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File 132944843454.png - (399.22KB , 1000x900 , Cuteness.png )
43698 No. 43698
Season 2's grand finale is starting, so this deserves a new thread.

Useful links, as usual:

- Mutant Squid's blog, for everything Wakfu related you'd want to download:
=> http://brotherhoodoftofu.com/

- Our Twitter feed to keep in touch with the releases while avoiding spoilers:
=> http://twitter.com/#!/wakfu_fansubs

- Current thread in /co/ for general discussion:
=> https://plus4chan.org/b/co/res/162090.html
615 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 44544
>> No. 44545
I'm agreeing with this as hard as I can.
>> No. 44547
File 133201839966.jpg - (508.36KB , 1920x1080 , [NoDRM]-mini_wakfu_1x19_fr_2_wmv_snapshot_00_28_[2.jpg )
Only if you tell Ankama to put up the second half of the vod episodes.
>> No. 44548
File 133202147393.jpg - (48.44KB , 500x413 , ee339ea1-3cad-40dd-8973-5427c5fd4a40[1].jpg )
>Trying to see last episode
>Nyaa torrents not working on VLC player
>> No. 44549
File 133202709818.gif - (442.05KB , 480x360 , VLC2.gif )
>> No. 44550
Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is so special about the VOD episodes that makes them different from the ones you can download?

Other than the fact that they cost about $2 an episode?
>> No. 44551
File 133202743938.jpg - (1.51MB , 1920x2160 , My only neighbor is nearest neighbor.jpg )
To use the exaggerated example someone else posted before, I present this.
>> No. 44552
The image in the VODs is so sharp and clear that you can cut your finger simply by touching the screen.
>> No. 44553
Yes but how does that make it better than the HQ subs?
>> No. 44554
The 1080p subs are an upscale.
The VOD episodes are naturally 1080p.
>> No. 44555
Still seems pretty picky to me.
>> No. 44556
People who watch it on big screens enjoy the difference. If you're watching it on a 1024*768 PC monitor, it is indeed much less of an issue.
>> No. 44557
Seems like quality content to me.
>> No. 44558
know its late but thanks for the subs guys. Awesome series really appreciate the work you all did for free.
>> No. 44560
Last night I had a wonderful dream that Tot had announced Season 3...
>> No. 44561
That's the funny thing. My monitor is a 32" LCD TV and I still don't understand how people can give so much of a shit about it.
>> No. 44562
File 133208693034.jpg - (14.54KB , 621x422 , Wakfu_S2_episode_03_37.jpg )
I had to download the soundtrack that was on thebrotherhoodoftofu.com, but found that my favorite, Rubilaxia, was muffled and not all that clear. Does anyone have a better version?
>> No. 44563
Your monitor is probably 720p also.
>> No. 44564
Kind of a big deal actually.
>> No. 44565
That's funny 'cause HE DID
>> No. 44566
What's wrong with 720p?
>> No. 44567
Not really, no.
>> No. 44568
They did answer where most of the Gods come from...except Pandawa, I know she was included in the Pantheon to balance Darkness with Light after Sacrier was promoted...but where was that written?

Also PDF would have pretty pictures.
>> No. 44569
It isn't 1080p or 1440p.
>> No. 44572
Balance had nothing to do with it. Like the others, she was one of thousands of minor gods. One day she found out about fermentation and started experimenting with it. She developed all kinds of alcohol and put their effects to good use: while the people who tasted those beverages were inebriated, she introduced her divine self and quickly gained hordes of (drunken) followers. And just like Sacrier, once she had enough of them she ascended to the pantheon.

Source: Dofus Artbook Session 2, p. 150. I'm surprised this part isn't in the Documents.

And guess where she discovered fermentation? A Blop killed by a shot of http://dofuswiki.wikia.com/wiki/Mush_Mush_Sporm

Only in France...
>> No. 44573
Sounds like a nitpicky reason to me.
>> No. 44574
actually ive been wondering other than the les guardienes download is there an official soundtrack for either seasons. mainly ask because I loved the battle music that played near the end of s2 episode 16 the cursed fountain.
>> No. 44575
>is there an official soundtrack for either season

And it makes me mad.
>> No. 44576
File 133213983555.jpg - (13.39KB , 419x490 , dtykdtydktyd.jpg )
That is heartbreaking...
>> No. 44577
The real difference is the watermarks. They can be really annoying, especially covering faces. VODs don't have them.

