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File 134316965686.jpg - (176.48KB , 900x1260 , the_avatar_state_by_sukieblackmore-d50bjn2.jpg )
108868 No. 108868
old thread >>104204

Didn't notice it went beyond the bump limit :|
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>> No. 108869
File 134316972828.png - (19.89KB , 542x467 , mybrain.png )
Here's an old screencap I saved a while back in the early Korra going and I stumbled upon it while straightening up my folders.

What a mindfuck this was.
>> No. 108871
Tangentially continued from >>108642: can someone explain the "remember before episode 6 when we thought Korra was a Strong Female Character" joke that's been circulating on tumblr? I can't think of any particular offensive development (by tumblr standards) connected to that specific episode.
>> No. 108872
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They probably wanted her to be more like this and gave up when Episode 6 came around and she was still fully clothed.
>> No. 108873
I recently learned whitewashing is not an issue to SJ acolytes when the whitewashed characters are evil (e.g. the al Ghul family in the Batman movies), because when fighting oppression you must portray every single poc in a positive light.
But then they bitched about how having a brown villain was so problematic the moment Tarrlok attacked Korra and still got pissed when Amon's skin got paler.
>> No. 108877
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but oppression only ever comes from white people or can ultimately be traced to being their fault, so that's not out of character
also all nonwhites are Mary Sues and Stus in real life with no willfully evil individuals whatsoever, so if you ever show one with flaws that's because you secretly hate them all
>> No. 108878

For what it's worth, Racebending.com criticized the Nolan movies over the casting choices of Liam Neeson and Tom Hardy.
>> No. 108879
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Even if a character does manage to meet the PC standards of the average user on dumblr they'll just ignore them anyway.

>Intelligent detective
>SJ crowd doesn't give a shit and fawns over gifs of the various white straight men on The Avengers

Maybe she needs to be a handicapped ftm otherkin too?
>> No. 108881

That doesn't seem like a proper comparison. Tumblr as a whole was fawning over Avengers, not just the few scattered SJWs or actual activists who liked the movie, and others talked about Black Widow (and to a lesser extent, Maria Hill) being badass, both on a more social context, as well as just being kick ass. Hell, I've seen people point to Jane Foster and Darcy in Thor as part of an argument that Thor can actually count as a feminist movie.
>> No. 108882
Found an awesome post that deconstructs the "bawww where was my Bender Privilege storyline Bryke?!" whine:

>> No. 108883
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>> No. 108884
You do know that they were trying to actually emulate class struggles, right?

They just failed spectacularly.
>> No. 108885
Were they? Where did you hear that?
>> No. 108887
The point is that the class struggles of Republic City aren't actually tied to bending, which is simply an irrational target of blame held by a couple bitter (and unfortunately charismatic and powerful) characters.
>> No. 108890

It's supposedly from the commentary episodes from Mike and Bryan themselves. I haven't seen it, though I doubt people here would outright lie about it.
>> No. 108895
I think this is like the third time I've linked this video.

Korra:Making Of A Legend! Epis…youtube thumb
>> No. 108896
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>If they're feeling unrepresented and oppressed
>If they're feeling

You know who else feel unrepresented and oppressed? BASICALLY EVERY CROWD OF ANGRY PEOPLE EVER. Feeling tread upon and victimized does not actually make it so.
>> No. 108897
Ergo ALL crowds of angry people have nothing of value to say!

Perfect logic!
>> No. 108898

No you fucking moron, it means you shouldn't take their feelings of victimization at face value. Meaning >>108884 is a dumb sack of fuck.
>> No. 108899
How can you even post when your head is so far up your ass?

Like seriously, this is the most willful refusal to accept the facts that I've seen since I've been on this website.

A) Non-benders are most certainly underrepresented. Although the bending status of the Council is only minimally in question, it's a fact that none of them other than Tenzin were even concerned with Tarrlok's curfew.

B) As incredible as this is is to believe, people do not go out and march and fight for movements just because they "feel" like it. People don't join revolutions just because they're in the mood for it. There is always some problem that needs addressing, even if people don't always go about it the right way.

C) I really love how you interpreted Mike and Bryan's lines entirely around ONE FUCKING WORD TO COMPLETELY DISREGARD IT. Your brain pretty much went "Oh! I am on the verge of being wrong! But wait, Bryan said 'feel', THAT MEANS I DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN ANY MORE! I CAN FORGET THE PART WHERE HE SAID OH THIS IS A SERIOUS MOVEMENT! OR OH THIS IS LIKE A CLASS REVOLUTION!"
>> No. 108900
Can you address the points made in >>108882 then? Tell me how, against all that, you can say that benders are the oppressors here?

People don't seem to be looking at what's presented in the show. Yeah there are big problems in Republic City, but "bender privilege" isn't one of them. Signs point to it being a massive poverty issue in reality, not systematic oppression. Amon used benders as a scapegoat to unite people stricken by poverty and gang violence and rise to power. It's not that hard to see! Several real-life dictators have made use of this technique! It works very well. Class revolution occurs because people are suffering, but that doesn't mean they have the correct target. With poverty issues there isn't really a target to push all the blame on and then overthrow, and unfortunately that makes it real easy for particularly charismatic people to manipulate the people in those situations.

They actually didn't drop the real issue because it's evident all the way up to the final episode where Korra and friends take refuge in a big shanty town (an unsegregated area made up of both benders and nonbenders, no less). It wasn't dealt with either, but I wouldn't expect Korra would be able to heal a wide rich-poor gap with waterbending. She was only able to take care of the guy who was twisting the situation to suit his own needs. We might see this thread continued on in the Asami and Mako plot threads in Book Two, because she's in a position to make a real change in the way wealth is distributed and he's in a position to get the gangs under control.
>> No. 108902
For fuck's sake, how is this a debate?
Amon claimed Benders had it sweet, and preyed on the fears of lower-class nonBenders. "You'll be pushed down into the poorhouse by them!"



Amon's talk was shown to be full of shit, because we saw the actual lowest class, and it was nothing like what he was saying. Yeesh.
>> No. 108903
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>As incredible as this is is to believe, people do not go out and march and fight for movements just because they "feel" like it.
>> No. 108904
You know who feels unrepresented and oppressed? White anglosaxon protestants in America. No, seriously, feeling oppressed is not the same as actually being oppressed. We never see any real evidence that they're being oppressed, but Amon is there going "hey you ever notice how all wars are caused by bending? It's true! Benders keep dragging nonbenders into war! Yeah, that last war was all abou bending, not about a powerful political leader deciding to conquer the world..." He's telling them they're victims and that he'll destroy the ones victimizing them, and holy shit don't make me rattle off all the real world historical BASTARDS that pulled that shit. We never see any indication that they're being oppressed, but that doesn't mean someone can't distort the facts and make them feel oppressed.
>> No. 108905
That said, while most genuine movements do come about because of genuine problems, there's no guarantee or even any suggestion that the problem and what they're marching against are the same thing. Not to get all Godwin's Law here*, but Weimar Republic Germany had problems--but despite the fact that people were marching, it wasn't the jews.

* - which I hold I"m not--I'm not comparing one side of this argument to the nazis, I'm comparing a charismatic fictional villain rallying a group of people in a bad situation into blaming those problems on a minority of the population who might have genuinely had positions of power and insular subgroups that gave way to nepotism from time to time for all their ills and offering to round them up and eliminate the threat of them to the Final Solution. But the internet doesn't always appreciate the distinction.
>> No. 108906
Eh, Nazis didn't just blame the Jews though.

They hit a certain sweet spot in the chaotic society of the time. The Government was insecure and looked more incompetent every day, desperation was growing and many a person was pining after the "good old times" when there was one ruler, who directed the land with military strictness and kept the people save from outside and inside threats. Democracy was failing before their very eyes and there were many loopholes in the Republic which extremists could exploit.

Scapegoating the Jews was actually more of a byproduct and useful, given that antisemitism was deeply rooted within european societies since the Dark Ages. But it wasn't a driving force.
Many historians argue, that Hitler had a very small window of opportunity which he managed to grab. The NSDAP was more popular than ever before, but the numbers were actually already receding when Bismarck put him in charge. But at that juncture it was already too late. There was no civilian uprising to put old Adolph on top. He had tried that already and failed.

Comparing that to the Equalist movement is kinda hokey.
>> No. 108907
>> No. 108909
Whoops, yeah sorry, I did mean Hindenburg.

Bismarck would have never put Hitler in charge of cleaning his shoes.
>> No. 108911
No, not really, because this show wasn't aiming for a photocopy of real life.

Amon is meant to remind you of Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, all those guys. He went out and said "Life not perfect? You know whose fault that is, right? Benders!" He may as well have said "educated people!" "Jews!" or "Immigants!" ("Immigants! I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them!").

The two rich corporation owners we met were nonbenders, and there were benders in the shantytown, so Amon was full of shit. But he made people feel like they were being oppressed, and then once the ball got rolling and he started intimidating benders he was able to get Tarrlok to actually DO what Amon had been claiming benders do. Up until then though, everyone was suffering and/or profiting about equally.
>> No. 108912
I wasn't talking about the show, I was talking to anon.
The Equalists don't make a lick of sense when you think about them too hard. When the only thing you really stand for is: "IT'S ALL THE BENDERS FAULT!" you should never amount to more than say the Westboro Baptist Church does in any civilized society. Especially since benders are present everywhere, in all classes, cultures, professions and most likely families since the dawn of civilization... Not denying that they have been dealt a natural advantage in life, but it's kinda like blaming left-handed people for all your problems in our world.
>> No. 108913
I wasn't talking about the show, I was talking to anon.
The Equalists don't make a lick of sense when you think about them too hard. When the only thing you really stand for is: "IT'S ALL THE BENDERS FAULT!" you should never amount to more than say the Westboro Baptist Church does in any civilized society. Especially since benders are present everywhere, in all classes, cultures, professions and most likely families since the dawn of civilization... Not denying that they have been dealt a natural advantage in life, but it's kinda like blaming left-handed people for all your problems in our world.
>> No. 108917
>They've been dealt a natural advantage

As much as people with skills/aptitudes.

And part of why it's so easy for Amon to do this is he's not calling for Benders to be murdered. He's throwing in a pseudo-religious "cleansing" free of charge.

"Left handed people are the cause of all your problems! Look at this list of famously bad left handed people! Rise up and kill the Southpaws!"
"Wow. No. That's just crazy."


"Left handed people are the cause of all your problems! Look at this list of famously bad left handed people! But I will cleanse the Southpaws of their impurity, and we will all live as Righties in harmony!"
"Hmmmm... it'd be kinda doing them a favor, then? And you say this will make all my problems go away?"
>> No. 108920
Gay relationship w/ brother two years younger worse than "Straight" relationship with pre-pubecent girl. This says much about the priorities here.

Of course when you somehow convince everyone that PoC(tm) are incapable of evil or foolishness how do you fix problems that are caused by evil and/or foolish PoC?

>B) As incredible as this is is to believe, people do not go out and march and fight for movements just because they "feel" like it. People don't join revolutions just because they're in the mood for it. There is always some problem that needs addressing, even if people don't always go about it the right way.
So the Jews _were_ oppressing Germans back in the 30s?

Yes, Godwin is In Play.
Rationality is not always enough to shut down movements. Consider Truthers and Birthers alike.
>> No. 108923
>A) Non-benders are most certainly underrepresented. Although the bending status of the Council is only minimally in question, it's a fact that none of them other than Tenzin were even concerned with Tarrlok's curfew.

They're pussies that got scared and let Tarrlok take over. We saw no indication that they had put in place discriminatory policies before that, as Amon had been claiming.

>B) As incredible as this is is to believe, people do not go out and march and fight for movements just because they "feel" like it.

No, but they can be deceived into blaming scapegoats with ease. There ARE people in the city that are having to deal with crime, poverty, and everyday uncertainty. Amon came along and said "the reason for all that is Benders, and I can wipe away their bendiness!" He offered people an easy fix.

>C) I really love how you interpreted Mike and Bryan's lines entirely around ONE FUCKING WORD TO COMPLETELY DISREGARD IT.

Well... it's an important word? They feel marginalized by Benders, yes. But what we don't see is any evidence that they were actually being marginalized when Amon came along. He was charismatic and persuasive, he convinced people that their woes were all due to Benders. It's not true, there were plenty of rich non-Benders and plenty of homeless Benders, but he got people saying "by the spirits, he's right! That's why business hasn't been doing well lately! Benders!"

For it to be a class revolution, Benders would have to be the upper class, and nonbenders the lowest class. There were nonbenders among the cities elite, and there were Benders living in abject poverty in the sewers. It doesn't wash.
>> No. 108924
So you're saying the whole Nazi Germany thing happened just because?
Yes, people had essentially carefree lifes and loads of free time and just thought: "Yep, I sure don't like those Jews. Maybe someone should do something about them? That Hitler seems like a reasonable fellow..."

I really hope I'm reading you wrong here. In any case:

Please read this >>108906 or watch a documentary or something.
>> No. 108925
er, "city's elite". Three hours sleep is not enough.
>> No. 108926
>So you're saying the whole Nazi Germany thing happened just because?

No, we are saying that the Jews*cough* Benders were not behind some massive conspiracy that required their them to be put down before Things Got Better.
>> No. 108928
Right. The Germans were suffering serious economic hardship, and someone with a lot of passion and charisma came and told them that all their problems were the fault of people who were different enough from them that they could convince themselves it was true. It was the easy answer, and convincing mobs to go with the easy answer is way easier than convincing them to believe something like "There are a lot of causes behind the plight you're going through, including but not limited to a huge international recession, continuing fallout from the restitutions we're making from the previous war, and a downward spiral of worker morale reducing our overall productivity, but if we can start believing in ourselves again, start producing and taking risks in terms of starting businesses, and spend money rather than save it even though that puts the individuals among us in worse situations economically, we might be able to pull through it."

No one wants to hear "making things better is going to take a lot of hard work, and you're going to hate it, but you'll be better people for it." It's so much easier to tell them "You guys are perfect just the way you are--everything is (SUBCULTURE X)'s fault, and everything will be idyllic once we take them out of power / run them out of the country / exterminate them."
>> No. 108932
Then word it better. Christ in a handbag.

While this is all true, you can't reduce the Nazi ideology to just antisemitism and social darwinism. They loved that but their rhetoric was far wider spread. It's not that simple. They claimed to have all the answers and those didn't begin and end with the deportation & killing of Jews. And that's what bugs me about the Equalist comparison.
Because the Equalists were that damn simple in the show.
It doesn't sit well with me. It's an example of fantastic-racism, is all. Might as well compare the Sith or Cobra or the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants to the Nazis. Because they too have points in common with them.
There's just not enough to the Equalist Ideology (at least that we saw) to even merit having this analysis.
>> No. 108933
The important thing to take away from this is that The Equalists got a huge number of people who claim to be in favor of fair treatment for everyone to agitate for the systematic annihilation of an entire subgroup of humanity based on their genetic inheritance.
>> No. 108936
>While this is all true, you can't reduce the Nazi ideology to just antisemitism and social darwinism.

1. Sure you can. Not necessarily a good idea, but you can.
2. It's not just Nazis. Amon isn't Hitler. It's that his scapegoating is reminiscent of MANY real world examples of bastards going "you know who's the source of your problems? People that are different from you!"

Okay, so it's not exactly 1:1 with Hitler's Germany. It's not intended to be. The way Amon tried to turn people against Benders is meant to be a bit reminiscent of how Hitler blamed the Jews for everything. And how Mao blamed "the Liberal bourgeoisie." And how Pol Pot blamed damn near everyone. Amon isn't meant to be completely analogous to any one of these guys, they just wanted a variation on "powerful maniac inspires people to seek easy answers through scapegoating". The complex political and socio-economic climate of Germany immediately prior to Hitler's rise to power isn't really important.
>> No. 108938
the equalist/nazi comparison is actually a pretty good one since benders are a priviliged race who occupy most positions of power and started a world war. just like jews. but that doesn't go both ways, since not all benders are powerful/priviliged, and that's why nazism and equalism are both wrong. nazism is obviously more complex since it's a fleshed out ideology and comes with a theory of government, but on that simple level, you can compare them.
>> No. 108941
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>> No. 108947
Okay, this discussion is dead.
>> No. 108994
>>a priviliged race who occupy most positions of power and started a world war.

except Jews weren't and have never been such thing anywhere... not even today in the US where right-wing christians have such a servility towards sionism yet they still hate the Jews.
>> No. 108997
Zionism, and it stems partly from the belief (unique to American Christians) that "the Jews must be in the holy land for the Rapture to happen." It's a bizarro semi-racist reason for supporting Israel.

sage for >>108938
>> No. 109001
jesus fucking christ

i know we kind of brought this on ourselves by drawing comparisons to germany, but i never asked for this. i never wanted this. please stop everyone
>> No. 109006
>Why so many Jewish bankers?

Because for a ridiculous length of time, Christians banned themselves from moneylending, and frequently refused to give Jewish people jobs (they couldn't own land, couldn't be farmers, were blocked from most trades), meaning they were forced into that (as it turns out, sometimes profitable) job career. And shit just kept on happening like that. Fast forward to America, and Jewish people were blocked from climbing corporate ladders, faced serious problems running for office, and weren't welcome at most investment firms. Even now most banks are clearly not Jewish, but there are a couple (like Goldman Sachs) that have historically had a high percentage of Jewish people running it. Why? Not exactly a tough question: the company was founded by Jewish bankers that were excluded from other firms. The company ended up with a high percentage of one ethnic group that couldn't get work elsewhere. We've been passing on this shit since the damn middle ages.

>Why so many jews in media

Same principle. The media has long had a bad reputation as being "unChristian," and Jewish people faced substantial prejudice if they tried to get "good Christian jobs". It's one of the more idiotic things in the rainbow of bigotry - forcing groups of people into certain jobs by excluding them from others, then going "they're going for those jobs on purpose! Because that's what 'their kind' is good at! Hurr durr!"

>That's the equalist question in a nutshell.

No, it's really not. Because the equalist situation is nothing like the nuanced reality of any real world group's discrimination. It's an incredibly simplified form of scapegoating suitable for a cartoon, and the forces driving it are unique to a fictional world. Benders are not an ethnic group. Benders can have nonbender kids, nonbenders can have Bender kids, and in those situations where only Benders are employed to do something, the reasoning tends to be along the lines of "well hell, find me a nonbender that can throw lightning and I'll gladly give him a job at my power plant". It does tap into our shared memory of real like movements against certain groups of people, but once you start digging it quickly becomes clear the similarities are only skin deep.
>> No. 109016
>Because for a ridiculous length of time, Christians banned themselves from moneylending, and frequently refused to give Jewish people jobs (they couldn't own land, couldn't be farmers, were blocked from most trades), meaning they were forced into that (as it turns out, sometimes profitable) job career. And shit just kept on happening like that. Fast forward to America, and Jewish people were blocked from climbing corporate ladders, faced serious problems running for office, and weren't welcome at most investment firms. Even now most banks are clearly not Jewish, but there are a couple (like Goldman Sachs) that have historically had a high percentage of Jewish people running it. Why? Not exactly a tough question: the company was founded by Jewish bankers that were excluded from other firms. The company ended up with a high percentage of one ethnic group that couldn't get work elsewhere. We've been passing on this shit since the damn middle ages.
>Same principle. The media has long had a bad reputation as being "unChristian," and Jewish people faced substantial prejudice if they tried to get "good Christian jobs". It's one of the more idiotic things in the rainbow of bigotry - forcing groups of people into certain jobs by excluding them from others, then going "they're going for those jobs on purpose! Because that's what 'their kind' is good at! Hurr durr!"
Yeah, that's what I was saying. Minus the generic anti-Christian stuff, you pretty much made my point. Why do people try to prove others wrong by proving them right?
>> No. 109017
>>You can't deny that there a lot of jews on wall street and in media, though. The same was true in post-WWI Germany

And this analogy somehow is supposed to make sense because there was a wall street and rampant media in the war-ruined post-WWI Germany of course.

