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File 136446130729.png - (76.70KB , 568x401 , Korra air date.png )
111419 No. 111419
Janet Varney said on her twitter that Korra should be premiere next month, though they still might change it.

Personally I'm looking forward to it, and I think that they should have been able to work out any problems that happened with the production of the last season.

Even though I'm sure that some people here will say it's the worst thing ever even if it does improve. *sigh*
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>> No. 111532

Who's bitching?
>> No. 111533
I was thinking, considering they said in advance that none of the original Avatar cast survived the transition to the new show (when at least two members are still around, Zuko and Katara) might some of the other stuff that they didn't confirm still be possible?

Like how they said that Grey Delisle said how her character, the Dark Spirit, WASN'T Azula? Maybe it actually is?

Or maybe what Amon said about the spirits being unhappy with the way the world had gone actually turns out be true (though more against human expansion into their territory as opposed to bender/nonbender oppression), only it's the Dark Spirit that has been selected to enforce their view upon the world once again.

Heck, the spirits in Avatar are generally depicted as being kind of alien in the first place (abducting ranom people because its forest burnt down, even though they'd presumably know it'd regrow eventually, seriously were there no forest fires?) so maybe them wanting humanity to return to a simpler, feudal state is something they think can happen.

Like a 90s environmental hero, only destructive and kind of evil.
>> No. 111534
Retconning everything that happened in the first season is a good idea but only if Makorra (and Mako and Bolin) go with it.
>> No. 111535
i really don't want the dark spirit to be azula for two reasons: i really want her to have a happy ending, and while i have no idea what that could be i don't want her turning into an angry spirit and returning to attack 70 years later to be it. and her being the dark spirit, imo, it would just be rehashing atla. when is korra going to get to handle an opponent thats HERS and not one of aang's leftovers (you could argue amon was because yakone was his dad)? it would just seem so unnecessary and pandering, which they already did with iroh.

and don't get me started on this one guy who kept pushing this theory that azula is the dark spirit but when it'll be defeated she'll be released from its grasp and be allowed back into the physical world at the ripe age of 14 so she can become part of lok's cast.
>> No. 111536
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Hey, that was me. I still think it's a solid idea but she would really be 16 by this point in The Search
>> No. 111537
>>so she can become part of lok's cast.
Oh for fuck's sake, they almost bloody well WOULD do that too, going by Zuko's voice getting a cameo through a man's body it didn't fit in the slightest.
>> No. 111538
iroh isn't part of the main cast though
>> No. 111539
That was obviously a mistake.
And now that the series has all this bad press they'll have to ramp up the fanservice to higher levels than ever before!
Thus Azula.
>> No. 111540

Except it doesn't have bad press. Most people loved the show and its ratings were some of the highest during the time of it's run. You can't take the overly vocal critics, as well as the out and out trolls on 4chan and tumblr as a proper reflection of how the series was received.

Yes, Mike and Bryan did make it clear at a con that they understood that fans weren't real pleased with Mako, they said something like, "just keep in mind, David isn't Mako" just before the Q&A started, but that was them dealing with hardcore fans. That's the part to remember. The show didn't receive any "bad press" as far as I know, it received a very vocal but small in percentage backlash from it's hardcore fans.

Not to mention that the production and writing for season two was well underway by the time that backlash started, so...
>> No. 111541
File 136519140412.png - (121.14KB , 333x250 , Azula_attacks.png )
It's a Festivus MIRACLE!
>> No. 111542
It didn't receive bad press while it was airing because there was always a chance that it could suddenly get better. However once it ended the fans realised just how bad it was and that's when the bad press began.

Let's not forget that most of the things the fans didn't like happened in the last episodes; such as making the whole Equalist movement end because Amon was a bender regardless of the hardships suffered by non-benders, Bolin still being useless, Mako leaving Asami for Korra, Korra suddenly learning airbending after losing her bending, Korra suddenly being given her Avatar power back.

