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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 137442216932.png - (59.33KB , 894x662 , co will kill for korra.png )
113182 No. 113182
Leaks. Quality is super shit, like super duper camrip shit. Watch if you dare.

rebel spirityoutube thumb

Part 1

Part 2
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>> No. 113183
I watched it. I have to say not much has changed since season 1. Still a lot of talking that goes nowhere; still a lot of violence for the sake of violence; if Hedrick was in on this one it's his least impressive work in the canon. Needs a lot of improvement.
>> No. 113184

>Still a lot of talking that goes nowhere

It's the first fucking episode.

>still a lot of violence for the sake of violence

FireLo detected. Shut the fuck up forever.
>> No. 113185
It's still mindlessness on the level of Pro-Bending and I need to remind you that after Katara started getting good the original series treated bending like a loaded gun whereas this one treats it like a nerf toy. Cheapens it and diminishes it.
>> No. 113186
First episode, but if you're going to be this determined to find the ~flaws~ in everything I suggest you just stop watching. No, don't keep watching for the sake of "maybe it'll get better", you know you don't think it will get better.
>> No. 113187
Yeeeaaah...I'll wait until September. Hopefully the season opener will be a 2-parter like last time so I don't have to avoid too many spoilers until then.
>> No. 113188
>> No. 113191
Oh and I don't mean to go full retard about this but why the fuck are there white people now? Is this not a retcon on the level of Greedo shooting first?
>> No. 113192

>implying nonwhite people can't have red hair
>> No. 113194
File 137443779396.jpg - (12.13KB , 560x374 , blond-hmong-kid.jpg )

Genghis Khan had red hair, and people from Laos can have blonde hair and blue eyes, but still have generally East Asian features.

Alternatively, hair dye might exist by now. Hell, they already have plastic surgery.
>> No. 113195
Who the hell is FireLo? An SJ tripfag?
>> No. 113197

No, more like a guy who keeps coming on and shitting around the board occasionally. He's got nothing to do with any social justice thing.
>> No. 113198
I guess I'll reserve my judgements until they drop a full-on blonde on us.
>> No. 113199
Red hair seems to be mostly a Turkic/Caucasian/Arab thing, though the belief that only white people can have hair colors that aren't black or brown is obviously bullshit. Not sure how much West Asian influence they're allowing in Avatar though.
>> No. 113200
After I downloaded them I got two files named Ep1.zip.001 and Ep1.zip.002, how do I unzip them? I'm not getting the option to, unless I downloaded them wrong.
>> No. 113201

>> No. 113215
>Warning: Please install the MEGA Firefox extension to download a file this large.

Fuck no, you stupid website.

Can someone upload this thing elsewhere, please?
>> No. 113217
How did this person film this without getting detected?
>> No. 113221
leet ninja skillz or the people who noticed just didn't care
>> No. 113223
I think the better story with this is how /co/ was horrible to someone just to get this shitty rip.
>> No. 113225
File 137450943291.png - (367.40KB , 1024x2664 , co kills for korra - Copy.png )
>> No. 113226
Wow and I thought tumblr was taking this too seriously.
>> No. 113230
That's what you get when you're retarded enough to put your real name and face on the internet.
>> No. 113233
Wasn't there a part 2?
>> No. 113234
File 137452514942.png - (162.60KB , 984x1344 , co kills for korra 2.png )
And also some screenshots of people sending texts to the guy, but I don't have those.
>> No. 113237
Is this camrip even worth watching?
>> No. 113241
Probably not, but I'd like to watch it anyway so I don't have to try avoiding spoilers for two months. I'm just hoping someone will re-upload it to another site, since I don't want to have to install crap on my computer just for a super low-quality camrip.
>> No. 113250
Odd how people didn't complain that in the original Avatar that young Bumi had red hair.

Also whoever uploaded this need to learn how to compress their videos. A 22 minute files shouldn't be over 600 MB. Especially when the quality is this bad (the audio is pretty much incomprehensible due to the echoing).
>> No. 113251
Spoilers are usually just speculation since nothing is confirmed.
>> No. 113254
File 137478713546.jpg - (68.27KB , 1280x960 , tumblr_mq7k8eydpO1qicrv0o1_1280.jpg )

^ A transcript of "Rebel Spirit". From it, I'm guessing that the couple in the attached picture are the new President of the URN and spouse. No idea which is which.
>> No. 113256
I guess the changing of government is a confirmation on the Season 1 implications of social inequality? A quiet revolution.
>> No. 113261
less social inequality and more like in general, the council just isn't a good idea in korra's time. during aang's time when republic city was first being built and being advertised as this place where all of the nations could mix, you would have some trouble getting all those people getting to live side by side peacefully. a lot of them would also still be heavy on the traditions and culture of their homelands, hence the representatives being from different countries would be able to better understand their needs.

in korra's time, you still do have people coming in from the other nations (artbook confirms mako and bolin's parents actually immigrated to rc) but a majority of the population is mixed and don't have very strong ties to their ancestors' homelands. it would be like asami saying she's fire nation and should be treated as such, even though she's lived in rc her entire life and is more familiar with the culture found there (or for a more realistic comparison, a white american saying they're irish because of a drop of blood and then they go out and start wearing green and talking in a shitty irish accent when they actually have no fucking idea what irish culture is like). the council and the concept it was developed around just doesn't work anymore, so they either toss out the part about them being from the different nations and election people from the UR, but how would you go about determining that? and obviously they aren't going to do royalty, so the next thing to do is elect a president.

also, while i'd wager the guy is a non-bender i doubt the position is only allowed to them. that would be discrimination.
>> No. 113266
You have some good arguments, although

>(or for a more realistic comparison, a white american saying they're irish because of a drop of blood and then they go out and start wearing green and talking in a shitty irish accent when they actually have no fucking idea what irish culture is like)

this actually tends to happen in real life. Not saying they aren't stupid, just saying it does happen.
>> No. 113439
Plastic paddyness... Also you don't see as many obese food-centered people in Italy opposed to what Italian Americans want to make you believe.
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