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File 136767224391.jpg - (333.26KB , 720x902 , Avatar__Mai_by_77Shaya77.jpg )
111786 No. 111786
You know what this board needs? A new Mai thread.
137 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 113705
Well it depends on who he meets first, right? That's how it worked with Katara. He loved her from the moment he set eyes on her.
>> No. 113707
File 137825034415.jpg - (137.44KB , 751x1063 , sru__mai____solitary_soul_by_sakura_rose12-d6f0nx9.jpg )

Well, I think logically, Ty Lee would probably be the one who wakes up Aang, but just having Aang see Mai or Ty Lee first and being like "okay, that's the love interest," just seems boring and a little too much like canon. When I picture Mai and Ty Lee finding Aang, I picture both of them standing over him and when he opens his eyes, he sees two pretty young girls staring down at him.

From there, you can have it practically anyway you want. Aang could end up Ty Lee or Mai or both or neither.

I like the thought of Mai being tsundere for Aang's shiny dome, but still liking Zuko. A love square is fully possible too.
>> No. 113711
Well it all boils down to whether Aang is more apt to be attracted to someone like him or unlike him.

Because that's the dichotomy between the two girls. Ty Lee is very much like Aang: she's light and bubbly and carefree. You can almost take her as an example of what Aang would be like without the weight of being the Avatar on his shoulders. I can picture Aang and Ty Lee getting along incredibly well, their mutual enthusiasms feeding off each other into hyperactive fits of glee.

Mai, meanwhile, is dour and gloomy and firm, almost as far from Aang's personality as you can get. And I think Aang would appreciate that. Katara is a foil to Aang, but Mai is a more stark one, and they would clash, but Aang would also come to respect her deeply. And I think Mai would appreciate someone bringing a little sunshine into her life.

I think you're right that it could go either way, because both girls present a different choice, and Aang would find both choices appealing. Instead of having a surefire romance like Aang and Katara, I can see a genuine tossup playing out across the story, with Aang shifting his affections between Mai and Ty Lee more than once.
>> No. 113716
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>I can picture Aang and Ty Lee getting along incredibly well, their mutual enthusiasms feeding off each other into hyperactive fits of glee.

And then of course Mai has to play mommy to the two. I think Aang would enjoy a playmate because if you look at Aang's relationship with Katara over the course of the show. There were plenty of times when Aang and Katara were the irresponsible ones and Sokka had to be the parent figure. In this case though, Ty Lee would more overwhelmingly be the "fun one," who is probably less serious than even Aang is.

Aang could like Ty Lee's outgoing personality and dislike Mai's killing the mood with her gloom, sarcasm, and common sense, but there could be times where even he agrees Ty Lee needs to get a clue, and maybe those moments help him appreciate Mai more when Mai isn't being a bitch to him or hating fun.

>Instead of having a surefire romance like Aang and Katara, I can see a genuine tossup playing out across the story, with Aang shifting his affections between Mai and Ty Lee more than once.

Yeah, if this were the real show, you'd probably have episodes that sometimes center more on Aang's relationship with each one, kind of leaving the audience in some real suspense as to who Aang will eventually end up with. Then Zuko comes along and starts ruining the fandom's ships.
>> No. 113717
Of all the Avatar Elseworlds that have been proposed, this is rapidly becoming my favorite. It's just so neat.

Well, second favorite, I don't think I'll ever love anything more than Wolfbatman.
>> No. 113720
File 137833082935.jpg - (160.85KB , 707x493 , 959c4fd3a7be28e6.jpg )

>Of all the Avatar Elseworlds that have been proposed, this is rapidly becoming my favorite. It's just so neat.

I think it definitely has a lot of potential.

You have Mai, who plays the role of the character who apparently doesn't like the hero but is revealed over time to care. Ty Lee, the naive and gullible character who still has a lot to learn about the world and Aang is still well, Aang. There's a lot of what made Sokka, Katara and Aang a great dynamic in there, but also a lot of new things that you wouldn't have found in that trio.