Had the last few episodes been different then Korra wouldn't have gotten as much bad press as it did from all fans. Also the lack of fan art of Korra compared to ATLA is clear evidence that Korra was far less popular than ATLA. So it wasn't just hardcore fans that didn't like it.
>> No. 111543
> such as making the whole Equalist movement end because Amon was a bender regardless of the hardships suffered by non-benders

this is the fandom's own fault for seeing the word 'equality' and jumping on it without maybe considering that amon was full of shit. seriously, the fandom sees the show doesn't depict any non-bender oppression and instead of thinking, 'gee maybe amon is wrong' they think 'BRYKE ARE SHIT AND HATE OPPRESSED PEOPLE'. there were numerous hints throughout the show that amon's claims were bullshit and that republic city's problems had more to do with the gap between the classes.

i mean, the TWO RICHEST FAMILIES in republic city are non-benders. mako and bolin, two oh so 'privileged' benders were orphaned at a young age and had to resort to a life of crime just to survive and after that got involved in a sport that's filled with cheating and taking advantage of its players. that sort of thing should have set off red flags for the fandom right away, but instead they just go with 'WELL OBVIOUSLY THEY'RE THE EXCEPTION BUT NOT THE NORM' no, fuck you, bryke SPECIFICALLY MADE THE CHARACTERS THAT WAY TO TELL YOU SOMETHING.
>> No. 111544
That is not the point. The point is that this terrorist organization was obivously really pissed off about something and then, when their leader is thrown out of a window and his mask falls off they EVAPORATED and no one will ever mention them again, ever.

It's as if the Equalists were a spooky hologram and fog machine from an episode of Scooby Doo and Fred just flipped a giant knife switch on the wall and it stopped working.

Completely insulting to the intelligence of the tv audience in 2012.
>> No. 111545
>It didn't receive bad press while it was airing because there was always a chance that it could suddenly get better. However once it ended the fans realised just how bad it was and that's when the bad press began.
No, it didn't receive bad press while it was airing because it's a show aimed at children, and the only people who were that upset by it were the adult neckbeards.
>> No. 111546
Almost every Avatar fan who isn't one of the ridiculous apologists on this board hated Legend of Korra and your slander doesn't make it any better.
>> No. 111547
>they EVAPORATED and no one will ever mention them again, ever.
you don't know that? just because they aren't the central conflict anymore doesn't mean all of them threw up their hands and went home.
>> No. 111548
But they did. They didn't deal with them in any way after Amon got defenestrated and Bryke said the Equalists are over. It's like nothing in the first season happened except for Korra getting Airbending, the Avatar State, and a man.
>> No. 111549
Sort of like how the Empire just completely dissolved at the end of Return of the Jedi since they didn't show any stormtroopers sniping people at the celebration at the end?
>> No. 111551
So now you're admitting that this is a fuckup on the level of how Lucas edited his personal fanfic shit into the Star Wars special editions?
>> No. 111553

I think it's more along the lines of "We didn't get any sort of stinger or sequel hook implying much after the happy ending."

Besides, we have the next season dealing with the aftermath of Sato being an Equalist, and Asami running damage control, we already saw that as her plotline in the preview, and yet you claim that the Equalists are just up and gone and never mentioned again, like if you wrote it yourself?
>> No. 111554
I didn't say it; they said it.
>> No. 111575

When and where?

I don't think Korra was perfect. But I just can't get that fucking angry when I love ATLA, but I think the first season is garbage. Fucking hell, calm down and wait to see what happens next.
>> No. 111576

Ya blew it, you allllll blew it. Dishonor on you dishonor on your cow.
>> No. 111596
According to the books the Empire didn't dissolve. Unsure if Lucas ever commented about what happened. I guess we'll have to wait for the sequels.

You forgot the part where the Council introduced a curfew for all non-benders and make learning chi bending illegal.

Also if the Equalists wouldn't have gotten such a large following if people didn't have a real reason to oppose benders.
>> No. 111598
>You forgot the part where the Council introduced a curfew for all non-benders and make learning chi bending illegal.
notice they only did this after a terrorist group composed of non-benders attacked a public event, wounded several people (one of which was a NON-BENDER) and set off a bomb.

was it right for tarrlok (let's be real it was all him, the other three council members practically don't exist) to do that? obviously not, but he didn't do it because he hated non-benders, he did it because he thought he was protecting the city.

if non-bender oppression was a thing (it wasn't), the equalists would have set back the movement by another 100 years because they (or likely amon) never addressed any of these so called "signs of oppression", all he basically said was "BENDERS ARE EVIL WE HAVE TO WIPE THEM OUT" which, newsflash, is not the way to go about achieving equal rights. the equalists were all about attaining what they wanted through violence and scare tactics, which guess what, makes them a terrorist group.

