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8371 No. 8371
Ackanime & Dr.Graevling

now with Tim Buckley on story
74 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 9284
You don't need to be rude, we get it, you don't like gay stuff

BUT for those who love Ack's stuff and don't mind some dick, i've opened a gay thread here - https://plus4chan.org/b/coq/res/93224.html
>> No. 9301
It's not even about liking or not liking gay shit. It's about posting shit where it belongs.
>> No. 9351
for screwing over her members she deserves to fail. I hope she does. She deserves a slap in the face.
>> No. 9357
Mental illness is common in legitimate artists because the trait of seeing life differently, or suffering with a problem, helps your creativity and gives you different experiences to draw from. You know, art through adversity? Depression and the like falls in there just fine.

Laziness and flakiness, on the other hand, correlate with internet work because the "artist" in question doesn't have a boss screaming at them and no one to really tell them 'no, you don't have writer's block, you're just fucking lazy, get back to work'
>> No. 9360
Figured this might interest some of you, as it was her latest journal post on her neglected DA account, in which she plays along the usual notes. here's her post:

Haven’t posted anything in a few weeks but that’s because I’m still toiling away on my new paysite FiresideDen.com

Sadly, most of this is a one-man operation and I’m left to do the majority of the work, but that’s what I expected when I took on the task, and it’s what I did when I first opened up DrawnToBondage.ca 8 years ago. I’d like to think of it as a labour of love, and despite the headaches and deadlines I’m happy c:

So what all is required of me on this? Well, for one I have to draw up all new content since the site is more geared towards gay men and homoerotica, and considering DrawnToBondage.ca was pretty much the opposite of that I can’t really bring over stuff from there to the new site.

Then there’s design a whole new site; New look (obviously) from what DrawnToBondage.ca was, and butt-loads of coding, as well as drawing up the fancy graphics for it. Thankfully I have a friend that’s kind enough to handle all the tricky backend coding for me that I have no idea how to do. Things like the gallery, comic archiving and browsing, soon helping me to set up the online store, and of course all of the server side stuff for dealing with memberships. Lots of work still to do, but at the same time I’ve gotten quite a bit done too.

Hopefully, once I get all the hard stuff out of the way and the bulk of the content, I can start drawing a few freebies and posting them up here, fill the gallery with some beefcake pinups and what have you.

- after all this it sounds like she's going to become solely a gay art artist.. which is great for those that like that sort of thing, but a shame for all of us who she attracted over the years with the more 'mainstream' stuff.
>> No. 9362
So she's basically giving the middle finger to her straight fans/customers (who I suspect are in the majority) and catering solely to her gay fans/customers (who I suspect are in the minority).


I want Zaela!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> No. 9461
I think that if this crashes and burns, it might serve as a wakeup call to her.
>> No. 9472
But it wont
She need only 13 more votes... and 5K $
Nothing realy now days
It's time to accept the fact, she WILL do this, and better to tag along...
After all, if she likes what she is doing, she more likely produce free art, like Wayvard travellers, tantric II and Zaela
>> No. 9476
People can pledge votes just to get it moving but without the cash it means nothing. =P You also gotta remember how she was towards her previous members , throwing them under the bus quite a few times just to ignore having to do her job. You can't change a zebra's stripes. She will always be lazy and emo!
>> No. 9491
I'm actually really surprised that the voting system doesn't have a timeout. It's been over two months- It should have timed out ages ago tbh. I would honestly be surprised if she got the money, but I suppose it's possible.

But like, to tell you the truth... She's literally diving into a sea of better artists that already have the market cornered. Paysites have enough of a problem as it is and usually have to network. She got off with dtb because she drew what a lot of people liked in a clean, visible way. As she's seeing now, much less people are interested in her new idea, and she'd need a lot (A lot) of subs to stay on permanently to make it worth it. Reminder that 5 grand really doesn't actually go that far when you're having to hire coders and shit, which she's admitted she can't do all of.