There IS a quality difference, and I project with an HD projector so it doesn't get much more noticeable than that, but it must be said that unless you're comparing side-by-side it's very unlikely to affect your viewing experience.

I posted a comparison in answer to that in the other place that showed it was total nonsense. The video someone uploaded that was *400p*, not even 720p, had only a small amount of difference in sharpness when scaled up by any video player or decent image editing software. Perhaps you saved that one?
>> No. 44580
ditto, shame really because the stuff that isnt licensed to other bands and such is really well made.
>> No. 44581
> http://guillaumepervieux.bandcamp.com/
Added the new songs and tagged them. Looks like he removed the freebie song in IoW but I kept it in here of course. I kept the other "unofficial soundtrack" bundled with it since it's only 10MB in size.


The soundcloud is fairly hit or miss in my opinion.
>> No. 44587
Oh sub thread, you so empty after the finale...
>> No. 44589
Yeah, it's kind of sad. D:

Also, anybody have any idea when they would give us info on season 3 if it does get approved?
>> No. 44590
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I'm curious if we're ever going to get more on the Ogrest special. Heck, I'd settle for anything at this point regarding Wakfu, the lack of it is sort of heart wrenching.
>> No. 44592
>when they would give us info on season 3 if it does get approved?
When they'll feel like talking about it! Unfortunately, we don't know much more than that, there's been no official news since Tot's post on Wakfu's French boards announcing the start of neciations for a season 3.

Since Ankama's studio in Japan is almost dead now, we don't know if the 2 remaining specials will be released (or even made) one day.
But at least, Tot said that *if* there's a season 3, it will *obviously* deal with Ogrest.

Anyway, this thread has hit autosage and isn't bumping anymore. I'll create a new one once I'm done with some reuploads I'm doing at the moment, most likely next week.
>> No. 44595
Thank you for the information!
>> No. 44600
I'd just like to thank all of the subbers for the hard work ^^

I personally started watching Wakfu quite a bit late in the game. When I had finished Season 1 you were working on S2 Ep 20 or so. Due to this, I decided I'd wait for the batch torrent. And though I'm fine with waiting as long as you want to take, I just wanted to let you know that at least 1 person is looking forward to it enthusiastically ^^
>> No. 44601
I had just finished watching season 2 of wakfu after scrimping for the direct downloads. You guys have done a great job subbing this hidden gem of an anime (if that's what one would consider this, albeit it being french...). Hats off to you subbers, you've done a great service to us cartoon lovers!
>> No. 44613
The animation is outsourced to Japan, so I guess it could be considered an anime if you're not super nitpicky.
>> No. 44614
>The animation is outsourced to Japan
I wasn't aware Japan had attacked the north of France and conquered the city of Roubaix.
time to retaliate and "faïeur ze missaïlz".
>> No. 44617
>The animation is outsourced to Japan
No, it's not.

Only a very few episodes were made in Japan, under the care of Ankama's Japanese studio when it was still alive:
- Season 1 ep.17 and 22
- Nox and Ogrest Specials

As for season 2, it's 100% made in France. BTW, this makes Ankama's pride since they could produce a series without outsourcing the animation to Japan, Korea or India; as it's usually done for western cartoon series to lower costs.

So Wakfu isn't an "anime", it's a French "dessin animé" made by big weaboos.

Anyway, this thread isn't bumping anymore, so new thread here => >>44616
>> No. 44619
> So Wakfu isn't an "anime", it's a French "dessin animé"

> Implying there's a difference between "cartoon", "anime" and "dessin animé" other than being too autistic to say it in your own language
>> No. 44622
I don't imply anything, I just stress the fact that Wakfu wasn't made in Japan.

>Implying people don't know that "cartoon", "anime" and "dessin animé" are just words in different languages to say the same thing.
It's not a matter of autism, it's just that using one term or another is convenient to tell where an animated series is from.
>> No. 44628
File 133333262847.gif - (613.35KB , 295x221 , 1331045801103.gif )
> So Wakfu isn't an "anime", it's a French "dessin animé"

> Implying there's a difference between "cartoon", "anime" and "dessin animé" other than being too autistic to say it in your own language

Mais non, il y a differences sur la culture d'oú il a créé. On peut pas reproduire l'esprit capturer dans la culture.
>> No. 44690
episode 17 of season 2 has no working download links. can anyone put up new link
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