>Also if the Equalists wouldn't have gotten such a large following if people didn't have a real reason to oppose benders.
read a history book, seriously. also look up the definition of mob mentality.
>> No. 111605

I'd buy this except for the whole "You're oppressing yourselves!" blundering from Korra in the first episode. She was clearly presented as flustered and in the wrong. That gave the impression that they were going to go for a nuanced look at the equalists that just never appeared. Why would they set that up if in the first place if they weren't planning to deliver?
>> No. 111606
Because Game of Thrones we adult writers of epics now you're just a troll for expecting a story shipping is totally a valid form of storytelling Mako did nothing wrong Korra has to have the first member of the opposite sex she looks upon with lust this is a serious show for serious people Lost makes it permissible to leave everything unexplained for the audience Game of Thrones Game of Thrones Game of Thrones.
>> No. 111612
that was more of a setup on how simple minded korra can be when it comes to arguments and problems and how she typically resorts to violence/abrasiveness to solve them.
>> No. 111616
>notice they only did this after a terrorist group composed of non-benders attacked a public event, wounded several people (one of which was a NON-BENDER) and set off a bomb.

>Eric Robert Rudolph , also known as the Olympic Park Bomber, is responsible for a series of bombings across the southern United States between 1996 and 1998, which killed two people and injured at least 150 others in the name of an anti-abortion and anti-gay agenda.
>He has called himself a Roman Catholic

No curfew was placed on Roman Catholics or white people or right-wing extremists.

When Martin Luther King Jr. tried to set up peaceful protests, cities instituted curfews targeting specifically and only blacks. Nevermind that they never did so much when there were several cases of white mobs lynching black people out in the streets as late as the 60s.

The point is, is that the people in power NEVER place a curfew specifically on themselves. The police are not going to suddenly decide to call it a night because it's 10PM. A mayor can't ever hope to have the vote of the people he puts a curfew on and that's why a forced curfew is only ever used on those who don't have a voice in the government.

For that reason alone, you could argue there is a serious case of misrepresentation in Republic City. Every council member except for Tenzin was A-OK with putting a curfew on people who were not benders. The council has to exist in an environment where either A. they are not subject to the demands of the majority or B. the majority cannot vote because they are not in a democratic system because otherwise they would be concerned about all these people that they are actively targeting and screwing over.
>> No. 111617
nobody is saying the curfew was the right thing to do, what happened was tarrlok only did it out of reaction to the equalists.
>> No. 111618

As much as I enjoy slugging it out in "Did the Equalists Have a Valid Cause?" Round Infinity+1, it's hard to get started when your examples are flawed. Eric Robert Rudolph was a lone wolf. He wasn't part of a well-organized domestic terrorist movement, let alone one that intended to overthrow its government.

And Amon was no MLK, and Tarrlok's actions, while vile, aren't comparable to the police brutality in the race riots of the 1960s. It's a bad analogy. Non-benders aren't lynched in the streets, or banned from marrying benders, or relegated to certain professions. Hiroshi Sato wasn't slapped down for "rising above his station." Far from it. He was a well-know, well-respected member of the community... until he helped fund and supply a hate group in the violent rebellion that indiscriminately bombarded a civilian population from the air and mutilated POWs.

The Equalists aren't civil rights activists. They're the Klan.

Which isn't to say there isn't inequality in Republic City. There is, and a hell of a lot of it. But it's economic inequality, the kind of thing that cuts across the bender/non-bender divide. People like Mako and Bolin? They're the victims of that untamed capitalist system.

Republic City has no social safety net, no unions, no public schools, seemingly minimal regulation of business, and crime is so rampant in the streets that alternate power structures have arisen in the form of the Equalists and Triads.
>> No. 111619
Except that the Klan has never suffered from a whites-only curfew and never will precisely because of who is in power.

If you want a more fitting comparison, then Amon is probably on level with Malcom X.

But again, that's not even the real point.

A government must answer to somebody. Whether that is to the whims of a dictator or the will of the people or the empowered elite. What is clear is that the council is not answering to the people, most especially not to non-benders. The council is completely willing to unilaterally treat a majority of the city's population as terrorists because of the actions of an extreme few. That sort of decision-making cannot occur within a government with appropriate representation. Apparently the Council's willing to throw ALL non-benders under the bus for the sake of benders.

If that isn't inequality, I don't know what is.
>> No. 111620
Where did you get the idea that the Republic City council was supposed to be democratic or representative in any way? It's made pretty clear from the outset that the council-members are appointed by the rulers of their respective elemental nation, and the Avatar world; from what we've seen, has no conception of democracy or representative government as we'd understand it.
>> No. 111621
>If you want a more fitting comparison, then Amon is probably on level with Malcom X.
Amon would only be like Malcom X if Malcom X was a white guy who decided white people were responsible for all the world's suffering, so went around in a mask claiming to be black, telling his black following that the cause of all their problems was to force all white people to wear blackface, because it is their whiteness that is causing these people's suffering. Also, he would have to do it after the civil rights movement had already happened, because the non-benders in Korra were nowhere near as bad off as black people were before the civil rights movement.

