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File 13645231624.jpg - (140.72KB , 600x889 , the legend of korra.jpg )
111437 No. 111437
I maybe mistaking this film for another one, but I remember sometime ago on /r/TheLastAirbender that people were talking about this film and saying that this could have been what the movie "The Last Airbender" was like if Shyamalan didn't suck.

Looking at the trailer it seemed like The Legend of Korra. Has anyone here on /a/ seen this movie and if so, is it worth the time watching for a fan of ATLA and TLOK?
>> No. 111463
I remember coming across the trailer for this last year and going "yeah, this what The Last Airbender should have looked like".

Tai Chi 0 Official US Trailer …youtube thumb

I postulated at the time that since the Chinese box office is getting pretty damn HUEG right now (second largest in the world after Hollywood since last year and growing fast), Avatar might be a lucrative property for Paramount to offer as a Chinese co-production, since it would appeal to both markets and co-productions get profit-sharing benefits. Not likely after Shyamalan's epic-grade clusterfuck, but a man can dream.
>> No. 111470
I've seen this movie. It's not as Avatar-like as it looks from the trailer. Some of that footage is actually from the sequel (which I haven't seen yet). The style of the movie is completely off the walls (like an asian kung-fu version of Scott Pilgrim) but the choreography is still miles better than anything in M. Night's movie.
>> No. 111483
>an asian kung-fu version of Scott Pilgrim
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