By the way 2 out of 3 Stooges were Jewish and that is simply awesome.
>> No. 109018
Also, half of KISS!

Anyway, can we please find something else to bitch about now?
>> No. 109020
I'm with you, I'm just expecting Antisemitic!Anon to stop drinking the Stormfront Kool-aid and comparing benders with Jewish people and equalists with nazis.
>> No. 109023
File 134341123261.gif - (278.90KB , 245x194 , Facepalm Sokka.gif )
>Yeah, that's what I was saying.

1. No, you said "Jews caused a world war".
2. No, he said that an ethnic group had been forced into certain careers by having their progress in other fields blocked. That's absolutely nothing like what's going on in the Avatar world. There's a handful of jobs that nonbenders can't get, like "generating lightning to power the city," not because of discrimination but simply because they simply don't have that superpower. Meanwhile there's no jobs that Benders can't get. They can even join the Equalists! Isn't that right, Amon... or should I call you Noatak?

But again, it's not an ethnic group. Every single person at every single Equalist rally had to have at least one relative that was a bender.

>generic anti-Christian stuff
Wait... are you pretending that Christians didn't ban themselves from lending money, and didn't ban Jews from owning land/being farmers?

>> No. 109051
>There were no jewish bankers in Germany

How am I a stormfag if I said that blaming a large group of people for the actions of a few is wrong? I'm just saying that history is more complex than saying jews/benders never did anything wrong as a group. It takes no courage to be anti-racist if you believe minorities are special snowflakes who have never done bad things on medium-to-large scales.

>1. No, you said "Jews caused a world war".
They've definitely been involved in funding and taking sides in global conflicts, yeah.

>2. No, he said that an ethnic group had been forced into certain careers by having their progress in other fields blocked. That's absolutely nothing like what's going on in the Avatar world. There's a handful of jobs that nonbenders can't get, like "generating lightning to power the city," not because of discrimination but simply because they simply don't have that superpower. Meanwhile there's no jobs that Benders can't get. They can even join the Equalists! Isn't that right, Amon... or should I call you Noatak?
Jews aren't blocked from any careers outside of Nazi Germany where their privilige quickly turned into active persecution. I think that makes a good comparison to LoK, since the benders as a class had just about any path open to them until Amon seized power.

>Wait... are you pretending that Christians didn't ban themselves from lending money, and didn't ban Jews from owning land/being farmers?
Of course not, I was just objecting to your "Christians are responsible for all bad things" sort of tone. I half-expected you to starting typing a passive-aggressive rant about Mitt Romney and Fox News by the way you sounded.

>> No. 109055
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>> No. 109057
>You can't deny that there a lot of jews on wall street and in media, though. The same was true in post-WWI Germany, which is why they were such an easy target to turn their aggression to. Or let me word it a different way, if the banks were mostly controlled by jews, would hating jews be okay? That's the equalist question in a nutshell.

In a word: NO. The whole 'some of X does something, all of X must be punished' is a line of reasoning that leads to disaster on all levels.
>> No. 109061

The guy's banned for the next three days, we can leave is nonsense be for now.
>> No. 109149
Thank you Admin.
>> No. 109188
Not really stuff that makes you angry but seriously, how are most of these innuendos?

#1 ok
#2 wat
#3 doesn't really imply sex
#4 ok, maybe
#5 there's a slight chance this was done on purpose
#6 nope
#7 not sexual and not an innuendo
#8 just potty humor
#9 ...
>> No. 109190

As a member of the Hebrew race... Looking at his words, I think that's the point. Remember:

>but that doesn't go both ways, since not all benders [and by analogy Jews] are powerful/priviliged, and that's why nazism and equalism are both wrong.

The fact that some of the people who provided resources to fuel world wars happened to be of a certain ethnicity doesn't mean that said ethnicity is to be held entirely responsible. But that's what people thought, and that's all that matters in the long run. (Whether they were persuaded to believe it or already believed it is irrelevant.) No one is trying to justify them - it's simply an explanation for why an ideology was popular.

I hate to divide a point across threads, but I'll say it again: Perceptions hold greater power over reality.
>> No. 109364
Thanks, I'm the bannedguy and that was exactly my point. Being anti-racist doesn't take any courage if you're just going to whitewash anything bad that race has done anyway. I'll stop with the real-world comparisons, but if you accept that benders have held a disproportionate amount of power and caused a lot of destruction in the world, that doesn't mean that the average bender should be held responsible for that. The majority of benders are still innocent peasant peoples with dead parents killed by firebenders. I don't think what I said was really shitposting, but whatever.
>> No. 109415
It's not about whitewashing the bad things that other races have done, it's that you were empirically wrong about what bad things that a certain race had done (not that a race is an entity that can do things anyway, it's individuals who make decisions and act upon them).
>> No. 109558
File 134467247141.jpg - (224.06KB , 627x960 , tumblr_m8klobiwBt1qbdumgo1_1280.jpg )
Studio MIR posted this cute pic oh Meelo and Korra to their facebook. Keeping with their Olympics theme. Meelo could totally take Korra, right?!

Despite all the awesome pics they published on their facebook page (ahem, the Korra/Asami moped pic the fandom devoured like mana from heaven) and the entirety of the animation of Book 1/the upcoming books, suddenly Studio MIR are the whitewashers. In South Korea.


>This needs to be submitted to damnlayoffthebleach


That'll sure teach 'em! Submit their fanart to a passive-aggressive tumblr that doesn't accomplish anything! Fuck you Studio MIR!

The entire show staff should consider detaching themselves from social media.
>> No. 109559
To be fair that is pretty blatant whitewashing, but nobody at MIR would give two fucks if damnlayoffthebleach posted about it.
>> No. 109560
I'm just so tired of these people.
>> No. 109561
But do they ever get tired of themselves?
>> No. 109765
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So, uh. If this thread is still active, there's something I'd like to discuss.

Aang is dead. We get that, right? He's toast. No longer existing except in spirit. So, doesn't his bending-restoration on Korra's sorry brown butt violate the rules of the spirit world or something?

I mean, the dead Avatars are supposed to be a source of inspiration and knowledge for the newest Avatar. But they're only disembodied spirits, right? How the hell does it make any sense that the extinct shade of a person should still be able to act on the world at all? Doesn't that violate the natural order in any way?

I dunno, something that made me frustrated I guess
>> No. 109766
We don't really know a lot about the spirits and how they can interact with the physical worl, and in the last series we saw two dead Avatars manifest themselves into the physical realm (Roku and Kyoshi). Granted, they were using Aang's body to do, so I dunno'.

And just for future reference this the thread for talking about aspects of the fandom that make you angry, not the canon.
>> No. 109767

Physical manifestation of the spirits of previous Avatars through the current one never stopped being a thing.
>> No. 109829
>> No. 109830
You know what the crazy thing is? All of the sane, reasonable tumblrs I've found related to Korra have been Makorra blogs, or have been run by Makorra shippers.

Crazy how that shit turns out.
>> No. 109832
Please take your dumbass passive-aggressive posts somewhere else.
>> No. 109833
What? If there was a dig in there then it must have flown over my head. And now that Asami-bashing has by and large disappeared the Makorra shippers do come off as reasonable.
>> No. 109834
I was not trying to come off as passive-aggressive, so sorry if I did? I guess I should have said the people who usually write these huge essays on how Korra is actually the worst thing to happen to women are typically anti-Makorra or anti-Mako, and they aren't even reasonable about their dislike. And I was being sincere about the Makorra fans actually seeming to be pretty reasonable as a whole. Obviously there are still a few who are basically Zutarans in disguise, but no one group of people is perfect.
>> No. 109835
> people who usually write these huge essays on how Korra is actually the worst thing to happen to women are typically anti-Makorra or anti-Mako
Ur Example: Riley.
>> No. 109836

>Korra needed to be saved by a man (Aang)
>completely ignoring everything about the Avatar Spirit and the Avatar Cycle
>Yang Chen saved Aang and the Avatar Spirit after Azula zer-zapped his ass
>conveniently forgetting Korra saved Mako from Amon

>> No. 109839
I thought with ALL of the Avatars showing up in that last scene implied they were all helping Korra out, Aang just spoke to her because he was the Avatar preceding her.
>> No. 109842
That's not what happened in LoK 1's finale.
>> No. 109845
> we’re expected to read Korra as a strong, independent woman, but in the last episode she’s more of a damsel in distress who has her happy ending given to her by a man without having to work for it herself.

Am I to assume that it would have been All Better if the whole Avatar thing at the end skipped a couple of iterations for the spokesperson?
>> No. 109846
Clearly Aang should have used interpretive dance.

To be fair we don't know the finer details of how spirits can manifest themselves, or whatever. For all we know, Korra was the only one who could see them... and you know the Avatar spirit is probably one of the most powerful spirits in the physical and spirit world, it can do what it wants.
>> No. 109847
You're actually right.
(good post except fot the ~problematic part but hey, it's always tumblr)

And frankly the Asami worship is way more prominent and over the top than the hate (which I haven't seen since episode 4, btw).
>> No. 109849
If they could fix Korra's problem, why didn't they fix Aang's inability to access the Avatar state after he was hit by Azula's lighting?
It couldn't be such a big deal if some random rock could fix it.
>> No. 109850
That's like trying to use an electric solder plugged to the cable you're attempting to fix.
>> No. 109851
I think you're right, and the reason the makorra guys come off as reasonable is because they're hated by the rest of the fandom. I think being ostracized like that generally produces more sensible fans than a hugbox will, even when the thing they're a fan of is shit.
>> No. 109852
Wasn't Aang's block a result of physical problems, not spiritual? But either way I'd take 'your past lives show up to help you' over 'a rock can fix your problems'.
>> No. 109854
>and her relationship with her love interest will always receive the most importance, just like Aang and Katara got more focus than any other relationship on the show
Actually, I didn't get the impression that Aang and Katara's relationship was the most important one on the show. For example, Aang and Zuko's relationship was obviously more important than any of the romances. The author mentions unlocking the chakras during The Guru, but that process was so convoluted and it's never mentioned again, so I don't think it's fair to use that as evidence that Aang's relationship with Katara was more important than his other relationships. I liked ATLA because for most of the show, the focus was on the main cast's friendships and not their romantic troubles.
>> No. 109856
IMO Amon's bending severing was mostly a physical process, and not too different from what Azula had done.
>> No. 109857


True, but Amon messed with Korra's bending, while Azula messed up Aang's connection with his previous lives.
>> No. 109859
For a series that was 12 episodes long I think the main couple got the expected amount. It's not like we got a 'Cave of Two Lovers' sequel or anything.

I think because a majority of the active fandom dislikes Makorra they like to blow things out of proportion. Like, some people said episde 8 was a shipping episode because Mako and Korra looked at each other right before he was arrested. It's like, guys, love interests look at each other, it's fine.
>> No. 109860
Makorra is bad because of what it did to Mako's character.
Also, Asami's suffering.
>> No. 109861
Asami's suffering I think is actually vital to her character arc: her morals are above her relationships (even familial ones).
>> No. 109862
I am willing to accept it if Mako and Korra are the ones who suffer more in the next season than other etablished characters.
>> No. 109864
>Makorra is bad because of what it did to Mako's character.

But it didn't do anything to his character? Mako didn't tell Asami about the kiss because he didn't want to hurt her, not because he thought he was a pimp or anything.

I don't get why people want them to suffer. Is it because they think it's the only way a character can develop or because they think it'll be some kind of payback for breaking poor Asami's heart? In the long run, the thing that's going to be more devastating to Asami is the loss her father and how him allying with the Equalists is going to damage the company, not the loss of her boyfriend who she knew for a few months tops. If Korra or Mako get hurt, Asami isn't going to say, "HAHA THAT'S WHAT YOU GET!", and it's really stupid that seems to be the attitude the fandom is taking.
>> No. 109865
It's because Mako and Korra acted like jerks and they didn't get any sort of comeuppance.

Meanwhile, Asami gets taken down all the pegs helped in part by Mako and Korra. For a sympathetic viewer, it's hard not to want some more equality.
>> No. 109866
>Meanwhile, Asami gets taken down all the pegs helped in part by Mako and Korra.
Hey, even Asami agreed that she needed to find out the truth about her father eventually.

Though, I actually do agree on wanting to see Mako having to go through a little hell, as it would finally bring the character focus to him, in a change from how in the first season he's just been kinda of an observer to other people's misery.
>> No. 109867
>But it didn't do anything to his character?
That's part of the problem.
>> No. 109868
Asami just got pooped on repeatedly and never deserved any of it. imo it's not so much that Kora and Mako were jerks, just that the stuff with her dad was bad enough and she didn't need to get her heart broken on top of it, and nothing looked up for her by the end of season 1.

Makorra would have been totally fine if he hadn't been dating Asami or even if Asami had like, one good thing happen to her in the course of the story that made up even slightly for all the bad shit that happened to her that was totally beyond her control.
>> No. 109870
>It's because Mako and Korra acted like jerks and they didn't get any sort of comeuppance.

I don't think they acted bad enough to warrant the kind of punishment fandom wants for them. Someone getting killed, or losing their bending -- because they were dumb teenagers and couldn't control themselves for a few split seconds? It's not like Mako was fooling around with Korra continuously behind Asami's back. He tried his best to move forward but he couldn't really hide the fact his feelings for Korra were stronger, and that doesn't make him an awful person.

>Meanwhile, Asami gets taken down all the pegs helped in part by Mako and Korra.

This didn't happen at all. Korra didn't accuse Hiroshi out of jealousy, she did it because she had reason to believe he was an Equalist and she was doing her job as the Avatar. She didn't look gleeful over the fact that she was making Asami question her only living relative, and she got pretty upset when Mako accused her of being jealous. And like I said, twenty years down the line if someone were to ask Asami which of the two was the worst thing to happen to her, losing her dad or her boyfriend of a few months, she'd look at whoever asked the question like they were an idiot.

>Though, I actually do agree on wanting to see Mako having to go through a little hell, as it would finally bring the character focus to him, in a change from how in the first season he's just been kinda of an observer to other people's misery.

Like, seeing his parents be murdered in front of his face and then being thrown out onto the streets with his little brother where the only way they could survive was by working for the Triads? I think Mako has suffered enough, and I'm sure he'll face his problems in the second season, but people talk about how he's selfish and a jerk when he basically gave up his childhood to raise Bolin. I hope we get flashbacks instead, because god knows the brothers need some focus.
>> No. 109871
I swear to god, so many people who watched this show have some impressive cases of selective memory.
When everyone's escaping in the airship, Korra is obviously feeling awful about what just happened to Asami. Not only that, but she flat out tells Mako to go be with Asami because she's the one who needs him more right now. Korra was also thoughtful enough to invite Asami to live on Air Temple Island just like she had with the Bros.
How do people forget these things?
>> No. 109872
Apparently Korra was supposed to throw herself at Asami's feet and beg for forgiveness.

Don't get me wrong, I do think Korra should have apologized but I would've been okay with, "I was being selfish and judgmental and now I really regret hurting you."
>> No. 109873
>people talk about how he's selfish and a jerk when he basically gave up his childhood to raise Bolin. I hope we get flashbacks instead, because god knows the brothers need some focus.
Oh, no, I wasn't going in that direction. More focus, whether on the issues of the past or new problems, would solve every problem there is with the brothers.

This is getting into AU talk, but how would events change if Korra didn't try to be the hero and never reported Hiroshi to the cops? The mecha tanks never go through their first "test run", Lin's officers are never captured...
>> No. 109875
Hiroshi invites the brothers down into his basement for popsicles.

Asami is separated from the bros. for reasons and plot and is told by her father that the boys left for business in the city or tell her that Korra barged in and grabbed them up.

Hiroshi has his daughter look after things at the factory and then phones the police and requests that Lin meet at his mansion and to bring Korra because he developed a device that could 'help' the authorities in their apprehension of Amon and the fall of the Equalists.

The mechs undergo a test against two different sets of benders and win because everyone but Mako forgets that they are Earthbending masters or are Bolin. Four apparent threats out of the way. If Asami questions anything claim it was ancient lionturtles.
>> No. 109876
>Like, seeing his parents be murdered in front of his face and then being thrown out onto the streets with his little brother where the only way they could survive was by working for the Triads? I think Mako has suffered enough
Am I the only one who's getting sick of the darkedgy backstories for all these characters, ATLA may have had those too but it made more sense since it was a war.
>> No. 109877
Just because there isn't a war going on doesn't mean people can't die as a result of violence.
>> No. 109878
It makes sense in Korra as well, since they're in the city and there's a poverty problem. Crime is more common the more people there are, and violent crime is more common among poor and uneducated people. Republic City is basically a Hong Kong / New York / London sort of place, so of course there are going to be plenty of murders and organized crime.
>> No. 109880
You know, everybody is saying that what happened to Asami this season was horrible, but while I certainly sympathise with her losses I think that Asami's character arc carries an important message that is often ignored by kid's shows, that sometimes doing the right thing will leave you personally in a worse situation than if you didn't, but to truly be a good person you have to be willing to do the right thing all of the time, not just when it is convenient for you. So personally I'm sort of ok with Asami getting the short end of the stick by the end of the season, when so often beating the bad guy means that all of the good guys get everything they want out of life, it's good to see a case where at least one good guy was horribly damaged by the conflict and will have to pick up the pieces. (And yes, I realise that Asami will eventually come out on top, but for now I'm enjoying the nuance)
>> No. 109881

Oh look a pretty thorough rebuttal to the points laid out by innerpalindrome

>> No. 109883
But Asami is rich and Mako and Bolin are pro-wrestlers. They're not exactly random poor people.
>> No. 109884
It's not about crime happening TO random poor people. Anyone living in the city and not staying strictly within gated communities is going to run INTO random people all the time. And some of those people are going to be violent criminals because it's a city and that's what cities are like. It's why they have a big police force in the first place--places like the Southern Water Tribe in ATLA didn't need them at all, and even something like Kiyoshi Island would probably get away with just having a single constable, whose position was more or less ceremonial (though no doubt the Kiyoshi Warriors themselves would've handled that personally anyway, in that particular case--I'm just talking size and village makeup at the moment).

Cities have violent crime. That's my point. The bigger the city, the worse the crime is going to be. Especially in a 1920's-style era when it's easier to get away with them.
>> No. 109886
Avataraang's tumblr really got more and more retarded, reblogging so much misguided social justice crap. Glad I unfollowed that idiot.
And what's with Lin adn Korra not having a positive relationship? Did they need these characters to say "sorry we started on the wrong foot, I'm glad we've come to respect each other after figting together"? It was all cleraly implied at the end of episode 6. Show, don't tell.

I swear, before episode 5 happened some feminists were complaining about how Korra was going to let Mako go when he was with Asami, while had their genders being reversed, the protagonist would have actively pursued the love interest anyway.
A week later, Korra did exactly that and it was still problematic for some reason.

