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File 139528375843.jpg - (26.36KB , 359x239 , BN-AN074_korraf_E_20131122110245.jpg )
116859 No. 116859
>Legend Of Korra Book 3 Will Be Better Than Book 2, Affirms Inside Source Before Release Date

>As fans eagerly await "The Legend of Korra" Book 3, an inside source affirms "Change" will be better than Book 2.

>According to The Legend of Korra Online, an inside source working on the production of Book 3 believes that while some fans may not have enjoyed Book 2 as much, Book 3 will be a different animal.

>"Upon discussing 'Korra,' the source stated that he enjoyed Book 2, but that he also understood why some fans might not have enjoyed it as much. Book 3, on the other hand, will be a completely different story," writes Keval.

>Reportedly, fans should "expect big things" from Book 3, while acknowledging flaws of Book 2. For those who didn't enjoy Book 2, this certainly helps build excitement for the upcoming season of "The Legend of Korra."

>One possible reason to be excited about Book 3 is the potential reappearance of Zuko.

>There are also a number of rumors about the upcoming season after a brief teaser was leaked from the Netherlands, and all of these things should have fans excited.

>Currently, "The Legend of Korra" still does not have an official release date for Book 3. After the 2014 Nickelodeon upfront failed to deliver an air date, fans are now less certain about when they might see "Change."

>However, the popular consensus is that a release date will still come sooner rather than later (perhaps at the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con). So stay tuned!
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>> No. 116860
Source: http://www.kpopstarz.com/articles/84424/20140319/legend-of-korra-book-3.htm
>> No. 116861
Word was few weeks back they were aiming to have this air after SDCC
>> No. 116862
Faustino seems to think it'll air in September.
>> No. 116863
Wonder if this will be the book where Katara dies. You know it's coming.
>> No. 116864
Nah Book four if it does happen.
>> No. 116875
Hey remember when they said season 2 was going to be much better than season 1 and it wasn't. I don't expect much from this season because:

1) Unless Mako, Asami, and Bolin become more mobile much of it will be set in Republic City, which will severely limit the story.

2) Korra has control of all 4 elements and the avatar state so any villain will need to be very powerful (if the villain is someone who Korra could easily beat then there won't be any tension in the story).

3) Given how the villains progressed from blood bender in season 1 to the dark avatar in season 2 unless Bryke has decided to tone the spectacle levels way down the villain will end up being ridiculously powerful.
>> No. 116877

While I personally hope they actually do step back and tone down the stakes, can I just...

>Hey remember when they said season 2 was going to be much better than season 1 and it wasn't.-

That isn't necessary, man, come on.
>> No. 116878
I know a lot of people like to pretend that Bryke are hacks and are desperate for viewers, but saying "this season will be better than the last!" is an incredibly common marketing technique.
>> No. 116879

>2) Korra has control of all 4 elements and the avatar state so any villain will need to be very powerful

You're forgetting

>Korra has lost the connection to her past lives
>now she can't consult them with only herself, her friends, and Tenzin to consult

Please stop making assumptions and stop posting as if you might have a hair of chance to sway the production since more than half of Book 3 is already in the can. Go back to /co/ and stay there.
>> No. 116880
Yeah, but Korra never actually consulted her past lives willingly. So she basically lost something, she barely needed in the first place. Though it'd be interesting to note what that means for the Avatar State. Because isn't that supposed to be the sum of all Avatar's knowledge and power. Well that's all Korra now, baby.
She's also let go of all her earthly desires basically on the fly. I wonder how they will backpaddle on that without turning it into a slap to the face.

As for the villain, I wouldn't worry too much. Somebody with half a working brain can easily outmanoeuvre Korra. A smart villain would be interesting. I mean, they attempted something like that with Amon and Tarrlok, but seemed to give up halfway through.
>> No. 116882
>So she basically lost something, she barely needed in the first place.

Oh, she needed it. Boy did she need it. She just didn't use it. Imagine how much different both the first and second season would have gone if she'd just taken five goddamn minutes to talk to even just Aang before trying to handle things her way.

