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225338 No. 225338
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So who did they kill?
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>> No. 226093

I'm actually pretty curious about this too. The current Archie strategy seems to focus only on pushing comic book shop sales.
>> No. 226097

I'm sure some Archie exec is fuming at this very moment how late they've been getting issues shipped the past few months were that the case.

Do we still not know the alternate ending to Sonic Universe 62 on a related note?
>> No. 226098
No, but I'm betting it's the ship crash as seen from within, instead of Knuckle's vantage.

When I first heard them doing that, I thought "alternate" meant "alternate continuity", but now that seems silly and it's probably just an alternate vantage point.
>> No. 226107
of course its not an alternate continuity. It's in the same continuity so you'd waste 7 bucks on something that usually costs you 3.50.

I hope they never do this ever again.
>> No. 226111
If the numbers are noticeably higher they'll start doing it frequently.
Eventually we'll have one every four issues.
Then they'll start a new gimmick and people will say "Oh, holo-foil covers aren't so bad, nobody minds the variants and alternate endings!"
>> No. 226113
Thankfully with the delays any sales higher than normal are pretty much impossible even if it wasn't a stupid gimmick that nobody enjoyed.
>> No. 226116
> It's in the same continuity so you'd waste 7 bucks on something that usually costs you 3.50.

So you're getting a different cover and one different page of content, instead of just a cover. People already blow their money on variant covers.
>> No. 226117
Then maybe she should stop doing it if it's obviously being considered off model.
>> No. 226118
Someone's moody.
Either way, it's been a while since that was said, and we don't know what's going on with that. You have to remember this is the comic where we have fun typos like "Miles Prowler", Shadow's chest tuft was colored gold for well over a year, and a good deal of problems with inkers not actually finishing their jobs before or otherwise altering pages to make their job easier.
>> No. 226120
That kind of stuff has not been common for a long time.
>> No. 226121
You mean like how Tyson Hesse's pencils on Shadow of the Moon show that the inker changed the size of his panels and ignored a few lines to make things easier for himself?
You mean like "E-107 Eta"?
The writer(s) and artists on the Sonic and Mega Man comics are mostly fans in some respect and put a lot of heart and effort into their works. The majority of the letterers and inkers on the books appear to be uninterested and a bit lazy. They don't care. Amash does a pretty good job with his inks most of the time, but the rest tend to be pretty mediocre, with Austin's inks and Workman's letters being the worst. We have spelling errors and unfinished lines in StH rather consistently. To say errors and laziness are "not common anymore" when the primary inker is too lazy to draw CURVES at times and instead draws a series of straight lines with gaps and has been doing this for two years running is outright dishonest.
>> No. 226129
The inker sucking and screwing up the pencils is bad, but it's not the same thing as the penciller putting in details that editorial already decided against for whatever reason.
>> No. 226130
What's wrong with Eta? That was an intentional change.
>> No. 226132
They probably mean how he was called E-107 Eta instead of E-106 Eta by accident in 257.
>> No. 226133
And that's the point.
We don't know what's going on with that. We don't know if that's something editorial decided, or if Austin forgot and they changed it last minute since then and haven't told her, or if it's a "whatever" thing since she's digital and can change her appearance but Austin's being a lazy ass, or whatever. We don't know if that's considered off model or not. Even Rafa's Models, which are supposedly the gold standard, are different from what's been showing up on covers and inside issues when it comes to a few minor details, not to mention weird stuff like Bunnie's magically disappearing/reappearing ring. It's impossible to tell what exactly is going on.
>> No. 226135
People who buy every variant cover are not the same as those who want to collect 100% of the story.
>> No. 226138
Well, the designs showed up on a cover, which means it passed through the pencils, inking, coloring and publishing (for previews). THEN the changes were made. It's not like Terry Austin went and got the near-final version of the cover and changed Nicole and Antoine.
>> No. 226141
What you just said kind of services the idea that Terry could have forgotten to do the braids and they edited the cover to reflect that after the fact, you know? We seriously can't tell what happened here, so we really shouldn't pretend we know why some things were changed between the previews and now.
>> No. 226142
But if it was Terry's mistake, that was several steps before publishing, so you'd think they would have caught it by then if it wasn't intended instead of editing everything later?
>> No. 226144
Considering that we have anecdotal evidence from Evan that things have been changed because they got fucked in production and the idea from higher up was "EH KEEP IT" (Max's hair color), Archie has a history with mistakes making it to print, and that the Nicole part of the cover didn't change (from our perspective) until a month before said issue came out, long after 252 saw print? I'd say it's entirely reasonable that the pages were finished and it was cheaper/easier to just change a cover than to go back and re-ink places where Austin missed the braids. In fact that seems incredibly likely.

