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114690 No. 114690
We were told that:
>Airbending is Ba Gua
>Waterbending is Tai Chi
>Earthbending is Hung Gar
>Firebending is Northern Shaolin

Which leave me confused. "Northern Shaolin" is a very generic term. That is a place, not a style. So, is Firebending Long Fist, or what?
>> No. 114692
Uh what?
>> No. 114744
I meant, was it some other style originated from the N. Shaolin temple, or Long Fist in particular, one of those styles? Also, don't believe everything Wikipedia says.

I just want to know what Kisu had in mind. Did anyone ask him?
>> No. 114755
>At its most specific, Northern Shaolin refers to a style called Northern Shaolin Boxing School (Chinese: 北少林拳門; Cantonese Yale: Bak-siu-làhm Kyun-mun [1]), disseminated by Gu Yu-jeung (1894–1952; also known as Ku Yu-cheung or, in Pinyin, Gu Ruzhang).

he meant this. it's usually shortened to northern shaolin. should be pretty obvious

have you ever made a good post in the history of +4chan?
>> No. 114760
Well, if you could teach me how to make good posts, then yes. You're mean.
>> No. 114808
Can't teach the unteachable.
>> No. 115891
In this video, sifu Kisu calls it Nothern Shaolin Kung Fu:
Avatar creating the legend of …youtube thumb
>> No. 115892
So much edge...

I know. However, this article exists:
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