I'm slightly bitter, but I don't like seeing people rewarded for being shady pricks to their communities. In my opinion Offbeatr is just as much to blame for not having a cutoff where it goes 'This is obviously not going to happen.' after months of vote-gathering. I guess that's what you get for an offshoot of an actually profitable crowdsource, though.
>> No. 9492
I'm actually really surprised that the voting system doesn't have a timeout. It's been over two months- It should have timed out ages ago tbh. I would honestly be surprised if she got the money, but I suppose it's possible.

But like, to tell you the truth... She's literally diving into a sea of better artists that already have the market cornered. Paysites have enough of a problem as it is and usually have to network. She got off with dtb because she drew what a lot of people liked in a clean, visible way. As she's seeing now, much less people are interested in her new idea, and she'd need a lot (A lot) of subs to stay on permanently to make it worth it. Reminder that 5 grand really doesn't actually go that far when you're having to hire coders and shit, which she's admitted she can't do all of.

I'm slightly bitter, but I don't like seeing people rewarded for being shady pricks to their communities. In my opinion Offbeatr is just as much to blame for not having a cutoff where it goes 'This is obviously not going to happen.' after months of vote-gathering. I guess that's what you get for an offshoot of an actually profitable crowdsource, though.
>> No. 9509
Well to tell you the truth she'll end up screwing over her new members here soon imo. Warlords of dranor hits sooner or later , and last time I checked . She plays wow and Diablo 3. During the last releases of both she took a month or so off to play while screwing members over with no updates but just excuses that she wasn't feeling good and all emo to draw anything. Just wait and see it happens everytime.
>> No. 9524
There are only so many times you can pull the "I was feeling stressed/depressed/sick" excuse before people start to wise up. The fact that it's taken her this long is a bad sign. Keep in mind, she doesn't need that many backers. And a ton of these are just her internet friends helping her out
>> No. 9525
There are only so many times you can pull the "I was feeling stressed/depressed/sick" excuse before people start to wise up. The fact that it's taken her this long is a bad sign. Keep in mind, she doesn't need that many backers. And a ton of these are just her internet friends helping her out
>> No. 9537
'213 Votes of 210 needed'

It's done, she got them all
>> No. 9553
...and already got 1000$
>> No. 9554
people can pledge money all they want. It comes down to actually turning the money over that will the real test.
>> No. 9616
Mark my fucking words: This site will crash and burn.
>> No. 9628
ok I get it, she sucks, her new site sucks, what I don't get is why we are still talking about it
>> No. 9631
Because it's the only thing related to her that's happening
>> No. 9637
Oh Zaela, Zaela where have you gone
I hope your absence isn't very long

I know your creator is a nut
But please come back so I can look at your butt
>> No. 9662
She may have money, but she only has 19 pledges. That does not bode well for her chances
>> No. 9826
People hate change. And they like hating people they've never met for forcing change on them.
>> No. 9880
Even if she gets the funds ,so far the slow support for the gay site shows that its likely to crash and burn. But don't be fooled if she throws in a hint about zaela or any other comics that might interests you . It could be a bait and switch trap just to get you subbed. IMO i would actually wait month or two so the updates would pile up before risking joining at an early stage.
>> No. 10032
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>> No. 10105
Graevling seems to be giving up porn



I have something I need to get off my chest.

For the last couple of months I’ve been feeling very down, depressed and kind of… empty inside. I couldn’t quite understand what was wrong with me and it really sapped me of my energy. Nothing I did seemed to revitalize me as it should. I didn’t want to tell people because I thought it was something I could just get through on my own, but it eventually failed and a lot came crashing down on me.

When I was feeling the most miserable I met someone. She was like the light to my darkness and she helped me get through my terrible time. She is also the daughter to a local church pastor and I decided to start going to some services with her. At first it was mostly just to spend more time with her, but eventually I realized that I looked forward to the church services for something completely different than to meet her.

I found a new life there. Life like I had never experienced before. Everytime I went there and felt that soothing yet overpowering feeling, I felt like I pieced together the missing puzzle pieces in my life. I finally felt whole.

But there was a problem. I felt conflicted, due to what it is I do here on the internet. My “art”. It doesn’t feel right anymore. For me to waste this skill I have on smut and coarse imagery, when I can use it for a higher purpose. For His purpose.

