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112149 No. 112149
I was trying to watch The Last Airbender on Netflix a few nights ago, then when I was just starting Season 3 it stopped working because it was midnight and as my luck would have it they were removing ATLA from Netflix that day. So I'm craving Avatar, both because I didn't get to finish rewatching Season 1 and I've only seen legend of Korra halfway through.

I just felt like venting this mild frustration to you guys. Also, I've got no Avatar fanart.

I don't suppose you fine folks on +/a/ would have a pastebin or some form of information where I could watch Avatar, alternative to netflix?
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>> No. 112150

But only for this weekend.
>> No. 112151
Alternative when that other link dies on Tuesday http://avatardownloads.tk/atla.php
>> No. 112152
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Damn, that was fast. Thanks a lot for the links; seems I was just in luck. Let it be known that +/a/ is awesome.
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