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108868 No. 108868
old thread >>104204

Didn't notice it went beyond the bump limit :|
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>> No. 113084
Why is it that people seem so much more preoccupied with skin color than race?
>> No. 113088

Anime characters look White if you don't bother to think too hard about it and let natural assumptions take over (though if you're Japanese, obviously you don't think so,) but Avatar manages to squeeze in a few ethnic features among the adults, it's not like it's hard to pick them out.
>> No. 113157
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>> No. 113159
At least she has enough self awareness to realize she ruins everything.
>> No. 113160

about me:

>jenna, aka the actual worst

>> No. 113166
okay she needs to stop saying korra is a "feminist" show with feminist in quotes like it's something debatable. it's not. lok is an incredibly feminist show -- it's not perfect and yes those flaws should be pointed out but given that shows like lok are so rare and that it honestly doesn't do a bad job this is literally a case of taking what you can get.

i do agree that there aren't enough women in the show, but god STOP STOP holding atla up like it got the female character thing down flawlessly from the beginning. katara was the only main character who was a girl for a whole season. lok beat it in that aspect. she and toph had basically no meaningful interactions outside of 'the tales of ba sing se' and 'the runaway'. katara's best friend was a guy. it wasn't perfect so stop acting like it is just because it had a female villain.
>> No. 113963

Another prominent fanartist got hit over the head with the "Legend of Asami-itus"

>Asami's season character arc clearly defined by her first appearance
>arc includes involvement of awesome new character in Varrick
>arc includes Bolin as her business-bro
>trailers show Asami driving a speedboat like a fucking boss

>But Asami wasn't onscreen too much during a premier that opened up several storyarcs at the same time with the Main Character's story given the prominent role!
>Asami is taking half the season off!
>> No. 113981
tbh, that isn't as bad as some of the shit I've seen out there
>> No. 113984
I think saying Asami is taking the season off is an overreaction, but I can understand disappointment in her barely being in the first two episodes. I don't care about her at all, but she is part of the Krew and sorely needs some focus.
>> No. 113997
None of Korra's party members got to do much yet. Mako was mostly just there being Korra's emotional punching bag and Bolin was reduced to Eska's bitch
>> No. 113999
Let's be real Toph and Sokka didn't have much agency outside of knowing Aang except when the occasional episode called for it.
>> No. 114018
I hate when this people change their url names like two or three times in a row.
>> No. 114019
Who cares about making shows feminist anyway? What is the cause of this obsession? Why can't I just enjoy my asian magic cartoons without politics?
>> No. 114022
Some people just get sick of always being the periphery demographic, and haven't realized that they should be content with the fact that engaging them is less important than engaging you yet. Some day everyone will realize that your enjoyment is the only enjoyment that matters, and then they'll stop being upset about things solely to bother you.

Because that's what it's about, of course--bothering you. That's all anything "political" has ever been about. The idea that someone might be doing something that has nothing to do with you would be unthinkable.
>> No. 114030

I would say the above poster has a point in that you don't need a 'feminist' cartoon, because you can always take a feminist critique to any show whether it is outright feminist or not. As such, I'd just say that Korra is just a normal cartoon- the only reason people call it 'feminist' is because the lead character is female 9and strong and etc yeah but then a lead always is). So what does that make every other cartoon with a male lead? Supporting the patriarchy?

And worse, because people have put this label on Korra, they feel unjustly betrayed by the show, because she's not exactly as people would like a feminist icon to be (whatever that is, it varies from wave to wave).

On another note, I am getting real tired of this entitlement people from all walks of life seem to feel when it comes toward art and creative enterprises. Read into them as you like and by all means critique them, but don't demand that they have to go for THIS idea of equality, or portray certain characters sympathetically or differently simply because of what colour they are or what's between their legs; or champion something as part of a movement and get disappointed because the creators intended to make a story and not propaganda.
>> No. 114031
There are dozens of shows meant for women; if they were soooo tired of not being part of the target audience they can watch those
>> No. 114037

Not all of those are action fantasy stories like Korra is, though. I would argue few approach much similarity with Avatar/Korra. At least, few that are born of American shores. Avatar was also unusual for Nick's usual fare, in that it surprised them when it had such a prominent female fanbase, easily 50-50 or slightly in favor towards women/girls.

It isnt that Korra is neccesarily a feminist show, just more like what Dai Li said, that shows are gonna get reviewed on an individual basis as to what they represent more often, now that we have the internet and all these new (or rehashed) ideas to apply.
>> No. 114039
>There are dozens of shows meant for women;
Dozens of them! Literally dozens!
For a group that makes up the majority of the population.
>> No. 114043
I have binders of shows meant for women.
>> No. 114044
And you want to take away from the minority so the majority gets the biggest slice of the pie!

>> No. 114111
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also the fandom is quite predictably pissed about... well, everything
>> No. 114120

Can it really be called a fandom, anymore?
>> No. 114122
for the most all I see is a horde of trolls that want to just be trolls and that quash all real discussion like on 4chan /co/
>> No. 114129
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>> No. 114157
There comes a certain point in a hatedom that people stop applying any actual critical thought to what they're watching, and just race one another to be the first to come up with something snarky to say, regardless of whether or not it has any real merit.