People where eager to find something anti-feminist with Asami's character since day one
- oh, so she's going to be evil seductress equalist spy? nice sexist cliche, white cis male writers
- now she's pitted against another female character, that's so problematic (nevermind the fact that she never had a problem with Korra and flat out admitted liking her)
- they're obvioulsy setting her up to betray the team and join her father in the finale, all because of a relationship with a man!

Season two won't fix anything since at this point they just want to be offended. They'll complain abut male gaze or something the next time Korra scratches her butt.
>> No. 109889
>And what's with Lin adn Korra not having a positive relationship?

As a girl, I think Bryke did a damn fine job handling Lin and Korra's relationship. Lin isn't the type to wear her heart on her sleeve, obviously, and I think people who wanted her to throw a friendship party for Korra are being selfish and not realizing all friendships develop differently. I think it could use a little more insight, yeah, but I don't think Bryke are awful CIS sexists who hate women.

Also echoing the avataraang disappointment, they used to be one of the best Avatar tumblrs out there but unfortunately she's been lost to the SJ crowd. I pretty much just follow makorracaps and crystalzelda for actual rational thinking.
>> No. 109892

There is a good point in that original argument about having the main female characters in competition with one another over a man at some point. The women were all written respectfully however, so as unnecessary as it was, it wasn't as bad this kind of thing usually is. Most everyone would have preferred to not have the love triangles anyway.

I'm not sure what's wrong with the Korra-Lin relationship. I thought that was one of the best written character dynamics in the whole show. Looks like it's same people bitching about Azula still being crazy in the Promise. It's like they're completely adverse to/too impatient for any kind of interesting character development. I wonder if they also believe Zuko's choice at the end of season 2 was bad writing?
>> No. 109893
Ignoring the very lamentable misreadings of Lin (people seem to miss how she risked her life for Korra and Pema) for the moment, may I ask: what do people find offensive about female-female antagonistic relationships? Didn't people used to want more active female villains, even? I don't have the tolerance to shift through the tumblr/sj community myself, but it almost seems to be viewed as badly as stuffing love interests into fridges.
>> No. 109894
They weren't pro-wrestlers when their parents were killed. Which brings up a point: Mako trained his ass off for years (and presumably Bolin, too, but Mako seems to handle the financial thinking) to get his firebending the way it is now, and what does that give him? An exhausting manual labor job and a sports gig that barely pays rent.
>> No. 109895

It's not the antagonistic relationship that's a problem. It's that there's 4 principle female characters where both the two young and two old were antagonists over a dude. The Lin-Korra issue is perfectly fine IMO because they clashed over Lin's sense of responsibility and Korra's vigilantism. But having the Korra-Asami and Pema-Lin conflicts both be over boyfriends just feeds into the large pool of women fighting over men in media. Like I said before, LOK handled it in a much better way than most, but it's still disappointing considering how well ATLA handled antagonistic relationships between women without making them seem like petty catfights. Now that the love triangle crap is out of the way though, I'm sure the next few seasons will be totally fine in this regard.

I'm not saying Bryke are sexist scum or whatever tumblr is on about. They do a fantastic job writing women, but they're human and aren't perfect. This is more of a small slip-up than anything else.
>> No. 109899
>but it's still disappointing considering how well ATLA handled antagonistic relationships between women without making them seem like petty catfights
So you're saying you thought they came off as petty catfights in ATLOK? Because I seriously do not see it. There seemed to be less antagonism between Korra and Asami than there was between Toph and Katara (who didn't even have a point of contention beyond clash of personalities, whereas Korra and Asami had both the Mako issue and the fact that it wouldn't have been unexpected for Asami to blame Korra for her father getting arrested), and while Lin didn't seem to like Pema, she was cordial with her and protected her, and even sacrificed her own Bending ability to protect her and her children.

Meanwhile, Katara and Toph's squabbles actually came to a literal fight. In the mud.
>> No. 109901

>Meanwhile, Katara and Toph's squabbles actually came to a literal fight. In the mud.
I completely forgot about that scene, if something similar ever happens in Lok heads will roll. The writer of that episode is back for Korra's season two, let's hope he got the sj memo.
>> No. 109903
It's not they they were petty catfights, it's that they were fighting over a man. Katara and Toph argued, but made up in the end and compromised. Does anyone doubt that they were close friends by the end? The same applies to Lin and Pema.

>and the fact that it wouldn't have been unexpected for Asami to blame Korra for her father getting arrested.
But that wasn't the case, their entire argument was over who gets Mako.
>> No. 109904
In general Lin just doesn't strike me as the type to have a wide social circle, so I don't really get the outrage over her and Pema not being bffs. They obviously get along now and Lin didn't hesitate to sacrifice herself to protect Pema and the kids.
>> No. 109905
They had no argument over who gets Mako. Asami was angry at MAKO for being wishy washy and never blamed Korra at all. Korra was initially jealous of Asami for being more ladylike and for getting to Mako before she could, and she was petty as hell, but Asami proved to her twice that she wasn't just a pretty face and Korra came to respect her by the end of episode 6. They also had a fight over whether or not Hiroshi was in league with the Equalists which had nothing to do with Mako at all.

There wasn't much Pema-Lin antagonism either. Lin was bitter about Tenzin leaving her but later rekindled their friendship without any hints that Lin wanted to "steal" Tenzin back from Pema. Pema passed off her hyperactive 4 year old son to Lin when Lin was asked to guard the place because she was 9 months pregnant. Lin later sacrificed herself to save Tenzin's entire family.

none of that is fighting over who gets the guy??
>> No. 109906
I misspoke. Instead of "argument" I meant interaction.
>> No. 109907

It's still causing antagonism between them over a dude. They got over it pretty quick and focused on being angry at Mako like they should, but it sucks that they even bothered with that crap in the first place. As said before, it was handled much better than most cases, but there was no damn reason for it to happen.


Them not being BFFs is no big deal. It just sucks that there are only 4 main female characters in this show, and every single one of them is/was in romantic conflict with another one. It's especially bothersome that one of those conflicts is over an asshole who's treated both Korra and Asami like shit at one point. Really, they should have just kept the Lin-Tenzin-Pema history (which was pretty well done and made Lin's sacrifice all the more touching), and done away with the Korra-Mako-Asami bullshit.
>> No. 109913
>It's not they they were petty catfights, it's that they were fighting over a man.
Is that inherently bad?
>> No. 109914
>The writer of that episode is back for Korra's season two, let's hope he got the sj memo.
Let's not, I don't want them to cave or cater to tha crowd.
>> No. 109915
>It's especially bothersome that one of those conflicts is over an asshole who's treated both Korra and Asami like shit at one point.

Mako didn't treat Korra or Asami like shit? He did some dickish things (unintentionally I might add), but he hardly treated Asami or Korra badly.
>> No. 109916
Yeah, he's an irritating character, but he wasn't a bad person. Just unlikable.
>> No. 109923
>Mako didn't treat Korra or Asami like shit
And the Jerkbender Of The Week…youtube thumb
Come on people, this is literally on the frontpage all the time.

In their little band of "friends", Mako has acted like a unrepentant jerk to all of them. Like seriously, I don't think he apologizes for anything ever. Not even for threatening to cut all ties with Korra when she had legitimate concerns over the majority of Republic City's industrial power being in Equalist hands.

If you really want, I could list all the asshole things he's done and NOT apologized for (and came out on top with a total lack of karmic retribution).
>> No. 109930

It's extremely oversaturated in media (especially for girls). Korra is a kid's cartoon, and Bryke have stated they want her to be someone girls can look up to. It just sucks that they'd have all the main female characters conflicting over men in a show with that intent. Plus, it's another in a long line of stories telling young girls that the dude being a jerk actually loves you, so it's ok if he's horrible to you.

I don't think it was intentional on their part. They probably just looked at Twilight and its ilk and decided to go with what's popular.
>> No. 109931
We are watching different shows. Whenever Mako did or said something douchey (hardly horrible in a world with bending triads, violent cheating athletes and a masked terrorist going around crippling people) Korra called him out, insulted him, or threw him something. She didn't stop chasing Hiroshi to please him. She didn't fell for Tarrlok's manipulation when he was using Mako to gain leverage. You don't see that in Twilight.
And he did apologize for his behaviour, more than once.
>> No. 109932
>Like seriously, I don't think he apologizes for anything ever

He apologized for misjudging Korra when they first met, he apologized when it turned out she was right about Hiroshi, and he apologized to Asami for hurting her in episode 11. When he and Korra were fighting in episode 5, they made up.

I don't know why people seem to get so hung up over him accusing Korra of being jealous when she accused Asami's dad. Hiroshi had basically become a parental figure to Mako -- he barely knew the guy and he dished out 30k so some rookie team could compete in the finals, was ok with him dating his daughter AND let Mako and his brother move in with them when they were homeless again. He had ever reason to be on the defensive when Korra started claiming Hiroshi was an Equalist. Was the jealousy line still dickish? Yes, but just a few episodes before Korra had been up in Mako's face saying when he's with Asami he's thinking of her, and then threw herself at him when he admitted he liked her -- she's an asshole herself. But when he was proven wrong, he apologized, and it's not like he didn't have any reasons to initially take Hiroshi's side.
>> No. 109936
But he's not treating them like shit, just being a jerk. This isn't on the same level of "fighting over someone who treats you horrible" like >>109930 said. Besides, imagine if Mako believed Korra immediately and turned against Asami's dad. Do you think people would still call him an asshole if he did that? Probably.
>> No. 109937
It's obviously not all that common, since someone in this thread pointed out that it wasn't present in ATLA.
>> No. 109938
This. Mako isn't a very likeable or well-done character at all, but I'm getting tired of the way rabid haters exaggerate how evil and horrible he is, like he was a serial babyraper or something.
>> No. 109939
Well, he was a firebender.
>> No. 110013
File 134738147196.png - (47.32KB , 500x498 , ZukovsMako.png )
>> No. 110016
Okay, that last comparison actually made me laugh.
>> No. 110017
File 134741303471.gif - (391.35KB , 500x372 , robin.gif )
>creators don't think of him as his own character
>> No. 110018
The flawless skin one is clearly the funniest.
>> No. 110021
>>prose handjob for Zuko

That's pretty damn funny.
>> No. 110353
File 135106084357.png - (63.43KB , 329x862 , Screenshot from 2012-10-24 02:22:24.png )
That moment when Grey DeLisle became my favorite voice actress
>> No. 110355
Dude, I hope she never changes or ragequits from whatever it is shes doing. Those voice clips as Azula are fucking hilarious.
>> No. 110356

I'm surprised it took this long for the SJWs to lose their shit over her.
>> No. 110357
She's a goddess.
Too bad the sj bullies aren't gonna stop, she's on their blacklist now.
>> No. 110359
>1. Grey did say a joke about Justin Bieber having a vagina, and since some transexuals thought it was offensive, she should have just apologized sincerely.

So that's the horrible thing she did, talk about first world problems.
Isn't it funny how trans people make like 1% of the population yet on tumblr everyone is a disabled autistic trans atheist of color?
>> No. 110361
Considering trans people are murdered on a near-regular basis because attitudes like that that are perpetuated, nah, I don't think you can call that a first-world problem. It's a flat-out problem, period.

Whether you agree or disagree about whether what she did was bad enough to rile up Tumblr, she's handling this like a 13 year old rather than a near-40 year old who hopefully has the experience to know that sticking her fingers in her ears and going "This MY blog I do what I want, it's just a joke" rather actually listening to what the people not going "fuck you" as their complaint have to say isn't going to do you any favors. (Also "I can think of more offensive blogs! PORN BLOGS!" Really?)

I'm saying this as a fan of her work. It's alright to take a step backward and recognize when people you enjoy and admire have fucked up.
>> No. 110362

Hey, I know lots of kinds of people who get murdered on a near-everyday basis. Doesn't mean I'm not going to make jokes about murder. Fuck, I know Goths who've been killed for being goths. You saying I can't make laugh about stereotypes like their 'tortured souls' anymore? Pfft.

There's too much high-horsing in the name of tolerance and people can't take jokes anymore because everything's an attack on them.

Anon is right, it's just first-world problems. Grey is old enough to have what Tumblr doesn't; some perspective.
>> No. 110363
I can assure you you would be singing a different tune if one of those people you knew were violently murdered just of the way they dress (seriously, I've heard of Goths being discriminated against but I don't recall there ever being a story of one them being beaten, raped then tied to fence post and left to die). And if for whatever reason you wouldn't, well I can't say anything about that but in general people react negatively to those sort of things.

As far as I can tell, these SJWs have been pretty cordial about the whole situation, probably because a lot of them respected Grey and she reacted like a 13 year old. It isn't so much as a first world problem as it's people trying to help make things better for oppressed people by tackling the language problem, like you know, by trying to stop 'he has a vagina HAHA IT'S FUNNY' sort of stuff.

I was pretty neutral to Grey before she got a tumblr, but now I gotta say I don't care for her much. Not gonna rag on people who're still fans though.
>> No. 110365
A nice summary of the clusterfuck last night http://aleishadreams.tumblr.com/post/34219839912/almostisntgoodenough-2012-10-24-02-51-what-did

The whole thing started when people were harassing Grey DeLisle in her own tag!
>> No. 110366
Sooo both sides were wrong. Gotcha.
>> No. 110367
File 135111654454.jpg - (168.15KB , 896x716 , 1346654992757.jpg )
>Considering trans people are murdered on a near-regular basis

Funny how I never hear about it in the news.

>As far as I can tell, these SJWs have been pretty cordial about the whole situation

They freaked out about something that shouldn't be an issue and harassed Grey for no reason. Grey said "I didn't mean to offend anyone", which should be obvious, but they're asking for an apology, and they don't deserve one. They do this all the time, when someone in their circles says something politically incorrect, they demagogue them until they get an apology. I'm happy someone's finally standing up to them. If Grey committed some unspeakable/unforgiveable offense, then fine. They should stop talking to her or about her, and cloister themselves in their own little world so the rest of us don't have to deal with their bullshit.
>> No. 110368
What's that saying... telling me I've offended you just lets me know I have more control over your emotions than you do.
>> No. 110369
>Funny how I never hear about it in the news.

There is a lot of shit you don't hear about on the news.

Read about 'em here: http://www.avp.org/ncavp.htm
>> No. 110370
Doesn't mean that it's a widespread problem
>> No. 110371
When the average life expectancy of a trans person is 23 years of age (due to murder and suicide) I'd say it's a problem. But I'm derailing the topic here, and what it's stemmed from has more or less been resolved here >>110365
>> No. 110375
Tumblr desperately needs to find it's sense of humor.

I'm pretty sure if I posted dead baby jokes they would flood me with child abuse stories.
>> No. 110376
File 135114196562.png - (160.65KB , 500x283 , swaggie.png )
Grey's latest:

>An Open Letter To The Social Justice Mafia of Tumblr:

Hey Guys, (and by “guys” I mean cisgenders, transgenders, gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, straights, Lithuanians, Converted-Catholics etc….hope the generally used term “guys” isn’t offensive ) -
The reason that I deleted the negative posts from my blog yesterday was NOT because I was sorry. I deleted them because they were pure negativity and I can’t believe I actually felt the need to DEFEND myself for a stupid Justin Bieber joke from 3 months ago…or the so-called “ableist/racist” joke:

“I got your back!” -Siamese Twins

Listen…I have friends and followers of all colors, sizes, genders, creeds and abilities and I’m truly proud to know them…and as a former theater geek, I would venture to say that I may actually have MORE gay friends than straight ones as well as a transgender family member that is celebrated and embraced
Wanna know what all of these people have in common? A SENSE OF HUMOR!!!!

Tumblr is my “happy place”! I log on to escape the day to day crap, tell dumb jokes, attend prom on Tiny Chat, and fangirl with the best of them! I AM A NICE PERSON.
Not one of my stupid posts has EVER been mean-spirited or targeted ANY group of people in a nasty way.
The “SJWs” on the other hand have called me horrible names, made malicious accusations (I never called gay people one-armed iguanas…and when I used the term “normal people” I was referring to the 99% of Tumblr without a bug up it’s ass!!!), and have blogs that spew more hate and vitriol than I’ve ever witnessed on the internet…and as a person who enjoys reading YouTube comments…. that’s saying A LOT!

This whole thing is really sad because I truly believe that a lot of these people started out with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, in so VICIOUSLY defending their beliefs against so-called bigots and transphobes like me (and TINA FEY!!!??? Seriously!!!!) they have actually BECOME the very sort of people they think they’re fighting against.

The only hate that I truly hold in my heart is for BULLIES and that is what you people are.

This is the last time I’ll be addressing this nonsense. Everyone is getting sick of it and I’m no exception.

Think about spreading love and laughter from now on. It’s much more powerful than hate (plus you’d probably get WAY more followers!!!!)



>> No. 110377
I'm falling in love with this woman.
>> No. 110378
File 135114290928.jpg - (6.07KB , 212x237 , images (11).jpg )
>> No. 110379
>> No. 110380

>tl;dr It’s okay. I had to get it off my chest. First Sifu, then Bryan, now this. Maybe the crew of A:TLA are not the problem. Maybe you are. Ever thought about that?

I do like abridged arguments. Grey's TRUE problem is that she didn't have a tl;dr at the end of her open letter. That's just criminal.
>> No. 110381
>First Sifu, then Bryan, now this.
Actually Bryan, the evil white cis man, still hasn't done anything bad for sj standard, at least not on tumblr.
>> No. 110382
As a heterosexual cis white ablebodied ableminded carnivorous male Bryan is the worst person on the planet Earth by default as far as tumblr is concerned.
>> No. 110383
File 13511919606.jpg - (101.46KB , 654x654 , 1342395330475.jpg )
A white cis able bodied male-conforming blob attempting to write a strong brown female is oppressive. No wonder she gets her bending privilege back.
>> No. 110385

Tumblr continues to provide the mature and well thought out arguments the internet has come to expect of social justice.
>> No. 110386
Thank goodness Yamino is way too distracted with Sailor Moon to notice all this bullshit, though I wonder what could she think about this.

And speaking of >>110385
There's also this one: http://gayone-armediguana.tumblr.com/
>> No. 110387

This lovely little stalkerblog is run by http://stelmarias.tumblr.com/
>> No. 110388
ugh, I hate taking about internet celebrities but feel compelled to post this.
>> No. 110389
avatards, you guys have way too much drama in your lives

go out and get laid and stop filling twitter and other internets with your drama shit that you could get over by toking up

love, da fopster
>> No. 110390
File 135122281679.jpg - (32.55KB , 500x375 , strightedgemickeymouse.jpg )

I'm perfectly fine with a nice and boring fandom inbetween Books of Korra, it's just the fandom has been hijacked by a gaggle of assholes with Unwarranted Self Importance that start shitstorms at the drop of a pin. It's really getting old now and it's goddamn tiring.
>> No. 110391
From the name it sounds like a troll blog.
>> No. 110392
The depressing thing is that social justice blogs have gotten so ridiculous and over the fucking top these days that a troll and a genuine lunatic are nearly indistinguishable if the troll avoids laying it on too thick.
>> No. 110393
>Tina Fey
wait what
>> No. 110395
She's simply not that bright, honestly. I stopped following her when she started transtrending with the whole they/zey crap, basically appropriating trans* stuff because she looks androgynous (but I'm told she toned down that). This is the woman that unironically praises Ditto (yep, the pokemon) for being genderfluid. This is the woman that claims with a straight face that public restrooms signs are oppressive and heteronormative.
>> No. 110397
File 13512645116.jpg - (166.89KB , 600x600 , vomiting kotetsu.jpg )
>transtrending with the whole they/zey crap
>praises Ditto for being genderfluid
>public restrooms signs are oppressive and heteronormative
what the fuck, seriously
>> No. 110401
This latest shitstorm seems to be subsiding. I'm just gonna drop a couple rebuttal nuggets I bookmarked while it was raging:


>I’m trans and I think this is bullshit.

