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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 13214751125.jpg - (204.82KB , 700x656 , 24hrcomicchallenge.jpg )
42045 No. 42045
Hey /coc/, I hope you don't mind if we host this here for now.
With /co/ being down, things have gotten really hectic, and /coc/ seems like a good safe spot for the project.

So, what is the 24-Hour /co/mic Challenge? It was started by Scott McCloud, author of Understanding Comics, and Making Comics.
In McCloud’s challenge, the goal was to try and make a 24 page comic in a day, and you would work for 24 hours nonstop. In short, the comic is an exercise to see if you can work fast and efficiently. It calls for you to try and do 24 pages in 24 hours. If you want to read more about it, you can check it out here: http://scottmccloud.com/4-inventions/24hr/index.html

In /co/’s challenge, we’ve relaxed the rules quite a bit.
We set our own goals for ourselves, and aim to reach those goals in 24 hours.This makes it much less demanding, and a lot easier for folks who have never tried this to get into. If you’re up for trying to do the whole 24 pages, you’re more than welcome to.

The rules:

>This challenge is open to ANYONE who wants to take it on. It’s not a secret club.

>The challenge lasts the entire weekend, so if you’re busy on one particular day, you’ll be able to start the next day. It will officially start at 12:00AM/Midnight on the 18th, and last until 11:59PM on Sunday. (Reminder: If you want to take place in this but you can’t make it this weekend, don’t worry! We’re doing this again in a month at the very end of the year.)

>How does this work? You pick a starting time at any time between 12:00AM Friday and 11:59PM Saturday (the 19th), and you have until that exact time the next day to finish your project.

>Your work must be finished within that 24 hour window, but no one is going to yell at you or get mad if you fail to complete the project or reach your goal. Some people enjoyed the challenge so much last year that they decided to keep working on their project. I think one or two of the guys made a webcomic out of theirs.

>Remember to post your work in the /co/ thread. You may post your work as you finish it, to keep the thread bumped around the hour. Or you can post it all at once when you’re done.

>You aren’t limited to any medium or format. If you prefer to draw on paper and scan it, go for it. If you want to make it with your mouse in MSPaint, DO IT! If you’re a writer, crack open Word!

>Finished pages can be archived on http://24hourcochallenge.tumblr.com, if you want them to be. As an alternative, the guys who run the /co/mic /co/operative have offered to host the finished entries on their wordpress, which can be found at: http://comiccooperative.wordpress.com

Good luck, and have fun!
>> No. 42051
If /co/ Prime Works, I'll post my shit new there.
>> No. 42054
tumblr link is dead and there isnt a thread on /co/.
>> No. 42057
It's not dead, just mistyped; remove the comma at the end.
>> No. 42269
So how'd it turn out?
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