>Now Korra, I know Amon's going about things the wrong way, but if there are enough people that feel this strongly as to allow him to rally so many, I feel that this situation might call for a bit of diplomacy...

>Diplomacy... is that a kind of kick or something? Oh wait, that's when you take your elbow and...

>No, Korra. Not it's not. I... geez. Alright Korra, get comfortable. This might take longer than I thought.


>So Korra, about this Uncle of yours and those spirit portals. See being both a spirit and an Avatar, there are things you'd assume I'd know about this shit and there's a bunch of crap you should probably know before you go off all half cocked again.

>Korra angry! Korra SMASH!!!

>No Korra. Bad Korra! Sit down and listen to me. Sit. Sit. Good girl.

>but saying "this season will be better than the last!" is an incredibly common marketing technique.

Yeah, but it's usually done more in a "Did you like last season? Then your gonna love the new season even more!" or "If you loved the last season of Korra, just wait to see what we've got planned next!" That's how that kind of advertising is supposed to work. The OP quotes however sound like apologies. Hey sorry we fucked up season 2, but this next season will be better. We promise.

Look, I hate to be all negative here. I know it doesn't seem like it, but it's true. I want to look forward to next season. I want some of that magic back that made ATLA so frickin amazing. That being said, if you have to put out sound bites that essentially translate into you begging that audience not give up on the show just yet... Then maybe your doing something wrong.
>> No. 116883
Korra's earthly desires never hindered her as badly as Aang's did, except for that whole 'There is no Korra without Avatar' bit, which I think she's starting to get past now.
>> No. 116884
In Book 1, Korra already did what Aang couldn't do.
She came to the realization that she needed to let go of such Earthly attachments like her crush on Mako when the world was being threaten by a madman and when a friend who was currently dating her crush needed him.

Aang probably would have let go of Katara under such circumstances, but because he's only 12, for some reason I'd imagine it'll be harder for him.
>> No. 116885
I like how this show is subtly dealing with more complex issues such as political and romantic conflicts. I'd imagine Book 3 would deal with the element that many humans find hard to adapt to, change.
>> No. 116887
>She came to the realization that she needed to let go of such Earthly attachments
More like her attraction to Mako never got in the way of her job. Her attraction to him was never shown as hindering, either, because to Korra being the Avatar came before EVERYTHING.
>> No. 116888
How the hell do you watch the way romance was handled in Korra and call that shit "subtle"?
>> No. 116889
Well there's the fact that Mako is actually terrible at romance because he avoids confrontations out of fear of losing the people he cares about, Asami's need to keep a stable life driving her back into pursuing Mako, and his and Korra's relationship not working out because they're at very difficult stages of their lives and need to overcome their flaws before they're ready for each other.

I dunno' if I'd call it subtle but it's not really as shallow as Mako wanting to get his dick wet as much as he can like the fandom puts it.
>> No. 116946

Given that Korra defeated the Dark Avatar without her past Avatar selves their loss is unlikely to be much of a hindrance. She can also bend all 4 elements, which gives her an advantage over every other bender.

If they do have a smart villain hopefully they'll be smart enough not to fight the avatar without having some sort of advantage that Korra can't use against them.


Are past avatars something you use? In ATLA Roku tended to show up of his own volition, rather than waiting for Aang to call him (such as convincing Jeong Jeong to teach Aang firebending).
>> No. 116947
TBH I could see the whole 'being able to consult your past lives' was something that accidentally happened with Raava bodyhopping and wasn't intentional on her part. Generally I'd say it's useful because you can consult the only people like you on matters you're unsure of, but it isn't a tool you're meant to use to solve all your problems (hence why Aang's past lives in the series finale all gave him vague anwers as opposed to giving him a straight yes or no answer).
>> No. 116948
Wan was able to beat Vaatu even though Raava had lost nearly all her powers and he didn't have any past avatars to rely on. So Korra will still be strong even without the powers of the past avatars.
>> No. 117015
File 139724561551.jpg - (228.57KB , 1280x960 , tumblr_n3vrx34F1Y1rptk5lo1_1280.jpg )
Bryan posts a new image, this time of the book 3 villain.
>> No. 117017
Are there oscilloscopes in Republic City?
>> No. 117022
Zhao? Did Loyalist break him out of the Spirit Prison?
>> No. 117023
Looks more like Sozin to me.
>> No. 117024
Yea okayk I see it. I was just cutting it off near the chin looking at it the first time. That could be wild if the open portals are allowing some kinda communication into the afterlife.
>> No. 117026
Looks like skull masks to me.
>> No. 117027
So Death Eaters then?
>> No. 117031
File 139763899212.jpg - (4.62KB , 255x179 , index.jpg )
Anti-Spirit hate group, maybe? Like those KKK dudes that showed up towards the end of Gargoyles in response to the titular creatures publically outing themselves.