>1. I browsed through 15 pages of Avatar, poop and selfies. No cissexism so far.

>2. Are you really offended by someone who blogs Avatar, poop noodles and selfies?

>3. I’m called a gay, one-armed iguana, who cares? It’s a fucking iguana.

>Oh, she voices the Diablo female Wizard. Lol, I’ve only played the male Wizard!

>Anyway, her blog just seems like trolling and random crap. Don’t make all the trans people look like whiners.


>>LO-fucking-L is THAT why everyones mad? No she didnt call them that, she said something like “if i offended a gay one armed iguana demographic”

>>im still searching for exactly what she did because im very curious and ever excited to start fighting with people

>>who did she abuse? And what does her skin colour and identity have to do with anything?

>>and hahaha youre gonna find all the shows shes in so you can boycott watching them looool you people are HILARIOUS

>To random passersby, you make the trans community and social justice bloggers look bad.
>> No. 110402

You seem to have been following a different blog because I've never seen that from Yamino. Never seen her use neutral pronouns for herself and the only mention of bathroom signs I've ever seen are stories of when she got harassed because she looked androgynous while using a women's restroom so on that front she seems to have actual personal experience. The Ditto thing I vaguely remember, I'll have to double check, but I think you have your wires crossed.

That said, I missed out on all the Grey DeLisle kerfuffle because I was spending all my time playing video games or being at work this week. I think I won out on that regard.
>> No. 110403
Sometimes I kind of feel bad for the regular ass transgender people who are trying to quietly move over to the opposite sex without stirring up a fuss, and how they now get associated with the bigenderdemifluidpanaromanticsexuals screaming die cis scum everywhere they go.

I imagine it feels like a much more horrible version of being gay and being largely defended and represented on the internet by yaoi fangirls.
>> No. 110409
Damn it yamino,
we used to be totes bros.
>> No. 110410
These people already ruined "transgender" as a concept for me, I just have too many hangups about it (philosophically) and these people online just called me bigot cis scum for having them. Weird since I have a trap fetish 0_0;
>> No. 110411
now people are making blogs like "wherearegreydelislesnipples" and shit
do these people even see what they're typing?
>> No. 110412

I'm fucking lost. Beyond lost.

This is some sociopathic sick shit. I hope these assholes get doxed.
>> No. 110413
So apparently one of the retarded (Oh, sorry, that's ableist) Tumblrites made their way to the Cracked.com forums and started trying to spread their bile there as well.


It's about halfway down the page from a poster named Telesam.
>> No. 110414
File 135139830042.jpg - (120.45KB , 640x624 , morans.jpg )

Looks like nobody there is buying their slop. Good.

In related news, these fucks have been trying to 'out' antisocialjustice27 as a Grey DeLisle sockpuppet today too, only they're total fucking idiots that can't use computers. So they are absolutely wrong. Here's a link that debunks this garbage:


Grey made a few posts on tumblr in the evening showing off photos of her day, taking her son out for a day at Chuck E Cheese and a go-kart track. If these assholes are to be believed Grey was able to travel with her son around Burbank, supervise him, and keep him safe while running a tumblr sockpuppet journal from her mobile device AT THE SAME TIME. Something fuckin' Azula would be jealous of!

Pic FUCKING related.
>> No. 110415
Don't wish that on anybody. It's illegal and it just means you sink to their level.
>> No. 110416
File 135140102495.gif - (2.34MB , 200x150 , 1349154058078.gif )


sauce on the IP shenanigans.

>mfw a SJW tries to get technical near me
>> No. 110417
File 135142944780.jpg - (37.74KB , 500x431 , iSrMD[1].jpg )
I lol'd.
>> No. 110421
People are falling for it.
>> No. 110422
>People are falling for it.

Of course they're falling for it. You linked to a site already filled with SJ fundamentalists. That would be like saying people are falling for creationist propaganda by linking to www.answersingenesis.com/

It only proves that the only places they can get support for this kind of shit is by preaching to the choir. Link that crap on any normal website (i.e. ones not exclusively dedicated to and populated by Social Justice fanatics) and you'll get the same exact reaction you saw in my link to the Cracked.com forums. People scratching their heads and wondering what the fuck it is these loons are going on about.
>> No. 110423

What happened to sf_drama? They used to be hilarious.
>> No. 110424
Social Justice Warriors happened to sf_d. It used to be hilarious, and then the feminists took over.
>> No. 110425

>then the feminists took over

Because lol femenism, right?
>> No. 110426
yes, very much lol feminism
>> No. 110427
ignoring the misogyny troll above, I have found "internet feminists" to generally be among the worst of the SJW crowd, especially because of how ubiquitous they are compared to the other types
not to mention feminism is a lot broader of a topic so it's a lot easier to trigger their wrath than it is to trigger, say, an otherkin/multiple/ableism SJW
I swear, they actively search for excuses to call you a traitor to your sex over the stupidest and most mundane shit
>> No. 110428
not being feminist doesn't make you a misogynist...
>> No. 110429

I would argue that. Besides, blanket labeling misguided social justice bloggers as "feminists" *is* misogynist.
>> No. 110430

>> No. 110431
doesn't matter how much you do or don't agree with the actual ideas of feminism i.e. women and men shouldn't be treated on different levels just because of their sex
according to them, not agreeing with them 100% = not a real feminist = misogynist

reread my post, I was very clearly referring to the feminist wing of militant social justice warriors, of which there are a lot, not all social justice warriors or all internet users who are feminists in general
>> No. 110432
You know what? I deserve that. This is why you stick around, for when I say stuff like that.


Sorry, I never know where to draw the line anymore.

I guess in repentance, a link I found that has kind of a tangential tie to Delisle's Beiber joke:


(The rest of that blog is good, too.)
>> No. 110433

I read an interesting thing about the feminist SJWs. It basically brought up the point that they're mostly younger women and teens who were too young to remember how badly the 2nd wave of feminism handled things (and probably haven't taken a women's studies class to learn about it). So they go back to that whole us vs. them rhetoric that isn't at all appealing to changing minds and getting people outside of their circles to talk about issues. It's sad really because SJWs basically take important, real issues and make a mockery of them. Think of how many people they've alienated who might've stopped and listened if they weren't such reactionary dicks. ) :
>> No. 110434

sf_drama was always feminist. Some of their best posts were taking down misogynistic dickbags. They just went extreme SJW on us, I guess.
>> No. 110442
>Besides, blanket labeling misguided social justice bloggers as "feminists" *is* misogynist.

Wait so you take this back? Because I disagree, they all self-identify as feminists so this doesn't make much sense.
>> No. 110443

Wait, like, you disagree with me taking it back, or disagree with the original statement, which I am taking back?
>> No. 110444
Months ago, I came across a spat on wank_report about how Social Justice Warriors had killed Journalfen. Found that hard to believe, but now I'm a believer. It's hard to make fun of anything related to social issues without coming off as being insensitive to someone.
>> No. 110446
I disagree with the original statement @_@
>> No. 110449
File 135173886413.gif - (248.43KB , 540x2507 , 20110223.gif )
Someone needs to post this.
>> No. 110450
not all of them do
there's a lot of overlap to the point that feminist SJ is almost an umbrella class of SJ, but you've got other kinds which don't necessarily identify themselves as feminists such as otherkin, transethnicism, pluralism, and veganism SJ
in fact there are a bunch of racism and cis-male homosexuality SJWs who are openly misogynistic, so no, not all SJW are necessarily feminist SJWs
>> No. 110452

This comic...it's offensive.
>> No. 110461
>in fact there are a bunch of racism and cis-male homosexuality SJWs who are openly misogynistic, so no, not all SJW are necessarily feminist SJWs
But they all identify as feminist, the black SJWs just get a free pass for saying bitch/cunt because it'd be raciss to tell them off
>> No. 110462

...Wait, when did the race of the hypothetical Social Justice blogger suddenly come into the conversation?
>> No. 110471
You are offensive, slaver.
>> No. 110473

I know you are, but what am I?
>> No. 110475
The Dai Li, another source of evil.
>> No. 110476

No, I am rubber, and you are glue, and what bounces off me sticks to you!
>> No. 110524

Seriously tumblr?
>> No. 110525
>This is where she, out of nowhere, starts complaining about ~*~SJWs~*~ and how ~*~ridiculous~*~ they are. And then she dismisses the concerns of trans* people by comparing them to “the one-armed, gay iguana demographic,” which is shitty both because she’s dismissing legitimate complaints and because it demonstrates that she doesn’t really understand not being an enormous douche as anything other than catering to niche demographics.

Never understood why social justice types are so hostile to one-armed gay iguanas and other marginalizes classes of society like them. :/
>> No. 110539
I feel like I gotta say something.

Yeah, some people get irrational in regards to this subject. Sometimes it leads to them being an outright shitty person by sending death threats, stalking, etc. Sometimes they're people who aren't effected at all and are just joining in to give themselves pats on the back. It's not wrong to shake your head at those people.

But when you adopt the stance of "anti-SJW" and start making sarcastic remarks about triggering blanksexuals and stuff like that, you have started down a bad road. Because no matter what directions individuals might take it, the core concept of social justice is a pretty important one: "let's not be shitty to each other." By framing active supporters of that concept as automatically suspect, you make it easier to disregard the concept itself.

Grey made a joke about Justin Bieber having a vagina (which, frankly, is grade school material in terms of comedy). Someone else said that that's kind of a shitty joke to make because dudes with vaginas actually exist and have to put up with a lot of crap. She could have apologized or even ignored it, but instead she scoffed at "social justice warriors" and managed to worsen the situation tenfold by picking a fight with an entire ideology.

I just get uneasy when people get into wankfests over putting down SJWs, especially because it always seems to attract the people who genuinely do think [LGBTQ/ethnic minority/feminist] rights are a load of bull. You might not agree with them, but you're making them feel at home.
>> No. 110540

She didn't make fun of the SJWs until they started screaming at her, though.
>> No. 110541
File 135323724866.png - (50.57KB , 150x154 , really.png )
>But when you adopt the stance of "anti-SJW" and start making sarcastic remarks about triggering blanksexuals and stuff like that, you have started down a bad road. Because no matter what directions individuals might take it, the core concept of social justice is a pretty important one: "let's not be shitty to each other."
No it isn't. Social justice is based on being shitty to people they deem as "privileged".

>dudes with vaginas actually exist
>> No. 110542
SJW's? 'Social justice warriors'?
Worthless people, scum on the ass of humanity.
More like Social Justice Wankers.
>> No. 110547

People can be left wing and laugh at China.

And China does more to destroy the integrity of the left than those who laugh at them do.
>> No. 110548

Dude, Female-to-Male Trans people at least exist. That's not even any sort of preaching, it's pretty basic.

The problem isn't with Social Justice, it never was, the problem is with the Riley's who think it's okay to tell somebody they deserve to die for being born white/cis/male and what have you. It's the select few communities who do stuff like claim they have multiple personality disorder (or multiple systems, as they like to call it) and claim you're an ableist or "singlist" for telling them they don't really have Rose from Homestuck in their brain. If that were otherwise true, those of us that protested the movie years ago would have been no different that shit like the Arkh project.
>> No. 110552
>Someone else said that that's kind of a shitty joke to make because dudes with vaginas actually exist and have to put up with a lot of crap.

...Yeah, that's not what happened. What happened was that she was badgered and hounded for her display of privilege. Once your solution to stop perceived bullying is to become a bully yourself, you deserve to be mocked. Regardless of what cause you're being an asshole in the name of.
>> No. 110553

>Grey made a joke about Justin Bieber having a vagina

This isn't what happened. At all.

The 'joke' was made nearly a month before Grey started commenting on SJW assholes spamming her askbox with hate and the Big Dog SJW's only had the 'Beiber Vagina Cissexist joke" that never really was as ammo to launch against her.

The problem here isn't with social justice advocates, it's with sociaopathic assholes on the internet using social justice as an excuse for their cyberbullying.
>> No. 110554
>communities who do stuff like claim they have multiple personality disorder (or multiple systems, as they like to call it) and claim you're an ableist or "singlist" for telling them they don't really have Rose from Homestuck in their brain
Huh? This is actually a thing?
>> No. 110556
File 135335198479.png - (62.71KB , 668x477 , tumblr_m9v0rw6tb31rxv81fo1_1280.png )

It sounds like I'm making shit up, but there really are people like that.

(Even down to the "Rose from Homestuck" bit. This blogger was lamenting the introduction of a troll who was an SJSally to the cast of Homestuck.)
>> No. 110559
File 135336747276.jpg - (75.19KB , 640x1079 , strongfemales.jpg )
>> No. 110580
oh come on please tell me that's a troll
>> No. 110582
File 135358828779.png - (143.30KB , 502x548 , 1341904759196.png )
I wish you were right.
>> No. 110585
Avatar fandom taught me, some people idiots
>> No. 110586
File 135365161138.jpg - (98.31KB , 745x701 , 1341566598000.jpg )
>Tumblr Feminism®
>> No. 110587
Avatar fandom taught me that valid criticism is dismissed with "troll" and "tumblr"
>> No. 110588

Yeah, that image isn't wrong; the first part was people's biggest complaint with the finale even. I know people online can get hyperbolic about LOK's problems, but they still exist.
>> No. 110590
If it's not hyperbole it gets ignored (even by the creators).

And if it is hyperbole, it is posted as a macro image and loses all credibility.
>> No. 110591
Fanboys, mang
>> No. 110592
You want some valid criticism? I got some valid fucking criticism for you. All these whiny little shits complaining about the show are blowing it all out of proportion. Yes, the show could have benefited from being about 4 episodes longer to flesh out the characters a bit more, but when I see things like that ridiculous "strong females" image macro it makes me want to beat one of those pricks with my laptop (which won't actually happen, calm your tits).
Would you rather that Lin had done NOTHING to try to stop Amon? Don't you think that even if she knew what she did wasn't going to stop the Equalists from getting the Air Bender family that she'd just say "Fuck it."? No, she would have done whatever it would have taken to stop Amon and his cult.
Would the fandom have preferred that Asami were more like Bella Swan from Twilight who just curled up and cried when things went to shit instead of getting up fighting the bad guys even though her own father was one of them?
Maybe you can get away with the one about Korra, but you've lost out on the one thing that has defined your entire life then you're allowed to be a little sad about it.
All in all it seems to me like the fandom wanted this show to be some kind of epic morality play instead of just a story. Even though it's a story told with tight pacing, gorgeous animation and attention to detail, not to mention some top-notch voice acting, it somehow just wasn't good enough unless the whole list of moral cliches was checked off.
But I'm sure they'll all still watch every fucking episode and deconstruct each one atom by atom to make sure they're just the right kind of pissed off.
Fuck them.
>> No. 110593
At least by watching it they give it ratings? That is unless they just watch on Youtube. Bryke learned to ignore the fandom long ago so it doesn't phase them when things get blown out of proportion.
>> No. 110595
Not sure how to respond to this kind of stream of consciousness rant.

I will say though, things would be a lot simpler if people stopped trying to control others in the fandom. Learn to ignore shit you don't like, as no amount of complaints or temper tantrums will change anything. And this applies to both the criticizers, and those who criticize the criticizers. Personally I wasn't inspired by LoK, so my perspective might be different from someone more emotionally invested.
>> No. 110596
File 13537321085.gif - (885.16KB , 300x200 , punkok.gif )
>> No. 110597

I'd have liked it if the show was written better. Seriously, calm your ass down.
>> No. 110598
>At least by watching it they give it ratings
One does begin to wonder why they bother. If they dislike the show as much as they claim to, they should be endeavoring to keep them from making more episodes.
>> No. 110599
Then don't respond to it. And I've ignored it for a long time and I'm sick of it. You can't go anywhere online and discuss the show without there being a loud contingent of people dumping all over it. Seriously, the show wasn't perfect by any means but the RELENTLESS trashing makes me nuts!
I thought the writing was fine, just rushed. I honestly believe that the show suffered because it was just too short. Everything else about it was fine. Remember, if you're entitled to your opinion, and you are, then I'm entitled to mine.
This is precisely what I'm saying. Is there a word for a fan who hates the thing they're a fan of? These people exist in EVERY fandom, but they insist on participating in said fandom purely to dump all over the property in question. It happens with Star Wars, it's happening on 4chan's /co/ with Young Justice, it happens in music (there's a Smashing Pumpkins board out there that I swear exists for the sole purpose of trashing the new record, even though they all insist they like the band). For the people who like whatever it is, this shit gets old really fast. For myself and Legend of Korra, I am DONE with it.
>> No. 110600
If people insulting a show makes you nuts, you should probably take a step away from the internet and reexamine your priorities.

I'm a huge Avatar fan, but just because people dislike whatever it is I like, doesn't mean I'll throw a fit.
>> No. 110601
>take a step away from the internet and reexamine your priorities.

I love this argument and I'll tell you why. It implies that the person it's being flung at has nothing better to do than get online and be annoyed. Because how dare that person go to a message board dedicated to a specific property and comment in any way.
My priorities are fine, thank you very much. If want to take roughly ten minutes out of my day to come here and see if there's been any news about the show, look at cool fan art and participate in the discussions about both shows then I will damn well do so.
You yourself are entitled to "prioritise" and "throw fits" as you see fit.
For anyone else who may have missed this, all I am is one fan frustrated over deluge of negativity and decided to say so. Thanks.
>> No. 110603
>It implies that the person it's being flung at has nothing better to do than get online and be annoyed.
Actually, it implies that you shouldn't be taking criticism of a show (I assume that you had no part in making) personally.

You're going to have to get used to people not liking what you like because it'll happen a lot. Granted, you could just get angry every time, but I'd advise against it.
>> No. 110604
It seems anon is annoyed at how nothing is going on here except for bitching about the current state of things, and I agree. I used to come here often to see what the latest activity with the Gaang Jr. was and other fandom going-ons. Nowadays, the only thing really going on is complaining at the drop of a pin. Sure, there's still some other activity, I check every now and then for interesting fan art, but a lot of wind has been taken out of the community, even before Korra aired.
>> No. 110605
I'd say excitement was pretty high just before and during Korra's first half. Honestly, I don't think it was until the finale that everyone just kinda blew up.

But yeah, that's just how it is. Can't make people (contributors) get excited for cool AUs when a sizable portion doesn't even like the original content.
>> No. 110606

A billion denares to this gentleman. He's absolutely right.

Sadly, so is: >>110604 . Certainly for me, Hanging around here and /co/ has been a largely negative experience as a fan, so I haven't contributed nearly as many stories or pieces of art than I would've liked. And it seems everyone would prefer to complain about the show than go back and do stuff...and me, well I still draw Gaang Jr. fanart every now and then just to doodle, but there's no place for it anymore here, even though I enjoy shit like the round robins and stuff. Hell, we haven't even got a Wolfbatman Beyond thread up here.

Still. Lets get some perspective. We managed to keep going for so long before because it was off the back of a 3 season series with 24 episodes in a piece, not one season with half of that content. For it's size, aside from the ending I'd put it up against the first 12 episodes of Avatar handily, certainly once you get passed the 'newness' of the Avatar-world.

