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File 139554610397.png - (240.36KB , 658x735 , darkweskerrises_tumblr_mzxnb01caa1r2pmuzo6_1280.png )
157069 No. 157069
Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra Thread #8

Previously on “Avatar”: >>147492
113 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 162611
File 140079811667.jpg - (556.85KB , 720x1080 , JinZukoGoingAtIt.jpg )
Know some peeps are tired of Jinko stuff, but whatever...
This time they're in the supply room of a modern! Jasmine Dragon. Hope Jin's on the pill.
>> No. 162612
You could try being creative with it for once at the very least.
>> No. 162614
Fair enough, understand how people can see me sticking within bounds of my likes can get boring for them. You have any suggestions? Always up to hearing new and different ideas.
>> No. 162647
I, for one, can't get enough of Jin and don't care who she's fucking. Great pic!
>> No. 162665
File 140089841068.jpg - (216.31KB , 1480x884 , Asami Sato2_out.jpg )
>> No. 162673
File 140090678951.jpg - (1.15MB , 1284x1761 , 1400475322211.jpg )
>> No. 162688
Uh oh, katana is wearing fire nation garb in earth kingdom territory... I know how this will end. She's gonna need an ice pack.
>> No. 162689
I mean katara. Autocorrect strikes again.
>> No. 162691
She's not wearing much, you can see where this is going regardless.
>> No. 162709
Anaxus was the one who edited Tekuho's original pic into that version. The man's got skills.
>> No. 162716
File 140097402794.jpg - (2.67MB , 1600x1368 , FireNationParty.jpg )
Sequel to a picture that's somewhere in one of these threads.
>> No. 162760
Oh, wow, that is brilliant.
>> No. 162771
For what it's worth, I think modern Jin is awesome :D

Do you have any modern incarnations of the others, maybe?
>> No. 162781
Lovely to hear, and yeah I have some other modern outfits. Asami, Korra, Ty-Lee, and Zuko.
http://i.imgur.com/Ih2nAT9.png <--Jin's and Korra's
http://i.imgur.com/87n2xoP.jpg <---Asami's and Ty-Lee's
http://i.imgur.com/GFWUVB1.jpg <--Zuko's

Other two outfits in there are Rapunzel and Vanessa Doofenshmirtz.
>> No. 162931
File 140137167929.jpg - (866.24KB , 1013x1433 , avatarcomic004.jpg )
What is the name of this comic? Source?
>> No. 162932
File 140137184290.jpg - (428.06KB , 1050x1019 , avatarcomic003.jpg )
Another scene from it.
>> No. 162935

are you new here/to the internet or something?

>> No. 162942
internet, eh..?
>> No. 162944
I hear they have it on computers now.
>> No. 162976
Not sure what brought on the 6th grade level sarcasm...... o_O

To answer your question, the artist's name is Incognitymous. You can find these listed on Rule34 under his name.
>> No. 162988
File 140150647689.png - (800.04KB , 2076x2526 , ZylVXBC.png )
I suppose Ursa can't let her kids have all the fun
>> No. 163018
File 140159400211.jpg - (524.24KB , 1116x1300 , toph x katara_out.jpg )
>> No. 163040

According to rule 34 the artist is Incognitymous and the source is plus4chan

>> No. 163042
File 140167376741.jpg?spoiler - (757.79KB , 1388x1500 , 1378307 - Avatar_the_Last_Airbender DeStijl Fire_N.jpg?spoiler )
Click on this image if you dare.
>> No. 163072
That's a lot of dicks.
>> No. 163074
One of these days, DeStijl is going to draw a pic that is nothing but a series of concentric assholes
>> No. 163083
File 140180639199.jpg - (211.01KB , 948x1000 , Katara19(1).jpg )
>> No. 163221
File 140234017967.jpg - (452.53KB , 719x1150 , 277043.jpg )
>> No. 163232
We do love a muscle girl in lingerie, don't we ;)
>> No. 163236
No Opal? No Su Ji?
>> No. 163252
File 140245257478.jpg - (177.96KB , 870x1300 , Ty-Lee6_out.jpg )
>> No. 163498
File 140367995578.jpg - (534.98KB , 1837x1300 , korra_asami-YURIHAVEN.jpg )
>> No. 163605
File 14040848751.jpg - (470.85KB , 1273x1920 , image.jpg )
Honestly, I think the one thing this show is good for is the amount if great porn it produces.
>> No. 163606
File 140408498923.jpg - (501.96KB , 905x1647 , image.jpg )
>> No. 163607
File 140408505149.jpg - (116.12KB , 700x1000 , image.jpg )
>> No. 163608
File 140408514158.jpg - (247.95KB , 1280x1332 , image.jpg )
>> No. 163637
File 140417404787.png - (340.51KB , 1428x2084 , 1393976 - Avatar_the_Last_Airbender Jin legoman.png )
>> No. 163638
File 140417408588.jpg - (1.25MB , 1800x1635 , 1394291 - Avatar_the_Last_Airbender Jin Zuko sparr.jpg )
>> No. 163639
File 140417473265.jpg - (539.55KB , 900x1237 , tumblr_n5bqngiFgm1t5hzuwo2_1280[1].jpg )
>> No. 163697
File 140436198941.png - (763.27KB , 1000x825 , avatargirls.png )
>> No. 163756
File 140446118329.jpg - (513.64KB , 1279x1500 , Korra20.jpg )
>> No. 163929
I feel stupid about asking about this, but who is that woman to the right of Katara, and above Ty-Lee?
I wanted to say Jin, but I remembered she was Earth Kingdom, and the only Earth Kingdom women there are Toph and... Suki in the top left...?

Which also makes me sad that they didn't include Jin.
>> No. 163931
That *is* Suki, although I have no idea why they put a Fire Nation hair topper on her unless to earmark her presence at the volcano prison.. The woman on the far left is Avatar Kioshi nekkid. The artist incorporated the majority of the famous women from the show into the pic except for Smellerbee. He/she must not have liked drawing naked loli characters.
>> No. 163933
Most of those people in the image are 16 or younger, so I don't see why Smellerbee would be an exception. He gave every other girl larger-than-normal tits, so clearly that's not his issue either. I'm guessing it's just because she looks androgynous, and he wanted the more feminine female characters.
>> No. 163934
I... seriously?
What? 0 _ 0''

Why in the name of hell's bells would the artist... The randomness of those choices is making my head hurt...
>> No. 163944
I guess he could have added the grumpy ticket seller at Ba Sing Sai, Gran Gran, Toph and Mai's mothers, the blood bending witch, the ghostly lake spirit Katara imitated, the grouchy mother of Yon Rha (the soldier who killed Katara's mother), etc. But I am satisfied with the predominant women of the show he chose myself.
>> No. 164010
File 140498117556.png - (2.24MB , 1200x1524 , korra_comehereleer.png )
>> No. 164042
File 140514023337.jpg - (347.45KB , 1280x1316 , image.jpg )
Perfect position
>> No. 164061
File 140522555438.jpg - (132.86KB , 917x1000 , Azula 1.jpg )
>> No. 164115
File 140548241333.jpg - (287.64KB , 1300x1308 , korra3.jpg )
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