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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 136913995214.jpg - (38.47KB , 249x768 , let_s_go_swim_benjamin_by_acp626-d5jc3mz.jpg )
138421 No. 138421
Get in here, brodents!
85 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 138619
File 136934627953.jpg - (713.84KB , 1076x875 , 1369345732959.jpg )
>> No. 138628
File 136936767299.jpg - (157.50KB , 519x884 , 1369366249624.jpg )
>>138616 colored
>> No. 138635
File 136939439588.jpg - (128.40KB , 810x588 , 1369377001730.jpg )
Thea among other /co/ waifus of the week
>> No. 138636
File 13693972558.jpg - (617.68KB , 1150x1585 , 1369391137_wolfjedisamuel_journalism.jpg )
It's by HentaiBoy, by the way.

And a new rule 34 by wolfjedisamuel (picrelated)
>> No. 138644
Always with the big boobs, that guy.
>> No. 138648
Boobs are filled with men's hopes and dreams.

Obviously the artist has alot of hopes, and dreams.
>> No. 138671
God bless him and his obsession with giving Thea giant lactating tits.
>> No. 138745
4chan banned me for trying to post this. It's one of the official comics, but in Spanish.

>> No. 138847
Mods sometimes do not like filesharing. I guess it depends on the weather, and whether or not they fapped that day.
>> No. 138884
In case any of you would like to actually DISCUSS the show and books, you can do it here:
>> No. 138951
Okay, this is sort of important. The first thread that got archived received several negative votes in the past two days, and is going to be deleted unless a lot of ppl vote for it soon. I voted once, but that's it. The rest is up to you. You can make an account; it's free and forever.
>> No. 139195
File 136980693875.jpg - (7.68KB , 190x265 , too small.jpg )
So, was the original version REALLY really lost, or what?
>> No. 141469
File 137326286873.jpg - (46.90KB , 403x768 , 1024-3.jpg )
New brodent here. Saw this introduced on /co/ by Mister Twister there a few days ago. REALLY interested in this image here, any information about it?
>> No. 141691
This thread is for pr0n. Discussion thread is available on +/co/.
>> No. 142363
File 137506555975.jpg - (153.75KB , 677x1039 , 1375055857407.jpg )
/r/ing them undressing from shown swimsuits.
>> No. 142438
I am sort of kind of seconding that.
>> No. 142482
Know what? Fuck promises; I'll try to draw one of them. Will hopefully finish in less than 2 days.
>> No. 149378
File 138594455510.jpg - (972.92KB , 3305x2544 , fan___geronimo_stilton___tea_bikini_by_shoxxe-d6s7.jpg )
So I found this... quite unexpectedly.

I will draw that someday, and if I get a tablet for Cristmas, sooner than later.
>> No. 153343
Nothing new today brodent? Or waiting 'miracle' come?
>> No. 153348
Still no Pandora?
...Do I have to do everything myself?
>> No. 155268
File 139364654598.png - (38.98KB , 900x540 , Pandora R34.png )
So, an anon drew this. Not sure what to say or think, but the artist in me cannot hate anything well-drawn. And this is very well-drawn.
>> No. 155395
Whoops. Mistook it for the general rodent thread. Thanks for offensively reminding me.
>> No. 155398
You have my support.
>> No. 155400
File 13937678502.png - (121.97KB , 320x240 , 1393730384688.png )
You have my support.

Pic not related to the thread, I have trouble posting without a pic.
>> No. 157988
File 139670983928.jpg - (159.02KB , 710x1248 , 1341233 - Geronimo_Stilton Thea_Sisters Tiquitoc V.jpg )
Here... Got from Tiquitoc blogspot. Hope this thread keep on.
>> No. 158030

Wow, never expected this pic will be here too soon.
>> No. 158984
File 139755741289.png - (670.88KB , 1120x1200 , 1397477373_cheesecaked_pandora_wozguxxsmal.png )
Pandora(Adult version. I think) by CheeseCaked. Hope you guys like it....
>> No. 159271
Yo peeps, I've never watched an episode of this in my life, but I quite like the designs of the characters I've seen, especially this Thea girl. I quite like mice/rat girls; that is what brought me here. So, as some practice, I took that tiny pic you peeps couldn't find the source of, and inked it in photoshop. I'm not the best; I hope it's up to standard. I can't color it because I am colorblind (it would probably look odd), so I'll leave that to someone more capable than I. Peace.

