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File 13683600329.png - (1.05MB , 640x1191 , Spidey175.png )
209420 No. 209420
Ready for a new thread so soon?
But the final battle is just about to start!
148 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 222488
File 139065983546.png - (1.35MB , 760x1423 , Spidey212.png )
Shouldn't it be Ironbot?
>> No. 222562
File 139078341919.gif - (170.11KB , 760x356 , spidey212s.gif )
>> No. 223119
Okay, I had to peek ahead at what was next, and WOW, I can't wait to see where this goes!
>> No. 223135
File 139187597446.png - (1.42MB , 760x1420 , Spidey213.png )
Oh, am I falling behind again?
>> No. 223136
File 139187603728.gif - (160.61KB , 760x356 , spidey213s.gif )
>> No. 223137
File 139187618180.png - (1.27MB , 760x1423 , Spidey214.png )
>> No. 223172
Jameson is going full-on into mad supermvillany in this arc, and I am fucking loving it.
>> No. 223183
File 139198145645.gif - (175.28KB , 760x356 , spidey214s.gif )
Someone's going to get hurt at this rate.
>> No. 223205

Wild. I thought Tony was just making up that "going to be on the other side of the planet" story so he'd have a cover for Iron Man showing up. Guess not.
>> No. 223270
Why won't Brody just say "fuck off cunt, Im outta this bullshit"?

I guess Jameson is just too alpha.
>> No. 224091
File 139343546651.png - (1.33MB , 760x1428 , Spidey215.png )
Birth of a Super Villain.
>> No. 224092
File 139343554979.gif - (175.75KB , 760x356 , spidey215s.gif )
>> No. 224093
File 139343578380.png - (1.43MB , 760x1414 , Spidey216.png )
>> No. 224094
File 139343588169.gif - (176.65KB , 760x356 , spidey216s.gif )
>> No. 224109
10/10 best version of Jameson ever
>> No. 224163
File 139367517127.png - (1.36MB , 760x1413 , Spidey217.png )
>> No. 224231
File 139375860672.gif - (178.53KB , 760x356 , spidey217s.gif )
This is going to turn out well.
>> No. 224641
File 139428356840.png - (1.39MB , 760x1419 , Spidey218.png )
I guess they had to remove the heartbeat tracker to install the face projector.
>> No. 224708
File 139434912492.gif - (184.72KB , 760x356 , spidey218s.gif )
>> No. 224724
I am loving this crazy ass arc, but why in blue blazes does the armor jump from red to gold between stripsĀ”?
>> No. 224725
The colorist isn't the same for Sundays.
>> No. 224728
I just thought it was an attempt to do the reflection effect gold has under certain light
>> No. 224957
File 13949030286.png - (1.20MB , 760x1420 , Spidey219.png )
I get the feeling this speed of sound thing is going to be important later on.
>> No. 224975
File 139495353532.gif - (164.65KB , 760x356 , spidey219s.gif )
>> No. 225247
File 139546336224.png - (1.25MB , 760x1417 , Spidey220.png )
>> No. 225251
> I'll get you to a safe spot
> THEN I'll rescue your pal!

Gravity must be feeling generous that day. And man, I guess the news van happened to be near, or else those two guys were swinging on that girder for quite a while.
>> No. 225286
>Wha? My wife being the breadwinner even for a short period, while I find other work? Nosir, that simply won't do! I needs to wear the (spandex) pants in this relationship!

Damn, the guy commissioning the tiny-dick art was right on the money...
>> No. 225287
Its old Peter, he had this kinda hang up from time to time. Still better than his current moods though. RIP Spock, little we knew ye.
>> No. 225288

Man that guy was weird. Is he still around, doing his weird-ass thing?
>> No. 225289
File 13955582903.gif - (167.14KB , 760x356 , spidey220s.gif )
>> No. 225516
File 139607051846.png - (1.42MB , 760x1418 , Spidey221.png )
That poor sculpture.
>> No. 225532
Yup, gravity totally did not wish to be a dick to NY that day.
>> No. 225852
File 13969494164.gif - (181.33KB , 760x356 , spidey221s.gif )
>> No. 225853
File 139694954030.png - (1.40MB , 760x1425 , Spidey222.png )
>> No. 225854
File 139694972729.gif - (180.27KB , 760x356 , spidey222s.gif )
>> No. 225856

Oh, fuck off, Jonah, you've been pretty much trying to murder him from the start and NOW you realize that might have been wrong?
>> No. 226233
File 139777424310.png - (1.40MB , 760x1418 , Spidey223.png )
Oh no!
>> No. 226235
File 139777504281.gif - (181.87KB , 760x356 , spidey223s.gif )
>> No. 226316
File 13979787254.png - (1.46MB , 760x1419 , Spidey224.png )
>> No. 226317
File 139797882161.gif - (171.12KB , 760x356 , spidey224s.gif )
>> No. 226682
File 139854493254.png - (1.48MB , 760x1419 , Spidey225.png )
>> No. 226686

Suddenly seeing the current Iron Man design in the middle of this gave me whiplash.
>> No. 226718
File 139861428141.gif - (192.73KB , 760x356 , spidey225s.gif )
"It's a much better idea than giving any of my own employees one of those!"
>> No. 226735
Uuuuuuh exactly how did Spidey's "web net" slow them down?
>> No. 226736
Are you questioning Stan "The Man" Lee?
>> No. 226749
Every force exerts an equal and opposite force.
Therefore the force of spidey shooting all that webbing acted as a retro rocket to slow them down.
>> No. 226754
But they were allegedly going at near the speed of sound. The force needed to slow down Spidey, JJ, and the armor in a significant way would be ridiculous for such a small device.

Of course, physics have been working wonkly all the way thorough the arc, so that really isn't a surprise.
>> No. 226810
And by the arc, you mean all of comic books forever, right?
>> No. 227042
File 139924387873.png - (1.37MB , 760x1414 , Spidey226.png )
I'm still not sure why you would lend him your armour in the first place.
>> No. 227043
File 139924565688.gif - (184.83KB , 760x356 , spidey226s.gif )
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