One thing is that not only is Aang a little clueless about the war, but so are probably Mai and Ty Lee to a certain extent, having never quite left the Fire Nation or seen the real face of the war and were raised with the Fire Nation propaganda, so Aang isn't the only who's going through the ordeal of experiencing a different world. Both Mai and Ty Lee are having to deal with living with and interacting with and sometimes even depending on people they've been raised with as either "the enemy," or as their lessers. Both Ty Lee and Mai though could have different kinds of reactions based on their personality's. Maybe Ty Lee cares a little more than Mai about the fact that people don't like the the Fire Nation.

With Azula, I wonder if there could be a little Azulaang hinted with her having a homicidal obsession with Aang.
>> No. 113725
>Because that's the dichotomy between the two girls. Ty Lee is very much like Aang: she's light and bubbly and carefree. You can almost take her as an example of what Aang would be like without the weight of being the Avatar on his shoulders. I can picture Aang and Ty Lee getting along incredibly well, their mutual enthusiasms feeding off each other into hyperactive fits of glee.

She acts similarly, but Ty Lee doesn't have the moral core that Aang does. She seems to have fun capturing prisoners, rendering people helpless, burning down houses, ect.
>> No. 113726
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I don't think Ty Lee enjoys these things in a sadistic sense. I think she doesn't understand the seriousness of these things. For her, it's all just fun and games, but she's not the type to enjoys seriously hurting or tormenting people.

That could be a thing. She helps the Avatar, but doesn't understand what a huge deal that is. She sees people hate the Fire Nation but doesn't understand why.
>> No. 113727
It's also important to keep in mind that from her perspective as a Fire Nation citizen, she actually is one of the good guys--remember that the popular propaganda that they teach children in the Fire Nation is that they're trying to bring civilization and technology and the other unique benefits of the Fire Nation to the barbaric world. When a normal Fire Nation soldier engages an enemy, they're going to see them as people who are trying to keep the rest of the world from receiving the benefits of living in the Fire Nation.

Now, obviously they should know better in real world terms--they wear pointy armor, many of the rank and file have dehumanizing skull masks, and their leaders are pretty much exclusively assholes other than Iroh. But like any other army in the world, they're convinced that they're the good guys in the fight.

So it's not so much that Ty Lee doesn't have a moral core as that she thinks she's doing what's right. When she's fighting enemy soldiers and having fun doing it, it's the same from her perspective as when Aang playfully sidesteps Fire Nation goons and laughs while doing it--they both have that childlike glee and devil-may-care attitude in a fight because they have the confidence that comes from being nigh-untouchable kid heroes in their own minds.
>> No. 113730
File 137836634682.jpg - (123.13KB , 751x1063 , sru__ty_lee____little_ty_lee_world_by_sakura_rose1.jpg )

I kinda picture a scene where Ty Lee hears some people talking bad about the Fire Nation and she starts spouting a bunch of propaganda.

>The Fire Nation is the greatest civilization the world has ever known! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?
>Ty Lee...you're drawing a crowd.
>> No. 113732
I don't know about anyone else, but I always found the idea of Azula having a massive lust for Aang due to his avatar status/genes to be very enticing
>> No. 113736
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>> No. 113754
If this hypothetical show doesn't have any content restrictions, there needs to be an episode where Ty Lee comes across something truly horrific that the Fire Nation has done, and can't believe it.

Maybe even Mai would be shocked by what they found. Maybe it would be something like a mass grave or a slave labor camp. It would shake both of them and leave them questioning everything they thought they knew about the Fire Nation.
>> No. 113755

The Southern Air Temple. Canon Fire Nation Propaganda is that they defeated the nonexistent Air Nation Army.
>> No. 113756
>slave labor camp

So, the off-shore prison for Earthbenders?
>> No. 113757

I agree that there's no real need to boost the content. The Southern Air Temple and Aang's story contradicting what they were told would be enough to at least get them to start thinking twice.
>> No. 113758
How on earth are Mai and Ty Lee going to calm Aang down, though? Katara used their mutual histories of loss to get through to him. Neither of the Fire Nation girls have anything like that.
>> No. 113759

Maybe they reassure him by telling him that they'll help him search for any remaining Airbenders and they got his back?