Ah well, I dunno...maybe I'll try and make something for something later. Or something. We'll see. Point is I like the board but its just been miserable coming on here for the past few weeks and the only new comments are ones bashing the show or arguing all the god-damn time. We aren't a fast-moving board of thick flowin' and varied opinions here; stuff sticks around, so people need to be more aware about the rest of the silent majority before they post stuff...namely that the silent majority stay that way because they simply don't went to get engaged in the constant negativity they see here. I sure as hell don't. So please guys, just ease up- there's /co/ to talk all the trash you want about it...(and this thread, but I'd prefer if it weren't the only one decently active).
>> No. 110608

You're jumping to conclusions. I don't post in here that often because Korra just doesn't interest me as much as ATLA did, not because of the negativity or whatever. I love the world building and the animation/art is incredible, but the story (past the first 4 episodes, which were fantastic) and the characters were mostly blah. It doesn't help that the story arcs are self-contained, so we can't have the same kind of speculation that we had for ATLA. I'm optimistic for the next seasons to be better, but at this point I'm mostly interested in the comics and what else we may see of the older Gaang in LOK.

Maybe once I have the free time, I could start up a thread on the background paintings or something? I can't see there being much negativity with that one.
>> No. 110609
It's not that "insulting a show we like" is annoying us, it's that we can't talk about something we enjoy because people turn any conversation about the show into a bitchfest. We can't do Wolfbatman Beyond threads or anything like that because if we do, someone inevitably has to derail the thread into BITCHING ABOUT KORRA THREAD #7752.

I can't speak for everyone who's complaining about Bitchfest 2012, but I know I personally would not mind so much if you motherfuckers would learn to talk about ANYTHING ELSE.
>> No. 110612

What's worse, bitching or bitching about the bitching? Seriously, chill out and start a thread about something cool to talk about. You're taking this way too personally.
>> No. 110616
File 135385385675.jpg - (7.74KB , 300x168 , LB Lady.jpg )
Thank you darling, and I'm a lady, rather than a gentleman (pic related, sort of). Still, it's nice to know that there are people out there who get my point.
This also illustrates my point nicely. There isn't a single aspect of the show that can't be discussed in almost any type of thread that doesn't get invaded by the whining crowd.
Oh and this "you're taking it too personally" bullshit? Yeah, I'm all done with that, too. As I pointed out before, I'm talking about a specific show on a board dedicated to that show. I'm expressing my opinion on something going on in the fandom of that show and how I'm unhappy with what's going on. If anyone is going to accuse me of "taking it too personally" then I have to dismiss them as being ridiculous. I am using this message board for it's intended purpose, deal with it.
>> No. 110617

Well I'm not speaking for everyone obviously, but I've talked to other people and they generally agree, so I have to assume it's something like that.


Get some perspective, son. There's griping and then there's griping 24/7. When the entire fandom looks like it's just gnashing its teeth because they can't get over relationship issues in a kids show it really just sours the whole idea of getting involved discussions or activities about it simply because you don't want to deal with the inevitable bullshit that'll turn up (or you imagine will).
>> No. 110620

Uh, what? All I said was if you don't like how the discussion is going, then start a new topic. Complaining about people complaining isn't going to do anything.
>> No. 110621

And where does complaining to people who are complaining about complaining put you?
>> No. 110622

I'm not complaining, just stating a fact.
>> No. 110623
As it has already been pointed out, how many times do we have to do this? There have been many threads made about other aspects of the show that are without fail inevitably invaded by Bitchfest 2012. We're just plain sick of it.
>> No. 110624
Okay this is just ludicrous. I went through two pages and found about five threads trying to discuss new things and there hasn't been a single mention of hating the show.


This isn't to mention the fanfiction thread which has always been a hotbed for new ideas.

Hell, even the space race thread that we have going on now is just a rehash of a pretty recent idea in the fanfiction thread.

This "problem" is nonexistent. You are not being assaulted with "bitching". These threads died on their own because guess what, there aren't as many people excited about Korra as they were for AtLA. That is an undeniable fact.

I'm not trying to depress anyone here, but pointing fingers and playing the blame game for why this board isn't as active is not helping.

sage for unrelated bullshit to Avatar
>> No. 110625
So you're saying that in the 30 threads you looked at, you found five that didn't have bitching, and that counts as a point in your favor? That's a 16% success rate.
>> No. 110626
emphasis on "trying to discuss new things" so not counting this thread, the fanart threads, etc.

seriously, this nitpicking bickering is retarded
>> No. 110627
I'm just here to say I know that no matter how much of an improvement season 2 is, people will still be calling Korra awful because Mike and Bryan failed to adhere to their bizarre headcanons.

Looking at you, people already shipping Bolin with Korra's cousin.
>> No. 110631
>shippers in charge of not being total retards
>> No. 110632
File 135391873939.jpg - (142.87KB , 640x480 , contempt.jpg )
>Nickelodeon in charge of not hiring total retards

>> No. 110634

This shit? That shit you're doin' there? That shit's ending.
>> No. 110638
>> No. 110639

Hey, it was only for a day and he deserved it. It's one thing to talk about valid criticisms of the show (Mako's characterization, the pacing, the ending, yadda yadda) It's another to call all of Korra's production staff retards.
>> No. 110643
>assuming that writing a tv show is the easiest thing ever and it will always turn out perfectly every single time you do it and if it isn't perfect then you must have some sort of mental handicap and should be shunned for it

in other news, here is actually a good post that sums up why I don't ride the mako hate train:
>> No. 110644

Too much sense for this thread.

Sharkie, ban this rabble-rouser.
>> No. 110645
That... doesn't make him not a wanker, especially with how he acts on it.

You seem to be getting off on not being one of the 'sheep' who 'blindly hate on him only because its the popular opinion'.
>> No. 110646
>in other news, here is actually a good post that sums up why I don't ride the mako hate train:

There are far more 'Likes' to that post than I expected.

Also, I thought this comment was interesting:
>And reading this, I start to see that this whole Asami-Mako-Korra situation is the traditional love triangle with the gender roles reversed: the center point (Mako) is torn between the stable, “societally acceptable” love interest (Asami) and the wild one who takes her- uh, him on adventures (Korra).

Hadn't thought of it that way.
>> No. 110647
There's actually a pretty sizable population of Mako fangirls on tumblr.
>> No. 110648
And the Jerkbender Of The Week…youtube thumb
still relevant
>> No. 110649
fangirls fall head over heels for hot assholes, isn't that the "conventional wisdom"?
>> No. 110650
mako isn't really an asshole, though. he did an assholish thing (not being upfront about his feelings about korra) and he can be a stick in the mud but he isn't like edward cullen tier.
>> No. 110652
Mako is a teenage boy. Teenage boys are not famed for the great relationship choices they make. The fact that he was torn between who he thought was a better fit socially (Asami) and who he actually had an unexpressed desire for (Korra) is very telling. I mean he LITERALLY expressed his concerns out loud. Not to mention that there was the underlying concern (epxressed in more sublte ways) that he wanted his little brother to be happy.
Also, one of the problems that people with rough childhoods have is that they are at times unwilling to trust new people. Or sometimes they trust too willingly. Mako displayed his unwillingness to trust Korra when he first met her, only to realise that she has the ultimate in trustworthy credentials as the Avatar. Bolin of course, trusts her right away becasue he reflects the opposite of Mako's trust issues.
He made some bad decisions and didn't behave as well as he could have, but that hardly makes him an asshole. A dummy-head sure, but not an asshole.
>> No. 110655
the presentation and handling of his character was badly done but as an actual person he's not as morally bankrupt as the antifags insist he is
>> No. 110658
The way they portrayed Mako's character wasn't necessarily that bad, it's just that they broke the cardinal rule of "show don't tell".

We're told that he had a rough childhood, as growing up a homeless orphan would imply, but we don't really get to see any of that.

We're told that he and Bolin worked for the triads at some point, but they apparently left on decent enough terms that they could go back if they wanted, so it couldn't have been that bad a gig.

We're told that his brother means the world to him, but he's shown to be very condescending towards Bolin more often than not. It might be realistic, and even justified, but not in any way that endears him to the audience.
>> No. 110659

>it's just that they broke the cardinal rule of "show don't tell"
Is it really a rule though? Because the most acclaimed Nolan movies constantly break it, yet no one seems to care.
>> No. 110660
Nolan's Batman gets plenty of flak for that.
>> No. 110661
That's because it's Batman. We know his history, even in a complete reboot rewrite. Blind, deaf, and dumb people know Batman.

We have been told of this teenager who is apparently suppose to be the responsible level-headed cool under pressure guy who rose to the challenge of raising his younger brother after a traumatic experience - but we aren't show anything to this effect in his maturity or planning.

We have been told that Korra has at least managed to get the forms of airbending down but still can't actually airbender. We see her use her other elements, but she doesn't even try to see if a followup form will produce air during a confrontation and when she does it's a punch of air to apparently selflessly save, of all people, Mako.

At least with Asami we are told she is, in the words of many Asamifags, pretty much perfect and we have evidence shown to us over the course of the Book. But she was a plot point and helped bring down the series by being this point in the n-sided love polygon.

Overall this United Republic of Nations is just no country for told men and many other people just wanted more of the Gaang back when we weren't just Knights of the told Republic.
>> No. 110662

>That's because it's Batman. We know his history, even in a complete reboot rewrite. Blind, deaf, and dumb people know Batman.
Stopped reading right here. Inception isn't Batman and that movie is 100% tell don't show. Page character's sole purpose is getting tons of exposition dumped on her.
Could say the same about Memento and the main character explaining everything to the phone/public.
People are just so selective when it comes to this rule, apparently when something is cool (Nolan movies) it just doesn't apply.
>> No. 110663
>We have been told that Korra has at least managed to get the forms of airbending down but still can't actually airbender. We see her use her other elements, but she doesn't even try to see if a followup form will produce air during a confrontation and when she does it's a punch of air to apparently selflessly save, of all people, Mako.

That's because bending ISN'T supposed to just come to you in the middle of a fight. It can happen, yeah, but Katara was able to just learn waterbending through practice.

Also, about Mako being cool under pressure the biggest example of that was one of the moments a lot of people hate him for: when he managed to zap Amon full of lightning.
>> No. 110664
Nick gave Mike and Bryan 12 episodes to tell their story, and since the show isn't called "The Legend of the Fire Ferrets" that explains why we didn't get to see as much of their background as we would have liked.
I've been thinking about this for awhile and it really seems to me that a lot of the show's problems (which weren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be and I really like the show) could have been solved by Nick/Paramount approving a full 3 season 21-22 episode run, rather than the initial approval of just a 14 episode mini series. It demonstrates that they have no faith in how successful the franchise can be. They watched that racist piece of shit movie flop and just assumed that was the end of all things AtLA. But they either woke up a little and realised that money can be made on this thing or Mike n' Bryan pitched to them really, REALLY hard to renew the show. Think about it, what the story and the characters really needed was more time. It wasn't until Nick/Paramount saw the level anticipation Korra was generating that they went ahead and gave Mike n' Bryan another season, of course the show was too far into production (maybe even complete) for them to change anything in anticipation of expanding the story. Then once the ratings were in that's when the show was extended further. But if they were given that time from the get go, we would have a much more thorough picture of the cast.

tl;dr The characters got shafted by Nick/Paramount who didn't see fit to give them more time.
>> No. 110665
Didn't Bryke say that Nick came to them almost right after the show ended about continuing the series?
>> No. 110666

I had thought Nick asked Mike and Bryan to do a mini-season, and they said "yeah, we totally can." Still, remember all the old rumors of new content that was gonna come out, then M. Night came along, and suddenly those all stopped?
>> No. 110667
More than rumors. I remember seeing scans of Nickelodeon internal documents about Avatar movies.
>> No. 110668
If she had been practicing like she said, then it could have happened.

I mean, Bryke's original original idea had Aang learn firebending while fighting Ozai and observing him.

And with the lightning...I don't know. Iroh had said things that sounded nice and zen-ish and stuff and then 70 years later the electric company says: "Yeah that's really pretty - just do it!" I guess if Azula can separate the energies and have no internal conflict while she is seeing her mother and banishing everyone left and right and raving mad at her brother I suppose Mako could create lightning thanks to Amon flailing him about. I just remember when that stuff could kill you and not just act like a taser.
>> No. 110669
You guys are all right and I also have a clear memory of that press release. People were thrilled at the idea of Avatar animated TV movies or OVAs, but all of that disappeared when the movie tanked. I even have a clear memory of Sifu Kisu saying that there would be no more Avatar animation because the movie had done so badly. All of this could have lead to the Network losing faith in the property, especially since they never seemed to demonstrate much faith in it to begin with. After the first season there was no further push for action figures, clothing or fast-food tie-ins. There was a book series but that seemed to be it. Even now that an Avatar show has once again proven to be a ratings success, there's still a severe lack of merch. All of this makes the idea of Nick/Paramount limiting a new series is at least plausible.
>> No. 110670
Wait, the animated movies/OAVs/whatever were scrapped long before the live action movie was finished.
Korra's production started months before it even came out (voice actors auditioned around March 2010).
>> No. 110671
I am just speculating, y'know.
>> No. 110674
Mako isn't a bad person, just a bad character. Or at least I think so. And that tumblr link seems to be defending him as a person, not as a character.
>> No. 110677
>People are just so selective when it comes to this rule, apparently when something is cool (Nolan movies) it just doesn't apply.
That's fair though, because storytelling rules are never 100%. It comes down to you can break the rules of storytelling if you do it in a cool way, but that's always a risk.

>racist piece of shit movie
>_> Dude... I don't want to say go back to tumblr, but c'mon.

And in response to your post, I think the problems with Korra wasn't its length but the people working on it. You know how /co/ says Bryke have Lucas syndrome? They're so much better than Lucas, but it's true in the sense that Lucas was surrounded by yes men when he made the prequel films. Bryke sort of have that problem; they had so many great ideas in Korra but no one to edit it or show them adversity. That's fine, they're not natural writers and they'll get better, plus they have the two new writers as well.
>> No. 110679
File 135434937127.png - (21.15KB , 1406x107 , incest.png )
Awkwardly placed line breaks made me read this post wrong. Way wrong.
>> No. 110682
I've noticed, with some bemusement, that the title of this thread is 'Let the FanDUMB be known'! And so is a thread where those who liked the show could tut and mock the occasional idiocy of this fandom.

And now it has come to pass that, somehow, this thread is about the idiocy of the show, argued by the very fandumbs this thread was made to mock. The irony is deliciously bitter.
>> No. 110684

>>_> Dude... I don't want to say go back to tumblr, but c'mon.

Telling you right now, you will find yourself hard pressed to find somebody here that didn't think the movie wasn't racist, or at the least, you won't see that notion unchallenged by some of us here.
>> No. 110686
How was it racist?
>> No. 110687

Are we really going down this route? After all this time, are we really treading these old waters again? Fuck it, I'll just bullet point it:

* The casting calls specified "Caucasian, or any other ethnicity" for all four main characters, which was fucked up considering you don't write it that way to say "all ethnicities" as well as flying in the face of the specific cultural backgrounds Avatar was explicitly based on.

* All of the Fire Nation, and all of the villains/antagonists, were played by a menagerie of brown people ranging from Indians, to Iranians, to Maori, to Latinos. If Jessie McCartney hadn't unexpectedly dropped out, we wouldn't have even had that.

* None of the Asian actors portrayed any characters with names once Suki/Jessica Andres was cut from the movie. They were all either victims of the Fire Nation who needed a pep talk from Ong to fight back, or outright traitors like the old man in the Northern Air Temple. The last Asian actor we see in the movie is a woman giving Uncle Eeroh a foot massage.

* M. Night bragged about changing a section of the Earth Kingdom to be African-American. (Not African. He specifically said African-American, whatever that means.) In the actual film, they show up for about ten seconds, and also need to be liberated from the evil Fire Nation by Ong and his two followers. The original cut of the movie has them participate in some big dance afterwards They otherwise had absolutely no ability (and apparently, no desire) to defend themselves until Ong shows up.

* The only characters from either Water Tribe with names, save for Seychelle Gabrielle as "Believe in Our Beliefs" Princess Doormat Who Dies Yue, were played by white actors, even when the rest of the Southern Water Tribe was clearly Inuit.

* In fact, save for Princess Yue, all of the protagonists who had names were white. You could make a case for Noah Ringer claiming Native American heritage months after the movie was released, but the production seemingly never knew that, given M. Night saying "he felt mixed race with an Asian quality to him," and Noah went on to play a white kid in Cowboys and Aliens.

* The authentic Chinese script that was used in the cartoon is replaced by a bunch of bullshit squiggles.

* More related to the production than the movie, the staff also occasionally fucked up, like casting director Dee Dee Rickets' "If you're Korean, wear a kimono. If you're from Belgium, wear lederhosen," gaff (kimono are Japanese, lederhosen are Bavarian) or Rathbone saying he definitely would need a tan to play Sokka.

So yeah, it was a clusterfuck.
>> No. 110688
Go back to 4chan with your inane Mike n' Bryan hate.
>> No. 110689
>>_> Dude... I don't want to say go back to tumblr, but c'mon.

are you serious, even /co/ acknowledges the movie was racist (though they'll complain about the differences from the show and the acting before that).

also, i would say mike is a pretty decent writer, but it isn't bryan's thing.
>> No. 110690
File 135439504161.jpg - (577.79KB , 1460x860 , korrashera.jpg )
From /co/
>> No. 110691
File 135439586342.jpg - (492.90KB , 1600x929 , 1354173402251.jpg )
She-Ra IS pretty awesome.

Way more so than He-Man.
>> No. 110692
because I'm sure Korra could've climbed a mountain or some shit to unblock her chi

then again, that's from /co/
>> No. 110693
Thats a very weak way to brush it off.

The point seems to be... Aurora (sp?) lost her powers and got them back through merit, while with Korra not so much...

Though to be fair it was also the case with Aang at the finale of his series to a lesser extent, what with the "getting thrown into a rock which pressed a chakra point allowing him to go Avatar State again".
>> No. 110694
At least Aang actually went out fighting in the first place
>> No. 110697
People need to stop thinking Amon just blocked people's chi, Katara says it in the last episode that Korra's ties to the elements were SEVERED.

People go on about how they wanted her to go one some quest to reach out to the spirits, and that's basically what she did. Aang even says Korra called him there. She reached out and the spirit world grabbed her hand. Yeesh.
>> No. 110698
She's also an unapologetic Wonder Woman rip-off. Mind you, I say this as a fan of both characters. Also, She-Ra was a glorified toy commercial, just like her brother's show was. The Avatar shows have a lot more merit than that.


This, so goddamn much THIS. I think Korra was allowed to be sad about what happened, but I honestly don't think she would have moped for that long. Eventually she would have resolved to be the best damned Airbender should could me and search for a way to reconnect to the other elements. Of course, when Aang and all the Avatars showed up it was a way to demonstrate that it isn't just the bending that makes one an Avatar, it's in the person's very soul.
Plus it was such an awesome scene to see THAT many Avatars!
>> No. 110700
How does bloodbending do that?
>> No. 110701
File 135441788053.jpg - (253.40KB , 884x951 , DSCN1281.jpg )
>Also, She-Ra was a glorified toy commercial, just like her brother's show was. The Avatar shows have a lot more merit than that.

Uh huh.
>> No. 110702

To be fair, the A:tLA toys came after the show, and didn't last to season 3. He Man specifically was made to help sell the existing toy line.
>> No. 110703
Dude Avatar's merchandise is practically nonexistent next to other show's because Nick didn't think people would buy toys of the girls.
>> No. 110705
I'd say this thread is for all the "fandumbs" who are so dumb they just totally make shit up and say it's canon.