Non-benders' level of oppression and situation was more like the impoverished and middle class populations of the United States in 2013 (i.e. very little political power or ability to rise above their current station, no one representing them in government, and no options for how to get people representing them in government, and significantly impaired ability to get the best jobs--but not intentionally being systematically marginalized or disenfranchised due to hatred and intolerance) than they were like any case of racial or religious disenfranchisement.
>> No. 111624
A government doesn't have to democratic to be able to represent the interests of its people, although that certainly is one way. But a government has to be able to represent the interests of the people for it to rightfully exist. If the government has no accountability or restrictions for treating people like dirt, then why support it?

If your local government put a curfew on whatever specific group you fell into (white, black, male, female, etc.), could you really say that the local government represented your and your people's interests? Would you be content with NOT trying to change the system?
>> No. 111626

Again, this was Tarrlok working with the paranoia of the council members, who happened to all be benders, in light of Amon stepping up his attacks. Those actions were pretty much framed as being totally wrong with no silver lining or devil's advocate viewpoint to argue in their favor, and the response of our protagonist was to go and try to beat the shit out of the guy responsible.

I'm not sure why all the council-members were pretty obviously benders, considering that in the past, the Southern Water Tribe and Air Nomad councilmen weren't, but it doesn't seem to be a systemic thing where you have to be a bender in order to serve on the council. Hell, you don't even seem to need to be rich, the Fire Nation councilwoman seemed to be more middle class than anything.
>> No. 111627
all of the council members being benders was probably just a coincidence, given that if tenzin had moved to the south pole his replacement would have been a non-bending acolyte.
>> No. 111630

And before anyone brings up the raid on that Chi-Blocker training camp in Episode 4, remember that Amon and his associates had 1) publicly admitted to kidnapping Zolt and his henchmen, and 2) then assaulted four of those men in view of hundreds of witnesses. All of which made the Equalists and Amon party to some serious crimes.

Yes, Zolt & Co. were gangsters, but even gangsters still have rights. That's why Tenzin gets pissy with Chief Saikahn after the rest of Team Avatar is held without due process -- people in Republic City are expected to have certain legal protections. Denying people their rights is meant to be bad when Tarrlok does it, and in the very next episode we see Amon's running his own private Gitmo in the sewers.
>> No. 111638
Honestly, there's a lot we don't know about Republic City's government system except for the fact that it's fucking retarded. (Five people in a closed room, raising their hands to decide EVERYTHING)

Is there a systemic bender preference? Hard to say. Off of probabilities, it's far more likely that there would be a majority of non-benders seated on the council and a very improbable occurrence that all the seats are taken by benders. However since we don't know how the hell the system works, it's hard to say if there is or isn't a bender corruption going on behind the scenes.

What we do see is the council completely failing to represent the views of its citizenship. Ideally change would occur through peaceful protest such that these council members would be removed from their positions, but if the system is such that a seat lasts for life like a seat would on the Supreme Court Justice of the USA, then revolution really would be the only option to take.

But seriously, what little of the council system that we do end up seeing is fucking stupid and completely fails to do the most basic things a proper government needs to do for its people.
>> No. 111663
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Not all of them. A non-bender represented the Southern Water Tribe once.
>> No. 111665
Yeah but he was in deep with the Avatar and helped him end the war, that kind of thing helps a bunch in regards to your political career
>> No. 111666
and there was a non-bender air acolyte on the council too, and that one that would've replaced tenzin would be a non-bender too
>> No. 111667
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>> No. 111671
And Iran used to have a democratically elected president and still tries to pass as a democracy, but that doesn't change what it is now.

The past is irrelevant to Republic City's current failings, any government can grow corrupt or simply become too detached from the people.
>> No. 111672

>not a democracy

Green Revs pls go.
>> No. 111676
I recently spoke to an Iranian man on IRC and he says if there was ever any doubt Iran is a shithole. He confirmed it was.
>> No. 111701

Well, can't argue with a random guy on IRC, can we?
>> No. 111702

Well, can't argue with a random guy on IRC, can we?
>> No. 111715
So given that April is mostly over, I guess it isn't happening. Any more news about this?
>> No. 111717
> Any more news about this?

No, nothing official. But given that both the Blu-Ray/DVD release and the SDCC are in July, I'd figure post-July release. When in Q3 or Q4 of 2013 I couldn't say.
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