I realize a lot of people will be upset with this and will most likely not like the change in what I do. But that’s to be expected. I just want to glorify Him and the new life He has given me after I have spent my whole life away from Him. He gave me a second chance.

I will start purging my old filthy art shortly so that I instead can fill this blog and other sites with the glory that He deserves! I hope you will all join me in this, the greatest transformation of my life ever!

Praise Jeebus!"
>> No. 10107
Nope.... go and see his tumblr
It was an april fools joke
>> No. 10207
Taking bets right now. Who thinks she'll get enough money?
>> No. 10221
I do!
She need ~2000 $
And got almost 20 days to get it
Even if she can't, i think she will donate 2k to herself
She really want to do this, and 2000$ is not 5000$... even if she need to pay the half of it (less than a half) she come out from this pretty good
>> No. 10223
But there's so little interest in her doing gay porno. The fact that it took this long is not a good sign
>> No. 10224
>>10223 the amount of time its taken just to get this started . Tells me that once it starts it will fail. If people really wanted this kind of porn it would already be going.

Now if this was for all kinds of her porn not just gay then it would have already gotten the support and funds. Even if she does get the site going it won't hold up that long.
>> No. 10260
Since we all know she's nuts, what do you think she'll do once she fails?
>> No. 10268
16 days remained...
...1200$ she need
C'mon you really think she can't make it?
>> No. 10364
She needs a lot of small time supporters, not a few big time supporters.
>> No. 10402
to recap if she does not make the right money she will go back to here original and far better website ?
>> No. 10403
The answer is on her Tumblr

"So if you don't hit that 5k (IT'S ONLY $275 TO GO GET ON IT YOU BUTTS) What's going to happen to Fireside Den? I need you drawing delicious gay men in my life."

The site will still launch just with some financial issues on my end. I still have high hopes for it going through, but I made sure to have a plan or idea for what will happen if the OffBeatr didn’t work out as intended. This wasn’t a full on ‘all or nothing’ thing, because…well, I don’t want to leave myself in that sort of dire straits :|

SO NO WORRIES there will be glorious gay butts! I might have to pimp myself out commission-wise (which would be happening ANYWAY in the form of pledge rewards if the pitch goes through), but like I said I made sure to prepare myself for the what-if c:
>> No. 10419
This project reached its goal of $5,000 on April 26 and will be funded Tuesday April 29, 10:46 pm
>> No. 10422
Well, I for one will not be supporting this artiest anymore. When she stopped her story on Tantric for reasons unknown that was one thing, but i believe we all can agree she tried to milk the cow one more time when she brought Zaela back only to stop it.

I for one did resubscribe just to support her art once more when Zaela came back, but of course it now left a bad taste in my mouth.

To all of you here on this form it has been one hell of a ride, and I was at least glad to have met some fellow bondage enthusiasts. So will just that this all wasn't a wasted adventure. <3 ~Revi
>> No. 10425
It's never a wasted adventure when it's done with friends.

Who knows. If this gay site doesn't work, maybe she'll go back to doing things. Or maybe (since she's not psychologically healthy) she'll kill herself.
>> No. 10441
I bet you once she changes her mind she will abandon her gay themed art and go back to her straight themed art and give all you gay fans the middle finger the way she just gave us straight fans the middle finger!
>> No. 10710
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>> No. 10776
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Wayward Travels is back
>> No. 10841
New post is up, complaining that the site hasn't picked up yet
>> No. 10844
So is this straight content up on fireside? Why is she doing straight content now after she got her gay website up anyway?
>> No. 10847
Seems like a commission for someone who donated to the offbeatr.
>> No. 10931
That seems like an error of judgement on that donators part. "Donate for the creation of a "gay" website. Request solo female"
>> No. 11116
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>> No. 11122
Even though the woman doesn't seem like she's all there and she's screwing her fans over, she is still one Hell of an artist.

I just wish in that picture it was Zaela with two of her slaves rather than that blue haired guy.
>> No. 11197
Drawntobondage is back up. Apparently we can buy her old content.
>> No. 11198
Just trying to milk as much money as she can without having to do any work. Typical.
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