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116609 No. 116609
Why can I still not get over these two episodes? I want to see more about Avatar Wan and his time. The second part skipped a whole lot of his life and implied that he has seen a lot. Do you think we may see more of him in a future season of Korra or perhaps even an animated made-for-television movie?
>> No. 116610
>see more of him in a future season of Korra
Probably not unless Korra manages to reconnect with her past lives.

I could see them maybe making a comic about him though.
>> No. 116611
>Probably not unless Korra manages to reconnect with her past lives.

This has to be the plot for a future season, right?

Maybe starting in Book 3 and taking premise in Book 4?
>> No. 116613
>This has to be the plot for a future season, right?
Not necessarily. The entire speech at the end of Book 2 seemed to be about forging your own new path without needing the shackles of what came before, etc. Plus Book 3 is called "changes". If it's about reconnecting with past lives that's kind of counter to what the theme is supposed to be.

I'd LIKE Korra to get the past lives back but I can see them saying they're gone for good.
>> No. 116615
>If it's about reconnecting with past lives that's kind of counter to what the theme is supposed to be.
Except it's not.

>The entire speech at the end of Book 2 seemed to be about forging your own new path without needing the shackles of what came before, etc.
I guess this is officially disrespectful.

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