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File 135781059166.jpg - (199.87KB , 600x333 , azula vs vader.jpg )
110929 No. 110929
Call it
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>> No. 110930
Vader's gonna Force-choke a bitch.
>> No. 110931
Lightning didn't even faze Vader when he killed the emperor.
>> No. 110932
You know, except for the part where that's what killed him.
>> No. 110933
Vader used his Force choke once, right? I'm not going to count Episode 3, but it was only effective because the military officer couldn't fight back with his own use of the Force. But like in the series Ventress, Dooku, etc don't use it to kill other Force users because it doesn't let them? Like using it on another Force user won't be fatal because they can repel the attack. I'm not going into AUs or expanded universes, just Episodes 4,5,6, and a mention of Genndy's Clone Wars.

Which universe are we fighting in? Avatarverse or Star Wars? Does the Force transfer over if the former? How wide an area? Is Azula important to Vader like Luke was such that Vader wouldn't try to kill her so much as incapacitate her to bring her to the Emperor?

As the other guy said, lightning would play havoc on Vader since it did do him in after he was already on the ropes when Luke fought him. And that was something like Mako's version of it since it didn't kill just cause a great deal of pain to Luke. Azula goes for the kill unless it's against the Gaang in the recent upcoming comic.

If Azula can fight against a Force choke or Vader doesn't think to Force choke like how he could have to Luke during Episode 2, or the Emperor told his lapdog that she is necessary then the battle goes to Azula.

If Azula can not fight against a Force choke nor use something like a fireball kick or punch while Vader is concentrating, then point to Vader.

Did this thread earlier on 4chan devolve into porn?
>> No. 110934
>Did this thread earlier on 4chan devolve into porn?

Most things on 4chan usually do.
>> No. 110935
Oddly enough no, it didn't.
>> No. 110936
See, this would be a valid point if the lightning killed him on the spot or something, but Vader tanked it for a good 30 seconds. More than enough time to use all the overpowered force powers.

Force powers are overpowered in general, honestly.
>> No. 110937
What if being a bender gives you the power of the force and having the force makes you a bender; in Vader's case, an airbender.
>> No. 110938
So would that make the Emperor a firebender and an airbender since he "bend" lightning and levitate shit.
>> No. 110939
No, they just have both power sets now. They'd still only have one bending.
>> No. 110951
>> No. 110953
The power to bend fire is nothing compared to the power of the force.
>> No. 110954
File 135810282839.jpg - (67.11KB , 320x134 , Anakin-On-Fire.jpg )
You sure about that Anakin?
>> No. 110955
That settles it, Azula wins.
>> No. 110956
Yes? He only lost the ability to defend himself from dancing about on a lava planet with no protective gear after he got all his limbs hacked off by his jedi opponent and understandably lost control of his force powers.

I'm pretty sure that sort of force ability is related to his catching blaster bolts in the second original trilogy movie, though I'm sure some source will tell you it was his INDESTRUCTIBLE CYBORG HANDS! I'm not sure which it comes down to personally since I'm not a huge SW fan.
>> No. 110958
I always thought he used the force to stop the flames from burning the rest of his body.

Anyway, it ends in sex.
>> No. 110982
vader because the force is overpowered
>> No. 111133
In the fluff, there's an ability called force precognition. Something like seeing into the immediate future by a few seconds or so. Good for blocking blaster bolts, lightsabers or anticipating your dance partners inane attempts at the waltz, while sparing your poor feet and dignity.
>> No. 111134
In the fluff, there's an ability called force precognition. Something like seeing into the immediate future by a few seconds or so. Good for blocking blaster bolts, lightsabers or anticipating your dance partners inane attempts at the waltz, while sparing your poor feet and dignity.
>> No. 111135
If only the Emperor had this skill when Vader picked him up and tried to give him a piggy-back ride.
If only any of the Jedi had this moments before Order 66.
If only.
>> No. 111136
Palpatine was blocking it.

Yes, even from himself.

He was that good.
>> No. 111162

Azula attempts to blast a fire wall to trap Vader and plans to finish him with lighning.

Vader draws saber and instantly stops her from moving by using the force. Chokes Azula near death. Releases her. Intends to make dark side ally after sensing her confusion and rage within.

Azula is amazed and frustrated that she was beaten so easily. Lack of consciousness + anger = less focus. Throws medium fireballs.

Vader blocks the fireballs as easy as lasers. Dissipation of the blasts (of the few that actually hit him) heats up his suit a bit. Still lets Azula recover. By this point, Vader has been using mind tricks and force persuasion to make Azula more cooperative.

Azula realizes she is being lead into alliance. Enraged lightning attack. Exhaustion from bending and choking > her will to fight mind tricks > rage at Vader being stronger. Last move from Azula. Falls to knees.

Vader force blocks lightning WITH SABER. Less body conduction = no death. Hurt substantially but has Azula's compliance. Retracts saber and moves toward new ally to bind limbs (obvious sources of attack).

Azula sees restraints. Won't accept defeat. Weak lightning to Vader's chest. Leaves her immobile. Falls flat to ground but still conscious.

Hand block by Vader. Near critical condition. Chokes Azula.
She passes out. Doesn't break her neck. Calls for dangerous specimen transport from Troops as well as medical attention for the both of them.

Vader wins. Or something like that.
>> No. 111237
As this ends with Azula becoming Vader's new pupil, I have no problem with this.

Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
>> No. 111493
File 136478125831.jpg - (99.58KB , 800x1325 , Darth_Azula___WIP_by_JosephB222.jpg )
If Force users can bend in this hypothetical crossover, can benders touch the Force?

Because Azula would be a pretty fearsome Sith Lord.
>> No. 112075
Well, the Force is meant to be based off Ki, and bending is outright stated to be Ki powered (waterbending and shit), so theoretically yes.
>> No. 112076
The force isn't Ki, its tiny microorganisms that surround all living cells called midiclorians.
>> No. 112077
Midiclorians are just microorganisms that thrive in high force environments, not the source of the force itself.

The more you know
>> No. 112089
That is much more tolerable! Although I still dislike the idea of Jedi's having DBZ-style Power Level Scanners.
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