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File 133937508381.jpg - (58.52KB , 500x375 , Legend of Korra.jpg )
104170 No. 104170
So this was meant to be a one season show, but then it became two, but they didn't stretch things out they still have everything resolved at the end of the first season, and then, after everything is resolved, after we watch the episode that was originally meant to completely wrap things up for these characters... we get another season.

So... how do you think this is going to work out?
159 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 110320
I think they wanted to do a mini-series... and just failed.
>> No. 110321
>To top it off, Bryke take any criticism as "trollish" attempts.
You're so full of of shit it's not even funny.
>> No. 110322
File 135067857358.jpg - (203.18KB , 757x998 , Bryan on GoT and LoK.jpg )

If only
>> No. 110323
Are you seriously that dumb? That webcomic was done in response to people calling him a troll.
>> No. 110325
>To top it off, Bryke take any criticism as "trollish" attempts.

What? No, they don't, they don't like being called trolls.
>> No. 110326
>Bryke smiled and agreed saying this would be great and that they can finally make a show like Game of Thrones

First episode of Game of Thrones: Apr. 17, 2011

First official announcement for Korra: July 21, 2010

So yes, they totally wanted to make Korra just like a show that hadn't come out until after the script the Korra was already written. Stop being a fuckwit.
>> No. 110329
Obviously, they wanted to make it like the books.
>> No. 110330
You mean thousands of pages long and rife with incest?
>> No. 110332
I could go for some timeskipping shenanigans with Toph/Lin and Senna/Korra myself.

But I'll settle with some bonding time between Asami and Korra in season 2 - just to stay on topic.
>> No. 110333

And racism, don't forget the horrible racism! ^^

Sean Bean being in Legend of Korra would be pretty boss though.
>> No. 110334
racism in game of thrones? Unless you're talking about discrimination of the Others, I must've missed that.
>> No. 110344

Maybe how all of the non-white people seem to be bodged into one civilisation of barbarian rapists?

Even CS Lewis' Calormen had a more balanced protrayal than the Dothraki.
>> No. 110345
How is realism racist?
>> No. 110346
File 135102346583.gif - (212.96KB , 500x200 , tumblr_m6kfkrwgGR1qj360mo1_r1_500.gif )
>> No. 110347

Actually I'm going with the other anon here.

Because the Dothraki seem to be based on the Steppe peoples during Ghengis' time...and lets be honest here, they did a lot of pillaging and raping.

Besides, they aren't all like that. It's a culture thing; not a race thing.
>> No. 110348
Dorne, the Summer Isles, the Ghiscari and elements of Free Cities are all at least partially non-white.
>> No. 110394
There are lots of non-white civilizations in Essos, and most of them are not presented as particularly evil or any worse than the folks in Westeros, just strange because they're different.
>> No. 110399
The Mongols had more going on then just raiding, enslaving and rapin' folk though...

I will concede that the Dothraki don't make up the entirety of the nonwhite cast of GOT, and I know that the idea was probably that the Dothraki were meant to be a homage to fictional barbarians in fiction (Conan for example) in addition to Mongols, but the TV shows decision to just stick all the non-European people under one generic unflattering banner was kind of... iffy.

Don't get me wrong, the majority of people in GoT suck for various reasons, but the Dothraki didn't really seem to be an actual culture more than a 13 year old's idea of what the Mongols etc. were like.

Hell, even Vikings had trade, craftsmen etc. and went just about the pillaging and junk.
>> No. 110400
*weren't just about pillaging and junk.
>> No. 110865
Since this is as close as we have to a general Avatar thread right now...

I thought this was an interesting post on Korra's childhood. As one commentator put it: "So [Korra's] basically X-23 crossed with the Dalai Lama?"

>> No. 110882

Well that does explain why Katara saying that should couldn't give Korra back her loosing her bending was her "lowest point", despite people complaining that Aang should have appeared when she got mugged by Amon on Avatar Island.
>> No. 110891
apparently the dark spirit isn't azula

>> No. 110892
People seriously thought it might be her?
>> No. 110896
I considered it within the realm of possibility.
>> No. 110900
it was a theory that was slowly gaining steam and could have ended up being season 2's "amon is koh" brand of theory.
>> No. 110902
My assumption was that she would be a descendant of either Azula or Zuko. Which Grey hasn't denied yet, actually.
>> No. 110903
I doubt the Dark Spirit was ever a human. Seems more like a La to the Avatar's Tui.
>> No. 110904
>Seems more like a La to the Avatar's Tui.