And really? Arguing that Archie catches things before print? The company that didn't notice Evan drew Tails Doll as a giant phallus, has these kinds of spelling and coloring errors pretty consistently, and generally can't seem to get its head straight at the moment? You're arguing that THAT company would catch something as minor as hair plugs by the time the colorist or letterer got to the page? Seriously?
>> No. 226148
I am 90% convinced they edited the redesigns because of the 3D render covers. Things like Antoine's head suddenly becoming a mix of Sonic and Tails instead of his own unique thing make it look like that.
>> No. 226151
Oh boy. The credits of the latest Linkara episode announced he's doing another Sonic comic review this summer. Any bets on which one? I can't really see anything other than the Image crossover that he'd even bother with.
>> No. 226154
when he did Sonic Live, he said he might review the crossover at some point.
>> No. 226190
So umm... does Dr. Snively have dwarfism?
>> No. 226191
ah, this is the sonic/megaman archie thread on p/co/, right?

I was told by /co/ to come here remind Ian (if he's here) that a future antagonist, Dr. Weil (MegaMan Zero) is alive during X1 - X5 timespan (He is actually human during those games, but becomes more like his "unable to phsycially die anymore" Megaman Zero self after this timespan because the space colony litterally dropped on top of him - Rememeber, he's only MODIFIED to be functionally completely immortal after Dr.Weil starts Internet fights with elves and brainwashes Zero's original body back into it's Dr.Wily KILL DESTROY MAIM Omega programming, so it's highly likly after X5 he started to become the madman we know from the games - because thats roughly when Zero seals his original body away and gets himself uploaded into the Megaman Zero body - it originally is a exact copy of his specs, but gets modified to look like his Megaman Zero look later during the Omega battle, so they can tell which is Zero and which is Omega), and that having him cameo if the Megaman X comics get off the ground would be a neat touch, if not hopefully outright appear as a background character/anatagonist for Dr. Cain(although I'm not sure if Capcom would be okay with him being specifically talked to without a plan for Megaman Zero comics - stick to cameos to be safe if you have too). Also, Remember that X1 - X5's Sigma war doesn't even last a entire year - all the games take place almost one after another, with maybe a month or so spacing if Sigma gets wrecked too badly by X - so make sure to pace yourself correctly and not blow right through Megaman X too quickly

Again: if it's too late to do anything with this information right now due to it being so close to print, Don't worry - It's just something that would have been really neat to see, and maybe could be done in future issues (fingers crossed for Megaman X's success)
>> No. 226192
That's a good thing to point out and it's something I should keep in mind.

It's also not really an issue right now since we don't have an MMX book. We may never get an MMX book. Sales for "Dawn of X" will be a big deciding factor over whether we get an MMX book.
>> No. 226194
>Sales for "Dawn of X" will be a big deciding factor over whether we get an MMX book.
Which is why it's pertinent to ask: Will the fact that I buy a digital copy instead of a physical copy impact how much sway my purchase has on the creation of an X book?
>> No. 226196
Should I buy double of each book?

SHould I buy the graphic novel
>> No. 226200
of fucking course the alternate ending is better than the non-alternate one.

Fuck you archie
>> No. 226205
I have no idea if one has more weight than the other.

I dunno if double-buying really makes that big of a difference, but waiting for the trade does. Low monthly numbers are what gets decision-making people spooked.

All the endings are canon, but not crucial, and no one is meant to be more shocking/exciting/enticing than the other. I tried to make it as neutral an option as possible. If you find one more appealing than the other, that's personal taste.
>> No. 226207
>HUR DUR Knuckles standing on a rock is as exciting as seeing "SNIVELY CONFIRMED"

yeah, ok.
>> No. 226208
If they don't want trade waiters they should stop putting out trades less than a year after the stories come out. I mean, how are you supposed to say "No consumer, don't just wait a few months to buy a slightly cheaper version of our product with extra content"?

