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File 138006464312.png - (754.59KB , 838x940 , totally not a villain.png )
114373 No. 114373
So... they're doing this on purpose, right? The similarities, I mean.
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>> No. 114376
I kinda hope, if we get lead into Asami Solo who can do the Southern to Republic run in twelve parsecs. Heh Eska and Desna can be Threepo and Artoo and Bolin can be Chewie.
>> No. 114404
Come on, give us Evil Korra, the Dark Avatar.
Just for one season.

It would be fucking awesome.
She can have her redemption later.
>> No. 114411
IIRC Bryke already shot down the idea of an 'evil' avatar.
>> No. 114412
Have ether an implied that an evil Korra is running about and the crew has to chase her trail for an arc only to find its not and just a ruse and she's elsewhere. Or some evil spirit monkey is riding her mind.
>> No. 114414
Bryke have also said they want to base Korra's development as a character around 'Breaking Bad.' Make of that what you will.

I can definitely see Korra pulling a Justice Lords thing and deciding that the world would be better if she were the supreme authority. Isn't that how Yangchen ran things?
>> No. 114415
No one knows for sure how Yangchen ran things. There was an extended period of peace during and after her time as the Avatar. She also advised Aang that he had to put his duty to the world before his own need to adhere to the monks teaching about detaching oneself from the world for the sake of attaining enlightenment. For some ridiculous reason some fans have interpreted this to mean that Yangchen was either some kind of warrior badass or she had a tyrannical grasp during her time as the Avatar. Both are, to me, incredibly stupid.
>> No. 114416
No one knows for sure how Yangchen ran things. There was an extended period of peace during and after her time as the Avatar. She also advised Aang that he had to put his duty to the world before his own need to adhere to the monks teaching about detaching oneself from the world for the sake of attaining enlightenment. For some ridiculous reason some fans have interpreted this to mean that Yangchen was either some kind of warrior badass or she had a tyrannical grasp during her time as the Avatar. Both are, to me, incredibly stupid.
>> No. 114418

They were kinda vague about it, saying the peacetime was due to her devotion for an entire generation after in that "Welcome to Republic City" thing.
>> No. 114420
I think that was more like them wanting a slightly more mature show with more grey-issues that can't be solved easily, or the "right" way of resolving them still has some negative repercussions. I sincerely doubt we're going to see a case of Korra falling from grace and becoming some evil Avatar.
>> No. 114421
The whole "evil Avatar" idea is one of the lamest of lame fandumb ideas.

>Bryke have also said they want to base Korra's development as a character around 'Breaking Bad.'

>> No. 114423
What they mean is she's going to eat a lot of breakfast.
>> No. 114430
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Bolin: Hey Mako, watch me bend these rocks right through this Dark Spirit!

Mako: Jesus Christ, Bolin, they're minerals.

>> No. 114431
The very idea that they would compare their character progression to Breaking Bad while maintaining the boring status quo of no Avatar being allowed to actively do evil is just insulting to the audience.
>> No. 114436
What's funny is that an Avatar can be seen as "evil" without actually being evil, and it's already happened ie: Kyoshi and Chin the Conqueror. I doubt ANY Avatar was loved on a world wide scale, if you looked hard enough you could probably find people who would legitimately see whichever Avatar they were familiar with as a bad person.
>> No. 114439
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>I will put you under the jail.

She could too, with earthbending and all.
>> No. 114451
Sure it is, if you hate fun and are afraid of an actual thrilling turn of events.

They really need to change up their game a little and do SOMETHING new.
>> No. 114452
No, they don't. They're literally under no obligation to do anything like that. If you find yourself growing disinterested in a show meant for tweens with some darker elements thrown in, that isn't their fault since you aren't the target audience.
>> No. 114454
man who the FUCK is the target audience? have you seen the ratings? This shit can't be chalked up to a lousy timeslot now.
>> No. 114455

Plus no marketing. The rating were above average for a Friday, and we haven't seen any sales figures for iTunes or Amazon, it's not like the show's floundering in the wind and dying.
>> No. 114456
The ratings aren't that bad for a cartoon on a Friday night and even then if they wanted to change the show's content, it would be too late, they're already working on season 4.

Face it, maybe in the future Bryke will go to some other network to tackle a darker project, but it's not going to be Avatar.
>> No. 114457
The target audience is the same people who were A:LTA's target audience. They've aged a little, so we have an older protagonist to match, and more serious themes. That should be really obvious I think.
>> No. 114458
I wouldn't say they're the same, I think Nick and Bryke did want to draw back some of the older audience but let's be real, we all probably would still be watching if it was more light hearted with younger protagonists like in ATLA.
>> No. 114459
My thing is that the show seems to developing a pattern.
And I don't like it.
I'm not gonna watch 4 seasons of a show if it's just going to basically repeat itself over and over.
Fundamental things have to change to keep me interested.
I thought Bryke knew this with all their GoT comparisons.
If I wanted stagnation I could have stuck with Dexter or 24.
>> No. 114460
You can't establish a pattern after two members of the set.
>> No. 114462

...We're three episodes in. Four, tomorrow. Like..."pattern?" We're, at best, a third of the way in, we basically just got done with the introduction.
>> No. 114463
Season 3 is supposed to be about Lin and Toph, right? I don't see much chance of evil waterbenders hanging around the Earth Kingdom.
>> No. 114464
I suppose it's possible she'll learn some huge life lesson from Avatar Wan and turn herself around and start being her own person instead of chasing this unfulfilling "Avatar" prophecy.
>> No. 114465
No, we just know Lin is going to play a bigger part in book 3. Toph is going to be central to the new sets of comics coming out, though.
>> No. 114467
Korra is too smart to allow herself to fall that low. Anakin on the other hand.
>> No. 114529
Yea she got lucky grabbing an official that spilled all the beans in one go, and actually believed him over her uncle and having Varrick the voice of reason call him a fraud from the start.
>> No. 114538
She isn't.
The main difference between them is that Palaptine had much more time to manipulate his Korra.
>> No. 114539
Palpatine was more subtle too.
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