On the one hand, it means you can safely ignore their opinions. But on the other hand, it makes it very difficult to have any legitimate critical discussion because 90% of it is just circle-jerky drivel that's not worthy of even paying attention to.
>> No. 114168
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Yeah, I hate when that happens.
>> No. 114169
hence why I'm staying here for Avatar discussion for the foreseeable seasons.
>> No. 114186
Honest question here. Would people give Korra (the character) nearly as much shit if she was male instead. Exact same attitude and everything else, just flip the gender.
>> No. 114190

If we're honest, there would have been at least some backlash at the Avatar being male again. I'd have considered it a wasted opportunity, at least, since I really like Korra.
>> No. 114193
Honestly, I don't think so. I think he would still get some backlash but a lot more people would be scrambling to defend him and actually understand his character than they do with canon Korra. There's also the matter of the romance since a lot of the hatred for Korra goes back to it -- if Mako were still a guy and this was some alternate universe where Nick was okay with a gay romance, I wonder how people would have reacted. Same goes for if Mako was a girl and Asami was a guy.

And yeah, echoing above that there would initially be more drama over the Avatar being a guy again. There was already some minor upsets over Wan being one.
>> No. 114194
I think people would hate Korra just as much if she were male. The complaints Korra receives are mostly that she's dumb and arrogant. Those are two qualities most fulfilled by the classic jock antagonist from pretty much any high school movie. It's been very ingrained in the public consciousness to hate the brawns-over-brains jock character.

Of course, there are people who are just flat-out misogynistic, but what can you do about those people.
>> No. 114196
You know for a site that's supposed to be big on characters of color who are strong and don't take shit anyone and defy stereotypes, a lot of tumblr seems to prefer the passive conventionally attractive white passing character.
>> No. 114200
I guess despite fulfilling 90% of the physical guidelines that tumblr requires even they can't stand shit characters.
>> No. 114201
This is why you never try to court the hyperprogressive feminist audience. Same shit happened to Bioware

Sure, the accolades make you feel good at first, but every goddamn thing you make from then on will be scrutinized to hell and back for the most insignificant things they can possibly find to be offended about.
>> No. 114202
How Korra is handled may not always be stellar, but she's hardly a shit character.
>> No. 114203
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imagine if you could alter history so that the original Avatar was airing now and watch tumblr shitsplode over that scene where Katara trashes Toph for being blind and doesn't apologize later
>> No. 114206
>Tarrlok gets all militant on his own citizens, imprisons people without trial.


>Unalaq gets all militant on his own citizens, imprisons people without trial

I'm neutral here -- which is to say I support you in everything you do -- but could we at least make an effort to have show trials? It'd tide over the fence-sitters.

You think she would have learned by now. Hell, Unalaq even looks like an emaciated Tarrlock.
>> No. 114207
In Korra's defense (and this is the first time I've ever typed those words. wow) Unalaq is her family. Family is always judged on a different metric from strangers.
>> No. 114208
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>People completely convinced Mako called Asami a blood-sucking leech and not the process of ending a relationship

I'm not even a fan of Mako and I'm sick of this crap.
>> No. 114209
Am I completely misremembering? I thought she did apologize.
>> No. 114210
He's her family, you don't always make the best judgments when it comes to that.

And like I said in another comment, she's been wary of Unalaq since the end of the second episode and we know her trust in him is all but gone by now. It's not even like she enabled Tarrlok into enforcing martial law on non-benders, she wasn't on his side at that point.

Really, we should be less annoyed with the fact that they're still focusing on Korra's lack of experience and more on how similar it is to what happened to Tarrlok. There's more than one way to explore that without resorting to some creepy older dude taking advantage of her.
>> No. 114211
To be fair, if you're going to call a relationship a blood-sucking leech, that doesn't speak very highly of the other person.

Plus people are still (rightfully) sore over Mako's shitty break-up with Asami and now that he's giving vaguely insulting break-up advice is just rubbing salt on the wound.
>> No. 114212
It's insulting if you aren't aware of what happened in that relationship, but since we do know the situation and what really happened and if Mako was referring to anyone in that relationship it was himself, I don't know why people are shitting themselves over it.
>> No. 114213
>Mako referring to himself as the blood-sucking leech
>Mako actually admitting he did something wrong
Not a chance.
>> No. 114218

This post reminds me of translated Korans that helpfully clarify parables for people within brackets, like 'and we must not allow (we must kill) those who do not believe in the will of Allah (The West) to affect our way of worship (to preserve the glory of Allah).
>> No. 114219
I like parentheses (they're cool).
>> No. 114222
>Mako actually admitting he did something wrong
He does this a few times in book 1, shock and awe. It's amazing that so little people in this fandom seem to have actually watched the show.
>> No. 114225

I'm more than certain it's supposed to be a "ripping off a band-aid" joke, it's line per line the common phrase. I guess they figured Republic City doesn't have them yet? Odd, since some cursory research shows they show up around 1921, and got popular a few years later when the showed up pre-cut and pre-sterilized.

Also leeches are ground up and eaten in traditional Chinese medicine, I'm not sure how often they'd be used live.
>> No. 114226
Oh, shush. Let them delude themselves into thinking that Mako was a genuinely shitty and bastardly person if it makes them feel better. God knows it wouldn't be the first time that this fandom's preferred to moan about the symptoms of a problem, rather than the problem itself.
>> No. 117075
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