And...I mean, they GET that things like variant covers and dual endings make MORE people trade-wait, right? Ever since variants became the standard I've been trade-waiting. I mean, aside from fear of cancellation, why buy a floppy? For the letters section that doesn't bother to answer kids' questions anymore? The ads?
>> No. 226209
Be fair, for people who don't read solicits it's basically the same thing.
That and Knuckles is a far more enjoyable character.
>> No. 226210
So, Snively's new first name...

is that a "fuck you" to Penders?
>> No. 226211
>Knuckles and space aliens! vs. that tiny guy who was from a cartoon maybe?
All depends on your priorities. Some folks are mad we're bothering to bring Snively back at all.

*shrugs* I don't handle that side of things. I just write.

It's a small nod to SatAM since the "Julian Kintobor" thing didn't happen in the new continuity.
>> No. 226217
I'm not mad about it, but he certainly would have felt redundant if he just went back to being Eggman's lackey after years of pushing him to be his own villain.
>> No. 226218
Thing is we knew Knuckles was coming for months and Eclipse surviving impact was pretty much a given, if you understand anything about the comic book industry.

Snively coming back with a sweet Goatee and a new name was totally not expected.
>> No. 226219
And if you paid any attention to Ian's forum or Twitter you'd know that Snively coming back was basically assured. It's seriously a matter of perspective.

Knuckles finally shows up again, teased a new or returning female character being pretty important to his story, Sky Rail/Pumpkin Hill shows up. For some people, especially casual readers and children, this is far more exciting than Snively showing up with a beard and a new name. I mean, seriously, that's all you're getting out of that Snively page. Beard, name change that doesn't ACTUALLY change anything, and he's at G.U.N. Both endings are just teases and only contain a few details people who follow the series don't already know. Which one you find more important depends on your personal priorities and which details you happened to glean beforehand.
>> No. 226224
Mega Man Zero was re-wrote to fit with Mega Man X6 and later games.
>> No. 226228
>implying Penders came up with that name or the idea of the war.
>> No. 226230
>Also, Remember that X1 - X5's Sigma war doesn't even last a entire year

X2 happens 6 months after 1, X3 happens several months after 2 (due to Dr. Doppler having to make the Neuro Computer to stop Reploids from becoming Mavericks and a few months later X3 happens).

X4 most likely happens sometime in the next year, what with Dr. Cain having to make the Repliforce, and Xtreme 2 having to happen before it, and in X5 I'd think getting a new leader for the Maverick Hunters due to them killing the framed Repliforce would have took some time as well.

What I hope to see is maybe Ian touching more on Signas being a private investigator pre-leader of the Maverick Hunters and/or giving him some cameos, same for Alia and Gate back in their researcher days, and maybe what happened to Douglas after X6.
>> No. 226231
>Signas being a private investigator
I've heard this mentioned a million times but I've never seen a source.
>> No. 226236
I hear it's in the instruction manual of X5, sadly I don't own the game anymore to check.
>> No. 226240
Uh no, it doesn't say anything like that at all. It also talks about "Reploid Wars" having gone on for centuries.

Certain people here seem really intent on trying to push "facts" on Ian as though the X series isn't full of contradicting info that no one cared to keep straight. It's like this fandom is full of people who've had their fanon in their minds for years and are desperate to get it printed in the comic.
>> No. 226241
I don't think anything like that is in there.

Someone's a grumpy motherfucker.
>> No. 226243
You have a low tolerance for "grumpiness" if you see something like that and your first instinct is "what a motherfucker!"
>> No. 226245
That's how fans are period. It's all a matter of well they can personally adjust to changes from the original source(or they own view of the "canon") before they snap.

The only real thing that Ian needs to know are the characters backgrounds, especially the Mavericks. Even if the main events happen within a few months of each other. Those are still large gaps of times that have to be filled with non-sigma related events.
>> No. 226246
Taking someone saying "I think it's in this manual" as an excuse to go on a mini-rant about people pushing things on Ian and trying to force their fanons as canons sounds like something one grumpy motherfucker would do to me.
>> No. 226269
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