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File 136942402033.jpg - (66.20KB , 500x393 , Sokkla_tumblr_mlov0eVob91s6gwhso1_500.jpg )
112121 No. 112121
Suddenly I am shipping Sokkla and I feel as crying on the inside.
Help me anon ;_;
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>> No. 112130
File 13694516897.jpg - (158.26KB , 875x547 , toko__adventure_time_by_lilsuika-d2ztrfk.jpg )
Eh, better than me. I find myself surprisingly addicted to Toko.
>> No. 112133
I have to admit. As opposed to shipping as I normally am... I really do have a soft spot for this pairing. I don't know what it is... I think part of it being a holdover from the Baroness on G.I. JOE (there was an episode where she and Duke... or one of the main JOE's kind of bonded a bit...), but I've always has a thing for bad girls/villainesses falling for kindhearted guy despite herself.

All in all, despite the excuses, explanations and whatever else bullshit I might come up with to justify the thing. I seriously think these two are just fuckin' cute together.
>> No. 112134
The point of shipping is to have fun, you don't need an excuse for that. Sadly, some people take it way too seriously.
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