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File 134115308227.jpg - (217.27KB , 760x1126 , is.jpg )
33943 No. 33943
Did anybody else enjoy Iron Sky, or do I simply have a poor taste of humor?
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>> No. 33944
Are you 12?
>> No. 33945
It is the best worst movie ever. It didn't take itself seriously, the actors all were having fun with it... I mean, how could you hate a movie where the token black guy gets whitefaced by Nazis? It's too ridiculous to hate.
>> No. 33948
Got any more movies like this. Watched "Nazis at the center of the Earth" but that was crappy, only the last few minutes of "Dead Snow" (zombie Nazis) was fun.
>> No. 33952
File 134122105050.jpg - (99.62KB , 484x755 , captain_america_the_first_avenger_ver6.jpg )
>> No. 33954
File 134124862352.jpg - (28.95KB , 229x350 , 1212901787022.jpg )
>> No. 34621
The best parts:

Iron Sky - North Korea Confessyoutube thumb

Iron Sky - Earth Fleet Sceneyoutube thumb

For a low-budget film, the entire CGI space battle was just incredibly sweet.
>> No. 34623
North Korea scene is best scene.
>> No. 34626
I personally liked the scene where they parodied the angry Hitler meme with President Palin.
>> No. 34627
Iron Sky - Downfall Parody Sceneyoutube thumb

That one was a delightful surprise as well.
>> No. 34635
This is actually what happens IRL when the cameras aren't watching.
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