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File 134040089717.jpg - (29.58KB , 324x359 , Blur lol.jpg )
33737 No. 33737

Post your face when.
Expand all images
>> No. 33748
File 134041452155.jpg - (10.28KB , 170x212 , 170px-Red_Lory_(Eos_bornea)-6.jpg )
Intresting. Mild Blur fan. Might buy it, although it'll probably cost a lot. Here's how I would rank their albums, BTW:

Leisure: 6/10
MLIR: 9/10
Parklife: 8.5/10
TGE: 5/10
S/T: 10/10
13: 7.5/10
Think Tank: 9.5/10
>> No. 33769

I spent years trying to find an affordable copy of the singles collection. I finally got it for $150. I also found Never Clever and full version of Far Out.

Now I learn that all the tracks that I collected over the years will now be available in one box set. Feels kind of sad, but I don't really have another choice to fill my collection; many of the bonus tracks are either super rare or previously unreleased. That, and US release of all Blur albums I own have poor sound quality.
>> No. 33810

Why is Parklife a 9/10 compared to their other LPs?
>> No. 33849
A bit too clean/polished for a rock record. That, and they just HAD to change the lyrics to "Trouble in the Message Center". Plus, what Damon did to Alex's song. UNFORGIVABLE.

For the record, demo:
Blur Far Out Demoyoutube thumb
>> No. 33852
I've got a colour-based rating system.
Based on the cover art's main colour.

Brown: Good
Blue: Bad
>> No. 33853
>133 pounds

Is there like... a digital version of this, for 1/32nd the price?
>> No. 33857
I bet you never bought an HD TV for that reason.

Things be heavy man, you got to DEAL WITH IT. 
>> No. 33900
File 134090592163.jpg - (71.69KB , 700x352 , 1336324910343.jpg )
This is glorious, I just hope I get the chance to get one before they run out.
>> No. 34650
File 134378370143.png - (71.78KB , 239x168 , rf Rocky ha ha.png )
Okay, so I unexpectedly got a decently large sum of dollars, and bought the thing.

If I get 50 more posts of cool-looking Blur photos from you, I promise to share all the rare and previously unreleased tracks in lossless format.
>> No. 34692
Or for massively easier distribution, for that matter.

Seriously. Why do record companies hate money.
>> No. 34693
>take the discs out
>put them in the drive
>rip them to your HD
>put the in your iPod
Is that really so hard?

Also, still waiting for those photos.
>> No. 34701
Just got the thing. As amazing as it is, Colours is missing, as well as the short version of I Know. That's just... wrong.

50 Blur pictures = I share set exclusive tracks. I shut up now.
>> No. 34702
Parklife was a really fucking good LP.
It's odd.
Yesterday's pop is today's altern... uh... really good music.
>> No. 34705
The reverse can also be true. Pop means popular with the mainstream crowd. It's not even about style or quality.

I repeat: 50 Blur images or no file sharing.
>> No. 34706
Well, that's one way of putting it. An industry term for "pop" also ends up usually being "It follows a Verse-Chorus-Verse formula and/or template for songwriting" so I dunno.

Also, I used to have a shiteload of Damon (shutup) and Blur images... on my old hard drive.
The one that's dead.
>> No. 34716
Google is your friend.
>> No. 34975
File 134619477457.jpg - (37.61KB , 500x364 , Blur awesome photo.jpg )
Okay, this is pointless now, since the Swedish Pirates already have this.

BUT, the downside of this box set are missing tracks and terrible mixing. It's almost like the bass is consciously trying to DESTROY your eardrums.
>> No. 35093
File 134697418488.jpg - (46.03KB , 293x400 , damonwink.jpg )
Man, I had forgotten how much I was into their later shoegazy stuff.
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