But who am I kidding, anyone who actually says "fandumbs" to describe a person is probably the biggest idiot of them all.
>> No. 110706

>> No. 110707
I hope that wasn't some jab at me because everything I said in my comment was backed up by canon.
>> No. 110710
And here, ladies and gentlemen, is every piece of Avatar merchandise that was ever made ever. Every single last piece of it all gathered in one place.
I'm sorry, but what were you trying to prove here? That because SOME merchandise was produced for the show it negates everything else that makes the show unique? I don't think so, pal.
Also, if you put this next to a picture of just She-Ra merch then there's no contest for which one generated more useless plastic.
>> No. 110712
Doesn't that just make it worse, when She-Ra is so much more awesome and admirable when compared to Korra despite being from a toy show?
>> No. 110714
She-Ra was compassionate, noble and a warrior but so is Wonder Woman from whom she is directly derived. She-Ra's show had the same mediocre animation, voice work and generic plots that every other toy tie-in show of the era had. The only reason She-Ra exists at all is because the producers of He-Man noticed that a large amount of girls were watching that show so they created a pinker, fluffier version to sell toys to them. Again, I say all of this as someone who grew up with She-Ra and He-Man.
Your utter refusal to see what makes Korra and her show interesting means I'd only be wasting my time with explaining things other people already get. But hey, if you want to bang your head against that particular wall, go right ahead. Just be careful that you don't break your rose-coloured nostalgia glasses in the process.
>> No. 110715
You're getting a bit too defensive over this. Don't take it so serious.
>> No. 110716
Oy, here we go again with the "taking it too seriously" BS, please refer to my previous thoughts on that.
No, I'm not giving you a link, that might be taking it too seriously.
>> No. 110717
Okay, uh, I haven't seen She-ra but did she have a life outside her powers? Was she able to interact with other people and construct an identity that didn't revolve around being She-ra? We gotta remember, Korra was locked away for 13 years where we should assume almost every day spent there revolved around her bending and being the Avatar.

It's like, when you're little you discover you have a passion for drawing. Your family fuels that and by the time you've reached adulthood you've evolved into being a skilled drawer, it's what everyone knows you for and your job revolves around drawing. And then one day, bam, you can't draw anymore -- your hands weren't injured in any way, you just can't draw. It doesn't make you any less of a person and nobody tries to make you feel that way, you might even have a secondary skill you can fall back on. But the thing is, you've dedicated your entire life to drawing, it's part of who you are and now you just can't do it. I think it would be okay for you to feel utterly depressed over it for awhile.

Korra's situation was a lot worse because she wasn't allowed to focus on anything besides her bending. At least the metaphorical artist had that option.
>> No. 110719
I still don't see how any of that is racist. Can't we just say it was a bad movie without being all political about it?
>> No. 110724
Almost everything he mentioned qualifies as racist. They aren't getting political, that's just stone cold racism.

In a show where everyone physically and culturally resembles Asians of our world, it's a huge fucking problem when the casting calls for caucasians (who don't appear in Avatar at all, there are no white people hiding on the other side of the world) for the main cast. Minorities get barely enough representation as it is in Hollywood that isn't a stereotype (Octavia Spencer who is black won best supporting actress last year for a role in which she played a *housemaid*), so when there's a live-action movie being made based off of a show with Asian characters in it this should have been an opportunity for Asian actors. It wasn't the fact that the casting calls were open to all ethnicity, it's the fact they specifically mentioned caucasians while everyone else was thrown in as a forethought.

It's ALSO a huge problem when in the show the Fire Nation was pale as fuck, but in the movie they're all brown (not even a specific race like Indian, which makes it worse), while our heroes (who were brown in the show) are suddenly white as hell.
>> No. 110726
>Almost everything he mentioned qualifies as racist. They aren't getting political, that's just stone cold racism.
Are you defining racist as "things that have to do with race"? Because that's not a very good way to define it.

>Octavia Spencer who is black won best supporting actress last year for a role in which she played a *housemaid*
The movie was about two housemaids during the Civil Rights era. Why are you implying she didn't deserve that award or whatever.
>> No. 110727
And to bring us back to the thread topic, right here is a perfect example of "fan-DUMB".
Or just another friggin' troll...
>> No. 110728
Colorblindness is not a good thing to have, anon.

>Why are you implying she didn't deserve that award or whatever.

Where did I imply that? The problem wasn't her acting, it was the role she played, which was a typical minority role. There's a term for this I'm sure, but I can't remember it.

Basically, she was rewarded (by mostly white people) for playing a role that adhered to their standards.
>> No. 110731

I dare think they didn't give her the reward because she was comfortably black. You're going a step too far in the other direction here. Or several. Perhaps a triple-jump.
>> No. 110732
Look, it's like this:
Back in the early days of Hollywood the only roles black people could get were either as servants or criminals. When it came to roles for black women they were more often than not cast as maids or "Mammy" roles ala the role Hattie McDaneil had in "Gone with the Wind" (What's going on in this thread--OH LAWDY, she's the woman in the image). The argument can be made (no pun) that Octavia Spencer was only playing that role because it was a period peice, but you also have to take into consideration the fact that the book and movie it's based on are all about how the white women save the black women who can't save themselves. The white women in question give themselves enourmous pats on the back for doing so. Some people don't think that's cool.
Also consider this:
Nichelle Nichols, who played the iconic role of Lt. Uhura on Star Trek, was at one point considering leaving the show. It was none other than Martin Luther King, Jr. who convinced her to stay on because it was one of the few roles on television that showed an intelligent black woman as something other than a maid or secretary.
>> No. 110733
Hey I was just trying to convey that minorities often only play stereotypes.

But yeah, I'll stop.
>> No. 110736
How am I dumb? I just don't like calling things/people racist without hard evidence. M. Night's movie was bad and that's enough for me.

>Where did I imply that? The problem wasn't her acting, it was the role she played, which was a typical minority role.
How? And so what?

It WAS a period piece. What's your problem?
>> No. 110737
Think about it this way. The Last Airbender proved that Hollywood is so opposed to having East Asians in starring roles that they wouldn't even cast them in what was for all intents and purposes a kung fu movie.

When a minority can't even headline in a genre they invented, something is kind of messed up.
>> No. 110739
File 135462846138.jpg - (42.80KB , 640x504 , enter-the-dragon.jpg )
>The Last Airbender proved that Hollywood is so opposed to having East Asians in starring roles that they wouldn't even cast them in what was for all intents and purposes a kung fu movie.
But it doesn't prove that at all. M. Night is just one guy who's also an idiot, not all of Hollywood.
>> No. 110742
Since you're bringing up Bruce Lee, you must also be aware that Enter the Dragon was the first Hollywood produced film of this kind. Other films were made by Chinese studios which is why the always featured Chinese actors. Also, Bruce Lee developed the original concept for the Kung Fu TV series, but the idea was stolen from him and a white actor was cast as the lead.
Seriously man, at this point you're just being willfully ignorant of Hollywood's mishandling of the portrayal of Asians and Natives in movies and television. You're just another exampled of "fan-dumb".
>> No. 110744
Not that I really want to dip my toes into this brewing shitstorm, but if your using that picture as counterpoint to his argument, you're actually proving his point.

Bruce Lee was famously and continually fucked over by hollywood. He lost the lead role in the series "Kung Fu"", a series created with him in mind, only to lose it to David Carradine specifically because the studios didn't think people would watch a show with an Asian lead. He eventually got his big break as a leading man... after moving back to China and making movies there because he realized that regardless of his accomplishments or abilities he would never ever be given a leading role in an American movie.

And he was right.

Even after becoming the single biggest movie star in the world at the time (outside of America), Hollywood still only offered him his role in Enter the Dragon on the condition that he share top billing with a white actor (John Saxon). In the original cut (which I own) Lee even shares a title card with Saxon. Saxon's name appears first.
>> No. 110745
>posted literally within a few seconds of each other.

>> No. 110746
>who cares
>> No. 110747

A good deal of us here, if you're actually looking for an answer and not just being a little shit.
>> No. 110748
Hey Sharkie, guess who's being a litttle shit?
>> No. 110959
File 135831117844.png - (111.73KB , 333x250 , Avatar_Kyoshi.png )
I'm posting this here because frankly, I have no idea where to post it (and I'm not sure I want to start a new thread) but it has to be posted somewhere:
All white dudes, WHAT the ACTUAL FUCK!?
>> No. 110960
On looks alone, Ezra Miller's not a terrible choice. But yeah, it's kind of weird that they're all white dudes.

I'd go with Gackt. He's very believable as a prettyboy celebrity.
>> No. 110961
File 135831561973.jpg - (21.33KB , 399x599 , kizaemon_saiga.jpg )

Rami Malek is at least Egyptian and not 100% whitebread. But this list is pretty bad since Tahno is based on an Kizaemon Saiga (pictured), a Japanese kickboxer per Bryan's word. The person running Korranation should stick with reposting fanart and making announcements about the show if they don't understand how fucked up the casting was for TLA.
>> No. 110962
Saw "Perks." Ez Miller has got them acting chops and he plays up in a way that'd make him so Tahno-worthy...
Say what you will about race, but if that dude's ever cast, It'll be on merit alone.
>> No. 110963

Oh dear.

What were you thinking, Korranation staff? This is the last fandom you wanna try pulling race-lifting on.
>> No. 110964
File 135834828430.jpg - (67.17KB , 263x320 , tetsuji tamayama.jpg )
Lord knows what the Korranation staff was thinking with this nonsense but I hope to god Mike and/or Bryan actually SAY something about it this time!
My pick is this guy right here, Tetsuji Tamayama who played Takumi in the Nana live action movies. Tahno and Takumi are both self-centered jerks that women throw themselves at, so the role wouldn't be too much of a strech for him. And look at how HOT he is!
>> No. 110965
O don't want to be an ass, but Tahno is as pale as a fucking albino, of course it would be mainly white dudes people who think of to play him!

I mean just look at that guy without knowing the character and without his pro-bending uniform, would you honnestly have guessed that guy was a waterbender?
>> No. 110968
You're being an ass. Your post is full of typos which doesn't help your argument at all. Nevermind that you're argument is that only white people can have pale skin.
Go fuck yourself.
>> No. 110970
The correct answer is no actor at all because fuck live action.

Also I didn't see any of you fags bitching that the VAs for the cartoon are predominately white.
>> No. 110971
it's tricky with vas because you can't really say 'we want tahno to sound asian' without coming off as stereotypical and possibly racist.
>> No. 110972
Getting a job as a voice actor is not as hard for asians as getting a job in Hollywood. With minor characters with Tahno, it's not actually that big a deal--the reason TLA was such a joke was because it was an opportunity for Hollywood to give three non-white actors the chance to be the stars of a big Hollywood production without either having to resort to tokenism or making the movie about race, an opportunity which is extraordinarily rare.

Now the fact that the movie ended up being so bad that no one got a career out of it, but when the whole racebending thing started we didn't know that. It was a big-budget flick, and given the source material had the possibility of being something that could launch careers for some young actors. That was why it was so troublesome. It's not something as dumb as the characters not looking like the ones in the cartoon.
>> No. 110973
Nobody complains about VAs not matching their character's ethnicity because unless you're going for the heavily-stereotyped-immigrant-accent, people will generally sound like the people from the environment they grew up in. It's the same reason why all black people don't sound like Kenyans or whatever, they sound like whatever group of people they grew up with.

Honestly, the fact that I even have to explain how accents work based on location rather than ethnicity speaks volumes about you.
>> No. 111028
>> No. 111029
>falling so easily for the words of a cult leader
i worry for these people
>> No. 111030

>> No. 111031

and an addendum

>> No. 111032
i like how people also conveniently leave out that asami, a non-bender, was actually pretty fucking brutal during her fights with equalists. someone on tumblr pointed how pissed off she gets during those particular fights.
>> No. 111033
File 135927830098.jpg - (168.22KB , 357x480 , annoyed.jpg )
Why on earth do you people complain about me bitching about the show and then go out of your way to seek out people who don't even get what was going on and bring what they bitch about back here to show everyone else how wrong they are for thinking that way?
>> No. 111035
SSSSSH before we get a million shitposts about how this fandom isn't nice/happy/productive!
>> No. 111036

Thing is, this is the exact thread for dumping the unrefined sludge of fandom stupidity in (with a convenient hide thread button next to it!) while your brand of bitching shows up in EVERY active thread on the board AND IT NEVER FUCKING STOPS.
>> No. 111038
The first of many!
>> No. 111039
The first of many!
>> No. 111061
File 13598117812.png - (79.52KB , 325x325 , 127456204081.png )

Damn psychos.
>> No. 111062
holy shit what did these guys DO to piss off the fandom so bad? korra isn't the first mediocre sequel to ever be made.
>> No. 111063


if tumblr actually liked bryke they would be getting their asses handed to them for that remark alone
>> No. 111064

The avayat fandom has a high concentration of emotional unstable people.
>> No. 111065
Meanwhile, Sifu Kisu is and continues to be The Bro:

>> No. 111066
File 135985406869.jpg - (101.24KB , 327x480 , ho-ho-ho.jpg )
Stay beautiful, Fire Lord.
>> No. 111068
i thought that sounded like them
>> No. 111239
This is more laughable than rage worthy, but whatevs.
>> No. 111240
I'm convinced at this point that no public figure or celebrity in their right mind would have a Tumblr presence, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a downturn in the number of such people getting onto Tumblr; why risk being held to impossible standards by SJWs and getting your reputation easily smeared?
>> No. 111241
Bryke seems to be fine.
>> No. 111242

>You should act more like your characters DeLisle, kind and sweet not mean and nasty.

>> No. 111243
Wasn't Tara Strong also on their blacklist or something?

My sides moved so hard after that part.
>> No. 111244
Seriously though, this is a problem. Perhaps this one isn't so serious, but it's still a problem.

I mean, look at those reasons people gave for signing. Obviously these are all people whose sense of measured response has been jack-knifed, but...dammit, how do you argue AGAINST their comments? How offensive someone finds Grey's words is purely a matter of personal opinion and being able to see the actual intent behind her words, and to have a wider picture of the absolutely unfair hammering she's getting that apparently she has to put up with.

But because they're legitimately offended, no matter if it's self-generated or over nothing serious/in particular...we can only allow it? There's no argument you can make against it without coming off as some 'transphobic' person, or just labelled as part of the problem. It's infuriating and it's my whole problem with places like tumblr; if you're a white, straight male, you're better off having no opinion at all because if you don't fall in line with whoever's talking, you *are* the problem, your opinion will be discounted based entirely on YOUR gender/race, and death will be wished upon you.

It's bullshit of the highest order and it's impossible to argue against. And I can't even make a counter-petition to halt that crazy because of it.
>> No. 111246
We've talked about it before, but I think it bears rementioning how Tumblr's system makes it easy for a "right-not-to-be-offended" culture to really arise. Writing long, in-depth replies becomes quickly unreadable due to the quoting system, so it becomes favored to dismiss objections with a gif or something. Setting up one's dashboard to get a feed of just what is comfortable to yourself causes isolation and echo chambers (which is an issue with the Web in general and any self-selecting discourse, to be fair). I think that when you don't have a linear thread structure but a branching web like Tumblr or LiveJournal, it's easier for there to be fragmentation of discussion into pockets of "safe spaces" which are comfortable. Say what you will about the civility of 4chan, but the linear thread model tends to keep everyone moving along a particular track, which leads to more head-to-head faceoffs of ideas, rather than a schismatic breaking up of conversation that coexists only with a "whatever anyone is offended about is valid" common framework.

I also remember all the SJW whining about Sifu Kisu.
>> No. 111247
nothing's going to happen because of a petition that required only 15 people to sign it

unless these people can prove that kids who would know who grey delisle is and who she voices are frequently exposed to her tumblr nobody is going to do anything about it
>> No. 111248
File 136358503660.jpg - (24.39KB , 420x210 , tumblr_inline_miy9vji2Gh1rbw4b5.jpg )

Hey fellas, have you noticed one of the signatures on that petition?


> 4 months ago

>They need all the help they can get...

>> No. 111249

I'm not mad so much about the petition itself but rather the mindset behind it and how that mindset is encouraged.
>> No. 111253
Grey is quickly becoming one of my favorite people instead of just one of my favorite voice actors.
>> No. 111410
never before have i been so butthurt

I should not be getting so butthurt about this but goDAMN

I think it was the "cartoons are hard to make waaaaa" comment that really set me off, since I'm planning on becoming an animator and pretty much giving up all of my freetime and wrists


goddamn I have never before been so pissed
>> No. 111411
Randomly stopping by to mention that the threads have been misnumbered and this is actually the 6th Aanger thread, so the next one should be the 7th.
>> No. 111413
File 136417396895.jpg - (384.49KB , 1000x1000 , choke me more.jpg )
>head-to-head faceoffs of ideas, rather than a schismatic breaking up of conversation that coexists only with a "whatever anyone is offended about is valid" common framework.
the one thing i celebrate 4chan for is its (generally) unfiltered banter that could parallel the house of commons in a way, where people throw out insults at each other as well as (somewhat) rational discussion, or as suggested, at least people will challenge each others ideas, even if it does come off as bullying

but that should also be the more reason to find justification to stand up for yourself rather than wimper out and demand that people whiteknight you because you're too mentally and emotionally lazy to put up a strong defense for yourself

because if you don't have the conviction to support what you believe in, perhaps, you don't really believe in it, and that's a problem with tumblrfags, they fight blindly and mindlessly against those who "do things they don't like", make the person look like a bully or some other kind of antagonistic force, gather groups for whiteknighting and e-lynchmobbing in order to brute force the supposed opposition into submission

but it's never rational and it always comes off as some big baby whining to the world, and the world realizing it has to coddle a baby because babies more helpless than adults

thankfully it only really works in their closed environment and in environments where people easily give in to demands just because of things like reputation

but not on 4chan! sure, it has "anonymous is legion" but even plenty of the 4chan userbase is cynical about that, so it doesn't suffer as much groupthink/group consensus bias
>> No. 111415
I don't pay much attention to Tumblr, so who is Fire Lord? And what do they have to do with the "left wing" reverse troll in the politics thread on /baw/?
>> No. 111416
I don't even know if he's on Tumblr. Fire Lord is a namefag and asshole (or possibly a troll, but I can't always tell the difference) who frequented 4chan and used to come on plus4chan before he got banned.

I don't think he's the avataravatarfag in /baw/. That guy's obnoxious, but I don't think he's as bad as Fire Lord.
>> No. 111417
Fire Lord Azula is the original full name, mockingly shortened to Fire Lo due to a typo and forcefully shortened to Fire Lord due to accidentally typing out the password to his original tag.

Known for attaching an Azula reaction image to every post and hating everything Avatar-related that isn't Azula, most especially Korra.

Immune to reason and patience, weak against being ignored.

More amusing when not taken seriously.
>> No. 111516
File 13650670449.gif - (0.99MB , 220x153 , iGSuyLB5j0aZV.gif )
Shall we revisit a Greatest Hit for old times sake? Remember the Hotaruarc Korra firebending pic that drew a shitstorm?


Scroll down to the last 2 reblogs and sniff in a nose of the aged irony. nozubozu links to hotaruarc's waterbending pic with a 'properly brown' Korra pic with her bending water rather than a fuckton of fire.

hotsendotsen's response?

>Oh! Oh really?! The art that they put up after getting called out on their shit? The art that is accompanied by a snarky comment alluding to the previous blow-out?

