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File 133876572355.jpg - (106.45KB , 600x559 , mib3-promo[1].jpg )
33319 No. 33319
This movie was fantastic.

Everyone should see it. Let's have a thread about it.

dat ending ;~;

This more than made up for MIB2
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>> No. 33322
I started drinking chocolate milk in a serious way after this film.
>> No. 33327
>This more than made up for MIB2

I agree with this opinion.
>> No. 33332
Damn, I guess I really am the only one who found it terrible.
>> No. 33333
No, reception for it has been very mixed. Some hated it, some just thought "yeah that was a movie," and others loved it.

The only thing everyone seems to agree on is "it wasn't MIB2."
>> No. 33394
It certainly wasn't.
Unfortunately it also wasn't MIB 1.

Part of the problem with this series in general has been the loss of reality to the looks of everything. The sets don't look like real places, they just look like damn green screened places or rooms that were half assed together.
Nothing illustrates that more than MIB HQ.
Still, it wasn't bad.
>> No. 33405
>drink chocolate milk all the time
>have deja vu constantly
>> No. 33560
The movie made me really crave chocolate milk.

Also, I had no idea Boris The Animal was Jemaine from Flight of The Conchords. I didn't even recognize him.
>> No. 33561
Who can ever remember not having deva ju?
>> No. 33585
Yeah, that was a movie.

I'm sorry, but the whole "K knew J when J was a kid, so he didn't just pick J because J was really good" thing was an awful idea, and they telegraphed "That's J's father and he's going to die!" by Western Union.
>> No. 33626
Wait wait wait... that wasn't Tim Curry‽
>> No. 33646
Yeah, that was almost painful.
>> No. 33653
I completely thought it was too, you're not alone.
>> No. 33654
It was what I was wondering the whole time as well.
>> No. 33657
File 134017428780.jpg - (43.64KB , 640x330 , boris.jpg )
>Also, I had no idea Boris The Animal was Jemaine from Flight of The Conchords.

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