Which would make a lot of sense, considering the routes LoK has taken so far. What with season one having villains based on socio-political strife, and the second being based more on religious fundementalists/cultural supremacists.
>> No. 117056
You're gonna need bigger throats to swallow these lies.
>> No. 117062
So basically this Anti-Spirit group is essentially The Equalists Part Duex.
>> No. 117063
I think you mean the Avatar State is all Korra and Raava now.
Remember when Wan entered it and all he had was Raava except it was deadly because they weren't permanently bonded?
>> No. 117064
I literally have no idea what these things are suppose to be. Are they armor for another Equalist-esque enemy? Are they translucent implying them to be dark spirits? They even look as if they could be mechanical like the Cybermen from Doctor Who.
>> No. 117093
File 139874056366.jpg - (21.00KB , 377x500 , art of book 3 cover.jpg )
>> No. 117094
Korra is getting a staff like Aang? This is cool, but it feels like the staff is a trademark of the Air Nomads and Aang. It'll feel too much like Korra is stealing an identity of her past life than adapting her own characteristics.

I do wonder how much she'll change during this season. Only makes sense since the title is appropriately named "Change".
>> No. 117095
Well she might not be adopting it so much as she'll need to use one, maybe to reach the place in the background.
>> No. 117097

It's on amazon http://www.amazon.com/Legend-Korra-Animated-Three-Change/dp/1616555653/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1398739307&sr=1-7&keywords=legend+of+korra+art+b

One nagging point is the author is listed as Various, but Dark Horse is listed as the publisher and it has ISBN numbers assigned to it. Hurm.
>> No. 117116
File 139882289716.png - (1.08MB , 700x1075 , The-Northern-Air-Temple.png )

Looks like we'll be seeing The Northern Air Temple.

Think Teo's still around?
>> No. 117118
Whatever happened to that baby born on the way to Ba Sing Se?
>> No. 117119
Interestingly, it looks like Aang's second glider, which was given to him by The Mechanist, who lived at the Northern Air Temple.
Of all the ATLA characters to reference, I can't say I'd seen this one coming.
>> No. 117124
He did kind of set the bar in motion for the Fire Nation to start the industrial revolution because of his hot air balloon invention. If it hadn't been for that then the technologically advance world for which Korra lives in may be a whole lot different.

And isn't Book 3 mostly going to be set in the Earth Kingdom? The Northern Air Temple is the only air temple that is located in the Earth Kingdom.
>> No. 117126
>The Northern Air Temple is the only air temple that is located in the Earth Kingdom.
As is that sacred land which the Air Nomads celebrated the Yangchen festival on in The Rift, in which the central conflict of the story very much mirrors Aang's first meeting The Mechanist.
What does it all mean?!
>> No. 117136
The Fire Nation had their industrial revolution years ago, that's why they were able to produce metal ships and had factories. The Mechanist just gave them more things they could make with these factories.
>> No. 117168
I can't be the only one really unnerved by these guys, right?
>> No. 117169
Those dudes aren't actually going to look anything like that in the final product, they may not even be dudes (plural) at all.
I think Bryan said something about the image being a waveform created in the color correction scan process, so it's likely just the same character being scanned multiple times and they (he) won't look like a ghost/hologram when the episode airs.
>> No. 117171
aahh, i was misinterpreting what the post said last night, i got it now, tho
>> No. 117172
Aww that would be much more ominous

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