So the artist has successfully been bent to the will of TUMBLR SOCIAL JUSTICE (TM) but that's not enough! Capitulation and groveling apologies (with of course no thanks for such acts) must follow! THEY MUST BE EQUALIZED.

Tumblr shitposter then backhandedly accuses hotaruarc of "waving their privilege around in everyone’s face" and then tagged their post with '#white privilege' when hotaruarc is fucking Asian.

>> No. 111528
Seriously, people like that need to be slapped really, really hard and then forced to take a goddamn class on civil rights or whatever. This is the unfortunate flip-side of the coin of the (anti-)Racebending movement. You get a bunch of dumb kids who get all geared up to fight OPPRESSION and WHITEWASHING, despite being utterly clueless as to how to go about doing that properly, so they just end up screaming at people on the internet who are often just innocent bystanders. And then that, in turn, can lead to attitudes like "Stupid privileged kids bitching about how everyone needs to be more PC these days. Why should I listen to anyone who makes another claim about racism and whitewashing in today's entertainment?"
>> No. 111658
File 136571107284.gif - (824.55KB , 320x209 , problematic.gif )
No-bump, just making a notation for the future Book 2 batshittery and clearing the air regarding sockpuppets

>Riley makes personal tumblr "blank" with an IP tracker begging for donation
>nobody can read their posts unless you use /mobile on their tumblr
>Riley is finally alone on their own little hugbox/echochamber free from all the whitecispatriarchysocipaths
>starts up public tumblr sockpuppet "pokipon" without the use of AAVE they use on crackerhell
>eventually reblogs the same damn people that worshipped crackerhell's footsteps
>tells people to kill themselves
>gets called out by people for being a Riley sockpuppet
>calls everyone "crazies" for saying so (OMG ABLEISM)
>activity on pokipon ceases
>"oddlyending" aka "Mako is an abusive fucktruck" sockpuppet tumblr activity picks up again

>> No. 111684
File 136593332426.jpg - (16.03KB , 294x294 , oh_boy_here_we_go_again.jpg )
Some people, huh?
>> No. 111744
File 136692310492.jpg - (525.84KB , 695x874 , tumblr_mcd3bmGxfy1qlf40eo1_1280.jpg )
>Whoops my hand slipped and I made Mako an MRA in this LoK college AU…


The fanDUMB strikes again! In which the canon!Zutara shippers look downright reasonable by comparison. You won't find disagreeing reblogs in the notes since the artist wants to remain in their radfem butthurt hugbox and blocked all who dissented. It only popped up on my dash through a fucking makorra blog I follow. Some responses:


>yall absorbed korra not thru actually watching it w your eyes but thru massaging ur left tits onto the tv screen there is no other explanation for this

>hahhahahaha this is so wrong in like an infinite number of ways

>> No. 111745
like i can get not liking mako (plenty of reasons not to) but why do people have to make up nonexistent flaws to justify that shit

also asami would never do that, the level that the fandom projects onto her is amazing
>> No. 111746
File 136694165197.gif - (2.06MB , 150x173 , welldone.gif )
>yall absorbed korra not thru actually watching it w your eyes but thru massaging ur left tits onto the tv screen there is no other explanation for this
>> No. 111747
And then Asami was expelled and blacklisted from any notable college for the rest of eternity for assaulting another student with a dangerous weapon
>> No. 111748
I don't know what I would do if I ever met someone like this in real life.
>> No. 111750
hmm. her art is nice as long as nobody's smirking
>> No. 112090
>go to tumblr
>load of dashboard
>top of dashboard is a reblog of a post complaining about white VA's and 'white voices coming out of Asian mouths'
>calls Seychelle a "token PoC"
>instant unfollow

And I was following this person for most of this year too and they showed no signs of agreeing with this retarded line of thinking. Tumblr is a slow spreading disease of the st00pid.
>> No. 112091

Whoops, that was me. The post in question http://joopinks.tumblr.com/post/51065301781/i-just-started-watching-legend-of-korra-and-all-i

Read this and then read the section on racebending.com about voice acting on ATLA and prepare to fill your mind with fuck.
>> No. 112092
not fandumb, more like nick being really fucking dumb

>Also interesting (if terribly depressing) is that Nickelodeon actually suspended production of Korra when Book 1 was being planned because they didn’t like Korra being a female protagonist… but after seeing the first episode completed, they went all in for four books.

this is really depressing to hear in 2013
>> No. 112094

Got a source for that quote?
>> No. 112095

>> No. 112096
The INNERview #61 - Yoo Jae-my…youtube thumb

The very abridged version
>> No. 112098

I appreciate the link, do you have a timeframe for the information so I don't have to watch a 50 minute interview at this hour?
>> No. 112100

Got it. About 17:45 in to the interview is where the Korra dilemma is covered.
>> No. 112103
Sorry I didn't get back to you. It was a nice interview but I should have specified that time frame instead of leaving it to the tumblr post.

I wonder if the next three Books are going to have more time skips in them. If Nick was so apprehensive about a female lead, how would they react if the Team made it so that the characters are even older by more years. Granted Aang was 112 yet still a child.
>> No. 112111
File 136936885981.jpg - (82.42KB , 358x488 , 1334476238245.jpg )
>Studio Pierrot-animated Korra
>> No. 112590
This isn't FanDumb, infact it's anti-FanDumb for a change:

>Kataang sibs show up in a production crew post
>SJMs start mewling about the creators whitewashing their own fucking characters
>Avatar fandom stomps that shit out quick

>> No. 112594
>Nick didn't like Korra being a female protagonist

Thanks for trying to continue reinforcing sexism and gender stereotypes in children's programming, assholes. The more I hear about stuff like this, the more convinced I am that Nick doesn't deserve Avatar.

I honestly can't decide who I hate more, morons who will defend the casting of the movie and insist that we now live in a racism-free society, or the SJW idiots that give people fighting real whitewashing and discrimination a bad name. I'm glad more people are calling them out, though.
>> No. 112600
>the more convinced I am that Nick doesn't deserve Avatar.
it was obvious the second they threw the idea of tv movies in the trash in favor of the cash grab that was the movie, and then they had the nerve to go crawling back to bryke and beg them for more avatar stuff after the film bombed.
>> No. 112601
File 137262052496.png - (102.37KB , 333x250 , sokka.png )
I think they just forgot how lighting works somewhere between the first Avatar and Korra

Then again I guess at the time Avatar was airing social justice wasn't the super trendy thing that all the cool white girls are in to.
>> No. 112602
>>they had the nerve to go crawling back to bryke and beg them for more avatar stuff after the film bombed.

Both TLA and the first announcement of TLoK came in July 2010, so it's more likely that Korra was in the works before TLA even came out.

To take a wild guess, I'd say that Nick probably didn't want AtLA TV movies because they didn't want to step on the toes of what they hoped would be a successful TLA film series. Sort of like how the various Batman cartoons sometimes get embargoes on certain villains, as WB wants to reserve them for film usage. And if both TLA and TLoK had been successful, then they'd have fodder for a new round of live-action movies with a new (and less expensive) cast.

It just didn't work out that way with M. Night's end, obviously...
>> No. 112603
File 137262130084.jpg - (221.46KB , 1600x900 , colorcomparison-1592457546.jpg )

Time to bust out the old screenshot of yesteryear!

Quick note, most of the screencaps floating around of Avatar, in particular the ones from Piandao.org/Iroh.org, and especially Season 3, are washed out in comparison to the DVDs. Pictured here is a comparison I slapped together back when people used said washed out screencaps to defend the whitewashing of the movie.
>> No. 112607
Kind of funny how this has turned out. The old fandumb was people defending whitewashing in the movie and the new fandumb is people calling everything whitewashing.
>> No. 112647
holy shit, bryan actually talked about the color thing: http://bryankonietzko.tumblr.com/post/54495619739/this-past-friday-i-published-this-post-which
>> No. 112648

PIPEBOMB! Reblog from dongbufeng pointing out Bryan's driveby at M. Night http://dongbufeng.tumblr.com/post/54496423810/bryankonietzko-this-past-friday-i-published

P-P-P-P-PIPEBOMB Papoose - Pipe Bomb Feat CM Punkyoutube thumb
>> No. 112649
File 137283564413.jpg - (34.28KB , 300x450 , thisguy.jpg )
>Normally I would leave it at that. I prefer to stay out of this type of discourse on Tumblr and let the large body of work Mike and I have put out there over the years speak for itself (which obviously DOES NOT include the gross misinterpretations and misrepresentations of our work in this guy’s work).

>The city of M. Night
>> No. 112650
you can just tell bryan's been waiting to say something about the film.
>> No. 112651
Oh boy.
Drag them, Bryan.
>> No. 112652
Haha, oh wow. Great to see the actual creators come down on this stuff.
>> No. 112653
I'm glad he finally got the opportunity to address it. The NDA/whatever that was keeping them from saying anything too negative about the Failbender movie sucked.

That was a seriously awesome post. Here are a few other noteworthy highlights:

>Depicting diverse characters is an issue that is very important to me. But as an art director, depicting a variety of lighting situations, light temperatures, colored light sources, color atmospheres, contrast levels, dynamic ranges, tinted filters, tones, styles, moods, exposure settings, diffusion levels, etc., is all very important to me too, all in an attempt to make great, inspired, sophisticated, beautiful art that reflects something of the complex world in which we live.

>Real flesh and blood skin is shiny in places, matte in others, translucent, reflective, uneven, smooth in places, textured in others. It reacts to light and color in such complex ways that while most people rarely even think about it in our normal day experiences, the properties are so intricate and subtle that mastering its accurate representation eludes students of painting such as myself for years on end. On the other hand, 2D cartoon character skin is a flat field of projected or printed color. It is an abstracted, simplified representation. If one adds lighting to a 2D animated character, that whole color field of skin tone is lightened––uniformly, unless you apply a the few limited techniques at our disposal in TV animation involving gradations. If one adds lighting to real flesh and blood skin, highlights and core shadows are formed, light models surfaces and bounces onto others, colors are reflected from surrounding objects… on and on. 3D animation certainly has many more tools at its disposal to depict skin in a realistic fashion, but even that isn’t a cakewalk and many attempts plummet into the uncanny valley.

>I am all for social justice and breaking down ignorance and oppressive, hurtful social constructs, particularly when the path to that is to inform, educate, open minds, and promote empathy and equality. I am not a fan of self-righteousness in any form and I struggle to keep from drifting in that direction with my own views and convictions. The internet provides a great platform to call BS on a lot of things, and I encourage people to use it for that. But now that you have the official local color swatches of these characters’ “normal" skin tones in the image above, I can assure you that using it like some Behr color chip ammunition to lambast every fanart depiction of Korra that doesn’t match #a08365 is a flawed pursuit. Ask yourself if any of the things listed above in this post might be factoring into a color variation before you shoot from the hip with your judgement. And if the depiction of Korra in some fanart is without a doubt offensive to you, consider phrasing your response in a way that could help them see it your way. Art is hard! Maybe he or she is trying to get the hang of painting and working with color (skin being one of the hardest things to master). Maybe he or she is still ignorant to the worldly views that are obvious and significant to you. You could take this opportunity to turn it into what they call in parenting “a teaching moment." You could open some eyes and educate someone who might turn around and share their enlightenment with many others.

>I haven’t even scratched the surface of all there is to discuss on this topic in this overlong post. But I urge you to consider any number of the factors listed and described above before you jump to false conclusions, get your feelings hurt, or lash out with self-righteous condemnation based on a variable rather than a constant.

Hopefully now this will make the moronic SJWs STFU. If they're still bitching about what they perceive as "whitewashing" in the show and fanart after this, then there's no hope for them at all. Oh, and I don't have a tumblr account, so if anyone else here does, please go and give Bryan a big "thank you" for this post. I'm really glad he took the time to address these issues.
>> No. 112655
Via /co/:


>What’s that emoticon for cut-eye? Does it exist? The colour-swatches are nice and all; the colour theory too. But it’s still a white man talking about ‘teaching moments’ as if it’s someone’s job to be a teacher or PARENT to another person who insists on white-washing.

>I personally do not appreciate the subtext of ‘Look, now I’ve done this, don’t use my words to be angry brown folk at some poor white kid and make them feel bad’. Versus the opportunity of; feel free to spread this post around to show someone the complications of shading and colour in art and how it’s possible to still keep brown and the things to consider in order to do so.

>He basically just handed over a key with a little tag and ribbon that says ‘You can continue to claim it’s a lighting issue and that you’re just a beginner’

>He’s putting the words in the right order, using particular terminology and STILL dripping in privilege. This wasn’t an ‘I’m sorry it hurt you that such and such seemed lighter than they really are - I know how much fans look forward to seeing someone who looks like them’.

>This was a - here let me mansplain how your misinterpretation of these complex things led to you hurting yourself and oh by the way; don’t use anything I say against hurt caused you by other people in future; be nice to them. Equality will be won by kind words and submission. It’s your job to teach people not to hurt you.

>Anyone itching to give cookies, needs to reach around back and check their wallet is still in their back-pocket.

>Consider also the sexism revealed in LOK S1, think on intersectionality and then double check your response when a white man tells you how he’s not done anything as awful as the brown man over there and hey guys, I know you still love me and aren’t I progressive.
>> No. 112656
>I personally do not appreciate the subtext of ‘Look, now I’ve done this, don’t use my words to be angry brown folk at some poor white kid and make them feel bad’. Versus the opportunity of; feel free to spread this post around to show someone the complications of shading and colour in art and how it’s possible to still keep brown and the things to consider in order to do so.

i actually sort of do and don't agree with this. artists are humans who make mistakes, and yeah things like whitewashing are put into our heads when we're young, it can be a hard habit to break out of. on the other hand, i don't appreciate blogs like 'layoffthebleach' (which is run by people who had admitted they know SHIT about art and color theory) who instead of telling a lot of artists who would be willing to fix their mistake, they just reblog them and let people got crazy on them. it's dumb, artists are human beings who unfortunately grow up in a very racist world and it seeps into their art sometimes whether they know it or not. maybe some have issues seeing color or maybe some -- and this HAS happened before -- have wonky monitors that can make a color seem darker than it really is, but on others it's light.

of course, there are also plenty of artists who would stubbornly refuse to admit they made a coloring mistake and i can't really say for sure what should be done then but how hard is it to just got to these people's da/askboxs and say, 'hey you drew korra pretty light skinned'?

so i don't know i think this is the only valid point this person has because shit like:

>The colour-swatches are nice and all; the colour theory too. But it’s still a white man talking about ‘teaching moments’ as if it’s someone’s job to be a teacher or PARENT to another person who insists on white-washing.

he's a fucking artist who has been working on this for 20 years, regardless of his goddamn skin color he's in a position where he can talk about this, get the fuck over yourselves. would this have been a more acceptable post if they got ryu or sifu kisu to post it?
>> No. 112657
>when a white man tells you how he’s not done anything as awful as the brown man over there
Do people really give Shymalan a pass for this?

Also, the funny part about that rebuttal is that the information about color goes completely over that person's head and they're just complaining about how it was said. Talk about trying to win on technicality.
>> No. 112658
>The colour-swatches are nice and all; the colour theory too. But it’s still a white man talking about ‘teaching moments’ as if it’s someone’s job to be a teacher or PARENT to another person who insists on white-washing.

>Let me just disregard everything you're saying as you clearly know a fuck ton more than me on the subject and hone in on the fact that I don't like your word choice. It reeks of privilege.
>> No. 112660
I appreciate how Bryan says he's not a fan of self-righteousness because that's the perfect description for this.

The extreme SJW are so completely self-righteous they're beyond convincing. They're fighting the good fight and anyone who says otherwise is either too privileged or brainwashed to understand.
>> No. 112661
Excuse me but Shymalan is brown and thus perfect and infallible.

It was definitely some white cisgender man behind the scenes who made all the heroes white and villains brown and turned the story into shit and pinned it all on a poor, innocent POC
>> No. 112662

>> No. 112714
I love how I'm seeing response posts complaining about Bryan's 'condescending tone' and then posts claiming Bryan is 'tone-policing'. It's so fucking hilarious and sad at the same time.
>> No. 112715
Oh god, they never quit do they?

>I like how their first response is to defend the artists instead of defending those that might feel angry about having their favorite characters whitewashed because they have probably experienced the effects of colorism first-hand. If Katara is colored lighter, I would be very angry. Why? Because there are not that many dark-skinned leading girls in my tv shows, movies, books, etc.

>Another problem is that some artists flat out refuse to recognize the whitewashing they do, and a few have actually done it on purpose out of spite in the name of being anti-politically correct. So Bryan’s little lecture about tone-policing yourself to comfort artists’ ignorance (and sometimes flat out racism) is not welcomed or appreciated either.

>Nobody ever manages to slip and make a mistake and make the characters fucking darker. Noooo all those fucking mistakes go one way, bb, LIGHTER. This dude can go choke and so can all his followers defending this rubbish.

>oh, yeah - after reading the ‘gosh, you guys, stop making me think critically about how whiteness in the media is the norm, all the things that entails, and instead focus instead on educating ignorant people’ part (which was basically what the last paragraph was) I just kind of pfff’d and kept scrolling. Also, for a guy who likes to talk about how people should totally not be self-righteous in their reaction to ~benign ignorance (whoa), a lot of that last bit reeked of, uh, pretty bristling, self-righteous annoyance over legitimate criticisms. Huh.
>I mean, let’s be real - it’s 2013. Many people have more access to huge amounts of information now than they ever have. If I had the time and energy, for example, I could probably become pretty well-versed in just about any subject simply by doing a lot of research and reading. So if you’ve got the time or luxury to get on the internet at almost three in the morning to pull a humblebrag about how hard you work (and how very hard art is!) and that, because of this, people shouldn’t be thaaaat critical of yours/others’ potentially problematic work - or tell them how they should be critical of it - then maybe you could … I dunno, spend more time directing people to resources or just telling them to educate themselves about the topic, and significantly less on dumping the responsibility of education on POC.

>Goddamn, you better have explained yourself.
>Next time, if you know this will cause a commotion, do what every other creator interacting with the internet at larges does and post the actual model / screenshot from your computer / quick time screen cap / whatever instead of a shitty iphone photo from “a non-color corrected" television.
>It’s far easier to do things right the first time than have to backpedal and explain yourself when you mistake pisses off your fanbase.
>So, no — he can do better. It shouldn’t take this long for a creator to give their official word on a misunderstanding if they so understand the issue at hand. It looks more like backpedaling than sincerity — even though I see he is being sincere here — and I’d rather like, again, that if he’s going to spoil the series at the cost of his job — which it doesn’t seem he’s doing — then he should do it like every other creator does.
>Post the original image from the Quicktime file, not an iphone photo that is so low quality it spawns a huge discussion about an problem that shouldn’t even exist in the first place.
>Do it right, or don’t do it all. If you can say he doesn’t owe 1/3rd of the fandom an explanation for something that angers him, then I say he doesn’t owe the rest of the fandom jack all until Nick says he’s allowed to show spoilers.


also isn't all this whining about "tone-policing" kind of tone-policing itself?
>> No. 112716
Shh, you'll break their feeble little minds.
>> No. 112717
they really missed the point of bryan specifically abstaining from making any comments on whiteness and how poc are handled in media, probably because he *knows he's not in a position to talk about it*. he is talking about COLOR THEORY, people, and how skin color can change depending on its surroundings and the light source. it's not a post about social justice, it's a post about ART.