that's a pretty bold assumption considering we haven't even seen the dark spirit.
>> No. 110905
The name made me assume the Dark Spirit would be like the Blue Spirit. Actual Spirits in the Avatar-verse tend to have names, like Tui and La and Koh.
>> No. 110906

It could just be that "the Dark Spirit" isn't its real name, but one given to it by the Krew because they don't know what to call it. Then the writers could squeeze out a subplot where Korra investigates the Spirit World to learn its name.
>> No. 110907
On the other hand, The Avatar Spirit. Call me crazy here, but is it really so hard to believe that the Avatar spirit had an opposite that made itself apparent when the Avatar was being really irresponsible with their power like Korra?
>> No. 110908
i don't think korra has been so irresponsible that she warrants a beatdown from a spirit. she'd have to beat kuruk's 20+ years of goofing off.
>> No. 110909
He was never abusing the Avatar state to beat 8 year olds at games.
>> No. 110910
No, but he did randomly challenge people to bending duels.

The spirits that interact with the physical world a lot have names, but perhaps the more "pure" spirits are in turn more inhuman, and therefore don't have human names.
>> No. 110911
That's why Koh took his wife.
Korra's punishment must be more severe.
>> No. 110912
we get you guys don't like korra but you need to stop jumping on every mistake she makes as a warrant for having her punished. it took 20+ years for a spirit to finally punish kuruk, and he had it coming since he was in his 40s and was still messing around. korra is 17 and from what we've seen so far (once to use it to win a race, another time in a fight against a spirit) she doesn't abuse the avatar state so much as she relies on it a lot. she can learn not to do this without being punished, and since she can't bend in the spirit world there's a perfect opportunity there.
>> No. 110916
File 135744642946.png - (110.90KB , 306x275 , colonc.png )

>Korra's punishment must be more severe.
>> No. 110918
File 135761058142.png - (98.95KB , 481x324 , moresevere.png )
>> No. 110921
File 135768706624.jpg - (941.07KB , 1024x1260 , post_it_dump_by_ibgraham.jpg )
>So every day on Korra as I work on my story board files I have to back them up to the server at Nick. This can take 5 to 10 min per file.... So I try to spend that time productively and do a quick drawing on a Post-It. Now these drawings are my drawings and not for or from the show. However sometimes I will practice drawing the characters like Korra or Tenzin and other times I will just doodle something for myself.

>I took this photo with my IPhone and I'm calling it a Post-It dump and I'm posting it for you to see.


Merged both post-it dumps together. Korra, her cousin(s), and Tenzin are there. There's also a few new, repeating character designs here.
>> No. 110922
Who is that qt3.14 with the short hair?
>> No. 110923
File 135768903834.jpg - (678.03KB , 500x1550 , Sorted.jpg )

Which one?

Here's the pin-ups sorted by character. I left off Korra, as there's a lot of her and nothing's really notable about any of them.
>> No. 110925
The one on the first column of the last image in the top two rows
>> No. 110926
so are the unknowns characters in the show or are they just people he made up? important to know before people start making up theories about who they are.
>> No. 110927
>so are the unknowns characters in the show or are they just people he made up? important to know before people start making up theories about who they are.

His comments on the original posts said it was a mix of both: doodling LoK characters as well as some of his own. That's why I sorted them by repeats. Generally, the ones with multiple examples I suspect are LoK characters. The one-offs probably aren't LoK characters.
>> No. 110928
So many ladies!
>> No. 110945
the long-haired girl is pretty cute
>> No. 110946
File 135789982231.jpg - (26.55KB , 525x466 , ohmygodkorrawatchout.jpg )
Just out of curiosity but does Korra and the rest of the gang know that Amon and Tarrlok are dead?

They never once resolved this question at the end of the season.
>> No. 110947
>Just out of curiosity but does Korra and the rest of the gang know that Amon and Tarrlok are dead?

There's no indication either way. For all we know, the mystery of Amon and Tarrlok's disappearances could be the in-universe equivalent of Jimmy Hoffa. Or not. We'll know in S2.
>> No. 110948
if you want to get technical it's possible that a search crew found the wreckage (they weren't that far from republic city i think), but other than that i don't see how'd they know.
>> No. 110949
Plus, while there's no way in the real world they would survive something like that, this is a cartoon and we didn't see the bodies. So even we don't know for a fact they're dead, we're just pretty damn certain.
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