>> No. 159463
File 139791888171.png - (345.83KB , 1000x900 , Thea.png )
>> No. 159496
thea/tea sisters site

anyone know how to rip or can post the full swf of the site here?
>> No. 159580
>anyone know how to rip or can post the full swf of the site here?

not sure how to rip the swf. but here's a rar of all the images i could get for ya. sorry for duplicates if any.

>> No. 159604
Here ya go. Most of them are .svg files, so you will need a vector editor to play around. Enjoy!

>> No. 159693
>> No. 161941
File 139964065787.jpg - (1.19MB , 2318x1790 , 1398610760_wolfjedisamuel_tips_request_churendel.jpg )
This maybe not a porn but...... still okay a bit....
>> No. 163027
File 140162894671.jpg - (305.81KB , 843x913 , 1401508028_thewill_blackknife12_bigcheese.jpg )
Commission by TheWill.
>> No. 163111
I really want some /ss/ of Thea and Benjamin - Anyone willing to do/find it/do a commission?
>> No. 163499
File 140368996899.png - (612.03KB , 1200x791 , 1403595864_cheesecaked_pamelapinupfin.png )
>> No. 163523
>> No. 163524
>> No. 163529
I apologize if this isn't the place to ask this, but does anything of Sally Rasmaussen from the TV series exist? I still have yet to see any rule 34 of her.
>> No. 163662
File 14042269884.jpg - (1.05MB , 2102x2080 , 1404213073_wolfjedisamuel_suck_it_in_trade_blackkn.jpg )
No lucky cheese for those who said about Benjamin or Sally whatever it is. However, this just(or past hour ago) post from Furaffinity by WJS. I hope you guys enjoy it. :D
>> No. 163758
Where did you find this pic? Do you have any of the comics, like this would imply? If so, can you upload them somewhere? I would love that a lot. Any Geronimo/Thea ones OR Thea Sisters ones would be appreciated.

Also, is it me or are the Sisters comics actually meant to be catered to older readers, and I don't mean in the sense they have teens in, but are like a bit fanservicey? I mean one of the artists kittyformaggio is clearly a furry if you check her DA.
>> No. 163760
Where did you find this pic? Do you have any of the comics, like this would imply? If so, can you upload them somewhere? I would love that a lot. Any Geronimo/Thea ones OR Thea Sisters ones would be appreciated.

Also, is it me or are the Sisters comics actually meant to be catered to older readers, and I don't mean in the sense they have teens in, but are like a bit fanservicey? I mean one of the artists kittyformaggio is clearly a furry if you check her DA.
>> No. 163776
File 140450227153.jpg - (584.05KB , 1920x2658 , Thea_Stilton_v1 cbr.jpg )
Here is a link for a Thea_Stilton_v1 book.
>> No. 163856
Everyone's Fappable Part 1
>> No. 163895
the site only have the first and 3rd book, no 2nd or others?
>> No. 163974
Does anyone have a link to book 4 or any of the others?

Are any of the older books about THEA?

They don't have to be in English - I can translate them or something, I'm good at that sort of thing. Please gibe de links if you got them.

There is one with a small pic of Thea in the shower.

the links have expired. Can you reupload them?
>> No. 164187
File 140659030315.png - (1.21MB , 1600x1600 , jzwhol.png )
>> No. 164197
File 140677290088.png - (305.64KB , 1550x500 , Theasisters ddolls.png )
>> No. 164287
http://www.mediafire.com/download/a1p36mq2wu5n4s0/Thea+Stilton+v2+-+Revenge+of+the+Lizard+Club+%282013%29+%28Juvenile+Vapors-DCP%29.zip book 2 I heard book 4 gonna be out Sep1 10
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