>Post the original image from the Quicktime file, not an iphone photo that is so low quality it spawns a huge discussion about an problem that shouldn’t even exist in the first place.
HE DID, IT'S RIGHT THERE IN THE POST jfc why are they so stupid.
>> No. 112718
Yeah, that's the part that confused me, too. He hasn't made any values judgement about skin tone, or in any way implied that your skin getting lighter in bright light and darker in dark light like every other visible object in existence was either a Positive or a Negative thing, only observed that light behaves in predictable ways and this is how he is depicting those things in his cartoon.

If he were doing some sort of "I made her skin lighter because the audience is supposed to be more sympathetic to her now" thing, I could see where they would be upset, but their whole argument makes absolutely no sense.
>> No. 112719
It's really just madness, at this point. Arguing with thin air.
>> No. 112720
>Legend of Korra seems to get it especially bad from nutjob SJ tumblr types. The show isn’t perfect, but folks on here look for any perceived deviation from their crazy shippy distortion of the show as evidence of racism/sexism/fascism/whatever.

Korra is the A-Rod of TV shows. A lightning rod.
>> No. 112721
Tone policing is just the buzzword they spew that makes them morally justified when they tell someone to kill themselves but everyone else who says it is an evil monster who has horribly ~~\*TRIGGERED*/~~ them.
>> No. 112723
Basically this. In the minds of SJWs, being asked to stop being insufferable assholes is fascist oppression. What they're doing is cyber-bullying, plain and simple, and they're constitutionally incapable of admitting it.
>> No. 112724
>> No. 112725

Alex Rodriguez
>> No. 112932


>Bryan says something about the EW screenshots being fucked with
>B-b-but the new VAs are white people, BRYKE ARE ASSHOLES
>Voice Acting
>applying race to a voice
>> No. 112933
Tumblr Social Justice, a short play by Matt Thermo...

TSJ: Everyone should be treated equally and not have their opinions rejected simply because of the of the color of their skin.

Some White Guy: Well, my thoughts on the issue...

TSJ: FUCK YOU WHITE GUY! Your opinions don't matter because you're white!!!

The End.
>> No. 112934
>applying race to a voice
I know it's reaching, but I'm in agreement with these people. The majority of hired voice actors tend to be for the most part the same stock white people, or new talent transitioning from live action that is also white.

I mean it's voice over, and the characters are stylized in a rather ambiguous way, but it's still a missed opportunity for, say, actual inuit actors to break in.

Thinking back, Zuko was a stellar casting choice.
>> No. 112935

Yeah, we should spend a lot of money to fly Inuits over from the artic and have them try out en masse to be voice actors.

A ridiculous example I know, but in this case the complaint is just as ridiculous. Where the hell ARE these Inuit voice-actors? They don't exist! They have better shit to do! I'm not going to go all the way to the Congo to grab a militia kid for a cartoon JUST because it's politically on-the-nose for my black gangster kid character.

You work with what you got. Whites get most of the roles? You live in a country with a White majority; get fucking used to it.

Either that or hurl abuse at Japanese animation studios for using too many Japanese voice actors. Why is Luffy voiced by a girl when Oda himself says he'd be Brazilian in reality?! Go get a Brazilian!!
>> No. 112936
But Dante is Filipino, when the Fire Nation is based on Japan.
Do you mean to say that all ethnicities are interchangeable?
>> No. 112937
>Go get a Brazilian!!

I am so ahead of you... Oh wait, shit! We're talking about voice acting aren't we? Sorry. Sorry. Please continue.
>> No. 112943
I hope this people will never know Guru Pathik was voiced by a white guy doing a fake indian accent.
God those were happier times.
>> No. 112948
>Where the hell ARE these Inuit voice-actors? They don't exist!
i'm pretty sure they DO exist, you just don't hear about them because they don't get the job, which is why to an extent i agree with these people. on the other hand, i really doubt bryke (considering how culturally sensitive they are) went out of their way to avoid hiring POC. on the other, your average colored little girl probably isn't going to care that korra is voiced by a white woman. i'll just be blunt: the majority of the targeted viewerbase is not going to care who the hell the va is or what their skin color is. they're not watching the show for that.

and honestly, if they felt like janet (for example) captured korra's personality and tone better than a poc woman who was also auditioning for her, janet should get the job. because she's better. bryke did not make this show to pander to you, they made it because they wanted to tell a story. also i'll just come out and say it: nick would not have okayed a show where all of the main characters have accents that aren't american. maybe in the 90s, but not today.
>> No. 112949
ha, way to over exaggerate, man.

I did not say the person in question had to be Inuit. It was just an example. I did say it was a missed opportunity for a poc to break in and start changing this whole idea of "they need to be white for everyone to watch". And white is the majority? So everyone has to be white, and no tokens even? Sure, that's realistic, but backwards. I think the higher ups and most Americans need to quite that bias or racism. At least in voice acting of all places.

no, simply that he is Asian and getting work as VA. Which isn't all that common. So good on him.
>> No. 112959
File 137356391366.jpg - (343.41KB , 1196x1603 , phillamar.jpg )
Accent is based on locality, not ethnicity. That's why you get black guys from the USA sounding completely different from a black guy from London or Nigeria.

And even with that, with proper training you can fake an accent. Just look to all the English actors who come to Hollywood to play as American soldiers or whatever.

Picture is Phil Lamar and his voicework.
>> No. 112972
I think with the VA industry it's less that minorities are being discriminated against in favor of whites so much as they tend not to have much interest in it as a career, or be exposed to it enough to know of it as a possible path. It's different from, say, live-action, which is glamourous and visible enough that a lot of minorities would jump at the chance for it. The only people I know who've thought about it are the type that are into musical theater and stuff, and are disproportionately white to begin with.
>> No. 112973

Another thing is that depending on how you tally them, roughly Half of Dante Basco's voice roles have been for white characters, and that's not getting into other voice actors who have bridging ethnic boundries for years. Hell, even inside Avatar itself. Grey DeLisle's voiced both Fire Nation and Water Tribe characters, so that's Inuit and Chinese down pat.

I'm just always flummoxed by this, since I doubt many of these people were around when we were protesting the movie, and thus the attitude we had not three or four years ago that Voice acting is a relatively race neutral ground and that we shouldn't disparage the production for it has gone out the window.
>> No. 112975
Shouldn't they be not watching the at all on the grounds that a white person was involved at any point in the creative process?

I mean, Mike and Bryan being the guys who came up with the show itself and all instead of a black homosexual tranz******* genderqueer in a wheelchair
>> No. 112977
Well, it was at first, and still has some of those undertones, but at some point they decided to change it to Tang China instead. Probably because the overt political undertones were a little too heavy and maybe a little unfortunate even.

I always thought it kind of ironic that the "good" Chinese analogue was based on the Qing Dynasty and the "evil" one on the Tang, because historically we're proud as fuck of the Tang for doing a good job at running China and being successful diplomats who got a lot of wealth and culture for the nation through peaceful trade and connections. On the other hand the Qing were pretty repressive and generally awful at ruling aside from a few competent ones like Kangxi.
>> No. 112979
I thought it was pretty obvious that it wasn't so much that the FN was 'evil' and the EK 'good' so much as the EK was too big and poorly governed to be anything other than a victim of foreign imperialism and the FN was wealthy and effectively governed and so had the power to be expansionist, so in that sense they mirror Quing and Tang China very well.
>> No. 112981

It depends on what part of the Earth Kingdom. The artbook says Toph's fancy clothing in Gaoling was Tang Dynasty.
>> No. 112990
Yeah, you can't honestly look at people like Long Feng and say the Earth Kingdom was "good." The Fire Kingdom was just the aggressor, and in this particular war was the one being dickish.

China were the "good guys" in World War 2 when Japan attempted to invade. That doesn't mean they weren't doing a lot of bad guy things while that was going on, it just means that Japan was, at the time, the bigger asshole.
>> No. 112991
trying to put complex geopolitical conflicts into "good" and "bad" labels doesn't work.
>> No. 113060
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Our first Avatar Wan fandumb, folks.
>> No. 113061

>I think I'll cut off all ties with their creations

>> No. 113063
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>> No. 113064
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>implying the majority of Asians aren't already what most people would probably consider "pale"
>> No. 113065

Oh for Christ's sake, they chose to make him male because they're probably going to parallel his story with the Buddha.
>> No. 113072
>idiots on tumblr are actually calling Wan a white male

Even a Korra storyboarder had to call out that bs

>> No. 113073
>… and the actor doing the voice is chinese american which leads me to believe WAN is supposed to be of chinese decent.
>Are we now lumping all of asia in with european whites?

I agree with the sentiment overall, but
>the actor doing the voice is chinese american

Woops? I don't blame them for making that mistake because Yeun does actually sound like some Cantonese names, but they should probably fix that before the SJW go apeshit on them for it.
>> No. 113074
>they think the tumblr Korra fandom at this point isn't just an enormous pissing contest to see who can be the most self righteously furious at everything
>> No. 113077
i think the people's problem with him being so pale has more to do with the show's style, which i have to agree -- with most of these characters if you knew nothing about avatar, at first glance you would think they were white people. of course i don't think bryke are racist bigots, i just think they're anime fans.
>> No. 113079

He actually corrected himself a couple posts later.
>> No. 113084
Why is it that people seem so much more preoccupied with skin color than race?
>> No. 113088

Anime characters look White if you don't bother to think too hard about it and let natural assumptions take over (though if you're Japanese, obviously you don't think so,) but Avatar manages to squeeze in a few ethnic features among the adults, it's not like it's hard to pick them out.
>> No. 113157
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>> No. 113159
At least she has enough self awareness to realize she ruins everything.
>> No. 113160

about me:

>jenna, aka the actual worst

>> No. 113166
okay she needs to stop saying korra is a "feminist" show with feminist in quotes like it's something debatable. it's not. lok is an incredibly feminist show -- it's not perfect and yes those flaws should be pointed out but given that shows like lok are so rare and that it honestly doesn't do a bad job this is literally a case of taking what you can get.

i do agree that there aren't enough women in the show, but god STOP STOP holding atla up like it got the female character thing down flawlessly from the beginning. katara was the only main character who was a girl for a whole season. lok beat it in that aspect. she and toph had basically no meaningful interactions outside of 'the tales of ba sing se' and 'the runaway'. katara's best friend was a guy. it wasn't perfect so stop acting like it is just because it had a female villain.
>> No. 113963

Another prominent fanartist got hit over the head with the "Legend of Asami-itus"

>Asami's season character arc clearly defined by her first appearance
>arc includes involvement of awesome new character in Varrick
>arc includes Bolin as her business-bro
>trailers show Asami driving a speedboat like a fucking boss

>But Asami wasn't onscreen too much during a premier that opened up several storyarcs at the same time with the Main Character's story given the prominent role!
>Asami is taking half the season off!
>> No. 113981
tbh, that isn't as bad as some of the shit I've seen out there
>> No. 113984
I think saying Asami is taking the season off is an overreaction, but I can understand disappointment in her barely being in the first two episodes. I don't care about her at all, but she is part of the Krew and sorely needs some focus.
>> No. 113997
None of Korra's party members got to do much yet. Mako was mostly just there being Korra's emotional punching bag and Bolin was reduced to Eska's bitch
>> No. 113999
Let's be real Toph and Sokka didn't have much agency outside of knowing Aang except when the occasional episode called for it.
>> No. 114018
I hate when this people change their url names like two or three times in a row.
>> No. 114019
Who cares about making shows feminist anyway? What is the cause of this obsession? Why can't I just enjoy my asian magic cartoons without politics?
>> No. 114022
Some people just get sick of always being the periphery demographic, and haven't realized that they should be content with the fact that engaging them is less important than engaging you yet. Some day everyone will realize that your enjoyment is the only enjoyment that matters, and then they'll stop being upset about things solely to bother you.

Because that's what it's about, of course--bothering you. That's all anything "political" has ever been about. The idea that someone might be doing something that has nothing to do with you would be unthinkable.
>> No. 114030

I would say the above poster has a point in that you don't need a 'feminist' cartoon, because you can always take a feminist critique to any show whether it is outright feminist or not. As such, I'd just say that Korra is just a normal cartoon- the only reason people call it 'feminist' is because the lead character is female 9and strong and etc yeah but then a lead always is). So what does that make every other cartoon with a male lead? Supporting the patriarchy?

And worse, because people have put this label on Korra, they feel unjustly betrayed by the show, because she's not exactly as people would like a feminist icon to be (whatever that is, it varies from wave to wave).

On another note, I am getting real tired of this entitlement people from all walks of life seem to feel when it comes toward art and creative enterprises. Read into them as you like and by all means critique them, but don't demand that they have to go for THIS idea of equality, or portray certain characters sympathetically or differently simply because of what colour they are or what's between their legs; or champion something as part of a movement and get disappointed because the creators intended to make a story and not propaganda.
>> No. 114031
There are dozens of shows meant for women; if they were soooo tired of not being part of the target audience they can watch those
>> No. 114037

Not all of those are action fantasy stories like Korra is, though. I would argue few approach much similarity with Avatar/Korra. At least, few that are born of American shores. Avatar was also unusual for Nick's usual fare, in that it surprised them when it had such a prominent female fanbase, easily 50-50 or slightly in favor towards women/girls.

It isnt that Korra is neccesarily a feminist show, just more like what Dai Li said, that shows are gonna get reviewed on an individual basis as to what they represent more often, now that we have the internet and all these new (or rehashed) ideas to apply.
>> No. 114039
>There are dozens of shows meant for women;
Dozens of them! Literally dozens!
For a group that makes up the majority of the population.
>> No. 114043
I have binders of shows meant for women.
>> No. 114044
And you want to take away from the minority so the majority gets the biggest slice of the pie!

>> No. 114111
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also the fandom is quite predictably pissed about... well, everything
>> No. 114120

Can it really be called a fandom, anymore?
>> No. 114122
for the most all I see is a horde of trolls that want to just be trolls and that quash all real discussion like on 4chan /co/
>> No. 114129
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>> No. 114157
There comes a certain point in a hatedom that people stop applying any actual critical thought to what they're watching, and just race one another to be the first to come up with something snarky to say, regardless of whether or not it has any real merit.

On the one hand, it means you can safely ignore their opinions. But on the other hand, it makes it very difficult to have any legitimate critical discussion because 90% of it is just circle-jerky drivel that's not worthy of even paying attention to.
>> No. 114168
File 137978028996.png - (4.12KB , 344x149 , fandumb.png )
Yeah, I hate when that happens.
>> No. 114169
hence why I'm staying here for Avatar discussion for the foreseeable seasons.
>> No. 114186
Honest question here. Would people give Korra (the character) nearly as much shit if she was male instead. Exact same attitude and everything else, just flip the gender.
>> No. 114190

If we're honest, there would have been at least some backlash at the Avatar being male again. I'd have considered it a wasted opportunity, at least, since I really like Korra.
>> No. 114193
Honestly, I don't think so. I think he would still get some backlash but a lot more people would be scrambling to defend him and actually understand his character than they do with canon Korra. There's also the matter of the romance since a lot of the hatred for Korra goes back to it -- if Mako were still a guy and this was some alternate universe where Nick was okay with a gay romance, I wonder how people would have reacted. Same goes for if Mako was a girl and Asami was a guy.

And yeah, echoing above that there would initially be more drama over the Avatar being a guy again. There was already some minor upsets over Wan being one.
>> No. 114194
I think people would hate Korra just as much if she were male. The complaints Korra receives are mostly that she's dumb and arrogant. Those are two qualities most fulfilled by the classic jock antagonist from pretty much any high school movie. It's been very ingrained in the public consciousness to hate the brawns-over-brains jock character.

Of course, there are people who are just flat-out misogynistic, but what can you do about those people.
>> No. 114196
You know for a site that's supposed to be big on characters of color who are strong and don't take shit anyone and defy stereotypes, a lot of tumblr seems to prefer the passive conventionally attractive white passing character.
>> No. 114200
I guess despite fulfilling 90% of the physical guidelines that tumblr requires even they can't stand shit characters.
>> No. 114201
This is why you never try to court the hyperprogressive feminist audience. Same shit happened to Bioware

Sure, the accolades make you feel good at first, but every goddamn thing you make from then on will be scrutinized to hell and back for the most insignificant things they can possibly find to be offended about.
>> No. 114202
How Korra is handled may not always be stellar, but she's hardly a shit character.
>> No. 114203
File 137981841569.png - (124.27KB , 521x373 , ha ha suck it blindy.png )
imagine if you could alter history so that the original Avatar was airing now and watch tumblr shitsplode over that scene where Katara trashes Toph for being blind and doesn't apologize later
>> No. 114206
>Tarrlok gets all militant on his own citizens, imprisons people without trial.


>Unalaq gets all militant on his own citizens, imprisons people without trial

I'm neutral here -- which is to say I support you in everything you do -- but could we at least make an effort to have show trials? It'd tide over the fence-sitters.

You think she would have learned by now. Hell, Unalaq even looks like an emaciated Tarrlock.
>> No. 114207
In Korra's defense (and this is the first time I've ever typed those words. wow) Unalaq is her family. Family is always judged on a different metric from strangers.
>> No. 114208
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>People completely convinced Mako called Asami a blood-sucking leech and not the process of ending a relationship

I'm not even a fan of Mako and I'm sick of this crap.
>> No. 114209
Am I completely misremembering? I thought she did apologize.
>> No. 114210
He's her family, you don't always make the best judgments when it comes to that.

And like I said in another comment, she's been wary of Unalaq since the end of the second episode and we know her trust in him is all but gone by now. It's not even like she enabled Tarrlok into enforcing martial law on non-benders, she wasn't on his side at that point.

Really, we should be less annoyed with the fact that they're still focusing on Korra's lack of experience and more on how similar it is to what happened to Tarrlok. There's more than one way to explore that without resorting to some creepy older dude taking advantage of her.
>> No. 114211
To be fair, if you're going to call a relationship a blood-sucking leech, that doesn't speak very highly of the other person.

Plus people are still (rightfully) sore over Mako's shitty break-up with Asami and now that he's giving vaguely insulting break-up advice is just rubbing salt on the wound.
>> No. 114212
It's insulting if you aren't aware of what happened in that relationship, but since we do know the situation and what really happened and if Mako was referring to anyone in that relationship it was himself, I don't know why people are shitting themselves over it.
>> No. 114213
>Mako referring to himself as the blood-sucking leech
>Mako actually admitting he did something wrong
Not a chance.
>> No. 114218

This post reminds me of translated Korans that helpfully clarify parables for people within brackets, like 'and we must not allow (we must kill) those who do not believe in the will of Allah (The West) to affect our way of worship (to preserve the glory of Allah).
>> No. 114219
I like parentheses (they're cool).
>> No. 114222
>Mako actually admitting he did something wrong
He does this a few times in book 1, shock and awe. It's amazing that so little people in this fandom seem to have actually watched the show.
>> No. 114225

I'm more than certain it's supposed to be a "ripping off a band-aid" joke, it's line per line the common phrase. I guess they figured Republic City doesn't have them yet? Odd, since some cursory research shows they show up around 1921, and got popular a few years later when the showed up pre-cut and pre-sterilized.

Also leeches are ground up and eaten in traditional Chinese medicine, I'm not sure how often they'd be used live.
>> No. 114226
Oh, shush. Let them delude themselves into thinking that Mako was a genuinely shitty and bastardly person if it makes them feel better. God knows it wouldn't be the first time that this fandom's preferred to moan about the symptoms of a problem, rather than the problem itself.
>> No. 117075
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