The visit to the Southern Temple could have a little argument where Mai's like "there are no Airbenders left." And maybe by the end she's like "Well, okay, if you survived, MAYBE there might be others," just to give Aang a little hope.
>> No. 113769
Why not just have Mai help Aang because she wants to help Zuko capture the avatar? She could feel conflicted about having to betray Aang to help Zuko.
>> No. 113770
That sounds like it could be great. And then we could have TWO 'betrayals': Mai betraying Zuko to stay loyal to Aang, and eventually Zuko betraying Azula to help out Aang, Mai and Ty Lee.

The first one could come at the end of Book 1, when the Fire Nation attacks the Northern Water Tribe.
>> No. 113771

I have no problem with Mai being tempted to just turn Aang in or tying this perhaps into the romantic tension that would inevitably exist between Zuko and Mai (which Azula would definitely try to use to regain her control over Mai). But I think having a double betrayal is just too convoluted imho.
>> No. 113773
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>> No. 113774
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>> No. 113779
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Rather, it needs a new Maizula thread.
>> No. 113780
>> No. 113785
Fun to see the idea spreading. If we could actually get a script together for an episode, I wouldn't mind trying my hand at drawing some of it. Keep in mind I wouldn't want to commit to anything like a whole comic, but drawing a page for fun might be keen.
>> No. 113809
I'll give it a go. Why not? I'm between projects at the moment, and I need to improve my screenwriting.
>> No. 113818

I wrote some of the dialogue pieces in this thread. Plan to do more soon.
>> No. 113915
File 137916763941.png - (668.89KB , 1280x1660 , tumblr_mr8p1y4CTZ1rumy7mo1_1280.png )

It kind of reminds me of >>111799
>> No. 113973

this thread had a lot of great ideas. It also contains a list of all the different stuff that people came up with in the previous threads as well as a basic outline of the first half of the first episode.

At the end we started to discuss Katara's role in the story and how certain events lead to her becoming a kind of traveling collector of scrolls and books. We also talked about the concept of a Fire Nation uprising and Aang's friendship with Mai, Ty Lee and eventually Zuko could play into that.
>> No. 114015
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>> No. 114050
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>> No. 114061
We don't really need this here, it looks like something a Zutard would use to point out how lame and immature they think Kataang/Maiko fans are.
>> No. 114106
File 137970793271.jpg - (70.28KB , 900x750 , 1374655982867.jpg )
>> No. 114107

It's making fun oh How I Became Yours.
>> No. 114162
It was hard to tell. It's certainly better drawn, for one thing. And I wouldn't think the bit at the end with Zuko would be included.
>> No. 114266
File 137994786620.jpg - (163.68KB , 680x868 , Royal_Mai_-_Four_Chinese_characters_series_-_by_ke.jpg )
Beautiful pic, and check out the description too.

>> No. 114547
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>> No. 115661
File 138301198020.png - (171.84KB , 640x360 , blue_spirit_by_kasaihana-d6ock0f.png )
Found a new piece
>> No. 115662
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>> No. 115663
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>> No. 115673
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>> No. 115691
So I was thinking of making a tumblr for the Mai/Aang/Ty Lee AU discussed here and on /co/? Would anyone be interested in helping out with it?
>> No. 115698
Helping out in what way?
>> No. 115699

Well it could use a couple active followers once I finish it. People who'd actually contribute content and criticism.
>> No. 115701
>the Mai/Aang/Ty Lee AU discussed here and on /co/
Do tell.
>> No. 115702
File 138328470698.jpg - (130.60KB , 476x679 , mai_and_ty_lee_by_marybleis-d5fjk4x.jpg )

You can find everything archived here in this thread (scroll up), but to recap: Aang is sealed away in the Fire Nation instead of the South Pole, Mai and Ty Lee find him, they become friends, through a strange twist of events they end up joining Aang on his adventure and Azula tries to hunts them down.
>> No. 115703

>tries to hunts them down

You enjoyed Doomstar too then?
>> No. 115704
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>> No. 117221
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