attaches Asami to the main plot.

3) Have Varrick manipulate Bolin, try to gain control of Asami's company, and frame Mako. As Varrick will be hindering the supply of weapons to the Southern Water Tribe this makes him and everything he does relevant to the main plot.

4) Have Korra go the various nations looking for allies. It would be best if Tenzin accompanies her and uses his diplomatic skills to try and convince the various rulers. This makes Tenzin relevant to the plot.

5) Tenzin's family should come alone with Tenzin and Korra. While the children explore (revealing how the 4 nations have changed) Bumi and Kya can assist in various ways by using the contacts they make throughout their lives. This would make Bumi and Kya relevant to the plot, unlike in the current story where they're just there.

You'd have thought that Jinora would have asked Tenzin for advice about the spirit world, so that Tenzin and his knowledge about the spirit world would be relevant to the plot.
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