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File 134228067325.jpg - (103.26KB , 700x800 , korradvice.jpg )
108235 No. 108235
Let's see what you got.
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>> No. 108240
File 134228369827.jpg - (94.58KB , 625x714 , brothers.jpg )
From http://www.quickmeme.com/Korras-Advice/
>> No. 108245
.. I bet Bolin's better in bed.

He'd rock your world.
>> No. 108247
File 13422857299.png - (285.47KB , 519x593 , AdviceKorra1.png )
>> No. 108306
File 134235674085.jpg - (81.24KB , 625x714 , relationship.jpg )
>> No. 108461
Those thumbnails make Korra look all derp.
>> No. 108588
I've been doing some more.
>> No. 108640
File 134271249850.jpg - (99.86KB , 625x714 , 3q5kvk.jpg )
>> No. 108775
Avatar Kuruk lived in a time of peace and harmony and he still couldn't protect his wife from Koh and failed to get revenge.
Avatar Kyoshi sat on her ass while the Earth Kingdom was getting torn apart by civil war and only bother to do anything when the conqueror came to her town, her crowning moments were creating a island that refused to take part in the hundred year war until Aang came around and creating the Dai Li.
Avatar Roku. 'nuff said.
>> No. 108779
Aang for Best Avatar?
>> No. 108780
Yangchen, dude.
>> No. 108781

Air Avatars are bet Avatars.

Got any dobut? Cakebender, motherfuker.
>> No. 108788

"Yangchen, I need your advice! I want to be a good Avatar, but I also want to stay true to the ways of the Air Nomads."

"Let me tell you why that can't be done, and how I had to sacrifice my beliefs in order to be a good Avat-"

"Oh nevermind, I don't need your advice after all. Just figured out how to do it. I get to bring peace to the world a happy way, and make friends from all over the world! Later!"

>> No. 108953
>Run away
>Get frozen for a 100 years
>Would have been better if he just died since the next avatar would have been water, fire nation has no comet and water beats fire
>> No. 108960
How would that Avatar have been expected to learn firebending? It really does become a problem you have to consider when the Fire Nation is at war. Would the Fire Sages still have been allied to the Avatar over the Firelord that early? What if they weren't? And how in the name of god would such an Avatar ever learn airbending? Spirit contact with Aang? or Yangchen? What if they ended up like Korra and totally spiritually retarded except there's no airbenders anywhere at all? That's 2/4 elements such an Avatar would've had considerable difficulty ever learning.
>> No. 108963
>>How would Aang have learnt firebending in his native time period?

Either from a defector or from a White Lotus member. All the talk about Jeong-Jeong being the "first person ever to leave the army - and live" is pretty hollow considering that Piandao also deserted the army. The government probably retcons or hushes up stories of successful deserters, while harshly punishing the ones it catches.
>> No. 108965
In Piandao's case they probably just aren't eager to confront him over something so trivial. He's not a loose cannon like Jeong-Jeong.
>> No. 108969
Did Piandao desert, or just retire?
>> No. 108970
If I recall correctly, he retired, but then he violently resisted attempts to get him to un-retire.
>> No. 108972
>> If I recall correctly, he retired, but then he violently resisted attempts to get him to un-retire.

Piandao deserted.

The Fire Lord sent one hundred men after him.

Piandao sent them all back.
>> No. 108974
If you send that many, don't forget one thing.
>What's that?
A good supply of body bags.
>> No. 108975
Reportedly he told the ones who could still stand after he rebuffed them "Hurry back, tell your leader: you'll need more men."
>> No. 111734
File 136686958943.jpg - (55.05KB , 500x500 , Jinora's_advice.jpg )
>> No. 111736
Hey all right somebody liked my Jinora advicedog meme
>> No. 111758
If that story is anything to go by, Fire Nation has awesome stories. Shame we don't know more.
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